Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Out and about [Free]

Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Well-trampled paths gave way to cobbled ones and finally to what equated to roads. It had been quite a while before she had started making any difference between them but now, well it was strange to observe it really. The light grumble of her stomach reminded her that food was required, but considering she hadn't seen any establishments, heck houses it would have to wait for the time being. At least the weather was nice, at least that is what she had gathered. Her senses were quite... dull in that regard after all. The couple had mentioned days like this were nice, but she didn't quite understand how they decided it. To her there was no honesty difference really.

It seemed like it would be yet another calm and unpleasant day until the first rooftops came up in the horizon. A light feeling of relief was it? Yes relief washed through her as she realised it was a small town rather than a singular house in the middle of nowhere and that meant there would be foot. She reached into the pocket of her now properly-fitting grey trench coat, her gloved fingers brushing the handful of coins. Enough. Or so she thought. Money was still somewhat of a foreign concept to her, but the basics were not that... difficult to grasp. Even if it had taken her a rather long while to do so.

The streets were somewhat empty, but that wasn't that surprising, taking into consideration that it was what she was told early morning. Early enough for people to still be in bed, but not early enough for there to be no open shops. Or at least it seemed that way considering the one she was standing right in front of one. Perfect. Just what she needed. It wasn't long before she had what she wanted - a fresh sandwich and a bench under a tall tree. One could say that luck was on her side.

Without thinking much about it she slumped into it, earning herself a strange gaze from a random passerby as she helped herself to her newly-acquired favourite meal. Her coat sprawled out hiding most of her body with the only visible clothing being made out of what looked like black leather.

[Topic Created/Entered]
Walking through the outer areas of fire country Yukio had still not adjusted to his new life, living with only one arm for the time being came with it's own series of trials and tribulations taking a moment to stop as Chinatsu grew from where his arm had once been. "You know you shouldn't push it so much, I may be helping to keep you on your feet right now put it still takes energy and that's something you don't have all too much of right now." It had a point, it hadn't been all that long ago the Uchiha had been struggling to move pushing himself this much was something of a risk but the man hated simply sitting around doing nothing, such things lead to quite the boring life.

Approaching the town the man came to realize just how far he had wandered, seeming to lose track of time his mind not all there as it had once been, something else that would have be to addressed in due time coming to a stop at the entrance to the place an all too familiar sight quick flashes of the most recent events flashing through his mind causing him to flinch and stumble feeling somewhat light headed. "Chinatsu, I think you were right old friend, we may have pushed it a bit this time." The being said nothing simply making the motion of rolling its eyes before retracting back into the gauntlet under the Sennin's coat. "I'll sleep for now, takes less energy this way you on the other hand sit down."

He couldn't argue with the logic, neither food nor drink were on his mind only the thought of getting off his feet for a brief moment letting his energy return to him as he stepped into the town taking a moment to look round the scattered buildings taking in his surroundings with sigh. How long would it take him to get over what happened it's not as if anything he could have done in the moment would have changed the outcome coming to stop when he saw the bench beneath the tree the women sat upon it seeming to be content.

A good location for a rest plenty of shade to stay out of the head as the sun kept rising through the later parts of the day approaching before coming to a stop next to her. "Sorry to disturb you while you are enjoying yourself but mind if i take a seat here?" His tone though friendly carried a sense of sadness behind it almost as if the man had a lot on his mind gesturing with his one arm to the space around her.

[Topic entered]
[Pardon the delay. Didn't have internet on my pc yesterday.]

The girl would carefully unwrap part of the piping-hot toastie as the aroma of ham and cheese slowly began emanating and filling her surroundings. She would take a small bite, savouring the taste just as a rather dark-clad gentleman entered from stage right. Normally the girl wouldn't have really taken any notice of him whatsoever, but his apparel was quite the stark contrast to any of the other people around even herself. She couldn't help but stare at him as she took another small bite from the sandwich, chewing a lot more than one would normally expect, as if she was still confused as to how it was meant to honestly work. As the man neared she wouldn't shift her gaze away, still quietly chewing away as she moved over towards the edge of the bench, leaving around 2/3 of it completely empty for him to take a seat, obviously far more than was actually necessary.

"Are your clothes normal for the area?"<i></i> She would finally speak up between bites, her gaze stuck to a nearby flowerpot just a few meters in front of them.

Just as she was about to take another bite her stomach let out a rather loud growl, one far louder than one would honestly expect from her small frame, but that didn't seem to have any effect on her. She would still continue eating just as slowly, but would finally look away from the man with no obvious signs of embarassement, rather it seemed like she had grown bored with staring at him.
She seemed like a rather quite person though the Hyuuga didn't mind all that much, it made a great difference compared to what he was used to dealing with on a near daily basis the peace and quiet of the moment being something he had come to appreciated a great deal. It was then she asked a question though it was not one he was expecting looking down at his attire understanding it was a bit out of the ordinary for where they were. "No not in the slightest, then again I am not from this area. Just simply a wanderer from leaf, Just out to see the world a bit." He didn't mind telling the women where he was from, it would have been pretty common knowledge in the area regardless so it was safe to assume he would be no stranger to the locals in the town.

It was at that moment a loud chuckle could be heard form under the Sennin's coat Chinatsu's ooze like form pushing its way through the fabric its wide grin twisting round to face the Uchiha. "Well that certainly didn't take long for someone to point that out, did it, you don't think things through all that much do you partner." It was quite the entrance the twisting form tilting over to face the company that sat with them. "Apologies he's spacing out right now, the man's name it Yukio, I go by Chinatsu and you sound like you may need something a bit more substantial than what you have at the moment."

The being was blunt but carried a bit more emotion than the man he was attached to at that moment in time the Sennin tilting his head back to look up at the being. "You certainly know how to make an entrance my friend but he is correct, perhaps it would be in your best interest to find something a bit more filling unless you need a hand in which case I can be of some assistance."

Current Ninpocho Time:
