Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Post Crisis City [Medical]

Sitting in the medical room, Umashi leaned back in his chair and waited for the patient that he was supposed to see. Since the mission to Crisis City had gone as planned, Umashi had taken the charge to personally monitor Takeshi and his teammates form the mission for any signs of radiation poisoning. So far, almost three months after the mission, they were all clear but with this being Yukio's last visit, Umashi wanted to make sure that things were handled well enough that the boy could receive the all clear. Looking over the charts that he'd taken over the course of the previous ninety days, Umashi nodded to himself as they all looked good to go.

For all that it was worth, the boy was doing very well and was on track to be a fine shinobi. No doubt as a Hyuuga, the last thing that he'd want is to be without the healthy body that would allow him to do great feats. A check up here or there wouldn't hurt. Plus as an ANBU, Umashi demanded that he and others like him be in tip top shape. Simply put, there was no escaping a visit to the doctors office. With his medical robe opened to reveal a shinobi flak jacket, Umashi tapped his foot as he waited for the kid to find his way to the medical room. The clock on the wall said that there were still another few minutes to go, but with it only being Umashi in the sterilized room, if Yukio didn't get there soon enough, Umashi was going to go out and grab him by the collar.
It didn't take much longer for the Yukio to arrive timeliness was one of his more prominent qualities though he had no issues with going to the doctors to see how he was holding up but it was tiresome having to stop by from time to time when he himself though everything was fine. But then again he wasn't a doctor nor a medical Shinobi and his only expertise lay in the ANBU branch.

As he walked into the room he greeted the Umashi with a bow of respect checking he time to see if he was late as he spoke

"Apologies if my entrance was not timely I tried to make haste as best I could"
Waving his hand, Umashi shook his head no. "No worries, you had a few minutes to spare." Nodding with a smile, Umashi waved his hand as if to shoo away the notion that he was upset and as he did so, he began to replicate the bloodline of the boy in order to better use it for his own means. Gaining the Byakugan, Umashi smirked as he began to see the world with an incredible detail not noticed by many other than those gifted with the Byakugan eye. Growing accustomed to the doujutsu once more, Umashi tested their effectiveness as he looked around the room, spotting various things in his newly adjusting perception. Once before Umashi had managed to partner up with a Hyuuga and had replicated her eyes. The doujutsu stood out among the many as one that despite not having fancy tricks, did allow for very practical uses.

With eyes a newly colored ivory white, Umashi looked to Yukio as he gave a good looking over of the boy. He seemed to move normally and to breath normally as well. Speaking, Umashi went through the usual batch of questions.
"So, are you experiencing any random headaches, loss of appetite? Radiation poisoning can be a funny thing to monitor especially when it's fueled by chakra. Heck, have you noticed any unusual patches on your skin, mole growths, and things of the like?" A lot of what could affect Yukio was internal but Umashi knew that outside of subjecting Yukio to more possible dangers that no good would come from ignoring the things that could be monitored. As he spoke, Umashi would move to grab the necessary needle and vial so that he could draw blood from Yukio. There would need to be lab work done on that as well.

OOC: Using Mastered Mystical Replication to copy Yukio's Byakugan (ICly)
Yukio had never seen such an ability before, the power to aquire the bloodline of another seemingly out of thin air to him it was quite fascinating to watch but not what he was here to do as Umashi made good use of those eyes to make the process quick and easy as the Hyuuga listened to the questions Umashi had for him stretching his limbs to show that at least to him everything seemed fine.

"Not that I have noticed at least if anything I feel refreshed to have had the experience outside of the village. I couldn't feel better"

He gave a smile to enforce this fact, he seemed eager and full of energy upon remembering the experience he had gained from his first official team mission for the leaf village, something he would take as a treasured memory.
Putting on gloves, Umashi quickly drew blood from Yukio before applying a bandaid to the wound site and then properly discarding the used gloves and needles. Having another medic come in and take the blood sample, Umashi would check Yukio's other vital signs. His blood pressure seemed normal, his weight was normal, and he didn't seem to have any issues with his vision. All in all, unless the blood work came back abnormal, Umashi could see that Yukio was in great shape and that he shouldn't have to worry about any ill effects from the mission that he'd been on. "Well, we'll call you concerning your blood work but everything else checks out fine. You're good to go Yukio!"

Knowing that Yukio had ANBU duties to attend to, Umashi would allow the boy to go as he continued filling out the paperwork that he needed to finish concerning Yukio. A file for the village council, a file for his medical records, a file for the Hyuuga clan and a file for the ANBU, all were put in their appropriate place. Soon Umashi's Byakugan would fade as he allowed the power to leave him but before it did he got up from the paperwork and took a brief walk to the roof of the building. Looking out at the village beyond, he smiled as he noted the rebuilding efforts concerning the Hokage mansion and then academy as well. It wouldn't be long before things were finished. With such a beautiful day, Umashi would move on from the short break and finish up his appointments for the rest of the day before leaving for the day.

OOC: Medical topic completed, topic left unless stopped.
He kept a straight face as his blood was taken, he had been in worse circumstances when seeing his own blood this was in a way a much more pleasant way of seeing it outside his body for once. As he waited patiently for Umashi's examination to be completed he had wondered what kind of things could have happened to him on that mission. things had seemed to go smoothly at least to those present at the time.

His train of thought was broken as he was given the Ok, it had gone quicker than Yukio had expected but then again this was most likely for the best the life of a Shinobi was always going to be a busy one as he stood up.

"Good to hear, thank you for your time in these matters"

With that he turned and walked out the room returning to his day to day business.

[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
