Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Precice Cuts [Tutor with Maikeru]

Jul 6, 2018
Danii scans the one room apartment looking for something. The little one room apartment wasn't much, but it was a place of her own. She really needed to straighten up the place. It wasn't so much dirty, just messy.

“Where is that stupid thing? I know I tossed it right here yesterday. Or was it over there.”

She finally finds what she was looking for under the pillow of her bed as she pulls out a purple hoodie. She throws the hoodie on and zips it up. She had made sure to expand her wardrobe a bit with warmer clothes. She reaches for the harness holding her sword, and hesitates for a moment, before grabbing it, slinging it over her shoulder, and walking out. Ever since the sparring incident, the soul within her blade frightened her a bit. It seemed to offer strength she hadn't felt before, but she still wondered about the cost of using that strength. Still, the comfort of carrying the blade in the open outweighed the fear of wielding it. She just needed to train harder to make sure she could control it instead of being controlled. She mutters a promise to herself.

“I can't lose control again.”

As the door shuts behind her, Danii swings the sword over her shoulder and tightens the straps of the harness.She needed to find Maikeru. As a medic, he could help her train to be more precise with her attacks and have more control over her body. As a genjutsu user, he could help her with control over her mind. Well, as long as he doesn't try that dirty Tsukuyomi trick again.

“Now, if I was Maikeru, where would I be?”

Danii walked down the streets of the new and unfamiliar town. Good thing she was leaving early in the morning, because it will probably take her most of the day just to find Maikeru.

[WC: 317]
[Post 1 of 5]
Ninura was floating around town on her desert nimbus. Minding her own business, she was enjoying the sight of the Village from high up.

She was wearing her usual sleeveless white shirt, with a red tie and black jeans. A canteen attached to her hip through a belt loop. She had decided to let her white hair flow down, as she looked about down below with her ruby red eyes.

Her sand nimbus floated over a house in which a girl with a sword had came out of. She started to talk to herself about a Maikeru. The young Sunaku peered over the edge of her sand platform and spoke.

"What is a Maikeru?" After asking a simple question, Ninura then offered, "You're welcome to jump onto my desert nimbus with me to take to the skies to try and find this Maikeru."

Weather or not the other girl accepted the offer, Ninura sat down on her sand platform as it slowly descended down to be right next to the other girl.

She then remembered something, "Oh yeah. I almost forgot. I'm Sunaku Ninura. And before you ask, no I'm not joking. Sunaku originated from Sand, but I was born here." The girl didn't mind having to explain herself about her bloodline and having living here, but it does get old after a while. "Anyways, what's your name?" Ninura was actually interested in the girl that has a sword at her back.

The little Sunaku went from sitting, to laying down on her sand nimbus, as it flew around by only a small bit around the house of the other girl.

(Entered tutor with permission of Maikeru)
[OOC: Takes place After this thread ]

Maikeru's long trench coat billowed behind him as he walked down the streets of Kumo, the collar of it pulled high to help cut down on the small amount of chilly wind that seemed to cut through his clothes and froze him to the bone. As he walked down the street, passing by various stalls and merchants trying to peddle their wares, he came upon a quite interesting scene. Danni seemed to be searching for something, or at least that was his best guess by her mannerisms. But, more than that, she seemed to have made a new friend in a young cloud shinobi. How intriguing.

Walking up to the two of them, his arms and hands covered by the aforementioned trench coat and thing leather gloves, he gave them a small wave. He took a moment to eye up the new girl, to assess her abilities. From her stance, the way she carried herself, Maikeru assumed she was at least less experienced than himself. Though, without activating his Sharingan he couldn't really be too sure.

"What, we're in Cloud for a little bit and you already replace me with a new best friend Danni? Honestly, I am a bit hurt." He teased, ruffling the younger Nanjirou's mess of white hair. "I thought our friendship would last just a little bit longer, but you throw it on me like this? For shame."

Smiling at Danni, he turned his attention to Ninura, giving the girl a similarly friendly smile.

"Ah, and who might you be? You can call me Akira if it pleases you. You're a cloud local, right? At least, you seem more familiar with the town than Danni and I considering you approached two strangers." Again, he turned his attention to Danni. "The blacksmiths told me you were looking for me. What's up? Having problems with your sword again?"

[320 words]
Danii was lost in thought when a shadow crept over her. At first she didn't think anything about it as clouds were common here in this hidden village. She only hoped that it didn't mean another storm was passing through. It wasn't until a voice spoke up, that she looked up and noticed the Sunaku floating above her. It reminded her of one of her childhood friends from back home and she wondered briefly whatever happened to her. They had seemed to have lost touch after their academy days. Danii smiled at the girl and answered her.

“Well… ummm… he's a friend of mine that I was looking for. I'm new to the village and still don't know my way around yet. That's an interesting technique by the way. I had a friend who could do that, but I never saw her fly on her sand like you. I'm Nanjirou Umiko, by the way. Nice to meet you Ninura.”

Danii gives the girl a polite bow and watches as the cloud of sand begins descending.

“And thanks for the offer, I'm sure getting a view from above would be really helpful!”

Danii made her way over to the desert nimbus and was about to climb on when she heard a familiar voice behind her. She flinches at her name being called out and turns to see Maikeru walking up.

“There you are Akira. I was looking for Maikeru, but you will do."

She looks over to Ninura and then back at Maikeru.

“I'm not replacing my best friend yet. I would never do that to Reisetsu. But I am trying to make new friends here. This is Sunaku Ninura and she offered to help me find one of you two.”

The young Nanjirou gives the Uchiha a teasing smile and then sticks her tongue out at him. Laughing it off, she continues on to the more serious stuff.

“But I was looking for someone to help me with some training. I haven't had much time to practice with my sword lately and I figures you would be able to help me, especially with your particular skills. I need to learn how to be more precise in my attacks. I can't rely solely on the size and weight of my sword to win every fight. Plus, I think it will help me with my control if I wasn't swinging it around wildly like last…”

She kinda fades off at the end with a wince as she remembers the unfortunate training incident on their travel here.

[WC: 424]

[TWC: 741]
[Post 2 of 5]
Nanjirou Umiko. It sounded like a pretty name. And just as Umiko was about to get on the sand nimbus with her to help search for Umiko's friend, another person showed up. Apparently another friend of Umiko's. But he called her Danni.

"Hm. Nanjirou Danni Umiko. Is that a full name? It's very pretty." Ninura commented. Not even giving it a second thought on the name situation. The Sunaku turned to the guy was joking with Umiko. "I'm Sunaku Ninura. And before you ask, yes, Sunaku are usually in Sand. But I'm different. My Mom, who is also a Sunaku, lives here too. And nice to meet you Alive!"

Then a thought came to her, as she had mentioned her mother. "Oh wait. Mom wanted me to get groceries to make her famous Suna Cloud Pies! I'm sorry, I have to go!" With that, the little Sunaku zipped away on her desert nimbus to the closest store.

(Topic left due to life things)
"Well.. that was weird.." Maikeru commented as the white haired woman began to fly off, heading towards wherever it was that she needed to be. Something about her mother or whatever. With a shrug, he looked back to Danni, giving the girl a small smile. "So, you needed me for some training Danni? Well, that is something I can certainly manage. Though, our talk would be much more productive at the hospital. I may not have an office anymore, but I can borrow an exam room in order to show you some charts. Come on, come with me."

Maikeru waved his hand towards himself as he began to walk down the streets of Kumo, hoping that Danni would be close behind him. As he walked, he continued to question the young Nanjirou, his eyes remaining forward on the street ahead. He was still new to Kumo, and while he was learning the way around, it was still very easy for him to get lost. He had gotten lost twice today already.

"So, you wanna learn about anatomy? Well, you've come to the right person. They teach us the basics in the academy, but there's so much you learn while training to be a medical shinobi. For example, there are far, far more ways to cause someone to bleed out then the obvious ones. Honestly, it's kind of horrifying learning how frail we really are. Nothing more than a sack of meat with some tendons and skin to hold it all together."

He gave a small laugh, before pointing to his throat.

"In fact, there's so many places in the neck alone that can cause instant, irreparable damage, that I'd honestly recommend you aim there every single time. But, I get that that's not always an option. Gotta keep your mind open if you want to cause an enemy to bleed out. A rather vicious approach if you ask me, but, an apt and consistent one."

(325 words)
Danii watches as the girl drifts off on her cloud of sand and then turns towards Maikeru.

“You know, these new identities aren't going to work if you keep using our real names.”

She followed along beside him and listened as he talked. She thought she knew about bleeding an enemy out, but, as she listened, she realized that there were more efficient ways to do it than she had thought possible. While she had learned to be precise with her strikes over the years of training, she had never considered that certain points of the body might be weaker to cuts than others.

“Yea, I kinda want to learn more about the human body to make the most of my attacks. I figured it would be a good idea to learn better control over my attacks instead of clumsily swinging my sword around and letting it do most of the work. Plus, I feel like I need to focus better on controlling my sword instead of giving in to it. I kinda hope learning precision will help me in that.”

As they walk, Danii looks around the unfamiliar streets. They hadn't been here long, so she was still trying to learn where everything was located.

“I did know the neck was a vulnerable spot. I was always taught to protect that area while in a guard stance. But there are other areas that can bleed heavily too?”

The young Nanjirou girl finally saw a familiar little shop. A blacksmith's shop that Danii and Rei had visited not too long after they arrived here. But they shouldn't be passing it on the way to the hospital.

“Umm… Mai… Akira. I think we are heading in the wrong direction. If I remember right, it should be a few streets over that way and headed in that direction.”

[WC: 308]
[TWC: 1049]
[Post 3 of 5]

Well, at least he had only gotten lost three times today, slow progress. With a sigh, Maikeru corrected their course, guiding the young Nanjirou down the correct streets until they finally reached Maikeru's place of employment. The inside of the hospital was.. interesting, to say the least. The loose dress code, if you could call it that, was immediately on display as the nurse in front of them was wearing the shortest skirt that Maikeru had ever seen. Well, if you could call a thin piece of fabric just below her groin a skirt that is. Blushing slightly, Maikeru keeps his head down and walks past the girl, leading Danni towards an unoccupied exam room.

"That's Rin." He explained as he closed the door behind her. "Nice girl, just bought a home with her husband, real happy couple."

It was a few more moments of preparation, and Maikeru dressing out of his warm outerwear to get down into A T-shirt and pants. Thinking, he pulled out a few drawers before withdrawing a small black felt tip marker. Uncapping it, he walked over to Danni, before taking a seat in the rolling chair that was set inside for the doctor. With a hand, he gestured for Danni to sit on the exam bed behind him.

"We don't have any dummies or anything, so I'll have to substitute." He gestured with the marker, before scratching the back of his head with his free hand. "Now, the human body is quite complex and intricate. But, if you're looking for a crash course, that much I can do for you. Now, there are two different ways to think about where to strike. Do you intend to kill or do you intend to maim?"

As he asked this question, he turned around, showing the back of his neck to the girl. Slowly, he began to trace a small dotted line over the places where the vertebrae of his spine met his neck, showing clearly where the spaces between them lied.

"Now, if you can, aim for the spinal cord. You want to aim high, otherwise, you'll only damage the nerves in the lower parts of the body. Typically the back of the neck is the best place, as that's where the most obvious spaces are in the vertebrae. You want a clean slice right through the cord, effectively cutting off the persons brain from their body."

(402 words)
Danii shook her head and chuckled under her breath as Maikeru adjusted their course towards the hospital. How did they end up in a situation like this where the blind has to lead the blind? But whatever circumstances led them here, they eventually did find the hospital. As they entered the hospital, even Danii couldn't resist sneaking a peak at the rather lax dress code. She was beginning to think that skimpy clothes were just part of the Kumo custom, because, between Suika and this nurse, they don't seem to be dressed appropriately for the weather. Maybe one day Danii would consider the style, but for now she was definitely going to stick with her warmer clothing.

“She definitely seems to have quite a… personality. Maybe I should tell Rei to keep her eyes on you here. I saw you blushing and trying to resist the urge to look.”

She jokingly elbows Maikeru and then waits for him to get ready for her lesson. She hops up on the table and looks curiously at him. This would be different than any lesson he had given her before. Those were usually more on her physical strength or chakra control. She wondered how he planned to proceed with a more technical lesson. As he began drawing on himself, Danii leaned forward eagerly and watched intently. As he marked the spaces between the vertebrae, her eyes scanned rhe surrounding tissue looking for lines of muscles and bumps of bones under the skin that would help her keep track of these spaces.

“Ok, so these would be good places to strike if I see the opening, but what would I do if my enemy kept his defenses up? Are there places that I could strike to wear him down? To bleed him out? I know some veins are more vital or dangerous than others, but not which ones.”

[WC: 314]
[Total WC: 1363]
[Post 4 of 5]
"Well I suppose that depends how they're defending.." Maikeru said. Thinking, he held out his hand to his side and summoned the new ethereal blade of Kusanagi. Rubbing his chin to think, he then went though a few defensive positions. "Alright, well.. assuming you're fighting someone who uses a blade the smartest thing to do would be to aim at their tendons or the places where the muscles gather. With a clean cut you could completely sever their forearm muscle, I imagine that would make wielding a sword rather difficult."

Opening his hand, the sword vanished into a cloud of dust and spirit essence, before disappearing completely. Spinning his chair around, he wheeled it towards a small chart that was sitting on the counter. On it was a detailed display of the muscles in the human body. Circling several spots, Maikeru then handed the small sheet of laminated paper to Danni. Pushing his feet against the ground he wheeled back to his original position, crossing his arms across his chest.

"There, I circled a bunch of places that would help you easily sever the muscles on a human. There's also every artery and vein in the body, study up on that if you wish to know more." Sighing, he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I know it's not much, but there's not a whole lot I can teach you in a crash course. Just use that big brain of yours to be honest. Once you know the deadliest spots on the body, just work to chip away at them and look for an opening in their defense."
Danii’s face scrunched up as she examined the chart intensely. There were more important muscles, veins, and arteries than she realized in the body. This chart would be helpful, but it was only a start. She needed to study and train more if she hoped to retain and utilize this info. Happy with the start, she hops up from the examination bed. She grabs an Anatomy book off of a shelf and puts the chart inside the cover. She tucks the book under her arm.

“I'm borrowing this. Is that ok?”

Her question comes out as more of a statement than a request as she turns back towards Maikeru. She gives him a hug and then quickly heads towards the door without giving him much time to actually answer her.

“Thanks for the help. I'll make sure to get this back to you soon. You make sure that your eyes don't get you in trouble. Wouldn't want to see Rei beat you up. Later!”

She rushes out the door, but pokes her head back in a few moments later.

“Oh, and I'm cooking dinner tomorrow. You and Rei should come by if you want something good to eat. Bye!”

She leaves again and makes her way back towards the library to study the chart and book she borrowed. Veins, muscles, weak spots. Not the cleanest way to dispatch an enemy, but she wasn't worried about getting her hands bloody. Hopefully she would be able to convert the circulatory and muscular biology lesson she just learned to good combat use.

[WC: 257]

[Total WC: 1620]

[Post 5 of 5]

"Yea sure sure." Maikeru said, waving his hand towards the girl as she took the book of autonomy into her hand. "If they ask, you have no idea where it is and I never saw you take it."

As the girl embraces him in a hug, Maikeru smiles down at her, giving her a few small pats on the back. Shaking his head, he watches with a happy expression as she runs gleefully out of the examination room. Chucking to himself, he turns down to look at the paperwork on the counter in front of him. He supposed he should finish this before he left for the day. That was, until Danni returned to tell him that she would be cooking dinner for the three of them.

"Yea, I'll be there." He said, giving her a smile, before ushering her out the door.

There was a moment of happiness, of joy in Maikeru's life, before he looked back down at the paperwork. Dozens of forms that would have to be filled out one by one, including one for this use of the examination room for the class. Sighing, he looked out towards the window and the low setting sun. Maybe, just maybe, that could wait until tomorrow as well.

[WC: 209]
[Twc: 1510]

Current Ninpocho Time:
