Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Practice Makes Perfect [Open]

Aug 24, 2012
Leisurely the maidens hand jolts outward to unleash a flurry of shuriken, whizzing through air to collide with a vibrant 'thud' against a practice dummy. Mikasa's gaze settles against four impaling objects, lodged in the same centralized arm region, "Are our tools becoming obsolete?" she ponders aloud prior to rummaging through her attire to retrieve a kunai. Twirling the deadly steel upon her index, the Medical Sennin arcs her arm slicing upwards for the object to hurl forward and sink against the forehead of the poor plank of wood figure.

The platinum mane maiden had not been fortunate enough to participate in the academy, although in this moment she could imagine her younger self training to better herself. In the spirit of a potential alternate reality, the kunoichi inhales gently, "Doton: Sutōnburetto!" a pebble expunges and rockets forward from her lips to pelt against the target. Weaving an additional set of hand seals, a barrage ensues of the same technique, relentlessly bombarding the innocent shinobi training tool. Strolling forward, her digits caress against the unfortunate creation, eying the damage thus far; however it never ceased to amaze her of how durable the academy grounds made these sort of items.

With her back turned to the academy, her digits adjust the shoulder length mane, droplets of prespiration threaten to stick to the rear of her neck. The day in itself wasn't particular hot, but her attire wasn't suited for the outside environment, wearing the formal Sennin attire. Adjusting the crimson bowtie, Mikasa pivots about to resume expelling pebbles against the target to pass the time until the next session she would be teaching. Hopefully, during the down time, she would be able to enjoy a conversation or two, "Where does everyone hide in between classes?" she inquires aloud in an amused tone.​
Sora was sprinting towards the academy, taking his meager breakfast with him. He had woke up later than usual and it already took him a long time to get to the academy anyways. It didn't help that he didn't eat breakfast. While sprinting to the academy he was wolfing down his breakfast and he let mind ponder on other things. His mind to went to straight to thinking about what life would be like if his parents were still alive. Whenever this happened he no longer found it weird, nor was it grief, he had long stopped feeling grief. No this was a part of him, a part that would never go away
unless he found ways to stop thinking about it.

As he was getting close to the academy he stopped thinking about the previous thought and started to try to make an excuse. He knew that the sensei would probably know that he was lying, but these skills will help him in the long run, even though he wasn't going to try to rely on these skills when he grew older. He would rather eliminate his opponents with ninjutsu, but that was a long time away. When he finally got to the training yard, he was surprised to see another person there. He could only stare in wonder as she perfectly threw her kunai and shurikens onto the training dummy. Each time she threw her projectiles it hit where she was aiming. He watched her continue to observe her from a distance. He never saw her around, but she was probably one of the teachers, but he didn't try to hurry to his class. He wanted to learn and what better way to learn than to watch someone else do it, granted that he would have to try it himself later. When she started to use ninjutsu Sora was are intently watching what she was doing.
In the corner of her peripheral, Mikasa takes notice of a raven hue youngster in the distance. The Sennin gestures for the young man to not linger, to approach and examine to his hearts content as a greater distance yields lesser results. In the midst of her own inspection does she find herself not recognizing the dark hair lad, potentially a new student; either that or the Medical Sennin had yet to make a proper acquaintance with the current new class of the Konohagakure Academy. A coy grin appears on the feature of the platinum kunoichi, "I was a bit of a bookworm myself, but it may be more beneficial for you to practice. The next class session isn't for awhile, so what say you? Care to learn?" she inquires in a vibrant tone.

A momentary lapse of time would ensue, the Sennin tapping upon her chin, "Do you have a particular element you have an understanding of or a specific one you wish to learn while participating at the academy?" she questions, nearly a formality of inquires as many students describe her performing. While it was true Mikasa could utilize a majority of the base elements, this didn't mean she were capable of utilizing them to their full strength. The Sennin was proficient at earth and lighting based above all else, however she tended to not rely on Doton as much as she should.

Settling upon the turf below, daintily the older woman's leg cross together and her hands clasp in a lock. Whether or not Matsushita Sora wished for a brief lesson, would he receive one; unless he wished to scamper away while he still had the opportunity to do so. Glancing repeatedly at the turf, the azure gaze instructed his seating across from her, "What is your name, young man?" she murmurs in a whimsical tone.​
Sora was so intently focusing on her, that it took him a moment to realize that the platinum-haired Kunoichi said beckoned him forward. At first, he thought he was in trouble but after a while, he realized that she was asking him if he wanted to learn. Sora quickly responded "Yes Sensei I would love to learn from you. " He didn't know if she was one of the Senseis in the academy, but he would gladly learn from her. She seemed like someone stronger, and he wanted to become stronger, to help protect his home, his village. He wondered if his parents were proud, of him.

After responding to that question Sora heard her say "Do you have a particular element you have an understanding of or a specific one you wish to learn while participating in the academy?"Sora thought about this for awhile, but finally, he responded by saying "Sensei I don't have a specific understanding on any of the elements, but I hope to learn more about wind. Sora wanted to use Futon jutsus, but he since he doesn't know his element yet he would settle for any other base element. He hoped that he would learn about what base element he has, he wouldn't also mind learning a few elemental jutsus before becoming a genin.

When he saw that she sat down he also did. "What is your name, young man?""Sensei my name is Matshuita Sora if you do not mind asking Sensei, what is your last name.
Nodding her head, the platinum mane frolics to and fro against the emerald turf, "Pleasure to meet you, Matsushita-kun." Mikasa replies in a brisk tone, pausing momentarily to address her lack of formalities, "Mikasa, I prefer those who use my first name. Tsukasa Mikasa being my full." she explains with a coy grin. Allowing her gaze to settle and falter to a close, the medical kunoichi is grateful to encounter an academy student who is a potential blank slate. Usually most came in with at least a single basic technique, the challenge a welcoming event.

Opening a single eye the Sennin unclasps her digits, freeing them from her temporary prison, "Fuuton? I would say that is the most difficult to get a grasp upon." she responds truthfully, extending her hands outwards, "Not everyone is capable of using more than a single nature type, let us hope that it is your chosen." Mikasa continues to explain, "I am a firm believe in imagining the action within your mind results in what you wish to perform. For instance, light zephyrs rustling your hair on a windy day to the very violent ones that cause trees to quake in fear." Pausing momentarily, she would allow this to sink into the mind of the youth, prior to continuing.

"Close your eyes, Matsushita-kun, grasp a hold of my hands and tell me what you picture when you think of wind." she murmurs in a calm tone. How would the academy student respond? In the mind of the young man would a raging storm or a gentle breeze be the imagery of choice? What was the definition of Fuuton Ninjutsu and how does each individual perceive the usage of the techniques?​
Letting what she just said sink in Sora responded "Pleasure to meet you too Tsukasa Sensei, sorry for addressing you by your last name but it is more formal Sensei. It would be disrespectful for me to call you Mikasa since you are my Sensei and you are older than me. I don't want to be disrespectful, so if you really want Tsukasa Sensei I will address you by your first name."Sora didn't really understand what was going on. Normally his senseis want their students to address them by their last name then Sensei, but his current sensei didn't seem to want him to call her by her first name. This was strange for him, so it would take time for him to get used to it.

When he heard say that Fuuton would be the most difficult he wasn't afraid to try to learn it. After all becoming a shinobi takes dedication and this was just one step in the long and difficult route to becoming a shinobi. He was also well aware that most people and shinobis would only have one nature type and he didn't care. If he could master one than that is already better than having multiple that you haven't mastered. "I am a firm believe in imagining the action within your mind results in what you wish to perform. For instance, light zephyrs rustling your hair on a windy day to the very violent ones that cause trees to quake in fear."Sora let this sink into his memory before continuing to listen to the lesson. He didn't know what this had to do with him trying to learn about Fuuton but he didn't question her.

"Close your eyes, Matsushita-kun, grasp a hold of my hands and tell me what you picture when you think of wind."Sora did as he was told and he closed his eyes and grasped Mikasa's hand. He then thought about wind and the first image that came to mind was a tornado. A force to be reckoned with, a tornado could easily destroy towns in hours if strong enough. He didn't know if this was good or bad but this was the first image that came into his mind.
Despite the difference in their stature, Mikasa's hand were quite petite, nearly matching the youngsters. Chuckling at the idea, she gives up on the title which the academy student wishes to address her by, "If you insist, Tsukasa-sensei is fine." the Sennin murmurs in a motherly tone. All the while, tenderly chakra escapes from the kunoichi and seeps into pores of the raven hair shinobi to be; the sensation of warmth and a calming presence would overcome his thoughts. "There are two different types of winds, destructive and gentle." she explains, unsure which the young man thoughts linger towards.

"I want you to imagine a caressing zephyr grazing across the blades of emerald grass. Merely swaying the branches of trees. I am placing a petite part of my chakra into you, focus on the warmth and inhale. Allow your lungs to expand and the warmth to fill your very lungs." she instructs, mimicking her own lecture prior to tilting her head backwards to release a sudden gust of wind. Depending on the imagery, the basic technique may differ greatly or falter to come into any effect at all. "Focus on the image of a gentle breeze and exhale, although I would prefer if you do so upwards and not towards me." Mikasa stifles a fit of laughter at the thought; wind blown locks were often a mess to correct.

The grip upon Sora tightens in a gentle fashion, ensuring the lad he were capable of performing a variation of the technique. Mikasa would not be surprised if spurts of wind were to ensue or an explosive brief exposure of wind. Never the least, an insight to how one of the five elements function was the real reason behind their petite lesson. To have on willing to follow instructions without a second thought idea in the academy.​

Current Ninpocho Time:
