Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Priorities [Requesting Takeshi because he isn't busy or anything]

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin turned from Tamashi to find Maki and Mikasa coming in and throwing around words. This was getting out of hand until Takeshi stepped up and began to make decisions. Good. This is what would make things simpler. Solutions solved problems, not endless talk.

"Maki I am glad you are well enough to move around. If you are in need of anything, please let me know. Mikasa I see you made it from my branch meeting ok. As for your orders Takeshi, can send Team 002 Minako, Asuka, and Hoheto into combat immediately if needed. Mikasa if one of your medical shinobi can be sent to the gate it would be beneficial. That way we can send that squad out if need be. This would allow me to rotate Team 001 San, Migoya, and Ziren to the gates. Team 003 Hoshirei, Amaya, and Kou, can be split among the village to prevent counter attacks or they can stay at the hospital for extra protection. Maki, any and all aid the ANBU can provide I will gladly accept. Here is my strategy I have in mind and put into place." Kenshin would explain the situation to Maki. Everyone else knew about the plan in place at the moment. "Tamashi, if we were to switch to attack, I will suggest Shinzo most certainly. I would suggest sending Team 001 in as a secondary team into combat. ANy and all aid I can give I will. Although there is one question I must ask." Kenshin would turn his attention back to Takeshi.

"What will you be doing, Lord Hokage? What will ALL of you be doing?" Kenshin would ask, asking about Takeshi's bodies.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Listening to everything in the room, looking over to Maki, someone who didnt make sense enough to him, though he accepted it because it was the will of the Hokage. However, the bravado around seemed to touch Tamashii the wrong way, and he would sigh before holding the the bridge of his nose. This was not the course of action he wished to take in accordance of the war that they would seemingly be rushing headlong into. There was barely a Medical Branch because ANBU and Main Branch swipped everyone. So Mikasa and Suyashi, as per recent count, were the only competent Medics. Then pushing a war agenda....

This was daft.

"...I will not be able to help, but if you want my honest advice before I leave, Fire Mikasa, Kenshin, and Maki. Find new leaders of your branches.", pausing for a moment he would continue after looking at each of them. "With Maki, our fucking ANBU Sennin getting caught by the enemy, and Kenshin ready to rush head first into a war that we shouldnt really be worried all that much about... and there being a lack of Medical shinobi to even help in case the fight does end up being too much for us... None of them have shown that they are ready for the task you've allowed them to keep...", looking straight into Takeshi's eyes.

"You yourself should not be the damn Hokage with the misfits you've allowed... From Maru to pushing a boy to the medical branch because you couldnt control him? This village needs a Got-Damn Reform! From the ground up, everything. Everyone needs to be trained and retrained on their duties and if I were staying, I would be the first in line because I damn near killed myself with Umashi in office... now with you, I dont want to go back down that road. And I wont.", shaking his head once more he would turn around and begin his exit.

"Find yourself someone else that will tell you what you need to hear rather than what you want to hear...", and with that he couldnt bear to be in the room with these people anymore...

If he were stopped he wouldnt turn around... he'd speak from the threshold of the door.

[Topic Left unless stopped, Tamashii drops his Sennin Status.]


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
”Strong words from a man who has done nothing to help this village that I’ve seen in my past 4 years back in this village. By all means, go be useless elsewhere.” Maki honestly had no idea who the man was, which to him spoke volumes about how much he valued the other’s opinion. He’d at the least heard of Mikasa before all of this, and he’d met Kenshin several times. He himself was, he hoped, well known if only for representing Leaf in the tournament.

This other person had done….what, exactly? Nothing. Maki watches him leave before turning back to Takehsi. ”If you all will excuse me, I believe I need to go prep my branch to investigate this matter. Sorry for the door, but I figured you’d want to know I was up and about. If you have time, please come to the clan house later. We need to talk.”

That said, he rises from his seat and makes his way out of the room. Maki had business to attend to. And vengeance to plan.

(Topic left)

Tsukasa Mikasa

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Tamashii appeared to be bruised and battered, his words were not spoken during the previous Hokage's regime. His blind love for Lady Yomi seemed to hinder his words and overlooking the exact same predicament Yomi found herself in when leading the branch; it was difficult to find the willing and gifted to partake in the crucial role as caretaker. Never the least his words would not impact her and cause Mikasa to falter from the path she took, it was merely unfortunate that their paths would go in opposing directions. At least, that was the opinion she wished to house, however deep within her soul another crack forms.

Shifting her gaze between all that gathered, her digits intertwine, "I will look into the situation, Kenshin-san, but for the time being I do not wish to cause anymore additional panic that has already been caused by your actions." It had been agreed Main Branch would oversee the academy, yet that clearly wasn't the case with the constant involvement from the opposing branches. While it was true each held classes and ensured the overall development, to suddenly shift the meaning of ensuring the behavior of the academy to Suyashi and herself was odd. Truth to be told, Mikasa felt herself more capable of doing so than Kenshin, as apparent with the recent outbursts, how the hell academy students behaved as if there journey was even remotely halfway finished was beyond her.

"Understood, Takeshi-sama. I will look into the behavior." she responds gently, not quite satisified with the words spoken thus far. With the Sennin denouncing his participation with the village, it would be an interesting time for certain. "When time permits, I wish to suggest further extremities to what Konohagakure allows and appropriate repercussions, if you are willing to lend an ear, Takeshi-sama."

The Sennin's gaze lingers after Maki, not truly wishing for him to whisk off, but he was not one to be held down. "He is feeling much better, it seems."

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to listen to the explosion of Tamashii. It was clear that the man had finally snapped, but it was true that not all men would be able to last as a Sennin and it seemed that while his advice had been good recently, he had fallen at the last hurdle. He had crumbled, and the duty of the Hokage Advisor was not his anymore, he allowed a small sigh to escape his lips before listening to Maki walking out, it seemed that the Sennin was going to prepare for the mission this was something that was his domain and as such the Uchiha clan head would not interfere.

“Same his body and spirit broke on the man, I never expected it, but needs must, I find myself missing a Sennin, Advisor to the Hokage to be exact, if any of you want to fill the gap speak now, or if anyone of you knows someone you deem worthy, I am all ears right now so do tell me. And be straight with me, this is what I want right now. The choice is yours to make.”

Takeshi allowed himself to lean back into his seat as he pondered the words of both Kenshin and Mikasa it seemed that both wanted more information and honestly Takeshi enjoyed the company and the change of pace that he was experiencing since his last meeting. He leaned back in the chair and offered both of them a drink, if they accepted it or not would be a different matter.

“Kenshin, I will be deployed across the front lines, I am not the type of Hokage to just sit back and let others do the fighting, I will be standing beside the very people on my front lines, I will be fighting with them and I will be making sure that every threat is met with those that are willing to give there lives for the village.”

He knew full well that he had to address what Mikasa wanted as well, it was clear that he still had work to be done. But he wasn’t about to just ignore the serious questions, it was not in his style he would make sure that he managed to address everything right now. They had a few minutes and Takeshi wanted to actually give himself a little bit of time to think about things.

“Mikasa, now is as good as time as any, I would like to hear what you have to say, actually I would enjoy this conversation as I am running out of ideas fast.”

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin would just frown at Tamashii as he left. HE was clearly frustrated. There was no reason to engage with the man. There were more important issues. Maki stormed off and MIkasa made some observations. Then Takeshi demanded an answer from them.

"For an adviser position, I can think of no one. I am comfortable in my position. I would note that Yukio could be an adviser. He is loyal and strong. He has been the only shinobi in Leaf at the time that I have fought to a draw with and the only one worthy as of now to be my rival. As for within my own branch we are still making sure people are up to task for their current roles. Amaya has proven herself in the world tournament, Mikasa by the way you did really well too, but I am unsure if she wants a promotion from Jounin." Kenshin would say looking between the pair of them.

"You do realize there are now 4 of you and only 3 Hokage guard. This leaves one of you exposed. I would only fight for a Hokage who would fight for his people so that is expected but I do not want you to overextend yourself. Perhaps I can convince you to keep one body in reserve so that if one of the other three are in danger that one can be summoned? For your information I fought Akumi so I know a little about those eyes of yours." Kenshin would admit explaining why he knew so much.

He would wait for Mikasa to continue before commenting further.

Tsukasa Mikasa

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
A beverage is offered to the Medical Sennin, however she is inclined to decline the gesture with a mere shake of the head. Intertwining her digits, the kunoichi begins to ponder on a suitable future fill in for Tamashii, yet she is unable to determine a proper figure who would be able to remain unbiased through out the course of said career. Unfortunately Suyashi wasn't ready to take over the Medical Branch, his activity as of late left a bit of distaste in her mouth as the young adventurer felt the need to traverse the lands once more; otherwise Mikasa would have volunteered to inherit the position herself.

Word of Yuki's sudden step down to due to child didn't seem an appropriate position, as she was more effective consoling from a different vantage point. In that moment she felt her nails sink into the flesh of her palm, leaving minuscule indentations. Pathetic, she had yet to lay a proper foundation and would seek to rectify this immediately. "Yukio-san?" she inquires aloud, tilting in the slightest of manners. Momentarily she considered the ANBU Captain, however he was crucial for current predicament, "I know you are merely suggesting, Kenshin-san, but to remove Yukio-san from ANBU during this critical time is foolish. Especially considering his newest captain is to be groomed and having an additional veteran depart is not beneficial at the current time." she explains her view on the situation.

Taking a light breath, she leans forward on the rear of her palms, "I believe those who are capable will showcase themselves in due time. With our reconnaissance underway, those who value tragic advantages are surely far suited to an advisor role." she comments in a faint tone. "I believe that is foolish of you to insist, Takeshi-sama, but we will have a combat medic attend to your side if need be."

"Concerning the usage of explosive tags and techniques above Genin level on the academy grounds." a slight pause, sitting upright in the armchair to address the pair as respectfully as she could manage. "I wish to ban the usage explosive tags of all varieties from the Village of Konohagakure. This eliminates all issues, furthermore this would be a punishable crime to ensure our younger generations are not getting into any additional mischief that may harm themselves and those around them." Mikasa suggests, "The level of the punishment would be the item up to date, but I also want to place higher security measures on the academy itself. No student, shinobi, or kunoichi is permitted to use techniques above C-Rank within the academy grounds unless for a demonstration purposes and only allowed by the class instructor." the maiden finishes, eyeing between the pair.​

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to listen to Kenshin, it seemed that Yukio has managed to make a great impression on you to say the least, are you normally this well informed or did you just want a challenge for him, that would be question that could wait till later to get an answer from, right now he had priorities in making sure that everything was answered here, with Maki gone he allowed himself to ponder the answers given by both and waned to think about it for a few moments this would give him time to ponder the answers that he had gotten from both of them.

“So Yukio was a name that came up, that and a blank space I know that we are not really thinking to much about replacing now, but would Yukio stand up as a future candidate for the position of Sennin, depending on his actions with frost I take it. We could gauge that and then we could go from there. How does that sound for both of you then?”

Takeshi allowed his words once more time to sink in for both. He didn’t want to just go around shouting his peace and then getting someone in trouble, this way was a lot easier and the conversation was flowing well. He allowed himself to consider the words of Kenshin as he knew full well that this was something that he didn’t really consider addressing as he pondered for a few minutes.

“The other body will stay behind, this can be called into help if needed but this was the original plan at least there will always be someone inside of this office to make sure that we are always kept informed with the matter at hand, and always looking at ways to continue to progress the village inside of the future this will allow me to change combat tactics or give orders depending on what I am seeing on the field”

With that said he hoped that this would allow himself to give Kenshin an answer that he wanted to have, he knew full well that it was the best he could give right now. As he allowed himself to listen to Mikasa and the opinion on how to deal with the students he allowed himself to listen closely to the options that he had knowing full well that this was something that needed a decision to be made.

“For the matter of students, I agree we will now remove the use and carrying of explosive tags inside of the village, I will leave it to the three of you to pass the information out to everyone. I also agree with the Academy this way they will have to learn the old fashion way and we will at least be able to make sure that nothing to heavy is used inside of the academy without authorisation. I can get behind this, Kenshin how does that do on your side this way I know where you stand.”

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin would listen to both Takeshi and Mikasa.

"I can agree to that Takeshi. And I understand your reservations Mikasa. It was merely a suggestion. I can accept that Takeshi as to where you will be. I will do my best to protect you. Mikasa I welcome any support you can give on this matter. I also agree wiht your suggestions Mikasa. I tend to never use above C rank jutsu in class unless there is a severely talented student. Yes I will announce it as soon as possible.Is there anything that needs to be discussed immediately? There are obviously preparations to be made. It has been a pleasure as always Takeshi, Mikasa." Kenshin would turn to leave and as soon as he was a safe distance away form the building would take off at a faster speed his muscles tensing. It was time to set plans into actions and repel these invaders.

[topic left unless stopped]

Tsukasa Mikasa

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Nodding her head, the Medical head would agree to disagree for the time being; concerning the candidacy of the Hyuuga. This wasn't to dismiss the notion, but she merely failed to view the pros versus the numerous cons she currently felt weighed a heavier significance. In light of the idea of stationing multiple bodies to aid in the village running, she was more so curious to any mental damage that may unfold is one were to be destroyed, this being an item most tended to ignore until actually occurring. "Understood, I'll see to it that we begin notifying the village of the new banishment. We will have to discuss suitable repercussions at a later time, it seems." the kunoichi responds.

Alleviated of a few worries, the maiden bows her head, departing shortly after the departure of Yuu Kenshin. Pausing at the door, she pivots around to address the village head, "You have my thanks, Takeshi-sama." she genuinely states, a light smile forming on her lips. This wasn't to say the two were on favorable terms with one another, but surely it was a step in the right direction for the pair. Mikasa was not a saint concerning their relationship, but she would say they both fully capable of being blunt with one another and understanding when the situation called for. That in itself was a moral victory.

With the ANBU Branches declaration to begin investigation, items were beginning to become a bit more tactical and that itself advantageous. Cautiously she begins to close the door, awaiting to see if the Hokage required any additional words with his Sennin. If none, she would attend to the matters at hand that required her immediate attention. With one final nod, she continues to close the door, assuming he would enjoy privacy from the recent gathering to mull over his thoughts concerning Tamashii.

[OOC: Topic Left, unless stopped.]​

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to lean back in his chair as he watched the two Sennin leave the office, it was clear that the meeting was over, and he had managed to complete the meeting with a relatively high success rate. Though it seemed that Tamashii would be the only loss he could take that as a fair loss considering the options and the numbers that they had. As he watched Kenshin and Mikasa leave he found himself once more alone in the office, it was time that he though over everything. Time that he considered the actions that awaited him and time to look at the future.

“Well it looks like things are going in plan now, this will take some work, but together the village at least has a bright future under the guidance of all of us”

His words spoken more to himself than anyone else in that moment, as he allowed himself a few minutes to just ponder on what to say and what to do. As he found himself going back to the mountain of paper work that was in front of him, this was something that he did not expect to find himself getting threw anytime soon.

[OOC: Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
