The Academy was normally full of the noise of pages being turned, students studying for the end of the day, questions being asked or even jutsu being practiced. However, this time the main branch had given permission for the Academy to be used over the festival period for something other than the teaching of new Shinobi, for this was not the average day for any of them and this time of year would see everyone coming from different villages. It was a special occasion and as such these events should be enjoyed by all, well at least that was the Hokage opinion as lessons had been suspended for the time the festival was on.
The crowds that came threw the gates of the Academy all flocked with talks of what fun they could get up to now, with the teachers gone, the rooms had been transformed into fun work stations, with what seemed like an order to the way that people had to move inside of the Academy, the decorations of banners and none lit lanterns where across the ceilings, ribbons that guided people to areas could be seen across the walls till they reached the doors. It was clear that they had been put up with care and devotion. The paints could be used at will and there was no restriction on how people would pick and choose what to do with the mask itself.
The first room held the selection of masks all of them had been premade and resembled different animals from every land, though the masks where a plain white, this was the part of this festivities, the creation and imagination of villagers and visitors alike. The masks would be handed out one per person, making sure that they where happy with the choice of mask before being directed to the next room to start to decorate the mask. This academy room would be where the masks could be painted.
Once the masks had been painted, the last room that would be there would be the room to dry all the paint on the mask this room was used to make sure that they had time to do that before leaving. It was also the last room inside of the Academy that people would have access to. Outside in the opening gates would be a stall for those that didn’t want to take the experience or the time themselves to create a mask, this would be allowing people to buy one at an inflated price that was already painted up.
For all those that want to participate in the Mask painting please follow the simple rules below:
- You must state at the bottom of your post that you are doing the following [Creating a Mask]
- Your post must hit the rule requirements for any posts
- Have fun and enjoy yourselves
Once this has been done, sit back and enjoy the rest of the RP. Just remember to have fun and enjoy the Lunar Festival.
Leaf Council
- You must state at the bottom of your post that you are doing the following [Creating a Mask]
- Your post must hit the rule requirements for any posts
- Have fun and enjoy yourselves
Once this has been done, sit back and enjoy the rest of the RP. Just remember to have fun and enjoy the Lunar Festival.
Leaf Council