Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

[Open] - Bathhouse Tail

Oct 22, 2012
((Been a long time since I RPed! Open to anyone who wants to join, maybe some intrigue will pop up ;) ))

When Utano was growing up she would often chew on her hair when she felt anxious; When her parents would argue, her first day at the academy, her mother’s disappearance and subsequent death pronouncement. She remembered standing in front of her mother’s headstone at the ceremony, a small event with a meager turn out. Her hair had tasted of soap and rain that day, but not the salty remnants of tears; Utano had not cried for her mother’s death, even then she must have felt it to be untrue. The death of her mother had spurred her toward the nature of a shinobi who was fit for the ANBU corps. Once within, she was trained to rid herself of unnecessary habits such as her nervous comfort. But now, after all this time she had been reassigned to the main branch at her own request, and approval of the Raikage.

Utano had left her masks behind as was protocol, to be destroyed or repurposed for other agents. She found that she missed having one with her, it brought a certain sense of familiar comfort to have. Before she had even made it ten steps out of headquarters, she was surprised to find her hair had wandered into her mouth seemingly of its own volition, though she was certain she herself had placed it there. It was as if her life had been in stasis since she had joined the ANBU, and now that she was emerging from her black ops’ lifestyle, it was like she had woken from a coma and her old habits had never died at all.

She spit her hair out with a sputter “Yuck” she had not washed in several days. Maybe I should do something about that she thought standing up straight. She strode off heading into the Susukino District in search of a bathhouse. She had not yet located her own living space yet since leaving the ANBU HQ and her family home was not somewhere she felt like lingering; her father was hopelessly drunk most of the time and she found that unbearable to stomach.

Utano located a suitable looking bath house and paid for her entrance. She found cubby to place her things and stripped down, covering herself with a small towel as a formality; she was not bashful about nudity.

She walked into the large outdoor bath, huge decorative stones soaked in the steaming water, sturdy mountain pines formed a protective barrier on one side, and a cedar fence was erected on the other dividing the different baths.

Utano had picked the open unisex bath, there were more people who would frequent it, typically families so that husbands and wives could mingle with their children. There were a few people in the baths now, and that gave Utano comfort. The solitary life of an ANBU agent had served her well, but she found that she craved nearness and normalcy that had been absent all these years. She soaked happily listening to children chatter and the conversation of two portly old men who were also sharing a bottle of some spirit.

Others wandered into the baths as she sighed happily, and let herself sink into the bath up to her nose, her black and blonde hair floating on the surface.

She could not help but feel as though she was being watched, not in the same casual sense she observed the other bath-goers, but a stark but subtle stare of a tail. She remained relaxed, if they were going to do something, they would have sprung already in her vulnerable naked state, but she kept her mind open as her Yamanaka training had instilled. She placed a strand of hair in her mouth.

Old habits die hard.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

There comes a time in every vampires life when they just need to relax. Whether it was because of a particularly grueling hunt or the simple fact that you've had to deal with too many annoying humans, it's best for all involved if a vampire just goes off and gets a little downtime to themselves. Which is what Midori decided she should do after having a brief internal struggle of what she should do next since she was at least in one of the highest positions that the Shinobi world has to offer and it was her duty to do something productive. But as she said, it's best to take care of herself too, and this would be one way of doing that. So, she headed off to the Hot springs to relax and unwind for a while, and hopefully find someone else who might want to join her in that fun.

Though planning this outing was more difficult than she actually intended because like it or not being a 9'2 giantess gave the Sennin all sorts of quality of life problems. Not to mention it was a little hard for her to fit in any of the baths without having to be the only person there, because the baths were not designed for someone of her size to begin with... Nether were the towels... And the robes.... And even the entrance.... Regardless, she made her way to the hot springs and tried to get in without too much fuss, though it was hard for a giantess to just sneak in anywhere really. She had to duck down a bit when entering the female locker rooms so as to not hit her head on the ceiling and the door frame, getting undress as the steam clouds covered the air to create a nice misty atmosphere. Removing her clothing and wrapping herself in a large 40x80 towel to cover her modesty; Midori made her way to the baths and waited for the right time to enter. After a few moments, she took a breath and walked in to the bath area, as everyone else turned to stare at her. Midori giving the onlookers a awkward wave as her greyish dead skin stood out against the living, towering over the adults who came roughly about to her stomach or hips if she was standing upright. Causally walking to bath and Midori tested the temperature of the bath before entering as the water rose up to her chest and she leaned back against the edge with a sigh, letting the warm water wash over her.

Due to her size, some of the water began to rise and spill over the edge. Midori let out a deep breath as she relaxed in the hot spring, letting the warmth of the water wash over her undead body, which was just about the only way to get the coldness out of her bones. Closing her eyes and letting the warmth soak into her skin, the giantess relaxed as she melted into the warm feeling, letting it wash over her as her undead flesh began to feel that same warmness as she did when consuming a fresh kill. The sensation of the warmth going through her was just so nice, she even began to feel a bit light headed from it as she began to fall into a state of drowsiness. Midori just let out a content sigh as she laid her head on the edge of the bath and let her body relax as she closed her eyes and began to feel the warmth of the bath wash over her.
Oct 22, 2012
Utano noticed the arrival of the giantess immediately, her towering figure casting a long shadow over the bathhouse. Utano let her hair fall from her open mouth, although quickly she regained herself and closed it. Despite her initial wariness, Utano couldn't help but be intrigued by Midori. The giantess seemed to carry an air of fatigue mixed with relief as she sank into the steaming water, causing it to rise and spill over the edges.

As Utano continued to observe Midori discreetly, the unsettling feeling of being watched grew stronger. Her instincts, honed by years in ANBU, remained on high alert. The contrast between Midori’s imposing presence and the subtle vulnerability she displayed as she eased into the bath was striking. Yet, beneath the surface, something else lurked—an ever-present sense of being followed, watched.

"It seems we're both here seeking a bit of peace," Utano said softly, her voice barely audible over the gentle splashing of the water.

As the initial tension in the bathhouse began to dissipate, Utano introduced herself, keeping her tone friendly but measured. "I'm Utano, recently reassigned from ANBU to the main branch."

She couldn’t shake the feeling of being observed, the sensation growing more insistent with each passing moment. She scanned the surroundings subtly, her senses sharp.

Even as she exchanged pleasantries with Midori, Utano's mind was elsewhere, piecing together the fragments of unease that had settled in her gut. The bathhouse seemed normal enough, but her instincts screamed otherwise. She had learned long ago to trust those instincts.

"After years of isolation and covert operations, I needed to reconnect with something more... normal," she explained, her voice calm but her eyes ever watchful. "It's a strange feeling, like waking from a long sleep and finding that the world has moved on without you."

Utano's attention was divided. She noticed a figure lingering at the edge of her peripheral vision, someone who seemed too interested in their conversation. The subtlety of the spy’s movements, the way they blended into the background while keeping a close watch, set off alarm bells.

Utano kept her senses on high alert. The feeling of being tailed was undeniable now, a shadow lurking just beyond her sight. Her training kicked in, and she remained relaxed outwardly, but her mind was racing.

Utano felt a strange sense of relief in the brief connection with Midori, but the growing tension overshadowed it. Old habits might die hard, but new dangers could arise just as quickly. She would need to stay vigilant, ready to act if the situation demanded it.
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Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

For a few moments, it was just the sound of the water, chatter, and her own heartbeat, then she heard someone speaking directly to her. Midori opened her eyes slightly as she heard the sound of a woman's voice, though she was unsure where it came from due to the fact that it was low enough that maybe she wasn't being talked to. She looked around and saw nobody speaking to her directly at first, only a few people watching her but nothing major. Figuring that it must have been just her imagination, the giantess closed her eyes again and continued relaxing. The woman's voice spoke to her once again, though this time she was introducing herself to Midori. The giantess opened her eyes once again and looked around, now this time seeing a woman who clearly seemed tense right off the bat just by looking at her. The mortal was muscular with dark hair that seemingly covered the platinum blonde hair hidden beneath the dye but what was probably the most noticeable was the dark rings under the woman's eyes.

The woman introduced herself as Utano, a former Anbu who had been reassigned to the Main Branch. The mortal, while having a more friendly tone in her way of speaking, did seem kind of tense, anxious even about something which was quite strange considering they were in the bathhouses. Poor thing must be scared since but to ease the sort of tension Midori replied to the woman in a rather friendly tone. "Forgive my small delay in acknowledging you before…. Vith hov lov you speak und zee zings happening around here, I zought vu may have been talking to zomeone elze…” the vampire chuckled, her golden eyes casting their way down to Utano with a sweet smirk plastered on her ruby red lips. “But vhat a pleazure to meet you, Utano. I am Midori Futotta, Zennin of Zee Medical branch.” Midori introduced herself back to the mortal, one thing noticeable was Midori's rather thick accent as she spoke. Midori's curiosity piqued as the mortal began to tell the vampire more about her background… struggling to find something normal and judging of by the way she was speaking everything did seem different around them… Very different from how it was before the Shinobi rose up to become an independent country and not just a city state.

Midori chuckled when the woman brought up how the world changed, that it almost seemed like waking from a long sleep and finding that the world has moved on without you. A lot of kindred, especially older ones coming out of the near death state of Torpor say the same thing after rising from a long 100 year rest. "Ve are at a time vere it's mostly peaceful. Honestly I feel like zis country has indeed gotten a lot more better zan how it uzed to be zough….. for us vo are uzed to constant conflict... It's hard to adjust to zee times” Midori sighed watching the water ripple as the bath bubbles popped, her hands running through the water as she watched the bubbles pop and reform in an endless cycle. "Zis is why I've come here….. to relax…. And maybe even find zome company……” Midori turned to look at Utano once again, her seemingly tensed despite there not being a threat in the area. Midori found this rather strange, though it was probably because of the fact that they were in a bathhouse and Utano's tension was rather strange. But PTSD was more common in ANBU… "Zo, tell me more about yourself….. How is life as an Anbu?" Midori asked, trying to change the subject so as to ease the woman's tension all while being blissfully unaware of whatever is watching or listening in on them because as an immortal. Arrogance came with that very fact of being unable to be killed easily.
Oct 22, 2012
Utano felt a slight smile tug at her lips at Midori's friendly reply. The giantess's presence, while initially intimidating, was genuine and that put Utano slightly at ease. Still, her nerves were taut, and the sense of being watched gnawed at her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Midori" Utano replied, her tone carefully modulated to mask her unease. She observed the Midori's relaxed demeanor, contrasting sharply with her own tension. "Life in ANBU... it's intense. Constant vigilance, constant danger. It's a world apart from the relative peace we have now."

She paused, eyes flicking around the bathhouse. Utano's instincts screamed at her to locate the spy, but she knew better than to make a scene. Instead, she focused on Midori, hoping the conversation might draw the eavesdropper out or, at the very least, give her more information.

"In ANBU, you learn to trust your instincts. To read people, situations, threats. Even here, in a place meant for relaxation, I can't seem to switch that off" Utano admitted, her voice low. "I suppose that's part of why I'm here, too. To find a way to live without constantly looking over my shoulder."

Utano's expression softened, "I have seen my fair share of conflict. It leaves its mark on you."

Utano wondered if Midori shared a common understanding of the scars left by a life of danger with her.

"Tell me," Utano said, steering the conversation gently back to Midori, "What drew you to becoming Sennin of the Medical branch? I have never had a knack for any sort of medicine other than that of a... 'bad' variety"

The ever-present shadow in her peripheral vision kept her on edge. She couldn't shake the feeling that their conversation was not as private as it seemed.

As the tension in the bathhouse thickened, Utano prepared herself for whatever revelation lay ahead. The tranquility of the bath lingered in contrast with the rising sense of panic Utano felt, but she found herself comforted by Midori being there with her.

Also she is HUGE, and a Sennin, no doubt she can hold her own in a fight... Now that I think about it, is she even human? Utano thought to herself.

Utano's hair found its way back into her mouth with an audible "hmmmm"

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

Midori listened to the mortal explain their time in the Anbu and needless to say– it was exactly what she expected. Constant danger, constant vigilance and living in the shadows. The ANBU were a special forces group in the village that did the more dangerous jobs that required a higher level of skill than what normal shinobi had. In fact, most Anbu would be pretty since most of the clans (that Midori knew about) live and operate more like the Anbu. Midori was not surprised that Utano would have a few scars left behind from her time in the Anbu. As the water continued to ripple around the two of them, Midori found herself being rather curious about the mortal and what their life was like. "Ve must have similar ways of life….. Though, my people usually vould rather do zee hard vork ourselves rather than relying on zee village..” Midori replied as the bubbles continued to pop and form around her. "It's hard to trust others….. I've learned zis over zee years of being zee Medical Zennin zat sometimes ve need just a little help….." Midori sighed, her eyes gazing off to the side as she recalled her own memories of her clan and what it was like when she was growing up.

Though as Midori started to remember her past both as a mortal and as a vampire, Utano seemingly wanted the vampire giantess to tell her more about her own experience. Midori's golden eyes narrowed as she looked at the woman, unsure of how much to tell her about her how or why she chose to become the Sennin of the medical branch. Midori thought about it for a few moments before speaking back to Utano, her words barely above a whisper as she told her about her own experience with the branch she currently runs. "It'z a long story….. But, I've alvays peen dravn to zee art of healing….. Ve are taught az children how to ushe zee medical artz from an early age…… I vaz no exception…..” Midori's eyes narrowed as she remembered the times she spent as a child learning the healing arts from her mother, her father, her aunts and uncles… And of course her sire. "I've alvays felt like healing zings iz a noble art…… Healing zee inchured….. Bringing people together…… Zaving livez is more or lesh zee zing zat inspired me to become Zennin. Not only helping the village, but keeping my fellow clanmates healthy zince most of uz have more…. Zepecial needz that if not handled it could rezult in a rather violent outcome." Midori's voice trailed off, her eyes gazing up to the ceiling as she continued to speak.

"I've lived a long life…… One filled vith lots of different zings…. But healing…. Healing haz alvayz been in my heart……" The giantess stopped speaking for a moment, her gaze dropping back down to look at Utano. Midori was silent for a few moments before speaking back up, her voice filled with a warm smile. “But az you might knov not all of uz medics are zimply pacifistz who mostly enjoy healing, my dearest. Zee branch haz partz that help the Anbu with disposing bodyz, poison, and even search and reschue. I zink most people tend to forget that despite our… abilities in keeping people alive and vell… Ve are still Shinobi." Midori chuckled, her ruby red lips curling up into a sweet smile. With the bubbles continuing to form and pop around her, Midori still had this odd feeling that the woman was still uneasy. The poor mortal must've been really scarred by her time in the Anbu. Of course, Midori being completely unaware that their conversation is being listened to since the moment it started. Careless, even reckless despite being a Sennin but with her immortal life she felt little need to worry about what happened to her. However, she did feel the need to assure the woman that it was indeed safe. "I promise you Utano…… No one vill hurt you here…… You are safe, I mean vho in the name of Nosferatu vould dare to attack the hot springs vith me– the Medical Sennin here. I mean it vould be suicide to even try, no?" Midori said, her voice filled with warmth and comfort as she looked at the other woman.
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Sep 13, 2023
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Humming filled the air as a small purple haired girl hoped, skipped and sometimes even danced up the road, her expression set into an easy smile that made others think of a small kitten as she danced by that had been given a big fish with how happy the girl was. Clasped within the girls hands was a small wooden bucket filled to the brim with everything one would need to pamper themselves within the public bath house, such as soaps face masks and many nice smelling soaps that Tsunade had been saving up over the course of the year to try them all out and maybe share them with some new friends. Finally arriving at her destination Tsunade stepped into the reception of her favourite bathhouse and bounced up to the front counter making the reception smile at the small yukata clad child as she payed her entry fee and stepped straight into the changing rooms of the unisex section causing the reception to look surprised but didn't cause the women to intervene as the little girls eyes easily gave it away that she was from a ninja family and wouldn't be bothered by any creeps that may have snuck in.

Getting changed and quickly performing that customary wash and scrub down before entering the baths while still taking a moment to stash her bucket of goodies. Tsunade threw all etiquette to the wind and leapt into the main bath causing a small splash and she disappeared beneath the water only to reappear a couple of minutes later floating on her back uncaring about her state of undress as people only gave her an annoyed glance before going back to their business as the purple headed girl slowly drifted around on the water service until she felt the top of her head gently bump into someone's back. Looking up and then further up still Tsunade was greeted to the giant back of a women literally larger than life speaking to a women with white and black hair.

"Whoops sorry.......Wow your like really really tall."

With a slightly star struck tone in her voice Tsunade gave a small apology before the waters current took hold of her again and causing her to float around the giant lady and and slowly drift toward her conversation partner while Tsunade just stared in amazement at literally the tallest person she had ever seen.

WC: 399
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Oct 22, 2012
Utano rose suddenly from the water, and dashed off for the exit leaving a hasty apology and farewell as she did so.

((I am very sorry for the delay, but some life stuff has happened so I am removing myself from this so you are not held hostage))

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
