Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Mission 'Oring around. [E-Rank mission]


New Member
Feb 19, 2024
OOC Rank
Mikki, having plundered Arcadia, was content with the haul he had obtained from them. Gemstones and precious metals were in abundance there, and people didnt seem to care much if an 8-year old collected small rocks and things. What they seemed to stupidly fail to know is the value of these rocks in other places. Mikki wasn’t really interested in money, but he was interested in what it could buy him - FOOD. The best thing about being a flesh bag was filling it up with delicious food - something his puppet body never allowed him to enjoy. Certainly, the stomach ache and the… dirty mess afterwards was very distracting, but eh such was life.

Of particular interest to Mikki was the small diamonds he had obtained. Now, they were pretty but more importantly they were strong - stronger than anything else - and could be used to make something really cool. Having learned basic blacksmithing from some nice old people in Arcadia, and having a rare talent with the artform, he figured that with the right metals he could make a really cool weapon, or weapons. Yep, that was the plan!

Now, to his mission! As a young Myakashi he knew he had to do as many missions as possible to ensure he became big and strong like Yong, and as devious as Migoya, and as deadly as Kiko. Oh, he was already all of those things of course, but he had to show others he was!

His mission was to obtain special materials for use by the Myakashi, and to obtain information about Iwagakure. Mikki had drawn a picture of Arcadia, with shiny rocks and dumb people, and was now in the process of drawing Iwagakure. It was a rather strange village - more open than most with a big harbour and the usual towers for those who lacked big appendages so they could feel manly… I think thats what Kiko used to say. Why a man would want big appendages… hmm, no idea.

The shinobi of Iwagakure were impressive, at least to an 8 year old. How many there were was… difficult to say, though the defences they had established were formidable. It would be hard to attack this place. Mikki ensured that the drawing was accurate - and in fact it was an expertly drawn landscape almost photo-like. If anyone had seen his drawings they would suspect the boy was more than a mere 8 year old… and they would be right. Anyways, enough rambling.

Mikki had located several individuals that sold equipment and weapons, but they were reluctant to sell them to a child. Boring. Trying to obtain Iwakakurian armor was even more difficult. Trying to buy rare metals also was difficult as why the hell would an 8 year old make an order for large amounts of metal?

Of course bloody Migoya knew this would happen. It was a test! Jerk!

Now, what he needed most was tungsten, the world’s strongest metal. Found mostly here in Earth country, its properties were sought after - after all if you cant break something, thats good right! Migoya also specifically asked for Lutetium and Titanium - both difficult to get elsewhere.

Now poor Mikki hated using ninjutsu, or genjutsu for that matter. They just wernt as fun as the feeling you got when you cut something in half! But it appeared that they were needed right now.

Summoning up his will, Mikki made the handseals for the ‘Transformation’ jutsu, taking on the appearance of one of the older fleshbags he had gone fishing with previously. Yeah, that aught to do it!

Walking as if he was an old man, complaining about his back, Mikki approached the ore vendor.

“Ello young wippersnapper! I am an old man. I would like to buy some ore please. Here is some money. Please put the ore onto this scroll for transportation as I am an old man.” Mikki was certain he could get away with his wonderful impersonation of an old man.

“Um… Hiroku-san… you ok? I mean… sure.”

Mikki blinked. Shit - this guy knew who he had turned into. Bugger it all.

“Of course I am ok… merchant man! Please - I need 100 kgs of Lutetium, 300 kgs of Titanium, and 500 kg of Tungsten.”

“Err… what for if I might ask”.

Mikki almost said none of your business, but he decided to be smart and sneaky, Myakashi style.

“For a new boat. Yeah”.

The man looked at him strangely. Why would someone by heavy metals to make a boat? The questions went away though as ‘Hiroku’ took out a large sack of yen, placing it on a nearby bench.

“Ever since my wife left Ive gone fishing alot. I need a new boat made and I want it strong”. Mikki was SO good at adlibbing, using the information he had taken away from the man whilst fishing.

Having to turn away every now and then to reapply the jutsu, soon the materials were safely tucked away in a ninja-scroll, ready for transportation. Mikki would succeed in both of his missions, and become a really cool Myakashi shinobi! Yeah!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
