Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Out of the shadows

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
It has been quite sometime that Yuna had really set foot outside of her usual schedule. Her father had told her to not go out and do anything yet, to enjoy some time with the family, but in all reality, she has been itching to get down to business. She wanted to deal with those things that has been troubling her father and also a side note if those Jashinists that have stuck this stupid demon inside of her.

Speaking of which, she has barely heard from it lately. Mostly she'll get a whisper from it a time or two, but she usually tells it to shut it. Maybe it is also waiting for some action to take place. Either way, Yuna knew that a grace period will soon come to an end and she will have to jump back into action.

Which brings her to the Ancient Forest. Being alone to think things through really helps her out. Along with studying animals and monsters to maybe even use their techniques as her reflavored own to put an edge in battle.

Yuna wore her usual cloak with black shirt and black jeans. She stayed silent and watched a giant frog the size of a house came flopping through the woods. It didn't notice her, nor did she care as she was up in the trees studying it and listening for blood flows.

She let out an inaudible sigh. Her father, told her that when he was a Chigokai, that hearing blood flows would mean life or death for him. A thing to never be caught by surprise by anyone or anything. He apparently even was so good at the whole hearing blood thing that he used his medical knowledge to tell if a person is hurt or even how they are feeling. A whole "how their blood is flowing" type if thing.

She doesn't know about all of that, but she can at least pick up hearing the blood flow of anything around her as of right now.

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
The warmth of a crackling fireplace is like a bastion that protects the home from the fatal touch of winter in the Land of Lightning. Advancements in technology surely protected most citizens of the Village Hidden in the Clouds from winter’s bane, but a yellow bungalow sitting alone within the forest lacked such amenities. This domicile, known simply as the Okada Residence was a lonely place. Within the throes of winter, the home had turned cold as Sabi quickly used up all of the firewood stocked by her dear Papa before he left on his quest. Of course, he instructed her to use the fireplace at night and it would warm the home through the worst of winter, but Sabi, who was still accustomed to the more moderate climate of Maruishi, kept the chimney billowing whenever she was home.

Stepping out from her cozy above, her cheeks turned cherry as if the winter had given her disciplinary smacks, and they stung just as hard. She pulled the emerald green scarf she stole from the coat rack higher over her face and took in the woody scents of some poetic alchemy. It was her father’s smell; the rum from transient ships in the night, black coffee, sugar cane, dark sandalwood, and a bit of cyanide. The sweater she donned was taxi-yellow; it wasn’t hers either, but she took it from the bottom of a drawer full of forgettable clothes from the past. How strange it felt to occupy such a lived-in place— to wear their history, and walk on their beaten paths. To a degree, just setting foot in the Hidden Cloud felt intrusive to Sabi. It was enough to make her worry each day if moving in with her father was some huge mistake.

Through the forest rang out the thud of her ax-head slamming into the trunk of some hard, petrified wood. She let out a frustrated roar that sounded more like a mountain lion snared in a bear trap. The tall pine she worked at stood tall and glorious, mocking her feeble attempts to bring it down. Between desperate, asthmatic gasps she wheezed “I know some fire style” in attempted threat at the tree. “I could… burn this whole shit down.” Even with her limited knowledge of the wilderness, the young woman understood that the ancient forest was far too moist to burn so easily from any jutsu she might inflict. Alas, resorting to such an attack on the forest would have drawn more trouble than she ever hoped to ever incur. So instead, she continued whacking away, futilely screaming her war cry with every blow in an effort to harvest some firewood. Easily, the sounds of her struggle would carry far enough to reach Yuna on her stroll.

Sabi Okada has entered the thread.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
She heard the chopping of wood before she heard the blood flow. The young ANBU operative kept her eyes on the giant frog as it seemed to register the sound of wood chopping.

Taking note of the fact of smoke a little ways back, she can guess that whoever the poor soul is that is deciding to live in this place while things like to roam about. A cold chill of the wind picked up, making Yuna put up her hood so that less wind will hit her face as she followed the frog to where its unsuspecting prey is hard at work.

It was a girl, little older than she was, and the frog, despite its size, was quiet. Yuna watched it as it eyed the girl, waiting. Waiting for its muscles to tense. There! The muscles tensed and Yuna jumped into action, bringing out a short blade, she let her powers as a jinchurrikki take over, extending the blade and its power to slice off the head of the frog as it had jumped out of its hiding place to try and ambush the girl.

A red aura of an extension of her demon's chakra had formed around the blade. The chakra dissipated into nothingness as she had approached the other girl, her hood still up, the other girl only really able to see her eyes and mouth. Sheathing her blade, Yuna said, "Try and be more aware of your surroundings and how being loud like you have been will cause more things to come your way."

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
The sound of the ax cleaving into the sturdy trunk hit the crisp winter air in tandem with the chop of Yuna’s sword. In a clean stroke, the gargantuan amphibian was disemboweled. Its rubbery head went rolling through the snow, and a plume of icy mist rushed out of its neck as a foggy, froggy death wheeze (band name, hello). The charge of Sabi’s chop was coincidentally effective, and she found herself unable to dislodge her tool from the tree’s belly.

It was the crash of the frog’s corpse capsizing that had Sabi spin around with fright. She let out a terrorized shriek when she noticed the frost-caked frog’s head laying at her feet. Birds took flight from their canopied homes, and the wild things stirred from their furry holes as the sound of Sabi’s shout echoed loud and far. The stranger— the savior, issued Sabi a stern reprimand, warning her about the endangerment her noise might cause, but surely the scream outdid her shitty ax chops.

“You’re right” Sabi conceded to the stranger’s point. Normally she would have tried to follow with some clever ice breaker, but stubbed her brain like a toe on hard furniture, as she took in the sight of the mysterious frog slayer. “I’ll try to keep it down but… luckily you were there.” She paused to lower herself into a customary bow: back straightened, with a full forty-five-degree angle bend and her hands at her side. She froze in the pose for a generous few seconds before righting herself.
“Is that what the cool kids do for a hobby here? “Hunt down freaky ice frogs.” There was the icebreaker. With an easy gait, Sabi left her axe behind and began a slow, showdown strut towards Yuna, careful to avoid the trail of viscera in the snow. “Regardless, I owe you one— and know that Sabi Okada always pays her debts.” Then she was about to extend a hand to Yuna in search of a greeting shake but paused as she noticed the specks of blood that scattered onto the girl. In fact, the area was painted red over the wintry white and smelled like an otherworldly swamp.

To her left, the freshly deceased frog was naturally blueish tones with a leathery hide that bordered on crystalized. Little did Sabi know of the simply named Ice Toad, which was an endangered species being protected within the Ancient Forest. As a magical creatures, the Ice Toads were nearly hunted to extinction in the past for various organs in the belief that shinobi could manifest special properties through them. While this was not entirely debunked, efforts were made to preserve the Ice Toad, and they have since become rather abundant in the Hidden Cloud’s well-protected forest. And now that one laid dead beside Yuna and Sabi, there was a sound of distant bellows emanating from the depths of the white treeline. A cacophony of deep croaks began to echo out with amphibian rage as froggy vengeance would soon be claimed. Sabi merely began a peal of nervous laughter and inched closer to Yuna for protection. “Uh oh… So uh, have you ever tried frog legs before? Word on the street is they are delish.”

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Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
A small sigh escaped Yuna's lips as the other girl let out a quick scream. Great... She thought, more will be attracted here soon...

Then the other girl bowed to her with respect, but Yuna's mind was elsewhere. After the girl had screamed, Yuna was picking up similar blood flows to that of their dead amphibian friend that wanted the other girl as toad food. She only partially was paying attention to the other girl speak, "No. I was training. Learning from the wild and possibly use how they hunt or run to my advantage. Saving you was a coincidence." Yuna scanned the treeline, looking for any subtle movement. She knows that the other frogs must be near, but only problem is knowing if or when they decide to attack.

"You don't owe me aanything. And if you are persistent in it, I suggest we save the chit chat till after we get out of here." Part of it was because she can't have any unnecessary talking when trying to discern where the first attack will come from, but also trying to remember what was up with these frogs. Especially active during the winter, but otherwise, very rare to find. Rare... She grit her teeth, endangered animal.

These things are endangered yet they are surely carnivorous enough to want to eat people. Kill them... Kill them all. She heard the demon in her beckon. Shut it. She told it. She had to think of a way to get them both out of here without killing these stupid man eating frogs.

She had an idea, but she doesn't like it at all. It would involve having to tap into her jinchurrikki powers and have everything around her feel and fear her very presence. But on the plus side, they will be able to get away from these giant toads.

"Whatever happens, I need you to stay with me and not freak out." She waited for a quick response from the other girl before using her chakra to wash over everything in the forest, majority seeing the horrible demon that is inside her.


The demon was feminine in nature, but besides that, there was only evil about this thing. It appears as if its whole body is made up of blood, hardened or liquefied, of many colors that blood can be. To those that can see it, Jashin's Beast, she would look at them and blood tendrils would come out, at the ready, as if to strike down and kill. But that would not be the case. All that is, is the raw power of Yuna's chakra control over blood. All those that see Jashin's Beast will be unable to move on their own for some time, unharmed, but immobile.

Yuna, on the other hand, felt a little sick from doing the Daunt technique that is infamous for Jinchurrikki, but she didn't dare hesitate. She grabbed the other girl's hand, and attempted to make a break for it with her, not knowing if her daunt had affected Sabi.

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
Hints of recognition creased Sabi’s cheeks as she read Yuna in kind. There was a joy to be found for an extrovert of Sabi’s quality whenever she had a chance to take in a stranger like some sommelier swishing a new wine around in their mouth. No flavor is more complex than that of the human personality— and that of a shinobi when danger arises… it is a taste like blackened steak still sizzling from the unrelenting wood stove. However, there was something off about Yuna: raw, if I may continue my meat analogy. While Sabi didn’t have the wherewithal to easily judge a shinobi’s potential, the clean beheading of the giant frog was not the work of some fresh-faced genin or academy graduate. However, the look in her eyes revealed her youth and the burden of something within. But, not looking to poke that bear, she instead focused on the potential of someone who’d want nothing in return for saving her life: a fine friend to make. The corners of her lips curved into an eager grin.

“Me, freak out? “Never!” Sabi lied as easily as she breathed when nothing of hers was on the betting table. And yet, it was naivety that had Sabi so capable of smiling and light banter when doom was in fact looming beyond the dark of winter and drawing closer.

But then the pines fell and shelved plumes of snow dispersed into flurries as three more frogs leaped out of their cover. Each fell into view with a heavy drumming fall and a bellow for blood. Their throat-sac things became engorged in thrumming staccatos. Sabi was looking at them and searching her lexicon for something about Kermit, Slippy Toad of Starfox fame, or the Battletoads, but she found herself falling into a sudden withdrawal into an ethereal veil in countless shades of red.

“Did I get swallowed already?” There was always room for something aloof from Sabi as she waded through a viscous, dark pool about thigh-high. With certainty, this vision was the first of its kind for Sabi, and likely only, but one unique to an encounter with the likes of Yuna’s inner demon. The lustered emerald hue of her eyes was tainted slightly red by the light of that being’s illusion of a sanctum. Sabi too was bathed red and sticky from her landing within the blood palace and made her own run cold despite the exact ninety-eight point six-degree Fahrenheit of the space. “Where… am I?” She choked on the words before sputtering them out with her voice sounding small and hoarse from the fear of imminent death within that impossible place. The image of the blood demon in it's far from humanoid appearance would leave a permanent image in the halls of her memory.

Meanwhile, back in the real present, Sabi was frozen in place and the three frigid frogs were holding their positions, suddenly reduced to angry blusters. Be they carnivorous or simply aggressively territorial, the gigantic amphibians were still primitive creatures. They lacked the mental power— or rather the imagination to have such a vision like Sabi’s, and instead, balked from the incursion of frightful emotion. The threatening aura was keeping them at bay, but for how long?

Sabi was like a mannequin until Yuna grasped her, and the action broke her from the trance like any genjutsu with enough prodding. Easily, Sabi hurried in tow with Yuna but had a fresh sense of dread splaying among every motion she made. “What was that? That monster… “Wait— was that you?!?!”

"Okay, I'm freaking out now."


Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna had to think fast, even though her inner demon's nature was shown, she doubt some mindless animals will stay still for long.

She ran her mind through some techniques that she knows of. That's when she had remembered a story her father had once told her when he had met sentient plants and a chimera monster. It was a crazy idea, but she was the daughter of a man that went above and beyond for cases like these. Sabi had questioned Yuna of what she saw, and Yuna answered, "I need you to trust me on this. I need you to hold on to me and not let go. Like your life depends on it."

The frogs would shake their heads and slowly start to come to, making their advances towards the two girls. "Let's just say I have a demon inside of me from a bunch of ritualistic cultists a little while ago, but right now, we need not be frog food." Part of her is wondering how she got into this mess, but it'd be better to not think of it and just go with what is happening now. "I have a plan. A crazy plan, but I have a feeling that it just might work. My father was in a similar situation and he made it out okay. Just think of it as he had a lot less frogs and a lot more Amateratsu fire."

She made the proper hand seals but waited for Sabi to tell her that she was ready before adding chakra to the technique to do what she wanted to do. But if the frogs get too close, Yuna will get them both out of here with or without Sabi being ready. "We'll talk more after we are out of here."

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
