Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Prelude to an Epidemic. (Private, PMTJ)

Oct 22, 2012
Gin Keiji

Keiji laid in his bed, cold sweat running down his face, his breathing flushed. He could feel the chill in his room, he knew something or someone was watching him. He tried to sit up, but his body felt cold and numb. Fear and panic didn't start to set in, his mind was racing on finding some way to move. To get up and look around for whatever was hiding in the darkness.
But he realized as to why he couldn't move. He felt the invisible fingers holding him to the bed. Soon enough he felt the hands of someone grasp his shoulders, real hands he could see attached to arms. heaving him upright against his will. Keiji's arms were jerked back by unseen hands.

Bright, violent eyes staring into coral green. Satou's eyes. The Demon's eyes. The Demon smiled in the dark, Keiji's eyes had adjusted enough to see the demon manipulating his friend. It churned Keiji's stomach seeing Satou smile in such a way. Keiji knew what was going to happen, he prepared enough traps to stop intruders from his room. But it seemed the demon was no simple intruder.

He felt the cold hand leave one shoulder, fingers tracing along his throat, to the back of his neck. Cold fingers running through his hair before nails dig into flesh and the hand pulls his head back exposing his neck. Keiji tried to speak, but only whispers creep from his lips. "Satou, stop this." But what his ears heard were the low hums of laughter from lips inches from his ear.

"Oh, he won't hear your screams my dear Keiji. He'll think he left you on good tidings. He won't know of the plans I have for this place. But you will, you'll get to see it all unravel. And be a part of it as well." Before Keiji could do or say anything. He felt the sharp points of the demon's fangs cut deeply into his neck. A gurgled cough for air as the jaw tightened around Keiji's throat. He could feel the heavy flow of blood leaving him, and the sickly sound of the demon feeding next to his ear. Keiji's limbs shaking, fighting to try and move, to fight as he choked for air. Everything was slowly fading as limbs grew cold.

He wanted to cry, he knew this was going to be the end. He was going to die. But just as all his hope to live dwindled in the darkness. The demon stopped drinking from him, he felt his airway open just enough to breath and the rush of air and loss of blood made Keiji feel like the room was spinning. He tried to focus, tried to breath slower as he could feel the demon clean his neck. And it spoke once more through Satou's lips. "Now, i'm going to give you a grand gift my dear Keiji." Those words shot fear through Keiji's body, his hands tried more now to wrile themselves free. But it was futile, he had lost too much blood, too much strength. He wasn't strong enough to fight the Demon or Satou.

As Kaiji tried to fight for his humanity, he was smothered by a sickening taste across his mouth as the demon forced it's bleeding wrist roughly against Keiji's face. He tried to fight, turning his face away with sheer muscle force, almost feeling like he snapped his neck doing so.The demon did not cease to smear it's the blood across his face. The Demon was not pleased with this attitude, and forced it's bleeding wrist against Keiji's mouth. Choking and coughing, trying to wrestle among mouthfuls of blood for air. The searing heat running into his stomach. Everything twisting and spinning faster as Keiji screams out through the blood drowning him.

"No!" He shot upright screaming. It had been well over a month ago. Maybe more since he was losing track of time over the last couple weeks. Yet it felt as if it happened over and over again each time it played through his dreams. He was alone, it made him sick thinking that he had to remind himself, the demon was not there waiting for him in the dark of the room. He could move. breath, but what had happened that night stained him. And he was sure the demon was pleased with its work.


Keiji slowly laid back down in his cold damp bed, Sweat from the night terrors covered his backside. Having night terrors ever since the Demon within Satou attacked him and fed Keiji the demonic tainted blood, just before Satou left for Sunagakure. Of course nobody knew of this. Firstly, Keiji didn't want anyone to know what the demon had done to him, and using him as a guinea pig test subject. Secondly, he didn't want them chasing down his friend for what he was capable of. Or rather what the demon was planning to do with him. Laying there Keiji reached up, touching the bite marks. He had fed Satou before, but the demon had taken a larger bite into his throat, it was more visible and deeper than the others. It made his chest feel empty and a feeling of something watching him every time he had to think about it.

Getting up from bed every morning, he had to cover up the bites with make up. as he also took to wearing more hoodies. If he needed to go outside to check up on the shop, he avoided public activity all together. Every morning going into his washroom, he looked up in the mirror. Staring back at him was a young eighteen year old, semi long ruffled blonde hair, pale sickly skin, deep sunken red eyes. He hated these eyes. They looked desperate. More make up, contacts to cover the eye color. He had picked coral green, his natural eyes, when he was human.

The demon forced its demonic blood onto him, in doing so. Keiji was cursed. Though this didn't stop his creative intuition. It took several days to heal from the neck wound. He wasn't a demon like Satou, least not yet. The blood was taking it's course. But he had maybe a few days before the changes occurred. Even with his neck barely healed, covered in bandaging by his own hands. He had to get to work before the blood continued its malevolent work.

He immediately began working in his lab. Thankfully Satou had gathered numerous samples for Keiji to examine and test. Using different formulas on both Satou's and Kahako's blood samples. He was getting better results with Kahako's blood. The demonic blood was attacking human blood cells. Not all blood cells. Just two specific types.

Keiji found that within Satou's blood, he couldn't find any Eosinophil, which protects blood cells and the human body against multicellular parasites. The thought of missing Eosinophil made Keiji believe the blood carried parasites that spread through the victim by attacking the immunity cells and mutating them into a viral infection. What was also relevant in the examination under a rather powerful microscope which he built from multiple scraped microscopes.

Satou was also missing Lymphocyte B Cells which was the alarm system for the entire human body to release antibodies in case of virus cells or sickness. This clicked in place for Keiji in what he had to do when finding that Kahako, who didn't drink much of Satou's blood, still had both the Eosinophil and the Lumphocyte B Cells. Though he could'nt determine if the sample was relevant to his own.

Luckily, examining his blood gave a definitive answer. His Lymphocyte B Cells and Eosinophil were missing, like Satou. He felt complete dread. Examining his blood samples over and over again, taking multiple samples even. Gone. and with that, he was stumped.

Though he didn't know of any way to restore or introduce both those cells into a deprived blood system, that was attacking its own cells, he had no answers to read in his large library of scattered books along his room. Human medical biology wasn't his strong suit. He needed to talk to someone who knew more about human biology and medicine. The only name that came to mind was Kahako.

He had avoided her since the last incident of her diving into Satou's twisted mind. Keiji knew how bad it was in there, he spent enough time delving into the demonic mind, only to reel back in horror at the things that Satou suffered through. And Keiji was not going to let the demon turn him into what Satou is today.

It was but a few days, he determined. He did his best to drink liquids that try and boost immune system, try and eat fruits and vegetables to help as well with a system in his body that was slowly shutting down. He did everything he could. Yet his body felt worse and worse.

It was the day after discovering what could be the answer, he had put on his make up and contact lenses. Put on a rugged grayed hoodie and baggy pants that were being held to an emaciated body by a leather black belt and buckle. Stepping outside felt foreign to him, he wanted to go back inside, though he wanted to approach her for help rather then calling out for her to see him. In fact he was having trouble keeping track of her for the past couple weeks after the incident in the Hospital.

So instead, he left the safety of his home to venture to the Shinrya Estate. The warm sun overhead, the smell of the street, the people, food. Everything mingle along his senses, even if they were dulled. He missed having a normal appetite, he couldn't stomach normal food anymore. And the thought of stomaching the alternative made his body shiver.

Arriving at the estate, the young blonde haired green eyed youth stood stalk still. Fear was setting in again, he was thinking of likely outcomes. Least favorite being a guinea pig for tests by the medical field of this village. He wanted to stay away from them, he had interests in perusing medicine by natural means. Not by Shinobi arts. Keiji had to believe in the power of technology and science.
Keiji's only hope left was that Kahako could solidify what little belief he had left to give. He pulled out a small silver flask, it was'nt filled with booze like Satou's. It was loaded with medication that helped boost the immune system. As he did so he could feel tugging in his chest, like his body was shifting around internally.

He cringed and felt a bit dizzy, faint even. But he balanced himself. Breathed and looked for a way in or to ring for the gates to be open.
Fully dressed in her mednin uniform, Kahako paced the confines of her room biting her thumbnail as indecision and fear plagued her. The incident in the garden earlier that week bothered her more than she would ever willingly say. Frankly speaking, she was running out of ideas and options in containing the spirit within her. That, and being unable to harness her chakra made her… itchy… agitated.

She longed for her role as mednin in the village, but until she could fully control Sakana, using her chakra was a risk. Both her and Kitsune spent hours researching into the topic of spirits, but all the research they could find pointed to the same conclusion: Removing the spirit from the host. The only problem with that solution? Since there was a direct connection now between Kahako’s chakra and both spirits, the removal of Sakana and Sukino had the potential to damage Kahako’s chakra systems in the process.

And that was a risk Kahako couldn’t accept. “Dammit” she whispered before making up her mind and walking towards the door. Grabbing her jacket and scarf on the way out. She would have to look elsewhere. The medical branch in all its knowledge (forbidden, allowed, and varying shades of grey) could not help her here. Well… that and she only allowed a select few within the branch to know her true state of instability. She still had her pride, after all.

No, Kahako would look outside the opaque walls of the Aesculapium. Possibly beyond the village, if need be. What happened in her last trip into her mind disturbed her deeply, and she held what happened close to her chest. Part of her was still unwilling to utter into reality how bat-shit crazy she was becoming, and the other part didn’t want to worry her family. She always tried to shoulder her burdens on her own if she felt she could handle it. But what happened within was beginning to blur with reality, and she knew all too well the dangers if she ever failed to keep the two separate.


The sheer grandeur of the Kitsune mansion would leave a sour taste in any modest individual’s mouth, but this was the Shinrya clan’s level of modest. When the first settling members obtained the sizable portion of land, they spared no expense in showing the world just how deep their pockets went so early in their clan’s life. Every corner through the generations remained maintained to its peak condition, and even from the iron bars one could see the level of hubris the original Shinrya head held.

The gate, standing several meters high, exposed to Kaji a sizeable, well-kept pond and formal garden. The house laid off in the distance was massive in its own right. In a somewhat miraculous feat it overshadowed the front lawn and it would be clear to him that it would take a good couple minutes before he would ever be able to grace the front door at a regular pace.

Off to the side of the gate, a small callbox with a monitor came to life with Kaji’s approach. “May I help you,” came the voice of an older gentleman, looking as if he was just reaching his early 40s. The camera above the monitor shifted upwards, it’s lens rotating to focus on Kaji’s face. The doorman frowned. “I am sorry, sir, but if you are here for medical assistance, the Shinrya’s do not usually take personal appointments,” he said mistaking Kaji’s reason for visiting. “All business must be conducted through the hospital.”

As Kaji cleared up the reason for his visit, the Shinrya employee, while still on the monitor, picked up the phone that linked directly to the house. As he confirmed Kaji’s identity, it would be a few more minutes before he appeared for off to the side to open the iron gates. “You must forgive my impudence , master Gin,” the gate guard said with a bow as he allowed Kaji into the front lawn. “There have been many longstanding patients who have been persistent in seeking Kahako-sama’s medical aid ever since she stepped down as Sennin and taken a leave of absence. Please… allow me to escort you to the drawing room.”


Boots clicked down the halls of the mansion with a graceful rush. It made her curious that Kaji chose to visit Kahako out of the blue without sending a proper warning ahead of him. He almost missed her on her way out, and gave her no time to change for the proper reception of guests to the mansion. But it was Kaji, so he probably would not mind her generic Sentou outfit. As she approached the drawing room, she mildly wondered if he heard urgent news of Satou and rushed to her in some kind of emergency. The thought quickened her pace.

Just as she was about to push the door open, the tell-tale pull of Sakana’s conscious began to rise to the surface. Kahako paused, afraid that Sukino would be forced to take control. But all that came to her forethought was a deliciously soft and longing whisper that was Sakana’s voice. ‘I feel it… the blood… my precious blood is near.’

Kahako grimaced as her hand gripped the knob tighter, not acknowledging the speaker, and going through her mental steps to lock the voice back down into her subconscious. A soft, cutting laughter floated through her mind and grew distant. Confident she would maintain control, she opened the door with a small smile placed carefully on her face. ‘blood will recognize blood, even after death it seems…’ Sakana cooed to her host before becoming silent once more.

The drawing room the doorman led Kaji to was one of the smaller, albeit fancier reception areas in the mansion. Every piece of furniture and décor was either a priceless antique or somewhere close to being so. Even the intricate china that held two untouched cups of steaming hot tea and small edible biscuits looked to be worth a month of a normal shinobi’s pay.

“Gin-san!” Kahako chimed in her usual, if not tired voice. Her smile would fade quickly as her eyes fully focused on him. Despite his best efforts to appear normal, Kahako had been a doctor for too many years to not recognize the symptoms of malnourishment. “Raiden-sama, you look like death,” she breathed with worry as she closed the door behind him and crossed the expanse of the room. “What happened? Is everything okay with Satou?” she asked first.

Upon getting a better look at him in the window’s light, all worry about their shared demon friend shifted to the boy before her. Some would say her innate skills as a doctor went into overdrive when she became a mother. Junko often called her ‘the mother he never had’ during their rounds. It was a jest to her incessant coddling that was indiscriminate between patient and peer.

Whatever it was, it took a good portion of Kahako’s self-control to not immediately start taking his vitals and calling for a maid to bring an IV bag up from one of Kitsune’s labs. “Forget Satou for a second, is everything okay with you?” she asked, voice now fully tinged with worry.
When the monitor fired up Kaiji was lazily looking past the gates. He had a mild interested in the grand scale of the Shinrya estate. The gate itself looked rather fanciful, the grounds looked well kept, the tree's all trimmed nicely as were the gardens and housing area looked well kept and very expensive.

It was almost like a well lit sign speaking of the clans standing. It made the blonde youth feel rather small and insignificant compared to the rest of the village, he lived in minimal finance and solitude. He wondered if this place was really in anyone's taste, or was it just a standard to keep.

The voice on the intercom took his attention, turning his green eyed gaze over the screen. "Yes, i'm here to see Shinrya Kahako." The gentleman then spoke that medical attention was to be sought at the hospital and that Kahako wasn't seeing patients. Kaiji shook his head, clearing his voice. "Nah dude, i'm not here to get medical help." He lied rather well. " My name is Gin Kaiji, a personal friend of Kahako-san. I've urgent news regarding a colleague of hers which is private information that is classified."

With that being said the gentleman went and made contact with the mansion for verification, then corrected himself, and showed up at the gate to let Kaiji inside the grounds.

"It's all good dude, you're just following procedures. Keep up the good work." He tried being friendly with people. It was rather awkward for him at the moment. He kept somewhat mentally distant since he awoke feeling worse then the previous days. He knew he didn't have much time. But that didn't mean he jeopardize his chances to keep things peaceful.

As he walked the grounds and was lead to the manor, the entire view was nothing short but breathtaking to just stare at when passing by. Well, for one who has grown up with very little in his life, these sort of luxuries were extravagant. More and more he wondered if Kahako liked all this. He had to keep his mind busy with ideal thoughts. He could feel something lurking in the back of his mind. Like forgetting something but it just hinges on the edge of coming back to the forefront of thought.

He felt as though there were blank pieces after the demon forced its blood upon him, it worried him just as much as the curse thrown upon him. His mind was all up in the clouds, not noticing where he was being guided to. He was brought into a nice cozy room one could lounge about.

Soft furniture and large spacious windows to draw in lots of light. It made his eyes a bit sore, so he stood in the shadows by the window, only glancing outward by the window to see the grounds and the people working about the grounds. He wondered what their lives were like, what day to day thoughts go through their minds.

Much like an approaching whisper. He could have sworn he heard a laughter. Something throaty and deep, something that almost didn't sound human. It made Kaiji spin about in a room alone. He was alone, but he could have sworn on his life the laughter was just behind his shoulder. He could hear as he calmed his breathing. Stood still and listened with his ears.

Nothing. Just his own breathing. And a burning in his chest again, almost on muscle memory his hands reached for the flask of medication, a few swigs. The burning slowly subsided but his body was feeling even weaker. Was it all the walking and moving around increased the infection?

He didn't have time to run that hypothesis as his body suddenly pulsated with pain. It was the same sensation of having panic attacks, his whole body throbbing as if all his nerves were on fire, he could feel his blood under his skin crawl and shift. He wanted to be sick and clung to himself shaking from the shock of sudden pain.

Yet just as sudden as it happened, his body stopped throbbing in pain but the feeling of his body shifting and his blood pulsating under his skin kept on. Even as the sound of the doorknob turning Kaiji was facing out the window, only hearing Kahako's voice, did he turn to look at her.

His skin looked a bit clammy now, his breathing was shallow as he talked. He felt rather pathetic hearing his voice horsed. "Hey Kahako-san. Sorry to bug you like this out of the blue." He tried giving a laugh, awkwardly.

"Yeah, you could say it's been a rough couple days for me." He sighed when she mentioned Satou. Again the images of the demon controlling him, biting his throat.

The sudden images in his mind, caused him to look away in silence. his right hand reaching up to the side of his neck, he didn't notice at first he touched the bite marks he covered with make up. He pulled his hand away, some of the make up was rubbing off from sweating. Looking at her for a moment then reaching into his pocket he pulled out some notes, a small bottle of water and a small cloth rag.

He handed her his findings. The three pages had a comprised template of information. Each at the top was the names of each subject. Ketsueki Satou, Shinrya Kahako, Gin Kaiji.

Down the list of information was basic body information, then blood typing, then findings and imagery of each subjects blood sample in magnified form. Kahako could see that Satou's was the worst, his blood was completely mutated with different forms of cells growing in different formations.

Then her's, she had only one or two small mutations to her blood in an extra cell or two. And then Kaiji's sample, which looked similar in colored cells to Kahako's. except he was missing about half the amount of cells and this was all explained even in writing in below paragraphs underneath the images.

Subject A: Missing major immunity cells, remaining cells have completely mutated beyond recognition of original formation.
Subject B: Cells look healthy and intact, all immunity cells are remained yet there are some that have muted even extra cells.
Subject C: Loss of 50% of comprised blood cell formations and slight mutations to
remaining cells are beginning to progress to stages of subject A.

As Kahako was reading these pages, Kaiji whetted the cloth with the bottle of water and began cleaning his neck. Revealing the massive bite wound to his throat that was still healing over. He had used a lot of medication and ointments to heal it within the short few days he's had to recover and perform research within his lab.

He breathed an exasperated sigh after cleaning his neck. Taking out the green contact lenses a bit shaky. But managed. Blinking his bright ember red eyes a bit. Giving them a wipe with the cloth to remove some more make up that hid the bags under his eyes. Making him look even more pale and sickly, he spoke calmly but held a bit of tiredness in his voice.

"Before Satou left, the demon took control and attacked me in the night. It fed upon me and then fed me Satou's blood. I tried to find a way to stop the change. All I could get through was changes in the blood.

I don't know what else its doing to me. But this is my findings between the three of us. And since your blood is the least negatively effected by Satou's blood. I'm coming to you for help, I don't think I could trust anyone else with this." Near the end his voice was hanging with fear, his hands were shaking as he put the water away and threw the cloth out.

He pulled out the small flask, shaking it, hearing it only slosh a bit. Not much left. "I mixed together a small concoction of medication to help boost the immune system. It's helping fight it off, but it's not stopping the progression. I'm only able to slow this down. I don't know how much time I have left before I completely become like Satou, or maybe worse."

He shuddered at the thought of mutating beyond something human and becoming a grotesque horror. He shook his mind of the thought, he was feeling light headed and wanted to sit down.

He kept his attention on Kahako. "Can you help me with this? Is there some way we can stop this?" He was hanging on every bit of hope that she could find some way to fix this or help him find a solution.
It didn’t skip Kahako’s notice when Kaji lifted his hand to his neck awkwardly before looking at her with an unreadable expression. She never noticed the nervous tick before, but it made her shift under his gaze before he began fishing for something in his pocket. A single eyebrow rose when he presented her with three pieces of paper that had been folded and unfolded many a time, having long ago lost the crisp newness that came with white parchment. Not a single word was spoken between them when she reached out to grab the paper. Kaji’s blank stare and initial lack of response silenced the worry that lay on the mednin’s lips about the man’s current vitality.

As soon as Kahako began reading the report, she almost wished she hadn’t. Slowly, her body eased against the back of a massive chair in the room. The more she read, the more disturbed she became. She knew what a human blood cell looked like. Kitsune’s thrive for research in the medicine field may have only extended to the matriarch’s heir, but the woman at least beat basic biology into her adopted daughter’s head.

And what Kahako saw between her, Kaji’s, and Satou’s blood was not normal. What confused her was why Kaji’s was so strange, as if his cells were in the middle of a metamorphosis. But what made her pale what the realization hers was better.

So engrossed Kaji’s findings, that it wasn’t until his soft voice echoed around the walls that she looked up. There was no gasp from her lips, but Kahako’s eyes widened, and her hands rose over her mouth as she gazed upon the sick truth that she prayed for years wouldn’t happen.

Satou attacked someone. Satou attacked Kaji…

The report hung loosely in Kahako’s hand as she returned Kaji’s terrified red gaze. The boy was shaking, and it was all Kahako could do to not do the same. That’s why Sakana rose but did not fight. Blood will recognize blood.

She looked back at the paperwork, mentally soaking in Kaji’s words, and carefully scanned the notes again to make sure she missed nothing in his report. It was significantly detailed, pointing out the mutations and what they were doing to the cell. What the cell became when fully transformed. He trusted her so much with this, that she didn’t have the heart to look him in the eye as she tried to form her next words. “If my mother knew of your research capabilities, she would have found a way to legalize drafting into the medical branch.”

Immediately, Kahako grimaced, regretting the terrible joke in such a dire situation for the man before her. She was clearly out of practice when it came to her bedside etiquette. She closed her eyes and tried again. “This is only one test, and as a medical professional I cannot say conclusively that the change is permanent. There are too many lurking variables, and further testing would be needed to begin even considering a cure.”

Kahako slowly approached Kaji placing her hands on the man’s shoulders in a desperate attempt to calm him down. She got the feeling that the word ‘test’ put him on edge, and whether her intuition was right or not, she felt like if she didn’t ground him somehow he would make a break for the door. Or blow away with too strong a gust of wind. Damn he was thin…

“But even then, Kaji, I am trained to be a combat oriented emergency responder and psychologist. I’m not experienced enough in human biology or cellular mutation to be able to do this alone or know where to begin to take the next step.” Kahako spoke gently to him trying to ease him into he next sentence. “But… I know someone who may be able to help. The medical sennin, Tsuyoshi Junko, is deeply specialized in biology and kinjutsu. I am not certain how far his knowledge goes, but I trust the man as if he were family.” Kahako released Kaji’s shoulders, a wrinkle between her brows grew as she began to think aloud. “I’ve been away from the hospital for so long, I do not know if he’s even in the city right now…” Kahako tapered off.

Shaking her head, Kahako mentally waved the stray thought away. “Regardless If Satou attacked you, it could mean that he attacked others before he left. Others we don’t know about and know nothing of him. The hospital may have treated patients with similar symptoms. If this worse case scenario is true, your research and participation could be vital or what the hospital has could mean a cure for you. But…”

At this, Kahako’s mask broke and pure anguish rushed through her face. “No… not ‘but’. We have to report this to the leadership. If there are others in your situation, they will need to know the full extent of the danger and how to properly combat it. I’ve felt the insanity that comes with fully becoming one of Satou’s… kind. And the Raikage has seen it in Satou’s dreams.”

Kahako chose not to voice her darker thoughts on Ayumu’s response. As a member of the village, Kaji’s attack was enough to force Satou into prison. If others are involved? Whether Satou was fit of mind or not when he did it, he may be considered an enemy of the state and executed. Of this, Ayumu drew a strong, and vengeful line.

No, Kahako needed Kaji to comply. To find her argument the logical and best choice. Not just for him, but also for the rest of the village. Despite every ounce of her heart begging her to hide Kaji and his findings to protect a man she called family. “I know I am asking a lot of you, and I pray your trust in me extends this far. I swear by Raiden-sama, I will do everything within my power to find you a cure before it’s too late, but we can’t fix this alone. And even if you don’t want to get the medical branch involved with your own health, you can’t do this alone.” She left the question unspoken, letting Kaji decide if he wanted to follow her advice or if he would strike out on his own to find the answer.
As he stood there, he didn't want to seem afraid. Though the worry in his eyes wouldn't leave. The deep pale red softened to a hot ember, he could hear some kind of laughter. It was a moment. Again the deep throaty laughter. It made his spine tingle a little and all his hairs stood on end. Of course he looked around for the sound, not paying attention to what Kahako was doing besides being mortified and wide eyed as he was, when realizing how grave the situation was.

As he stood there, the tension and fears felt like creeping hands on his back, it was as if the room was whispering to him. Was he going mad? He didn't act it, he stayed physically calm, or appearing weak and tired. He kept his eyes moving slowly, not in panicked rush. He knew all about Kahako's professional capabilities, he knew she was the closest person to come forward with this research. Next would have been several research specialist within the medical branch. He would have sent anonymous letters to them, with no information other then these pages. He knew Satou was in the glue with this one.

As he looked about, paced a bit as he listened to her compliment and humor. He gave a laugh, he still had some sense. And something else, once more, laughed softly in his ears. Was it him hearing it? Or was he? Kaiji froze walking, statue of realization, but then softened his posture almost instantly. He needed not to panic, he did enough of that. He thought instead of speaking it. You're in my @!#$ing mind aren't you?

Again, the laugh. All his hairs stood on end, he didn't respond right away to her comment, it was delayed. "I had plans of taking steps into medical field.I need to know more than this." He spoke with unwavering need for knowledge in all field's. But his voice sounded like his mind was elsewhere. " I have enough practice with concoctions, and ointments. Though I closed the shop a couple days ago. Since the incident." He didn't go deeper then that, as his voice dropped near the end.

In his mind he tried to force out a horrible truth with a swarm of equations and formulas, then he spoke. "As written, I don't know for sure if we can reverse the changes. I've tried a few formulas over the years, on Satou, without him knowing of this. it was only by a means of understanding the virus in Satou's blood. His body never reacted to anything I fed to him or injected him with when he slept." He spoke rather monotone, uncaring of what he did behind Satou's back and without his knowledge. Standing before Kahako, Kaiji's eyes were looking away, almost outward at something floating in front of him, like he was reading it.

"But with subject C, myself, my blood was showing signs of effects from the concoctions. I cooked up a drink filled with: folic acid, vitamins A, B6, C, and E, Beta-glucans, and Curcumin. Boosting the immunity system as much as possible while the blood destroyed any immunity in the cells." He came back to himself. He gave a smile. "And a dash of cinnamon for flavor and it's good for you." He had to give some humor back. He took out the small flask and sipped the last of its contents, the few drops left. It looked red as a trickled ran down the side of his lip, giving it a wipe of his sweater sleeve.

"I've been prolonging it as long as possible, but i'm worried i'm running out of time." His whole body was feeling sore and weak from the walk. When he felt Kahako's hand on his shoulder, He could almost have just given up holding himself upright. But he stayed steady, he wasn't shaking. His skin looked clammy and pale, his burning red eyes looking at her for a moment to gauge her reactions, he slipped the flask back into his pocket.

Listening to her tell him that she wasn't trained deeply in human biology or cellular mutation. This did worry him, but she was mostly chosen for being the only medical individual who was personal enough with him that he could trust with this situation. Not to mention he had hopes she would have Satou's best interests at heart.

Yet when she explained of another medical professional would be able to help, there was a glimmer of hope in Keiji, the sickening fact that Satou could have done this to many made him shiver deeply. Something flashed in his eyes when he blinked. It was the scene of something, but too hazy. He looked a bit confused and worried for a moment, but tried to clue in with her dialogue.

"Yes, it's been a fear growing in me too. I may not be the only one infected at this very moment. " Saying allowed made him feel sick to his stomach, or was it something else that was making his stomach feel twisted. He didn't want to show physical discomfort in front of her, she'd try to no avail in aiding him. And he was afraid of what might actually ease him.

She continued with a face that showed all her emotion now. Her words were clear cut. If Satou was to be brought forward for what happened, he'd face rather heavy concequences. As well as the village itself could be in peril right now under their noses. He was more than in the glue, the demon had really messed up whatever chances Satou had at a normal life. Only sadness was left in Kaiji's expression.

He had stood there for some time, just listening to Kahako's words. Trying to shack the gravity of it all. He sighed and shook his dirty blonde messed hair. "I guess I can't help him this time. Even if he wasn't entirely at fault, that @!#$ing thing in his head just keeps screwing his life up."

As to her mentioning that she would help him with everything she could. "Thank you Kahako-sama, You're the only person I could turn to with this situation, anyone else. Probably would have locked me up, or worse. And I know you want to tell the big cheese about Satou, or rather it will eventually get to him by one ear to another. Involving the medical branch won't be more than a stones throw to the Raikage's office."

"Once we bring forward the threat of a viral infection in the village caused by demon blood. It won't be hard for the Raikage to narrow down where the hell it came from. And whats more he's gonna be pissed. Seeing as he issued Satou the passport for bringing an emissary to Sunagakure." He wanted to sit down, he found himself a simple chair to sit down and rest his legs in a long tired sigh, then went into a small coughing fit. Grabbing what little water he had left and drinking it empty.

I wonder if you'll tell her i'm inside your mind.
Kahako listened as Kaji explained the current method he was using to keep the transformation at bay. She didn’t fail to miss the small bit of liquid concoction that slipped from his lips. She felt the strong pull of worry at the pit of her stomach as a small, sarcastic voice at the back of her mind darkly commented on how much the potion looked like blood.

Shoving the thought back, she stood, walking over to the door and pressing a button stationed next to the handle. “Let me deal with the Raikage,” Kahako said as she turned back to face Kaji. A deep sigh escaped from her, “I was headed out to his office before you arrived anyway, and hopefully I have enough pull to give Satou safe harbor when he returns home. I will need your assistance in getting what you know to the hospital though.” Upon her return to her seat, she muttered to herself. “I may need to head to Suna first instead of Konoha.”

At that moment, the door handle clicked, and a maid entered the room. “You called for me Shinrya-sama?” Kahako smiled sympathetically to the servant, who had quickly took in Kaji’s appearance and red eyes, becoming a little apprehensive before looking back to the kunoichi. “Yes, can you please bring me a scroll and my letter seal?” Not wanting to stay in the room any longer, the maid quickly nodded and bowed before making a swift exit.

When she was sure their conversation wouldn’t be overheard, Kahako continued. “I will send with you a letter to Junko explaining the situation. He might want to admit you, but I promise he’s a pretty laidback guy. Plus, there is no better place to find any resources your heart desires. Well, maybe here, but my mother doesn’t particularly like sharing what’s in her personal garden.” Kahako cracked a small grin as the maid returned with a portable writing table. Laying it on the table next to Kahako, the Shinrya dismissed the help with a gentle wave, and grabbed for her pen.

After a few minutes of pen scratches against paper, Kahako rolled the scroll up, closing it with a wax seal of the Shinrya clan. “We usually only use our insignia for ceremonies, since chakra is much harder to manipulate, but I’m a little indisposed right now, and this will guarantee you an audience with the Sennin. He should recognize the baroness’s house insignia if not one of the other mednin.” With a soft blow on the lip of the scroll to ensure the wax seal hardened, Kahako offered it to Kaji. However, her grip lingered on it when he tried to take it from her hand.

“There is one more thing, Gin-san.” Kahako said, an expression of worry seeped through her eyes as she looked into his red ones. “I know you remember the last time I enter Satou’s mind… I stole another soul. Sakana… she… she could feel you before I entered the room. The only other time that one of my souls reacted was when Satou was near and it was just Sukino and I. I thought it was because of their history. But now… Sakana mentioned something about ‘blood recognizing blood.’ She drank his blood and was fully transformed when she died." A short pause filled the room. "Did… did you feel something strange about me before I entered?” She ended her question was just barely above a whisper. For the past few months, Kahako had been so worried about Sakana taking over her mind, she didn’t even want to begin to think there was something equally as sinister that could have already started to take over her body. Kahako had seen in insanity inside Satou. Mentally, Kahako shuddered. She wouldn’t wish it on her worst enemy.
[spoilername="Letter to Tsuyoshi Junko"]Junko,

I apologize for not contacting you sooner. To have to send a message along instead of meeting you myself is rude, I know, but I cannot avoid it. Gin Kaji is a comrade of mine, and although he may be from the main branch, his knowledge of potions and poisons could rival that of my mother's. Please, listen to his story. To give you mine would require a lot of liquor and a couple days. You might still need the liquor to listen to his.

Also, there is a file on the registered Jinchuriki Ketsueki Satou. I am unsure if it will provide anything useful, but it will give you more insight to what you're about to be dealing with.

When you read this, I will probably be on my way to returning patient zero. I pray that is all I will be returning with.


Shinrya Kahako
Medical Chief of Kumogakure
Standing about felt weird, sitting down as well. Leaning against objects felt awkward. And everything he thought of doing seemed odd to him and unsure. And the thing laughing in his mind from time to time was more than unsettling. Yet on the outside he simply stood there listening to Kahako, giving eye contact and small replies to some of her words to appear apparent and focused. "If you can, even at best help him avoid death penalty." He mumbled, unsure that it would even be a possibility.

What he feared was what the demon inside Satou's mind was planning. "With what I bring forward, hopefully Junko-sama can help out. I'm not sure whats going to happen next here in Kumogakure." He lingered in since for a moment. "Perhaps simply send word by carrier pigeon to Satou. He went on vacation, a simple messenger bird calling him to return to Kumogakure by yours or the Raikage's written hand, would cause him to rocket back here. You showing up in Kumogakure might cause unrest or alarm him. It's best we get him back here on his own. Also, I know him. He can move here faster if you make him worry. Say I was gravely injured, life threatening. He'll burn a path with how fast he moves." He laughed more naturally, he heard the sinister laughed behind him.

Yet he stood perfectly fine now, he seemed relax rather than weak or feeble. He felt tired of course, but he felt he could walk now on his own across the village. "I'll make it there as quickly as I can. Hope I can get Junko-Sama soon as possible. " He stood watching her write, but it seemed as though time was slowing down, the light in the room dimmed in his eyes, he looked to the window, and when he looked in the reflection, he saw it. Standing there beside Kahako while she writes. Looking down upon her, exactly where Keiji stood. His skin started to crawl, his blood running cold when the creature turned to look at him in the reflection. It's large grotesque finger raised. Keiji could hear in his mind of someone or something shushing him quietly. He blinked repeatedly, the image was gone. The room was bright and normal. He appear not paying attention and Kahako was now standing in front of him and holding out the letter.

He was reaching out to the sealed letter which he made not of. It would probably grant him a clear obedience and the help he needs. But she didn't let go. A bit of worry fell over his face when staring at those eyes and hearing the words from her mouth. His hand pulled back. Backed up a few steps he then turned and began pacing a bit around the room. As if absorbing all her words. His hands felt cold, he paused his pace, rubbing his hands and breathing on them to warm them. "Yes. "He said simply at first, hanging the air of silence like a coat on a rack before continuing. "Each time you ran through his mind you went through a traumatic experience and the dream would shatter, the one leaving the trauma takes a piece back with them. Or so it seems. You drowned the first time, the second you were impaled." He held himself near the window, wanting the heat of the sunlight on him. Touching his neck, remembering the Maid seeing him, and cussing under his breath.

Then he answered once more. "Yes." He nodded his head. Yet didn't look to her, he wanted to stare out at the landscape outside and take his mind off his words. "It felt like someone, or something standing behind the door, just before you touched the handle and turned it. It felt like all the blood in my body was moving under my skin." He spoke faintly, as if distant, thinking of equations to keep himself calm.
And you could hear me then, say it, whisper it. Come my sweet Keiji, you know you can tell her. She won't be made or scared or want to lock you away just like she'll do to Satou. Or kill him, and then you know what will happen. Don't you my dear boy.

He didn't say anything, he stayed staring out the window without words in mind or of lips. He merely kept his mind on chemical formulas.
He then pulled from his pocket, what looked like a fist sized copper cube of gears and shapely metal. He went and sat it on the table Kahako had used to write, hitting a small ruby crested button, the small cube sprang to life as it seemed to take the shape of a bird of solid copper metal and gears. It moved and imitated it's shape was that of a raven.

It's gears moved and paced at different speeds, it's innards were of wires and small gadgets, most of it hidden under the metal plating It's beady little red eyes looked about the room, on Keiji, and Kahako. " If you plan on chasing him down. I built this to track Satou if I need to. I used this multiple times to find him. It tracks him from heat signatures at low altitude readings, his being vastly different than a natural human or animal. Feeds the information to a small wrist mounted screen. Both bird and watch run on batteries. I'm working on one that works the same way hounds can smell blood. But it's still in theory at the moment." He smiled casually, enjoyed showing his toys and gadgets once in awhile.

Scratching under the chin of the bird, it's wings began flapping, it was to take flight but he poked the ruby button on the birds back, It collapsed instantly into a cube once more. He placed the wrist watch on the table as well. "Use it as you like." He said as he went to retrieve the letter from her. "Whatever we decide to do, it is of OUR choices Kahako-Sama. We control our destinies, not spirits nor demons can change what we choose to accomplish." He held onto the letter. His eyes held a soft burn in them, the same glow of hunger Satou had. But Keiji was smiling and acting casual.
Kahako didn’t realize how desperately she wanted Kaji to say ‘no’ until the contrary was uttered from his lips. As he spoke, she propped her elbows on her knees while lacing her fingers together. Her eyes closed in a desperate attempt to calm the dismay in her heart. Though Kaji’s words came out calmly, the heavy meaning of them echoing throughout the room left was anything but.

Maybe it was just her. Kaji seemed to be content with calmly staring out the window, almost resigned to the situation they were in now and handling it as it was day by day. Maybe it was a good outlook to have. Regardless, it just confirmed her suspicions that she was slowly running out of time. Only now with Kaji’s findings, she had to darkly wonder what would turn on her first: her mind or her body.

The soft clink of light metal on wood pulled the mednin out of her revere. Her emerald eyes scanned the oddity with a brow raised as it unfolded itself to a beautiful raven-like shape. Awe temporarily stole her thoughts as the man explained what all the mechanical creature did. “Fascinating, I wonder if it uses the same frequencies Hisako does to transmit information to the hospital.” She questioned softly as Kaji pushed the button again ending the machine’s attempt to take flight. Gently she picked up the square, slipping it in a deep pocket on her uniform and slapping the watch on her wrist. “I’ll be sure to keep it safe.” She assured as she finished with the clasp.

The fascination at the new toy waned and a sour feeling settled back into her heart. She was sure to give the letter to Kaji this time, but the words of encouragement he offered did little to quell the worry that was slowly seeping into her soul. Yes, so many choices. Decisions made over the years lead her down this path. From the age of twelve, it was always her choice to go far beyond the call of duty to help Satou. Choices… actions… consequences be damned she made them with little regret or regard to her own safety. Even now, completely broken herself, she couldn’t really find it in herself to regret it.

Now her own chance at healing her broken mind lied with a stranger she wasn’t sure existed. The daunting task of finding someone… anyone with the capability of helping her get her chakra back made Kahako want to cry in frustration. Her choice to save the demon who lay dying in the street all those years ago lead them down this path. Kaji should be cursing her very existence, not smiling down at her, trying to reassure her that all would be well if they persevered. Her decisions placed a lot of citizens at risk, maybe the whole village. She wanted to scream at him at how right his words were, and that’s why they were in this mess in the first place.

Instead she smiled and nodded. Forcing fake resolve into her features, and pretending to take his words to heart. After all, the words were already there. They had always been. If given the chance to repeat her past, she would do the same. Maybe try a different method to obtain a better result, but she would still try to help Ketsueki Satou. Consequences be damned. Such was the irony of her relationship to him.

Kahako stood, stretching even though she was only sitting for a few minutes. “Well, we best get on our way. I have other reasons to leave the village, and going to Suna instead of Konoha doesn’t change them. I will need to catch the Raikage before he leaves his office for the day.” A gentle smile crossed her face. “Thank you for coming to visit, Gin-san, and in confiding in me. I know it takes a great deal of effort to reach out for help.” She lifted her hand out to him for him to shake. “If you need anything while I’m gone, please reach out to my mother, Kitsune. She is aware of my and Satou’s situation, and I have a feeling you both will get along quite nicely. I will return as soon as I can to help. If Raiden-sama is kind my trip will be short and boring.” With the short farewell, Kahako would walk with Kaji back to the gates. From there she would take normal transportation routes to the Raikage tower, worry for the future would slowly consumer her as she drew closer to the building.

Her lover would not like what she had to say.

Keiji seemed calm behind his burning eyes. Of course he knew he looked this way now. He had to keep some human appearance. He put on the green contact lenses and pulled out a small make up kit as he began covering up his wounds and pale sickly skin. It was a rough patch job but even so it would pass for the eyes of normal civilians.

He made statement about the device he lent to her. "Keep it, worry not if you break it. I can make more. And yes, I can install several devices to transmit radio waves, maybe even broadcast waves to a receiver for video monitoring. Something to tinker with I guess." He seemed rather handy with whatever technology he got his hands on. He took the letter from her and placed it in his sweaters pocket. "I bring this to your friend soon as I can." He spoke quickly and nodded in agreement that they should take action.

"I wish you safe travels and best of luck." He paused to consider his words, he could feel the raspy breathing of the demon in his ear. He wanted to tell her, but he knew she was already in despair over what was transpiring. This would only push her over and edge. He held it to himself, and the demons laughter echoed in his mind.

He was quiet for most of the walk to the gates. When they got to it and were to part. Keiji paused, to stare at this women who was immersed in these events that seemed so desperate and dire. He felt sad for her, to face this mentally alone must be straining on her. He breathed before saying. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here sooner. But I swear, we will fix this." He smirked and looked to the warm sky. "I'll go bug your mom for some pointers on some flowers i'm growing. Maybe i'll give her an exotic specimen to get on her good side." He laughed and bowed. "Farewell, Shinrya Kahako. I'll see you again when you get back." He left on that and headed off back to his lab, a bit more quick in step this time.


Current Ninpocho Time:
