Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Painting a Mask [Lunar Event Topic]

Leaf Historian

New Ninja
Feb 1, 2013

The Academy was normally full of the noise of pages being turned, students studying for the end of the day, questions being asked or even jutsu being practiced. However, this time the main branch had given permission for the Academy to be used over the festival period for something other than the teaching of new Shinobi, for this was not the average day for any of them and this time of year would see everyone coming from different villages. It was a special occasion and as such these events should be enjoyed by all, well at least that was the Hokage opinion as lessons had been suspended for the time the festival was on.

The crowds that came threw the gates of the Academy all flocked with talks of what fun they could get up to now, with the teachers gone, the rooms had been transformed into fun work stations, with what seemed like an order to the way that people had to move inside of the Academy, the decorations of banners and none lit lanterns where across the ceilings, ribbons that guided people to areas could be seen across the walls till they reached the doors. It was clear that they had been put up with care and devotion. The paints could be used at will and there was no restriction on how people would pick and choose what to do with the mask itself.

The first room held the selection of masks all of them had been premade and resembled different animals from every land, though the masks where a plain white, this was the part of this festivities, the creation and imagination of villagers and visitors alike. The masks would be handed out one per person, making sure that they where happy with the choice of mask before being directed to the next room to start to decorate the mask. This academy room would be where the masks could be painted.

Once the masks had been painted, the last room that would be there would be the room to dry all the paint on the mask this room was used to make sure that they had time to do that before leaving. It was also the last room inside of the Academy that people would have access to. Outside in the opening gates would be a stall for those that didn’t want to take the experience or the time themselves to create a mask, this would be allowing people to buy one at an inflated price that was already painted up.

For all those that want to participate in the Mask painting please follow the simple rules below:

- You must state at the bottom of your post that you are doing the following [Creating a Mask]
- Your post must hit the rule requirements for any posts
- Have fun and enjoy yourselves

Once this has been done, sit back and enjoy the rest of the RP. Just remember to have fun and enjoy the Lunar Festival.


Leaf Council
Mask? Who doesn't love mask?! Maru wears a mask 24/7. The mask is like his real face since there had been hardly anyone to see him without his mask on, only a rare few had ever seen Maru without his mask and that was because they were important people to instruct him that he needed to take off his mask. Not even his student had seen what he looked like without his mask, nor did even his closest friends because they honestly never asked to see what he had behind the mask. But since there was this festival, he went exploring a bit around Konoha since no one even stopped and he even saw a few rouge's make their way into the village. He still doesn't remember much about this place after wandering around the place freely. It seemed like this memory loss affected more than he realized because he couldn't recall a thing about his past in leaf. Oh well!

Maru had bought a new outfits while he was around, he found a cute looking kimono with a hood that had a red flower on the side of the head. He wore his typical black and gold masquerade mask because that was what he wore all the time, the only thing he was missing was his cape he liked to hear fluttering behind him. As the rouge wandered around he stopped at the academy then turned then squinted his eyes at what he was reading. Not only did this place had a lot of fun activities but you could also make and paint your own mask! “AYYYYE THIS IS MY KINDA PLACE!” Maru said, dashing into the academy to join the crowd. Hearing the jeers and talk about the fun they plan on having. He wondered if he would see that cute girl he met in tea around here, the cute one that threaten to cut his limbs since he was making progress with her or better yet.. Maybe his long lost waifu would finally make an appearance around here. If not he could find some cute Anbu to show his affection towards.

Floating beside him was his Kensei Spirit, wearing her kimono too with her hands in her sleeves however no one else could see her except for the people who were very attuned with the spirit world so Maru was the only one who knew she was around for the time being. Kawaii was passing through people, they felt a chill run past them as Maru's ghostly companion began looking at the mask that they had in the first room. All of them had been premade and Maru was amazed to see all the different types of eye mask that they had, he was honestly having trouble picking some out. Maru's spirit began to use a bit of her wielders chakra to create a fox mask over her face, then posed. ’I like this one, I think we should both be around with fox mask!’ she exclaimed, it was the first time his spirit had been casual acting. Probably because the lack of danger or Maru doing anything stupid.

“Ayyye that's a good idea!” He said, people looking at Maru as he had a conversation with seemingly no one. “We'll be twinies!” he chuckled, picking up one of the fox masks that they had… then took a white plain eye mask.

[Ooc: Creating Mask]
[Entered Topic]
[Ghost NPC Kawaii Entered W/Maru and is not visible for the time being.]
What is the correct way to ruin an event everyone has come to enjoy? Should a person just whip their arms randomly at tables while screaming nonsense? Obviously not; that is called causing a scene, and will not only lead to serious intervention by the state that will effect you more negatively than anyone else, but will likely simply keep all attendees at a distance, or will see them go to enjoy some other event, providing them with some entertaining story rather than actually interfering with the programme. What's that now? You didn't realize ruining event had any purpose outside of preventing people from enjoying that event? Please allow me to explain. You need to create an issue so immediately perplexing as to appear solvable; you yourself do not want to appear insane, you need to be just troublesome enough to invite engagement with what you are doing. You make yourself into a problem to be solved, and in that way, garner the attention you so desperately need.

Tetsu was hard at work on his mask. It wasn't particularly that he wanted to produce something with artistic merit (he wasn't really capable of that sort of thing). Rather, he wanted to vaguely replicate something that looked like what an Anbu would wear. He started with a purple lightning that crossed right through one of the eye holes, and moved on to painting a straight line to form the weird and demented looking mouth. It looked kind of stupid, to be honest; he wanted to make it look minimalistic, but also like he was trying to make it kind of intimidating, but the end product made him look like he was just trying to make it in some edgy kind of rock outfit. He decided to just break off some of it to make it look battle worn or something. He was getting so excited trying to finish the painting that he couldn't help but create something that looked just a little subpar, but it was maybe passable for his purposes. It couldn't be helped though, he had his peripheral vision constantly fixated on the entrance to the classroom.

When he had finally completed his masterpiece, he affixed the mask to his face. He had already dawned a slick black trenchcoat, bought just for the occasion. It was a giant waste of money, he knew; but what could you do? The holiday spirit makes a person a little giddy with spending. He sat by the door and waited. He was no longer just a man enjoying the festivities; he was a veritable force to be reckoned with. He was now the gatekeeper of this event.

A little girl came to the door and Tetsu burst into action, lunging toward the door and landing in a kind of three point crouching stance.

"Funny how you think you could enter here with such primitive preparations."
"What?" The little girl asked, looking slightly scared, but mostly confused. Tetsu reached slowly into his trench coat, as if he was going to draw a weapon.
"Don't make me have to lay things out for you. State your business; I'm getting impatient, petulent child."

The girl started crying and ran off. Tetsu had valiantly saved the classroom from yet another threat.

OOC: Please post in the thread "Requesting Entrance" in your OOC notes of your first post.
Kosho was very recently enrolled into the Leaf Academy. Yudo decided that they would join some time ago. Unfortunately for Yudo shortly after enrolling classes were cancelled for several days due to Konoha’s Lunar Event and related activities. This was something that her brother, Yuki would enjoy more than her. Though for most of the classes they had attended Yudo simply observed while Yuki was actually the one in control, so their scheduled wasn’t being changed much.

Needless to Yuki was in control out enjoying the festivities. He had spoken to a few of his peers from the academy the first day of the Lunar Event and heard that there was a mask decorating event where students could go to paint masks for free. The opportunity to do something new for free was something Yuki couldn’t pass up.

Making his way to the academy today was far more eventful than when he was joined. The streets were filled with so many people, many whom seemed to be foreigners of the Leaf. Before this festival Yuki had never seen so many foreigners in one day. Everyone was so lively and in good spirits. It made Yuki smile seeing such a happy environment, he silently wished everyday could be like this.

Yuki went through series of rooms with people of all ages enjoying and admiring the mask decor event. He was now in one of the many rooms in the Leaf Academy where he gathered one color of paint and one paintbrush. The previous room Yuki entered was where he received a plain white mask from one of the academy’s instructors. The mask was indeed very plain instead perhaps in every sense of the word. This was exactly the type of mask that Yuki wanted a blank canvas of which he was now painting.

Yuki drew was he perceived as a large inviting smile as well as a small nose and his mask was complete! He sat for a while literally watching the paint dry. Yuki stood when he felt the paint was finally dry enough feeling accomplished and put the mask on his face exiting the academy to continue exploring the festival.

[OOC: Creating Mask]
[Topic Entered]
[Topic Left]
[MFT: 360]

Current Ninpocho Time:
