Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Preparing the defense [ Main Branch and Academy Student Meeting]

Ugh... if there was going to be a fight, Katsu would've liked to be in it, at least. An Uchiha boy approached him, older and, from Katsu's quick assessment, probably stronger. He wanted to break this person. Especially when he kept calling Katsu 'kiddo'. "Name's Katsu," he said, a small growl in his voice. There was the speech, though Katsu didn't care for it. He hadn't been in Leaf long, and didn't really have any strong attachments to law and order. But the Uchiha seemed aight, at least shared a disgruntled attitude.

Unfortunately, he was not staying long. He had come because of timing, but the truth was he was supposed to be in jail, but he had to come since the shinobi accompanying him to the hospital after a light game of fisticuffs he'd gotten into in the prison. "Sorry, I've got a sentence to finish, no time for babysitting the weak." But he gave it some thought, the twisted mind of the young brute turning gears until, finally, something interesting clicked into place. He turned to Nitish with a playful, toothy grin. "Though, if you're going to be acting on the sennin's orders anyway," he spoke softly so only Nitish, who was nearby, might hear in the noisy room where so many wannabe leaders and suck-ups were giving their own two-cents on the whole matter. "I know a place full of misunderstood noncombatants, if you're not too faint-hearted." With a wink, Katsu was found and led off by his current warden, who needed to get Katsu back to the lockup quickly such that he could prepare for the coming attack. Katsu wasn't positive his little hint would work out, but while Katsu acted nonchalantly as he did, he appreciated that there were some like-minded individuals in this place. People who weren't pussyfooting their lives away. If that Uchiha Nitish was like him and preferred trouble over mundanity, Katsu felt confident he was in for an exciting day.
Fixated on the main branch sennin, Hoheto's pallid sights neglects the advent of several shinobi. An odd display one might incure given familiar figures. But, with his interior lumped with an array of questions, the lad remains alert to but his host, omitting the presence of those around him as he seeks clarity. Kenshin's pellucid gaze he espies probed the elongated halls of room 104 at different intervals, though, hastily.

Appearing uneased, the sennin remains still for while, perhaps stringing together a sound address in his unsettled core. Before the pale shinobi, he requests a table, prompting the corned, projecting pieces of his forearms to unfold the presented, voluminous illustration of the Leaf's geographical area.

No sooner had he done this, a fidgety response, Hoheto perceives from the lesser shinobi. Murmurs erupted where giggles should've been. Drowned in the midst of troubled minds, realization washes on the genin's facial shell. Something grave was up, something big, it warranted the numbers of the main branch. But amidst the confusion, Hoheto's sights keenly returns to the rising sennin. His husky tone resonates throughout the hallways, snagging the conscious chatter of many, before reverting to an urgent pitch.

Kenshin's speech, however inspirational does little to quell the midday fracas. Where some relished the opportunity of war, several expressed their disappointment. Dwelling on the sennin's orders, the uchiha carves out a few seconds to assess the situation. Seven days huh? He expresses in a low tone; that was a relatively short amount of time to put things in place. We'll need more than numbers to make through he follows, squeezing through a sea of flak jackets as he tails Minako's lead.
Kazuma sat there listening to the lead ninja stunned. The Fire Country? At war? He clutched his backpack as if hanging onto a safety line. A slight sweat ran from his forehead down his cheek and dripped onto his hand. He loosened his grip on the fabric slightly when he heard what the academy students were supposed to do. Evacuate the civilians. He could do that. Just herd the families to the rearranged bunkers and keep them safe. From the sound of the meeting that should be relatively safe. He hoped he could be assigned to the outer neighborhoods so he could make sure his mother was safe.

Once the meeting was concluded Kazuma stood up and hurried to the door. He felt that he should ask his teacher where he was assigned as soon as possible so that when the time came he'd be prepared to hurry there. Maybe if he asked soon enough he could request to be moved to the outer group. It might bring him closer to the fighting, but he wanted to make sure he was there for his mother.

[Topic Left]
Some in the room would feel a slight chill down their backs while those more attuned to their chakra sensing abilities would feel as though a dark ocean had suddenly weighed upon them just before the room door slid open. The main branch sennin had just finished his speech, one that could be heard just fine down several halls, an inspirational peace that converted fears and worries into courage and motivation. Standing in the doorway, a dark Kunochi housed in black and black robs raidianting an ominous aura... perhaps counter productive to the good vibes inspired but this could not be helped. The majority of the room had never met her before this meeting and wild cosmetic change but for those who have, she had quiet the noticeable differences from what they might have witnessed before. Her once emerald green eyes were now a bluish silver, one that reflected the lights in an unnatural way as if they were meant for the dark. Her hair no longer a midnight black but a snow white three times the length from before. No longer a pale maiden but her skin dark like oak and smooth as ever. Her attire hadn't changed much preferring traditional dark Kunochi robes, dark colored vambrace and gloves. She'd not bow upon entering the room but instead tilt her head down slifhtly out of respect to ranks deserving. With a faint smile, her silver eyes scanned the room filled with shinobi and trainees, a room filled with mixed emotions and brave fronts. Turning her gaze to the main branch Sennin, Akira would speak addressing those who were listening more or less, her voice carrying an unnatural and ghostly echo... a slight side effect of her new transformation and something else she hadn't control of.

"Greetings, Akira Amaya, Jounin reporting."

In truth the dark shinobi had much to inquire about as any should in said situation though she would hold her questions for a bit. She'd observe the execution of orders as those who would take their leave packed up to assemble to their groups and post. Though a big room, it was truly crowded. Akira would make her way to the round table attempting to shoulder an even bigger map of the village. This was actually the first time the dark Kunochi had ever seen an entire map of tje village. It held markers, vantage points, and other dangerous information that the enemy could use at first glance. Did this Sennin not ration to the idea of an insider threat or was this entire meeting a poney show to lure one into the opening with false Intel. Either way, the main branch strategy was clearly geared toward the protection of the villagers rather than to fight a war and as it should be. The Leaf Sennin's plan of action was sound in that regard. No doubt the Anbu were assembling a team of trackers and defenses for the situation and as they should. They were the ones to be hit after all. Targets can be assumed to be shinobi or else reports of Leaf caravans and traders would have been noted. In truth, non of these things concerned the dark Kunochi... not in the least. Once the attention was grabbed between those at the table and herself, Akira would speak.

"These shinobi that attacked us, were any among them identified as S level shinobi in our bingo book?"

[Topic entered]
[Ooc: sry been meaning to post]
Kou read Kenshin's lips carefully and was shocked by the words. How could the most peaceful country be at war? What evil was powerful enough to make the greatest and strongest Hokage in history worry about his people enough for these steps to take place? This made her frown slightly as a worried but determined expression took over her doll-like features.

It didnt matter what forces would come, she was confident that the Hokage and those on the front lines would be able to beat them and once again restore peace in home. She had no reason to fear. Everything would be perfectly okay....Once she found Hoshirei which would be a problem for the small deaf girl. She slowly wrote her teammates name on her piece of paper before she climbed onto the desk, turned to the crowed of people and held it up with a sheepish smile.
Of course, of course there would be people that hate the leaf for one reason or another. Of course they would want to destroy it, wasting their time in pointless actions, instead of looking towards the future they live in the past you like everyone else. She listened to her orders and they were pretty simple, wait at the gates, lure them to Kitsune park and finish them off. Whether it would be as easy to pull off that was another matter entirely. With the amount of people being moved to their respective assignments, this wasn't going to be easy. Asuka sighed, it seemed he was right, the Shinobi life can only end one way.

Once finished she thought for a few seconds, no questions needed answering. She assumed the Sennin didn't have any information on regards to the abilities of this enemy Shinobi. In the end she would have to find that out for herself. She turned around and walked through a the wall she was leaning on, dissapearing from sight.

[Topic Left]
The meeting was an interesting sight to behold for the admittedly inexperienced Head Jounin, such scale was something beyond that which he had ever been involved in previously. There were one or two faces that he could see missing from the crowd, but the vast amount of those gathered swiftly took the young shinobi’s attention away from the thought of those missing. Even Mikasa had turned up, a warm smile subconsciously broadened upon Shinzo’s face moments before he offered a respectful and thankful nod in her direction. This show of respect did not take long, a few moment slater Shinzo’s attention returned to the room ahead of him. The sound of bustling shinobi and students gradually lowered to silence. It was time to watch and to listen for the Seikon knew that Kenshin was about to speak.

A few seconds passed before Kenshin’s speech began, in truth Shinzo wasn’t looking for inspiration, instead he was actively listening to the strategy being laid out before the main branch. All seemed well, the strategy itself appeared sound but still, Shinzo was concerned that an invasion was almost just welcomed into the village. Konoha shinobi may have an environmental advantage in their own home base, but the thought of hostile shinobi having an easy time making it to the gates didn’t sit well in his mind. Alas it was not his decision to make, though he would ask Kenshin about this later.

As the speech ended Shinzo was made acutely aware of Kenshin’s request for his presence, to which he swiftly obliged. His form darted, though not too quickly, towards his sennin and former teacher. He was well aware of what his duties would involve in the upcoming conflict and as such it was quickly reaffirmed by Kenshin. “Very well, Kenshin-sensei. I will make sure to check in with each squad as quickly as possible before returning to you and Takeshi. Though, I do have one question; are we to set traps in the surrounding forest in order to slow the enemy down on their approach?” With this said, he smiled, thinking to the effectiveness that such an extra precaution could take.

The classroom was getting extremely cramped as students and other shinobi were filing into the room. There was an odd atmosphere to the room as everyone nervously waited for their announcement. Kahora didn’t know what to make of it all, it seemed like this wasn’t a usual occurrence considering the fear and confusion in everyone’s eyes. Shinzo looked particularly uneasy which worried the small girl more because he obviously knew what the announcement was.

Kahora stared at the doorway patiently waiting for Kenshin to arrive and seconds later he made his way in with his head held up. He looked as anxious as the rest of us. As he began speaking, silence filled the room and eyes were purely focused on him and nothing else. We’ve been threatened? As soon as Kenshin mentioned that, the classroom began whispering their fears to each other and the room began getting louder and louder as he finished speaking. And only 7 days until we go to war? She had no idea what she was getting herself into, but it seemed like she didn’t have a choice.

The small girl’s ears picked up hearing what her and the academy students had to do. Evacuate the village. That shouldn’t be too hard, right? Wrong. That was going to be very hard knowing how many people live in Konoha. But she had to do this. It was crucial if she wanted to protect her family and her village. However, what Kenshin failed to mention was where she had to evacuate the village to. Kahora got a little bit nervous as she tried to speak up to ask “Um, excuse me. Sorry to, you know, interrupt and all at this very important time. But where are we evacuating them to? Are there bunkers?”

Kenshin saw some people break and some people went to their groups. There were questions and late arrivals. It was ok.

Amaya you will need an updated picture. Kenshin would say indicated the outdated photo in her file. "You are to go with Team Zero Zero Three Hoshirei and Kou at the hospital. As it stands we know virtually nothing about our enemies. I will be contacting ANBU to see if they have any intel. With unknown abilities, we will have to be extra careful."

He would note that Shinzo was approaching.

"The enemy will not be stopped with traps and you hear that they will be at our gates when they arrive. If you wish to place traps, make it so we can trigger it from inside the village. They are awaiting our answer. Who knows what they plan to do when they get here and we more than likely tell them no to whatever demands they have."

A student then came forward with a question. Kahora

"There are bunkers here in Leaf for such an attack. The Genin will explain the locations. If you look at this map, it shows the location but you may only look at it." Kenshin motioned towards map which had little marks on it.

"If there are no more questions I will take my leave. Shinzo report to my office when you can. If I am still with Takeshi join us there. Bring the map." Kenshin would then turn to leave and if he was not stopped he would be making a beeline towards Takeshi and the Hokage office.

[topic left unless stopped]
Ziren sighed, his question was answered. So Maki was tortured and almost killed by whoever these people are. They must be very formidable indeed. Maki is one of the strongest shinobi he knows, ANBU Sennin and strength to prove it too.

And they were to take hold of Kitsune Park. His squad. It seemed weird to set them there, he had to say. Though if a fight was to happen, he could guess that it would be there. Considering how it was made for fighting, and it surely is on the way to the Hokage Mansion.

He was to be working with two others. A San, and a Migoya. One of them, he could only guess may be one of his teammates, slipped away, he took notice of his blood flow pattern just in case.

Ziren let out another sigh, and cleared his throat. "Well, San, or Migoya, whichever of you that are still here, might I suggest we meet at Ichiraku Ramen probably sometime today and discuss of some plans to take for the upcoming conflict. That and to get to know one another to better understand how to tackle this situation."

With that said, he took his leave, walking out the door, already formulating plans of his own to take. Even though San is in charge, it is safe to have a plan A through Z coming from everyone in case if things do start to fall apart.

(Topic left)
(Sorry, was taking a sort if haitus away from NC for a bit. Am back now)
Hoshirei heard Kenshin mention that he was on his way to see the Hokage and her head snapped up to look at him. She quickly walked over to him to ask a question before he left. She wanted to snap out to ask Takeshi why she wasn't informed before the giant meeting was called, but held her tongue and asked a different question instead. "Kenshin, if I could please be informed of my husband's whereabouts. Takeshi knows of our relationship, even if it was kept from our general records for safety's sake." Without waiting for an answer, Hoshirei looked around and saw a younger woman raising a sign with her name.

The waving sign made her smile a bit, even with her current frustration. She made her way over to the green-haired girl and waved over to Amaya when she heard that the woman would be joining their team. A soft smile graced her face and she turned to her younger teammate. "Good idea with the sign. I'm Hoshirei. We should be easy to spot with our green hair."

If Amaya made her way over to their small group, she would reintroduce herself. Whether or not she did, Hoshirei would ask them both to meet her later at the hospital.
[Topic Left unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Time:
