Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

PANIC!!!!!!!!!!! [Open, request medical nin]

Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
It was a beautiful day, the hospital had been a little busy from all the fights going on and some people coming in for regular check ups. But besides all that everything seemed peaceful, a normal day on the job….


A muffled scream could be heard coming from outside. Some doctors stopped, cleaning out the wax in their ears to make sure that they were hearing correctly. The nurses ignored the yelling, filling out some paperwork but the screaming from outside only got louder. People looked outside, seeing a dust cloud approaching the hospital as if someone was running… no IS literally running to the hospital! And from the dust someone could tell that this person who was screaming like a lunatic was booking like hell, holding something in his right hand with not a lot of care.. But when he got closer, they could tell that what he had in his hand was.. A GIRL!




Maru busted down the door! Waving around poor Asuka in his right hand as if she was a flag rather than a actual person. Stood there screaming like a lunatic, while waving the nine year old in the air with a blood stained shirt on. The blood wasn't his, which could explain the screaming but it did scare some of the doctors and nurses into paying attention to the young shinobi. At first they thought he was just some crazy person. That was until he started to shout actual words after being sure he had everyone's attention. LOOK!” He said, showing poor Asuka off to them, aggressively waving the child. "THIS BRAT DECIDED TO RUN INTO POISON TO HELP SOME LOUD MOUTH DRAGON LADY, AND NOW SHE’S FUCKED UP!!! THROWING UP BLOOD ON A 1000 YEN SILK SHIRT! MY ANTIDOTE DID SQUAT AND HAD TO CALL SENSEI TO HELP HER!!” He waved the girl frantically while stomping his feet. "BUT ALL HE DID WAS TAKE THE POISON OUT AND WE THINK HER LUNGS MAYBE MOOSH!!!”

After explaining the situation in a cool and calculated manner he pointed the injured girl at the lady at the front desk. "YOU! GET YOUR GOOFY LOOKING ASS UP AND GET THIS GIRL TO A ROOM!!! AND WHERE IS THE MEDICAL STAFF!!”

[calmy walked in with Asuka and requesting medical nin]
Asuka’s mouth tasted horrible, blood mostly but it still wasn’t a pleasant taste. Secondly, she hated being hold like a sack of potatoes, made her feel as if she was less than most. That her health didn’t matter to some people, and to be honest it didn’t seem as if it mattered to Teddy.

Everything went downhill from there, Maru’s hold of her changed. “What the…” She stated as Maru used his right hand to hold her shirt and started sprinting towards the hospital, yelling like a maniac, waving her around as if she was a doll. “Hey… let me…” She couldn’t speak that much as her vision started to go blurry, she was getting dizzy and it wasn’t good, she was feeling even worse because of it. She strong air being pushed against her poor face and she started to scream, trying to get his attention. “This isn’t right.” She yelled trying to struggle to no avail. The crash into the hospital felt as if she was thrown into a brick wall, it hurt for some reason and she hated it, she hated him.

Asuka kept struggling, waving her arms around to force him to let her go, her dizziness didn’t help with that fact whoever. None at all. Finally, when he was done with his stupid monologue Asuka was finally able to break free. Immediately summoning her Keyblade and pointing it straight at Maru’s chest. “You stupid, stupid maniac!” She yelled out, her dizziness making her look like a drunk idiot. “You don’t do that to a hurt person.” She pressed her blade harder against his chest. “You don’t do that to anyone!” Asuka clinched her teeth. “I’m a pri-” She burped, shit… this was not going to be good… “I should be tre-” another burp “I’m a princes-“ Asuka immediately looked to one side and started throwing up, mostly blood. God damn it. She cleaned her mouth with her sleeve and looked back at the puppet not at all fazed about what just happened. “You are one cute, stupid, Teddy Bear!”

Current Ninpocho Time:
