Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Paging Dr. Sairasu [Private]

Aug 24, 2012
Tsukasa Mikasa currently resides in a fairly comfortable in appearance armchair, leaning forward to engage within various paperwork. A majority of the parchment details the recent return of Uchiha Miyako and hopefully within due time Minamoto Suyashi would follow suit. To begin planning for their next steps of progression wasn't exceedingly difficult, but with the recent growth of the branch it would be necessary to rely on others to provide a helping hand. Instinctively her digits crash through platinum locks, an odd habit, truthful to be told it was utilized as a means to ponder upon her workload. Disregarding the notion, the topic of the day would reveal around another returnee.

The actions within the academy never escaped her low pressed ears, learning of Shirudo Sairasu's recent academia experience, the Sennin longed to engage in conversation with another interested in providing lessons within the branch. A neat letter would be addressed to the medical shinobi, settled neatly by an unknown at his doormat, the inner workings of the letter read as follows..

Dear Shirudo Sairasu-san,

I have learned of your recent endeavors of taking liberty to teach within the academy grounds, this is pleasant news! I ask that you humble me and have a sit down to discuss item of great importance at your earliest convenience. Please do not interrupt any lessons you have scheduled, I do not wish to take away a learning experience from the student populace.

Tsukasa Mikasa
Medical Sennin of the Konohagakure Medical Corporation.

After recollecting the writing, the maiden proceeds to refocus her attention of the current spreadsheet of academy students. Various names liter the parchment and give way to the next generation to spring forward to follow the former; a truly exciting event within the shimmering azure gaze of the kunoichi. Effortlessly Mikasa extends her gloved prosthetic hand outwards to allow chakra strands to attach against a vase full of carrot hue liquid. Pausing momentarily she ponders on when the notion of offering orange juice as a greeting came about, Is this truly odd? I would consider this a kind gesture from a medical standpoint. Tugging gently, the vase wobbles about on the desktop. Leisurely she raises up from her perch, pivoting about to press the flats of hands against the glass, the windows jarring to allow a refreshing aroma of flora to fill room. Strand rays of sunlight caress against her mane and emphasize the sapphire optics.​
"Well, what should I do today?" Sairasu thought to himself, right before sprawling out onto his couch. "That class the other day went pretty smooth, perhaps I should start planning another soon." He thought, hoping he would have a repeat attender. Raising his hands behind his head, closed his eyes and began to relax. In the distance, he could hear his clock ticking and the sounds of the wind chimes from his back porch. "Wonder how mom and dad are? I haven't paid them a visit since my brothers funeral." He thought, only before lifting up and glancing at the door. He could tell, someone was outside. Sitting upright, he slid on his house shoes and walked over to the door.

Opening it, he looked around and somehow missed whoever it was. Before closing the door, he glanced down at his doormat and noticed letter. "Ahh, it was a courier! I thought they had a strict schedule for this sort of thing." He thought, before grabbing the neatly placed letter. Flipping it open, he began reading as he closed the door behind him. "Hmmm, I guess word travels quickly. My class wasn't even that extravagant and I only had one student, but somehow the Medical Sennin got wind of it. I guess I know what i'm doing today." Smirking, he folded the letter up and placed it on one of the end tables, before running up the stairs to get ready. After a showering and shaving, he dressed in his usual style of clothing and headed out to meet the Medical Sennin. "I'm fairly sure this is my first time meeting her, so hopefully everything goes well." He thought, before picking up the pace.

Finally arriving at the Byoin, Sairasu made his way around and eventually found his way to the Sennins office. Instead of just busting in, he knocked and patiently waited for an answer.

Wc: 300+
Marked For Training
Delicate tapping ensues upon the oak door, Mikasa adjusts the ribbon upon her attire prior to coming to a stand. Gingerly the maiden waltzes across the flooring to turn the knob to allow access to the medical shinobi. Fiery locks catch the sennin's immediate attention and the amber hues cascade against the tundra of the superior, "Zero odds on the height of one finally matching my own?" she jests towards herself in thought. Mikasa stood at a height of one hundred and sixty-two centimeters in comparison to Sairasu's towering form; fairly petite in comparison to the majority of many of the village populace. Never the least, her hand extends outwards, "You must be Shirudo Sairasu-san! It is a pleasure to finally meet face to face." she murmurs in a vibrant tone, a wafer melting upon the tongue of a choir girl.

Gesturing towards the rosewood desk, the kunoichi settles against the chair, "Let me take the liberty of introducing myself properly. I am Tsukasa Mikasa, Medical Sennin of Konohagakure, successor of Lady Yomi." the maiden murmurs, adjusting the spectacles snug upon the bridge of her nose. With the stray zephyrs coursing through the open bay window, the aroma of stargazer lilies flood the sensations, Mikasa instinctively leaning back against the chair to further indulge in the sensation, "Foremost, you have my thanks for beginning to take the liberty to host classes, I hope you continue to do so." the kunoichi begins, her shimmering gaze settles upon the barbell piercing and in response does a grin surface on her features.

"When I wish to learn more of those I work with, I invest myself through a game. I wish for you humor me and participate. We ask inquiries of one another, three questions and have to answer as honestly as possible. I'll not pry into your personal life, but what drives you; however you are free to ask any three questions you wish." Whimsically her digits frolic across the desk to settle against a glass and her gloved hand pours a beverage for herself, the orange juice from previous moment. Not wishing to be rude towards her guest, the sennin provides a glass for the intriguing appearance shinobi. "Orange juice?" Mikasa inquires with mere tilting of the head.​
Waiting patiently, the door would finally open and before him stood a woman; smaller in comparison to him, in terms of height. She spoke, telling him what a pleasure it was to finally meet him. He nodded, and replied. "The pleasure's mine." He said, shaking her hand. After wards, he followed her walk back over to a desk and waited for her to sit down. Taking a seat across from her, he sat back and got comfortable as well. Taking the liberty, she introduced herself as Tsukasa Mikasa; the village's current Medical Sennin and successor to Lady Yomi. Taking a mental note, he stayed silent and let her continue. She thanked him for taking the liberty to host a medical class down at the academy and made it clear that he had the go ahead to continue to do so. "Yeah, I probably should have asked first...." He thought to himself, with a slight grin. "I value the opportunity to work with the students. Though, unfortunately I think there aren't that many interested in the medical field right now. I'm assuming they just lack the knowledge on important we really are."<i></i> He said, in a clam manor.

Soon after, she expressed an interest in getting to know him better. He wasn't surprised that she didn't much about him personally, seeing as hardly anyone did. Sairasu wasn't a very sociable person, only for the pure fact that he considered himself awkward. In fact, even if he didn't show it, his nervous were killing him right now. Almost as much as when was waiting for students to attend his class. Still, she wanted to play a game and ask him three questions, which he had to answer as honest as he possibly could. On top of that, she promised not to pry into his personal life, because she simply wanted to know what drives. "Hm. Wonder what kind of questions she has in mind?" He thought, before replying. "Questions, are fine. I don't mind, actually."<i></i> He said, before she offered him a glass of orange juice. "Thank you for offering, but I'll have to pass on the juice."<i></i> He told the Sennin, before providing a reason. "I like to keep my blood sugar between a certain range, and orange juice will raise it a little to high for my preferences."<i></i> He stated, before resting his hands in his lap.

Right now, everything was in Mikasa's court; Sairasu was waiting for her to begin this little game of questions. He would answer, no matter the question. For the most part, he was intrigued to find out what interest she really had in him. Sitting in with the medical sennin was either a good or bad thing, and even though Sairasu couldn't think of anything he might have done wrong, he was a little concerned. Though, his face or actions didn't show it.

Sairsu's grin would be met with one of her own, "The appeal of the medical branch is often overshadowed by the overwhelming growing number of ANBU operatives." the sennin admits, taking a brief pause, "But, there will always be a few who are intrigued. You truly have my thanks for appeasing those who wish to learn." she finalizes with a faint tipping of her head. The trio of inquires begin to formulate, wishing to utilize the initial with a standard before probing deeper into the mind of the medical shinobi.

Curiously the medical kunoichi continues to observe Sairasu, taking note of decline of orange juice and leaving her to believe the shinobi adhering to a very strict dieting regime. Dismissing the notion, her hands clasp against one another and begins with the said generic opener; at least in Mikasa's opinion, "What is it that motivates you to strive down the medical field further than you have? Is it the potential outlook on research topics or does your heart have enough room to house for the entire populace of Konohagakure?" she inquires in a delicate tone. "I also wish to hear what particular research topics you find the most intriguing and why." taking the liberty to issue two out of three.

Within the branch, the motivation and moral to begin studying abroad was becoming greater, a pleasant surprise for she wished to place Konohagakure back upon the pedestal it once rested upon. Eyeing the piercings once more, Mikasa becomes temporary enthralled with the notion of having similar upon her visage; a fascinating decorative item. Chuckling, the superior unlocks her hands to wave gingerly, "I don't mean to be rude by staring, I was considering obtaining a similar or at least another." Mikasa explains with another light nodding of the head followed by a gesture towards her own ear ornaments, more particularly the ruby red earring.​
Almost as soon as he grinned, so did she. Though still, the conversation remained formal and it appeared as if they were on the same page. Before long, she asked her first question. She wanted to know what motivated him to push himself in the medical field. Though before he could answer, she made a few suggestive comments wondering if it was one thing or another, specifically. In reality, the reason Sairasu chose to become a medical ninja is exactly what drove him to improve his capabilities. That reason was actually rather simple, though it might seem like nothing more than a fools old pipe dream. Then, she asked what particular research topic he found the most intriguing and why. Her questions were straightforward, and nothing to hard for him to answer. "To answer your question, it's because I hate to see someone suffer."</COLOR><i></i> He replied, only to glance at her hands. For some reason, she wore only a single glove. This intrigued him, though it didn't stop him from continuing. "Seeing someone else suffer hurts me more than anything I can even imagine. So, I became a Medical Shinobi to help others and my motivation is basically one in the same. The better I become at my job, the more I can help." He said, calmly before thinking about which research subject he thought was the most interesting to him.

<COLOR color="crimson">"As for a research subject I find the most intriguing, I would have to say it's likely diet and nutrition. The reason being, it seems as if the medical field flip flops on the subject. One day, one thing is considered a super food and the next, it's apparently bad for you. Things like this happen often and it seems like there's almost no headway in that field of study, even if there are thousands of studies and articles. Yeah we know what's healthy, but a person can eat clean foods that promote good heath for a life time, but still kill over and die of a heart attack at an early age. Why? Genetics obviously play a role, though it doesn't explain why someone in the same family with the same genetic history can eat trash and disregard their health, but somehow live well into their eighties."<i></i> He replied, only before noticing her staring at him. "Did I say something that sounded a little off?" He thought, only for her to apologize for staring and mentioning how she was interested in obtaining a similar piercing while gesturing towards her own earring.

Smiling, he glanced at her hand again. "No worries, though I am curious as to the story about that single glove you happen to be wearing. I'm assuming it might just be a fashion thing, though part of me thinks there might be a more to it than that. Do you mind me asking about it?"<i></i> There it was, his first question. Hopefully she wouldn't be offended, and if so, he would apologize. Though, for all he knew it was just some memento passed down to her.

[Wc: 500+]
[Marked for Training]
Curiously the Sennin rubs her chin, nodding to showcase that she understood the explanation given; Mikasa had been raised in the manner that eye contact and nodding the only polite method to converse with another. A soft expression befalls upon her features, "I understand, to watch those in pain and unable to aid them is a horrifying sensation I never wish to experience once more." Mikasa admits, however she feels Sairasu's response is equally as generic as the initial inquiry itself; not wishing to take any positivity from the response. "Let us hope you continue to grow in strength to ensure you can aid additional parties." the kunoichi replies in a brisk tone prior to raising her orange juice to do a solo toast.

Hardly surprising, as soon as the rim of the class escapes from her pursed lips, does the crimson hair medical nin discuss dieting and nutrition, "That would explain your keen interest in your sugar level." she murmurs, continuing to eye the lad curiously. Mikasa was a firm believer in indulging yourself in moderation, however still following a health meal regime was ideal, "Perhaps I should watch my own sugar levels? I drink a significant amount of orange juice a day. This one makes me feel a bit too self conscious." the maiden thinks to herself, widening her grin ever so slightly. Chuckling once more at the curiosity of the male, the superior stays true to her word to enlighten the male.

"Shockingly, you are one of the few who have ever taken interest in as to why I wear a single glove, my dear nutritionist." Mikasa jests on the later, tugging on the fabric of the ivory glove. With one final tug the contents within are revealed, a prosthetic puppet hand. Upon a closer observation, the medical-nin would be able to view various preserved petals adorning against the sand hue material. The petals being consisted of a Stargazer Lily, Monkshood, a crimson Marigold, Hibiscus, Forget-Me-Nots, and Voodoo Magic Hibiscus. "I find gardening relaxing, thus I had a Yamanka aid me in preserving my favorites to add a bit of decoration. Furthermore, each represents an element shinobi and kunoichi utilize in there daily lives." relaxing her facial muscles, the maidens eyes come to a close and the grin she bears widens, "I tend to use puppet strings to allow normal maneuverability." the older woman explains.

Allowing for a few moments to pass, "Your second inquiry?" Mikasa challenges.​
After a brief exchange, the medical sennin was ready for Sairasu to ask his second questions. Though now, Sairasu was preoccupied by the appearance of her hand and how she used it. The very idea of it saddened him and his facial expressions exposed those feelings. She had also told him that hardly anyone else had ever taken any interest in it and finished her statement by calling him a nutritionist. Not taking that comment to heart, he admired the appearance of her prosthetic though he knew he could do better. "My second question, right."<i></i> He said, almost stumbling with his words. "What caused you to lose your hand?"<i></i> He asked, hoping to not offend. He was asking for a reason, though he probably didn't really want to know deep down. Still, he was capable of completely reconstructing her limb. The only difference between the original and his version of it would be that bones would be made out of a harden wooden material, but the skin, tendons and everything else would be made of a soft, but durable, wooden based tissue. And, it would work just the same as her original limb, without having to use chakra strings to control it.

It would be as if nothing had ever happened to her hand, except for it taking on a odd appearance. She'd even regain sensations within it. His technique was amazing and seemed miraculous. "I ask because, I can perform surgery and reconstruct your hand. It would return to normal, sort of. The only difference from the hand you had at birth and it would be that the bones in the hand would be made out of a harden wood. The muscles would be reconstructed, though if you were to ever have surgery on your hand later down the road, they'd have an odd mossy green color to them. The circulatory system would also be restored, and so would the tissue. Though, the skin on your hand would have a green hue to it. But, it'd work just like the the hand you were born with. Sure, it would take time to build additional strength with the hand, but it's a small price to pay to have full movement and sensation within that limb back."<i></i> He told the Sennin. By now, if the medical sennin were to assume he had taken his time and developed some new medical techniques, she would be right. This was the first one he had perfected, though he still hadn't had an opportunity to use it on anything more than a corpse. Still, it would work but the patient had to be heavily sedated. From there, he'd also have to reopen the wound and prep the body, so that he could effectively perform the technique.

The medical shinobi was swift to follow upon his initial inquiry, an expression of sorrow flourishes upon Sairasu's features. Charily Mikasa waves the prosthetic, "You don't have to look so glum about this, I've coped for many years. I find the appearance with the various petals adorable." she responds with a thin smile. In the realm of Shinobi, the loss of limbs and substantial injuries were unavoidable, the Medical Sennin a common factor within the equation of odds. Gliding the ivory glove to conceal once more, the kunoichi leans forward to address the second question, "During the samurai regime, I was brought to Fire Country and encountered a medical shinobi." she begins.

Not wishing to bore the male, Mikasa decides to keep the story as brief as possible, "I was very young and don't recall much, but I was placed into the care of a father and son. They were kind enough to teach me the essential skills over the better course of several years. Critical injuries were an everyday occurrence, war within ones own country creates chaos constantly, and thus the need for anyone capable of being a medical personnel sought after. Unfortunately, the son I grew up with was struck down, a wound no medical technique could hope to mend." she explains, the sheen of her gaze dissipating, fading into the realm of unknown and uncertainty, "His body became frail, in turn I began to experiment in order to return him to his former glory and to avoid the risk of inflicting additional harm, a majority of said experiments were performed on myself in hopes of finding a success." the sennin summarizes her tale. Clasping her hands together once more, the maiden was satisfied with her too long didn't read rendition.

In a mere matter of moments, the aura of warmth rekindles and veils itself about the superior, listening carefully to the proposal of the Senju technique; fascination is apparent as her facial expression gives away her disposition, as if the previous statements made were never spoken. "I am sure that will prove to be vital for future generations, but I am unsure if I am willing to part with my remainder. This has become a symbol, to give your all for those you care about, without regard to the outcome you bring upon yourself." Mikasa makes her viewpoint apparent with a widening grin, "Also, I generally recommend dinner prior to surgery." she jests with a brief chuckle.​
She was rather quick to refuse, though she had her reasons. Apparently, her hand was some sort of a symbol meant to reminder her of her past accomplishments and apparently what she had to do going forward. Still, if he understood correctly, this injury was self inflicted. Truth be told, he didn't really know how he felt about that sort of thing. Though, he wasn't going to blow it out of proportion. If she could joke about it, then perhaps he could fell better about the situation. "I see, I guess I can understand. But when you first told me, it bothered me a bit. The very notion of someone else experiencing pain or suffering rattles my very being." He said, with a brief pause. What he was about to tell her was something that not many people knew. "As such, it's probably what pushed me to become a pacifist."<i></i> He mentioned.

Of course, as a Shinobi there would come a time in his life where it was either kill or be killed, but that would be different. If Sairasu could avoid it, he would do so. Surely, there was another way to live within the world rather than senselessly killing one and another. Though, there were a few exceptions to him being a pacifists. If she wanted to know more, all she had to do was ask him about it. Rather or not they were playing a game, he didn't mind a few extra here and there. Having the opportunity to speak with the medical sennin and hopefully build a work based relationship would have it's pro's later down the road.

[OOC: Sorry, I moved and am currently using mobile hotspot to post >_< I'm still trying to get Internet]
Gingerly her digits course along the ivory glove, "I truly do appreciate your concern, Sairasu-san, under normal circumstances my mentality is of a similar state." the Sennin replies in a brisk tone, her gentle smile never wavering. Mikasa could nearly taste the serious response and truth of the crimson hair medic speaks, "A pacifist?" she inquires prior to settling her gaze on the barbell piercing. In her mind, Shirudo Sairasu appeared as if he could dish out serious injuries due to his build and height. The mere notion of the medical shinobi not raising a fist amuses her thoughts, "I was going to save my final inquiry for a later date in time, but I am interested to her a bit of your backstory." a brief pause as an apologetic smile is given to the male, "Even though I stated I wouldn't pry."

Pressing her weight against the spine of the chair, Mikasa's form leans back completely to raise the rim of the cup against her lips, sipping lightly on the orange juice, "Watching my sugar intake." she jests towards the nutritionist. Settling the half full teacup against the oak wood desk, the maidens hand clasp against one another to form a prison, her full attention being given to the intriguing man before her. A potential medical chief in the future, to fill the role of one leading the Medical Ward unit, he may prove to be the ideal candidate; at least her initial thoughts led her to believe so. Ironically enough, he may prove to be an interesting combat medical lead.

By the looks of the conversation thus far, the pair may be heading in the direction of an additional set of inquires.​
Smiling in reply to her comment about watching her sugar intact, he thought about what to say next. She was interested in his back story, though there wasn't much there to explain. His life up until this point remained fairly simple; the only strife he could remember was how his parents gave his siblings special treatment, as opposed to the chores they burdened him with. "Hmmm. My backstory? It's nothing special, but I don't mind sharing it."<i></i> He told her, only before raising his hand up to his chin only to slightly rub against his piercing. "By the time I was six years old, I was waking up to perform dozens of odd chores around the family's land. My siblings, who weren't much older than me, were pretty privileged in comparison. They were no more capable of controlling their chakra than your average student, but my parents favored them. Until I was about nine, I actually didn't even show signs of ever being anything more than your average citizen. Then one day, for reasons unknown to me, my lineage finally caught up and suddenly, I could sense natural energy."<i></i> He said, right before a brief pause. "Thinking back, that was probably when my father started treating me the same as my siblings. I'd like to say he was a loving father, but I swear the only love who could show was tough. Through training, he'd push us to our limits and force us to surpass them. Then, when we'd spar, he'd make us to go all out. This usually resulted in one of us hurting another and to be blunt, I couldn't tell you how many time we nearly killed each other."<i></i> He said, wondering what the Sennin would think.

Usually, something like this wouldn't have been allowed, but people got away with it. "It wasn't until later in life that I really understood my father. You see, to him we weren't just his sons. He wanted us to become Anbu, and to earn a reputation of being some of the most deadliest Shinobi within the corps. I guess he thought that it might bring him some sort of honor, though it really just made most of his children hate him. When we were old enough, we separated ourselves from our father and his ideals. Though, they still followed the path laid out by our father and became Anbu while I sought a career within the main branch. But I quickly learned that no matter how hard I tried, I seemed to lose teammates. I witnessed so many people I grew to love die from combat and injuries; while not being able to do a single thing about it. It was then that I decided to join the medical branch and to this day, it's also why I hate violence."<i></i> He said, glancing down at his lap.

His mind began to race; thinking about all of his past experiences. All the loved ones he had lost and how much pain that it caused those around them. It was something that he couldn't change and at the time, he couldn't prevent. These days though, he had a chance and it was all thanks to the training he had received since joining the branch. "But, i'm certain there will come a day where I have to put those beliefs aside and act."<i></i> He said, before waiting for a response.

[Wc: 500+]
Konohagakure's population consisted of many with wide varieties of backgrounds ranging from the cliche to traumatic experiences; though the Medical Sennin had to admit the story was a completely new tale. Occasionally the platinum mane kunoichi nods to showcase her understanding, "Natural Energy is an item that is unexplored, I hope that in the times to come that you are able to identify more of the potential uses." a brief pause, not wishing to interrupt the story of Shirudo Sairasu, "I am sure you will able to do." Mikasa then silences herself until she the Sennin is able to identify another stopping point in the crimson shinobi's tale.

On the notion of siblings, this particular topic was foreign. By unusual technicalities, she had three, but as the days past their interactions cease to exist due to various reasons. The moment the medical nin entered the Phoenix Gates, the past would be left behind and she would continue anew, ignited by the flames of a passion of her own accord. The amber gaze falters downwards, visual clues often didn't escape her notice, "I can understand your distaste for violence, Sairasu-san. I believe anyone would be hard pressed to witness there comrades fall." the Sennin assures with a faint grin upon her features, "I am a firm believer that each individual within the branch will have to cast aside their ideals and act for the better interest at least once in there lifetime." a wisp escapes the lips of the woman.

Delicately her hands clasp tightly against one another, reaffirming the prison they create, "One of my goals is aid to the extent to where that isn't the case, rather, where only a single instance is the maximum. In an ideal world, zero." Leaning her head back against the spine of the furniture, the medical kunoichi ponders upon the details she learned of fiery hue man. Allowing her gaze to falter to a close, "You have my thanks, for humoring me on this lovely afternoon." Mikasa murmurs in a vibrant vocal.​
Sitting down and talking with the medical sennin had proved to be somewhat desirable. At first, he thought he had done something wrong to warrant the head of the branches attention. Thankfully, that wasn't the case at all. Though their time spent together, so far; the two of them had gotten a better understanding of one and another. Not only that, be her comment about eventually hoping to achieve a state where one wouldn't have to put their beliefs aside and act seemed to be somewhat of a goal for her as well. With a smile, he nodded as she spoke. But deep down, he didn't see something like that ever actually happening. He really didn't have the much faith in the world in general for something like that to be accomplished, but just the hope of doing so was all he needed to continue down his path.

Before soon, she thanked him for humoring her and playing this little game, but as far as Sairasu knew, the game wasn't over. He had only asked about her hand and how it happened. For the game to be finished, he still had one more question and he intended to ask it before their meeting was done. "I've rather enjoyed this game, but only recall asking two questions. One was about the glove on your hand and the other was how you lost it."<i></i> He said, wondering if the Sennin had actually been counting. Perhaps it was just a test, to see how well his observation skills were. Surely she didn't forget, though her appointment list could so overwhelming that she was trying to rush him away. "My final question is actually about the medical branch personnel. Maybe i'm just not paying enough attention, but it seems to me like we only have a single figure head within our branch. That figure head being you, but I don't think I can recall the names of any active medical chiefs. How many do we have?"<i></i> He asked. This question was more so for him to know what the competition was like, but at the same time, it might be something that could inspire him and push him to further his career.

[wc: 368]
[Marked for Training]

Curiously the Sennin tilts her head to the side, Mikasa takes the opportunity to size up Shirudo Sairasu, "The initial was concerning the glove I wear, the second inquiring of the tale behind the surprise." a brief pause, three digits are extended forward, "The third being, 'My backstory?'" the Medical Sennin corrects in a playful banter. Leaning forward in the arm chair, the shimmering tundra gaze fixates on the amber hues of the medical shinobi, "My final being inquiring of you being a pacifist. You took the liberty to of informing me of your backstory." the superior summarizes with a faint grin, coy on her part.

Gradually a chuckle emits from the maidens pursed lips, with the utmost care the kunoichi adjusts the spectacles to snuggle on the bridge of her nose, "Not to worry, Sairasu-san, I'm merely jesting." waving her gloved hand to and fro. A calm demeanor surfaces, both of the woman's hand come together and clasp, "In regards to the current Medical Chief line up, you are not mistaken. There isn't a single as of this moment." taking a momentary reprieve her gaze narrows, "The opportunity has always been available, yet no one has showcased themselves capable of rising to the challenge." Mikasa states bluntly, yet ironically her tone foretells an entirely different tale.

Coming to a stand she presses forward to settle near the side of the fiery matted hair male, gently the palm of her hand comes to a rest on his shoulder; tucked under her opposing arm the paperwork previous being worked on, "I hope you are able to prove yourself of said position. I aim to have at least two. Do you dare to convince me or are you content with where you are?" she inquires prior to turning the knob of the doorway. Silently the oak wood swings forward, "Until we meet until again, Sairasu-san!" the joyful tone radiating outwards, a melting wafer on the tongue of a choir girl. The Medical Sennin need not worry of the office, all the important documents were with her, Mikasa had yet to finalize a majority of them; although she placed absolute trust to those within her branch.

[OOC: Topic Left Unless Stopped]​

Current Ninpocho Time:
