It seemed like it would be yet another calm and unpleasant day until the first rooftops came up in the horizon. A light feeling of relief was it? Yes relief washed through her as she realised it was a small town rather than a singular house in the middle of nowhere and that meant there would be foot. She reached into the pocket of her now properly-fitting grey trench coat, her gloved fingers brushing the handful of coins. Enough. Or so she thought. Money was still somewhat of a foreign concept to her, but the basics were not that... difficult to grasp. Even if it had taken her a rather long while to do so.
The streets were somewhat empty, but that wasn't that surprising, taking into consideration that it was what she was told early morning. Early enough for people to still be in bed, but not early enough for there to be no open shops. Or at least it seemed that way considering the one she was standing right in front of one. Perfect. Just what she needed. It wasn't long before she had what she wanted - a fresh sandwich and a bench under a tall tree. One could say that luck was on her side.
Without thinking much about it she slumped into it, earning herself a strange gaze from a random passerby as she helped herself to her newly-acquired favourite meal. Her coat sprawled out hiding most of her body with the only visible clothing being made out of what looked like black leather.
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