Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Peppy vs Pouty (Req. Kurumi)


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiriyomi wanders out of the academy, wiping his brow as he looks up at the sun overhead. Today they had Taijutsu training, which was not one of his favorites. While not out of shape, Kiri just prefers not to work out more than necessary. Which, in his mind, is none at all. Running through the forest inspecting various insects and walking through the village daily is more than enough exercise for him. Kohara flies down off of Kiri's shoulder, swooping through the air, excited to be free as well. Kiriyomi usually keeps him close during class, afraid that someone would swipe at him after mistaking him for a pest. That would be the worst thing imaginable!

Making his way over to the trees bordering the training grounds, Kiri keeps his eyes open for any of the other students he knows. Known to be a little shy, he's still branching out and meeting new people. His new friend, Akio, was behind him as he exited the school but has been lost to the crowd. He shrugs to himself and turns his attention to the tree behind him and a stick bug gripping the side of the tree above his head. "Look Kohara! He's blending into the tree almost perfectly! This is a technique they use to camouflage themselves from predators. It's almost like a shinobi using a disguise or stealth! It really is one of the more interest-" Kiri is cut off as a bird swoops down and snatches the insect off of the tree and flies away. Tears begin welling up in his eyes as he sniffles and looks around for Kohara. "Kohara! Where did you go? Get back here please!"
Wandering out and about at the academy, Kurumi appeared and watched as the stickbug was snapped up by the bird. She frowned as the bird flew off. Then turned to Kiriyomi. "Is Kohara the buggy that just got eaten? If so. I am very sorry for your loss." she stated. Before smiling cheerfully up at him. "Stickbugs are super cool though! They go all like--" Kurumi did her best to imitate a wobble and a wibble of a walkingbug. Kiriyomi appeared to have just gotten stickbugged. "And some of..." she continued wobbling and wibbling for some time unless she was stopped, doing a shimmy and a shammy and simply vibing out. "Anyway! Are you part of the academy? Today I got to run around and play with the other kids. They said they were going to play hide and seek and I was the seeker...but then I couldn't find any of em! I looked for like..hours! Eventually I kinda gave up." she admitted sheepishly. "So what did you do today? Anything exciting?"
Kiriyomi sniffles and looks over at the girl who seemingly appeared out of nowhere. He opened his mouth to respond, when she started to wobble around saying that stick bugs move like that. He chuckled a little bit, but edged a little further away from her. He'd seen her around the academy before, and seemed to be very outgoing. The exact opposite of himself, so probably best to find a way to get away from her as soon as possible. Kohara chose this time to fly down and land on Kiri's head, cocking his head at the girl standing before them. Kiri's eyes track upward, shifting away from the Uchiha before him to try and look at his ant friend. "Actually, this is Kohara. He's a flying ant, and a part of my Kikai. He prefers to hang out with me though, because he was bullied when he was younger. As for what we did today, we had to practice Taijutsu. It was really exhausting, I as actually about to go and find a stall to buy some lemonade from." He stands up slowly and begins backing away, hoping that the girl would take the hint and leave him alone.
Kurumi stood there solemnly as she spotted an ANT FRIEND. She immediately waved to it cheerfully "Hello tiny ant friend. I wish you a wonderful day today." she said before the thought of LEMONADE enticed her. "Ooooh! I'll come join you! It'll be fun! You and me against the world Ant, new friend, and ME!" she decreed. Before going to waddle forth besides Kiriyomi. "So what stall are we going to get lemonade from? Can we get ice cream too? I want a blueberry ice cream!" she stated, nodding her head sagely. "Your ant friend was bullied? That's super mean...I hope you're being nice to him! Or else...Or else....Or else i'll be sad!" she stated, nodding once more at that.
Kiriyomi visibly pales as the girl says that she is going to join him for lemonade, and requests that they find ice cream as well. He knew that there was a stall with a sweet older lady just down the street that sold both of those things, but he was hoping this would be a solo trip. Just think of what Akio would do! Be nice, she's clearly younger than you as well. Remember how you looked up to the shinobi of the village at her age! Sighing, Kiri starts walking down the street as Kohara flies down to eye level with Kurumi. He waves one of his legs at her, circling around her head to get a better look at her.

"I actually know somewhere we can get ice cream and lemonade just up ahead, follow me. It'll be my treat. And don't worry about not finding the other kids today, I'm sure they're just really good at hiding! You'll find them next time." Kiri wipes a sweaty palm on his leg before reaching to Kurumi, offering to hold her hand as they walk down the street together. Inside, the boy was shaking uncontrollably, though he thought he was doing a pretty good job of exuding a calm exterior. Hopefully he could get this little girl a snack and send her on her way. Looking around again, Kiri hopes that one of his friends would show up to make this a little easier on him by taking the girl's attention away from him.
Kiriyomi heads off towards the stall, buying himself and Kurumi ice cream and lemonade before sitting down on a bench to enjoy his snack. Looking up at the sun, he quickly realizes how late it is getting in the day, and he turns to Kurumi. "I'm sorry, I just realized that I have to get home! My parents are waiting for me, but I promise we can talk again later!"

(Topic left unless stopped)

Current Ninpocho Time:
