Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Please Leaves Me Alone! [Modded Mission]


Well-Known Ninja
Jan 26, 2017
It's that time of the year again, the leaves have turned from green to shades of yellow, brown, and red. But unfortunately for our hero these leaves have littered the ground to the point where they were required to be cleaned up. While Juko was good at staying in trouble, he was also good for getting busy work done with an excuse. A teacher showed him to a shed with bags and a few rakes, shrugging his shoulder he pointed to outside of the shed and sighed, "Look kid, you can't go home until all of this is cleaned up. Had you not put explosive tags in the lunchroom maybe you'd be able to go home already but, well actions have consequences, so get to work." and just like that the teacher up and left, leaving Juko to his work.

The academy yard was quite large, a huge spot of grass that had died under the weight of the Great Pumpkin, a small bust of the First Hokage, Kami, and a bench here and there. Some windows facing into the classrooms, but other than a tree here and there it was mostly an open grass plot that was covered up to your ankles in leaves. Anyone else it might take a few days to rake all this up, but if anyone could do it, it would be the speed demon Juko!
But... but it was just a... Juko didnt manage to finish the sentence as his sensei turned away and vanished into the busy afternoon life of the city. ...a joke, goddamnit. Sighing he sat down on a small bench in the middle of the place, a very noninvolved looking rake next to him and surrounded by leaves in all colors of the rainbow, except purple, blue and green. Argh... how am i supposed to do all of this before the evening...Damnit! Ruffling his hair in distress he looked around at all of the work that was awaiting him and sighed again, louder this time.
He had never wanted this to get so much out of control. And now, now he was stuck here, while everybody else was out there training, playing and what not.
Picking up the rake he unenthusiastically sweeped the leaves in front of him from side to side. His thoughts travelled from the lunchall event to his current situation and with little motivation he started thinking about how he could possibly finish this task as fast as possible. If only i could summon clones, like the older ninjas can... things would be so much easier if there were just... i dont know... 3 of me, or more. Picking at his teeth with his little finger his other hand started making sword motions with the Rake. And this is supposed to be work worthy of the future hokage? I highly doubt it. Dont worry Akiru, ill make you pay for this.
Time was passing by slowly until the young boy decided to get to work, sluggishly yet steady sweeping together the leaves.

//Ooc: Sorry, starting somewhat slow myself
WC: 274​
The job was pretty simple, rake the leaves and put them into bags and throw them away, but that would just be too easy, wouldn't it? As he raked and bagged probably cursing the world that he was stuck here raking when he could be doing anything at all. But things would quicken up soon for our young hero, as he would be lifting a bag to move it a shuriken flew by slicing the bag open and sending his freshly raked leaves spread across the yard again. Up on the roof above him he would see three boys all around Juko's size. Wearing long scarfs that fluttered in the wind.

The middle one bending down and extending his arms outwards and the two making an arc with their arms as they touched their finger tips they said in unison. "We are the Brown Leaf Squad! We will prevent all those who attempt to rake away the leaves of the Leaf Village! We are the village hidden in the Leaves, not the village of clean lawns! Now you must stop or we will defeat you." exclaimed the one in the middle, all the while maintaining their silly stance.
Just as Juko had finally managed to gather up enough motivation to gather some of the leaves in one of the many black bags that had been left over for him, life decided to flip him the bird. Lifting up the bag as he decided to place it on the bench he had sat on before a sharp hiss in the air followed by the sound of plastics ripping apart made him freeze in the middle of the movement. The young academy students eyes widened as he looked upon the silvery surface of a shuriken that had hit the ground right next to him and was now stuck in the muddy ground like a lateblooming flower of metal. What in the... did i drop that? No... He looked at the bag and to his astonishment found it almost cut in half with the leafes that he had just now gathered in those past horrendously long minutes spilling out.
He turned around, following the trajectory of the projectile and stared at the roof across where the silhouettes of three kids, roughly his size hed guess, were standing, scarfs waving like flags in the cold wind.
As Juko was watching them he watched the frontmost boy bow down and strike a pose, followed by supportive poses by his two friends.
Juko blinked as then rubbed his eyes in disbelief. The introduction of the trio made him somewhat uncomfortable, given the fact that he was indeed trying to rake away the leaves and they were obviously ready and willing to use sharp weaponry. Idiots is what you are, haha! His laughing voice hopefully made the insult seem less serious than he ment it. Now get down here and help me clean up this mess, i dont wanna be stuck here all day!
He pointed at the shuriken. And you really shouldnt be throwing those around, you know how the teachers at the academy react when they see us using actual weapons without their supervision
A grin spread on his face, somewhat reluctantly and partially fading as he waited for their response.
WC: 349​
The boys sighed and shook their head, it seemed like Juko could not be stopped. A traitor to the Leaf, what red blooded Konoha shinobi would pack up leaves and bags and throw them away like they were trash. The leader in the middle hung his head for a moment, bringing a hand up as if he was wiping tears from his face. "I-I can't believe.. YOU WOULD DO THIS!" he said shouting to the heavens. Immediately after the boys on his flank threw down smoke bombs, covering the boys in a mist of red smoke. Black flashes shout out from the smoke, the trio, while stupid, was definitely fast.

They were hidden now, watching their pray. Waiting for Juko to make a move. Depending on how aware Juko was he, may have been able to spot one or two, after all they are only academy students. The first boy, was hidden in the tree above him, using branches and leaves to provide cover. Another one had decided to wait in the bushes, brandishing a small kunai. The quick glimmer of metal might have given Juko a chance to see him. While the leader was much harder to see. Hidden in a pile of leaves somewhere in the field. It would be unwise to underestimate these students, at least from what Juko could tell.
Watching the kid pretend to cry Juko slowly raised a single eyebrow. Are they really taking this whole 'Village of the leafs' thing that serious? Its not like we have a lot in common with the village from ancient times anyway... i mean, we are still ninjas and all but... He shrugged and continued moving leaves together even when the leader shouted out his disbelief.
The rake scraped loudly against the stones of the ground everytime Juko raked more leaves together, making it seem as if he was using a wild animal that was resisting his action. Ugh, this is so annoying... why is always the crazy people bothering me and not, i dont know... one of the cute girls from class?... He sighed awhen the two boys to each side of the trio dropped a smokebomb and vanished withhin. Huh!? He blinked and stared at the cloud slowly drifting down from the roof and towards the open space. Did... did i just see the glimmer of a weapon in there? Theyre not actually going to attack me, are they? Oy, Guys, were all students here, theres no need to draw blood over something stupid like leafes, no? Besides, the teachers will probably punish you if you attack another student just like that... He peered around the yard, hoping to get any hint at the boys position from their response but nothing much came back.
Looking at the shuriken that was still firmly stuck in the ground he grinded his teeth and slowly lifted the rake to his chest. Crazy kids...they couldve hit me with that... His shadow seemed to wave over the ground like a flag as Juko did a careful step forward. He was sure they were still watching him, and in any case he would not make things easy for them.
His inner energy began gathering in his body until his silhouette seemed to blur.
Suddenly he noticed something that had not been there before. Oy, you there! In the bushes! I can see you and your weapon, calm down a bit will ya!? Im just raking leafes here, but if you attack me i WILL have to pound some sense into you!
His blonde mane drifted in the autumn wind making it seem as if his hair had turned color matching to the season aswell.
WC: 389​
The boys could not be reasoned with, the almost zealous fervor they had towards the leaves was proven enough already. It was nice of Juko to attempt and give them a chance at mercy but the boys would hear nothing of it. Jumping out from the shadows all charged at him. All three were equipped with weapons: The first one had a rubber kunai in his hand but came to Juko attempting to hit him with a flying-round house kick. The second boy rushed through the field with a rubber sword going to strike down at him with a powerful downwards blow. Even if it was just made of rubber.

The third one was seen again on top of a fence, making a few handseals. What he could be doing would be hard to tell, but Juko would see some of the leaves underneath begin to shift and flow. The boy did not hesitate in continuing his handseals as the movement among the leaves grew!

[sorry for the small post, im not feeling too hot]
Just as he had said, Juko watched as the boy jumped out from withhin the bush, charging him with a kunai in his hand. For a moment Juko felt as if something was weird about that weapon, yet as the boy was quickly coming in reach he had no time to actually ponder the details. Aieee, carefull! Walking backwards with each step the other boy did Juko managed to dodge the first two swipes of the weapon before another boy suddenly came at him from the side, slashing at him with a sword. Shit! Whats wrong with these kids The weapon came down at an alarming speed, giving Juko not enough time to even raise his hands to defend. So this is how i end? Killed by the hands of stupid kids of my own village? Hah, how stupid that is... so much fo rbecoming Hokage.. He didnt even try to gather his chakra or energy as the weapon cleaved through his head. Except, it didnt cleave as much as it slammed against him causing his brain to rattle inside his head. Somewhat shook from both the taken hit and the surprise at still being alive Juko stumbled backwards.
Ouch? What? It... it... is a fake weapon! Of course.. argh.... A headache was slowly waking up in his brain like a hungry bear at the beginning of spring.
Now youve done it... His eyes took notice of the boy that was about to complete his jutsu as he dashed forward at his other two assailants, all the while gathering not only chakra but also his inner energy. Right before hed crashed into the boy wielding the rubber sword his body seemed to become translucent like glass and then vanish entirely. At the same moment as his body turned into nothingness he reappeared behind the boy with the kunai in the same manner, albeit reversed.
Eat that!!
Using the rake he was still holding in his hands he delivered a strike to the boys head, aiming to knock him out in one strike.
WC: 342​
The boys really were no match for Juko but that wouldn't stop them from trying. They all grew wide eyed as the boy seemed to teleport around the, too quick for them to keep track of and he hit a lot harder than they did. Who would've guessed rubber weapons weren't really all that deadly! The boy hit in the back of the head fell to the ground with a satisfying clunk, leaving Juko to deal with the other.. two? Or at least that's what it seemed moments before one of the boys grabbed a whistle, blowing on it, three more boys dressed in the same silly uniform and appearing with an equally comedic pose appeared. "YOU DEFEATED WAVE ONE OF THE LEAF PROTECTORS, I PROMISE YOU, WE WILL NOT GO DOWN SO EASILY." And just like that, the fight started again, equipped with their signature rubber weapons however this time with a few rubber balls in hand too. "NINJA ART, RUBBER BALL BARRAGE!" The three jumped into the air and fired a volley of balls at Juko!

The other two boys joined in with them, pulling some rubber balls from their pockets and going to pelt Juko with them. "We will not let you get rid of a single more leaf while we still stand!"
The short moment of success after knocking out the kid with his rake didnt last long as only a few seconds later more kids appeared from behind bushes and hidden holes in the ground. Eeek! Raising his makeshift weapon and spinning it in a circle Juko somehow managed to deflect the first wave of rubber balles coming for him, however, more and more kept flying at him and soon he felt the onslaught of rubbery weapons hit him. Fuck, they may be small and fairly weak, still this hurts quite a bit.. and all this just because of some stupid leaves??? Walking backwards he eventually dodged the continuous assault by dashing to the side and behind a near tree. What is wrong with you all, its just some leaves, damnit!?
These kids seemed to take the whole business way to serious to stop here though. More and more of their supporters seemed to come out of nowwhere, all dressed in the same ridiculous way and wearing the same attire as the first two before.
Unlike them however, Juko was not equipped with rubber weapons and was prepared to use what weapons he had at his disposal. Quickly forming his finger signs the boy weaved a jutsu to disarm and preferably defeat the kids with one go. As he left his temporary hideout, Juko breathed out multiple times in a row, creating his own barrage of projectiles aimed at the kids.
Enough is enough! I will make sure you regret attacking me like that! He unleashed the bullets of air at the children that had attacked him, hoping to rid them of their weapons and their will to fight.
WC: 278​
The boys seemed to have a fire in their eyes as the protected the poor fallen leaves, however Juko was just too strong for them, a few blasts of air and their weapons were sent flying. Their morale broke and they were quick to scatter, running in all directions. Seemingly leaving Juko to his work, unfortunately for him it was beginning to get dark as they took so much time with their antics that he may be here well past dinner time. In the corner of the yard a street lamp flicked on, symbolizing that it really was getting dark. Maybe that was the boy's plans overall? Not to stop Juko, but to prevent him from raking the leaves before it got dark.. either way Juko would be in a world of trouble if those leaves were not raked by the morning, what would he do?
With quite some satisfaction Juko watched his missiles hit their intended target. One after another the boys where hit by the transparent projectiles, each time loosing their weapons to the explosive force of the gale. Hah! Serves you right, you probably should not have tried to stop me without knowing who i am! And who am i? I am Juko, the mighty! The Roaring Lion of Konoha! His thoughts trailing off into the distance the young blond-haired boy cheered in the ever darkening light, not even sparing another look at the kids that where dropping like leafes from the surrounding houses and trees.
His good mood abruptly followed when he turned around, almost by accident, and opened his eyes to the area that he had been ordered to clean. Leafes where covering the entire space. Shit! Did even more leafs vome down while i was toying around with those brats? Shit, Shit shit shit! How am i even supposed to rake all of these in time...
His celebration turned into devastation.
The rake suddenly seemed to make fun of him and with an angry growl the boy slammed the piece of equipment against the bench, snapping the fairly thin wooden handle in the process. Shit. That was all he could say at this moment. His teachers would surely punish him even more severely if they were to find out that he hadnt even been able to take care of a relatively easy assignment such as cleaning the place of the fallen elaves.
Arghh.... i dont waaaannnt tooo... He slumped down on the bench, making sure not to sit down on the scratch marks the rake had left. With his head between his hands he lazily watched the leafes lying on the ground, radiating a lack of motivation as much as a desire to finally leave the place.
Sudenly the light to his right flicked on and with a slight twitch he looked at the streetlight. Oh no... this late already?... I need to get home soon, otherwise ill sleep in tomorrow... agaiN!
Mumbling curses about the kids that had disturbed him before and the teacher that had forced him to do this he finally began working.
After what seemed like half an eternity he finally managed to rake all of the leaves into the center where he started shoving them into the black binbags that had been procided.
When Juko finally came home it was alredy well into the night and he knew that he would probably receive another punishment the next day, for coming to late to classes repeatedly. And i guess noones gonna believe me those dorks attacked me either...
WC: 442​

Current Ninpocho Time:
