Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Proving your worth (Hon/potential bmod)


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
He could hear their conversation quite loudly given his headache. Given their words, the redhead who sparred with him showed signs of a harsh nature in himself. He preferred things head-on… or maybe that was because of something from his past? What did he go through? What was his story? Hon knew none of it… he could only assume by keeping his ear open.

The ground began to shake- wait, it was the lizard turtle. Surprised, Hon was picked up by her, having to lay on her reptilian shoulder. His mask - the homemade, wooden depiction of some humanoid creature - broke in half as he was picked up, dropping the half on the field ground. Rest in peace, mask… at the very least, Hon began to feel his power returning to his body, and his sense of worry began to arise. There was tension in the air between those two…

The tension from the raven head must’ve been from what he said next. He had heard of it from other shinobis and sources, but… it was his wife and child? Hon’s body twitched a little, seemingly wanting to move but knowing that he couldn’t do much now… or rather, he couldn’t stop listening. The raven guy knew Hon’s name too. He must’ve been a high-ops of ANBU, likely Hon’s superior or master. The way he talked to Fire Guy made it feel as if he was of authority and showed his authority to him. But more surprising was his expectation of Hon’s bloodline; a battlefield analyst and tracker, which did go smoothly well with his blue eyes. However… he also mentioned Uri’s record. During the battle, Hon was more concentrated in channeling his Ninjutsu rather than reading Uri’s chakra for possible points - and he didn’t use much of his family’s secret techniques. He didn’t know that Uri had a demonic spirit inside of him… and he didn’t know that Uri had a chance to lose control of it. But what kind of power is that if you didn’t hold it tightly like a key? What power would it be if it was its own, rebellious being?

He would have to listen on to Uri’s words. There was smoke escaping his mouth - figuratively - a smoke tainted by his inner feelings. And he didn’t hide them at all. To be fair, Hon agreed with Uri on the point that he battled him, went on against the more skilled and excessively powerful shinobi, in order to start molding himself into the ANBU Branch. He needed a good idea of the level that kept them as the hidden protectors of the Hidden Cloud, and if he was ready to join their ranks. Frankly, he wanted to prove himself…

Uri must’ve caught on to Hon’s fighting style, because despite having his Byakugan constantly active, he refrained from using some of the Hyuuga’s most dangerous techniques against him. It felt more natural to channel Ninjutsu first… was Hon, unconsciously, trying to place himself uniquely from the rest of his clan? Was he trying to stand out? He didn’t want that, that only invited blind pride and arrogance… and when he was deprived of arrogance, he felt like a true Hyuuga. One who accepted who he was, where he was and what he could do. But when he wanted to stand out from the rest of his clan… then he felt that he alone could choose his own path. However… where he would end was hidden in a thick fog. Perhaps he was overthinking it… but one thing was certain. They both saw a lot in him, and they expected a lot of effort and fruition in his abilities…

“Hey, Bhelzira… let’s go,” he asked her as he was about to be sent back home. Before leaving the room, though, he would throw his gaze upon the two males, Kaji Okada and Mempo Uri, saying: “I need two things to become a third… and it’s obvious for a strange boy like me…”

[Topic Exited]


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
It was then when Hon stirred and the lizard summon seemed to have sensed it that an aura was building up along side of Uri as he kept his gaze to the latter. It was a wise choice for the injured boy to taken away by the summon for Uri didn’t want him to get involved in what was to come.

“I don’t like the way he talks,” said Chika in his head.

“I don’t either. But more so, I don’t want to hear him dismiss everything I’ve been through,” answered Uri as he was starting to gather his chakra. And then he spoke, “Don’t back away now, Vice Commander. You asked for this.”

[call bmod]

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017

Welcome to a Moderated Battle!
I will be your B-Mod -- Tenkawa Kaori!​

I will be asking for the following:
+ Username
+ OOC Rank
+ Character Level
+ Custom Class
+ Stats (Tai, Nin, Gen, Stam, Agi, CC -- Order isn't important)
+ Bloodline/Core Ability (Provide a Link)
+ Kinjutsu (if applicable) (Provide a link)
+ Abilities (Link every ability)
+ Inventory (Link every item)
+ Pouch Types (You can fill in what goes in there (of that type) later on)
+ Weapons (if applicable)
+ Branch (Main/Medic/ANBU)
+ Jutsu List (Link EVERY Jutsu)
+ Contract Summon (if applicable)
+ Bodies (Dependent on Kinjutsu) -- I'll need all their information too
+ Cursed Seals (if applicable)
+ Strategist Slots (if applicable)
+ Anything else I missed but you feel would be needed in the fight.

Afterwards, in a separate PM, send me your actions. I do have some ground rules though ::
+ Link EVERYTHING you do (besides basic strikes anyway) to what you are doing in EVERY post you send to me. If you are doing a jutsu, I want a link to that jutsu. If it's from a bloodline, link to the bloodline, etc.
+ As with above, if you are using something from a particular augment, link that. If you are using something from your bloodline/core ability/kinjutsu, link to that table. If you are using something from a particular ability, link to the particular ability!
+ When doing calculations, don't calculate damage or CP. I'll do that myself.
+ Place the AP of your jutsu in your actions (makes things easier for me)
+ If there are anything that might modify your actions -- such as if you have +25% ninjutsu damage and you're doing a ninjutsu, stating it there will help me remember those buffs.
+ Make your actions clear and concise -- a wall of text makes it hard to read your actions even if you are comboing.
+ Keep your conditionals in mind. Only things you'd know IC can be used as conditionals.
+ You have exactly 48 hours to submit an RP and send actions. Failure to do this will result in being placed in Defensive Mode and doing nothing else. (other than smart actions)
+ Do not harass me on any medium about the battle. If I made a mistake (or a few) send me a PM (be courteous) and I'll go and fix it.
+ Label all round actions by the round they are for. so Round 1 actions -- Label the PM "Round 1 Actions"
By approving this mod, you agree to follow the stated rules above.

Good luck to the competitors and FIGHT ON!

NOTE: First round will take a little while to put up due to having to compile all numbers together and all that -- so be patient with round 1.

IMPORTANT: I do not entertain "RAW vs RAI" arguments. If a thing is modded a certain way, that's how it will be modded. If you have any gripes about how it's modded, please make a suggestion to get it's wording fixed.

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017


  • Vanishing World's AP was incorrect. Corrected to proper AP cost which resulted in some of Uri's actions to not be able to be finished
  • One of Kaji's action's AP was incorrect. Corrected to proper AP cost which resulted in some of Kaji's actions to not be able to be finished
  • Just bad luck this round, Uri. Sorry :(

Rules of Engagement will still apply so make sure you guys get an RP in and submit actions within the allotted time.

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
Kaji was certain that some halfwit of distinction in the ninja arts once said that you haven’t really met your opponent until they have tossed a mote of fire at you. He didn’t really agree, but it appeared that Uri was all for proper introductions the moment poor Honnou was in the clear. The candidate was in Bhelzira’s care, which was more than adequate while the Vice Commander had with the matter at hand— one volatile Uri.

A mere flare of Uri’s chakra was all Kaji Okada needed to condone a sudden burst into action. Kaji paid close enough attention to the video feed to know the damaging potential of Uri’s ninjutsu. So Kaji reacted with swift speed and grace, hopping backward and drawing his weapon of choice, Eelspine, and maneuvering the blade easily as if it weighed nothing. The saber’s Mythril edge was bathing in the light as Kaji brought it forward from over his shoulder. There were a mere seven paces put between the two shinobi— enough to make a blade useless, yet on came Kaji with a finessed display— a Battōjutsu drawing strike. His momentum was shifting backward yet an emeraldine light flashed, unleashing a teasing arc of hard light that sank into Uri, missing his heart by a playful inch and just aching enough to provide a warning.

But was that really just a feint?

By the time the cut was delivered the Vice Commander was unleashing another attack, this time layering the first deception around Uri in an attempt to bind him. The green scarf he wore was imbued with magic, allowing it durability in addition to the capacity to stretch an incredible length. Rather than entertaining a long fight, it appeared that Kaji aimed to ensnare Uri in a bind, however, the scarf wasn’t enough.

What remained of his scarf made a return to Kaji as he continued to move, never remaining front and centered from his opponent. While one hand and wrist motioned to wind the scarf around his forearm, the other made a well-practiced single handed tiger seal. It was one of the oldest techniques from his repertoire— a mainstay from the hidden stone’s ANBU known as Meisaigakure no Jutsu. Kaji was phantom-like by the time Uri had mustered the strength for a heavy opening attack.

The Sileo Tempestas trembled from the impact of a sudden eruption, powerful but aimed recklessly. Kaji Okada had cleared the attack, lurking opposite of Uri when the burst of force hit. Half of the room was suddenly wiped away to reveal the reinforced walls made from transmuted steel ore.
“All that power and no idea how to use it” mocked Kaji, though the words hardly cut through the sound of crumbling walls. In truth, Kaji knew that a direct attack was about the only way to mount such an immense burst of chakra— he’d never known someone who could control such a volume of power easily.

Suddenly, Uri followed up with the massive attack with surprising ease, almost catching Kaji off guard with a gathering of the heat given off from the former attack. A sweltering burst shot past Kaji as he shot to the left, dabbing just out of the way. With so much force behind every lumbering blow, Kaji knew that getting in close would take a bit of maneuvering.

Behind the scenes Kaji went to work, forming hand seals and communing with the brand tattooed into his skin. Summoning forth another herald from the hidden oasis took time, and Kaji avoided yet another attack before the great red beast, Rhokul, ripped through the dust and smog. “Hrmm, I can taste so much chakra in the air” announced Rhokul with a bit of tongue flashing. The look in his golden eyes was a disconcerting one as he realized that Kaji had summoned him amidst a battle with another dangerous opponent. The apparent stench reeked of cinders. The crimson reptile’s tail turned bushy with long blade-like barbs becoming pronounced. Rhoul plucked a pair and began spinning them about in his hands.
“We should cut it down in a hurry,” said Rhokul in a whisper through the settling smoke, apparently aware of Kaji despite his veil of shadows.
“Agreed” answered Kaji.
And on came Rhokul, unsettling the ground, ripping up shattered flooring as he closed in on Uri and began the first of a flurry of bladed blows.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
Immediately, he was surging out with blue flames that condensed around his body like an aura. He was ready to fight, but so was Kaji. Uri was eager to attack him head-on, but it was the Vice-Commander who did the first strike. Uri’s crimson orbs caught sight of the emeraldine blade fly through the air between them, yet he could not move fast enough to avoid it. So he watched with a momentary dread as the blade ate through cloth and flesh, but the adrenaline in his body was far too high that he could not feel the pain at all. He moved back in the same time but he was still caught by the blade, the quickness of the man was truly a wonder to behold. But he didn’t have to be amazed now, not when he was engulfed with a painful yearning to let out his power.

In response, he felt the surging power of the demon inside him swell up as he let out the chakra pulse into a siphoning center point before him and shot out without warning. The power was quite overwhelming that it blasted through the arena, destroying the ground and room itself until it was stopped by the reinforced walls of transmutated steel ores. Would he be punished for destruction of property? Perhaps this wasn’t the time to even worry about that.

“That’s a rather annoying person,” said Chika, seemingly spurring more of Uri’s rage as the redhead quickly made for a turn to prepare for the next strike. Though he held so much power, he was also showing his weakness so openly that it annoyed him. It shouldn’t take a genius to comment how much control he had over his power, but over the years, he would have at least believed that he had grown strong enough to possess the skills to tame his own power. But the man simply wanted to irritate him more that he was losing his cool.

At that, he turned let loose warm whirl of energy emitting from his body and seeming lashing out to the ground before it forces the energy to uplifts, destroying the ground in the process. Unluckily, though, Kaji was no where to be found and easily avoided the strike. Even then, there were still blue flames that licked along his coat, ever more alive and enchanting in its piercingly mystic blue color. It was a sign that this was far from being over. In fact, it wasn’t even the beginning, almost as if it was just heralding the beginning.

But much to his surprise, there was a sudden appearance of a large reptilian creature, red in color and dangerously eyeing him. Uri didn't have to wonder what or who it was, for earlier that man had so easily summoned a different kind. “Makes you want to summon Karura, doesn’t it?” teased Chika as the spirit settled herself behind Uri, hovering with her arms around his neck and laying her chin on his shoulder, though this was only seen through eyes that could see the astral plane, other wise, it would only appear like a concentration of aura was hanging overhead Uri. “But you won’t. We’re enough, after all. This is what we’re bred for.”

“One, two… it doesn’t matter. In a mission, enemies are bound to multiply. You can only hope to overcome everything,” answered Uri as he braced himself when the creature suddenly sprinted at him with a strong arc swing. Even as he lifted his arms to defend, the strike went through and he was flung across the ground with the creature’s strength. Skidding to a halt, Uri raised his head up to look upon the large creature, analyzing it before he straightened out his stance while wave his arm for a bit. A little flex after that hard hit. But he was nowhere near exhaustion. More like, things have finally begun.

Crimson eyes quickly glanced around in search of the missing Vice-Commander. “That’s right. Everyone high up always hide behind and let those beneath them do the work. How can I forget. That’s why I’m here, to do their bidding should that day come,” he declared as he let his chakra surge even more until it lay around him as if he were engulfed by strong blue flames, his hair blown around by the energy. Yet amidst the blue, his crimson eyes sparked with determination. “Sorry, Shuuten,” he muttered under his breath as he realized he was about to use more chakra and potentially to the point of his limit. But that did not deter him as he kept his steady gaze at the creature while being aware of his surroundings, shifting into a fighting pose, one leg brought back, hands raised, body slightly lowered and ready to jump into action.

[Action to be sent]

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank

“Try to take something away from this experience” bade Kaji with a sourceless, echoing voice that seemed to come from everywhere at once— “Beside the wounds.” The Vice Commander’s movement left him virtually invisible to Uri, one with the blank room, and lashing out with well-placed blades of hard light chakra. Again he struck, seemingly coming from nowhere and being nowhere by the time the opponent registered his new flesh wound.
“I’ll give you this— your power could be devastating” he added, echoing again before delivering another strike wherever he found Uri unguarded.
“But instead you’re left—” more cutting words between blows, this time pausing between another slice, “struggling to fight on my terms.”

His assault was fast and precise, making disabling cuts into Uri rather than the vital sort best left for his foes. Kaji Okada’s presence in the fight was becoming something much more than the man he seemed to be before; if Uri could sense this chakra he’d notice the difference as this shadow seemed to permeate the room. The royal blue flames of Uri made him glow apart from the shroud which seemed to darken every corner and dim the lights overhead. There was a dense pressure that left the lungs heavy and forced nervous sweat to drip beside a quivering brow. There were images, people, moving, coming and going from sight in contorting forms. At first, they were Kaji, but then they were not: first came a monstrous creature with a serpentine form slithering across the floor. It’s maw opened wide to reveal rows of teeth before vanishing in an emeraldine haze. Then came a second image appearing at Uri’s opposite flank: a shinobi wearing the armor of a foreign make dashed towards Uri and drew an awkward weapon from his back, a dual-bladed scimitar. This image was vanquished as well, harmlessly vanishing into a haze before colliding with Uri, frighteningly real, no illusion.

“I can see ‘em too, lad,” said Rhokul, the only figure in Uri’s field of view to remain static. “The souls of fallen foes bound to the thief Okada, those are… They get riled up and start acting out when he starts cutting loose. You’re gonna wish it was just me doing the work.”
The blade of barbed scale sparked against the stone as Rhokul began a full charge towards Uri. Uri was a force of flame though and engulfed himself in a roiling spherical defense. This obstacle merely offset the attacks of Kaji and Rhokul though, as arcs of emerald light began to rip through the flames. Rhokul swept across Uri to tear open the barrier, singing himself minorly in the process, but the opening allowed more arcs from Eelspine to pass through. The red-scaled salamander merely flexed in response to the minor burns, nearly unaffected given his tough hide’s nature. “Ha, you’re certainly no Kaen Shinku” mocked the toothy reptilian.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
The fight went on as the invisible opponent dished out more cuts. Uri felt like he was being pushed against the ropes as each time he felt like he sensed his opponent’s incoming attacks, it would be from the opposite side. When he adjusted, he would be hit by another. And through this experience, he heard the man’s words resounding like an echo that slowly seeped into his mind. It sent a chill down his spine, forcibly making him more defensive than usual. And then, it began.

He wasn’t sure if it was genjutsu or perhaps a new form of offensive creativity that sent silhouettes and presence all around him. From humanoid figures to creatures, they all began to haunt his senses, dulling his edge and when he thought of pulling away from the thought, he gets hit straight into the body that sends him crashing on the ground. He could feel the cuts forming through sliced cloth and bruises possibly warning him of a day’s grueling feeling as he forces himself to stand up.

Rattled, he quickly brought himself into a self-preservation mode, raising his chakra pulse to another notch as it hastily formed a barrier to protect him. It was just in time as he caught a glimpse of the opponent appearing for a strike. The collision point sparked as cracks raced across the spiritual barrier made of blue flames that surrounded him. It seemed like a good marker that Uri instantly followed his instincts and let loose an offensive of hurling blue flames towards Kaji, only to miss him. The devastating blow zoomed past an after-image of the man, hurling through the barrier and across the field, destroying the flooring further until it collided with a thunderous boom and tremor against the reinforced walls. One could wonder how strong they made this place was. It was almost impenetrable.

Again, the barrier would save him some time as it cracked at another point, giving Uri a momentary look at where the man had come from next. But like before, he saw nothing the moment he faced the direction. Nothing but haunting silhouettes before the giant lizard struck and broke through the barrier, dispersing the gathered blue flames into a wave away from Uri. And it was at that moment that Uri felt himself pushed by the force and realized how he was left out in the open.

It was a different kind of thrill that made his heart raced at that very moment, but a memory surfaces in his mind. Shuuten’s voice echoed in his head amidst the battle and the hurt and the urging of his demon. In his voice was a warmth that was equally shared by the hands that held his face. “Don’t panic. Stay clam. Breathe in and out. Don’t let your opponent dictate your rhythm.”

At that, Uri jumped aside to avoid any further strikes possible, running across the battlefield as he slips on a bracelet, putting it close to his chest. How childish he felt to think that the small token would let him remember Shuuten in battle. But if it allowed him to calm down and rethink his actions through, then it was worth it. After all, the only person who managed to spoil him in everyday was Shuuten himself, and so he could afford any comfort the item represented. Made from a chakra ore, it began to stimulate a calming source into Uri, enough to make him focus without the rage.

“That’s right. I’m not anyone you’ve encountered,” said Uri as he came to a stop as his blue flaming chakra pulsed ever stronger that it looked like a spiritual silhouette over his image. “And I’m fine with being who I am.”


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
Even as the blue flames wrapped around him like a protective veil, something went through. Uri’s attention was caught by the sudden flash of collision, unexpectedly cracking across the barrier he lifted. It was enough to create an opening that allowed a momentary entrance for an unknowing blade. Again, he felt the uneasy cold of the steel slip right into his cloth and flesh, drawing blood in the process. Luckily, it wasn’t that deep.

Grunting, he retaliated by drawing up his chakra and blowing it out in shockwave. The flow would encircle, attempting to entrap the invisible enemy, and still failed, but what he did managed to ensare into his fiery field was the large creature. He clicked his tongue when he realized he had made an error. That goes to show that his strategy was still far from being complete and that he needed more training in actual combat. Then again, it wasn’t everyday that he got the opportunity to go all out like this, so that was one reason. Fighting in a control environment never did him good. He needed to get used to more extremes.

Because of the space occupied by him and the creature, it allowed the large lizard to get a better view of him. Once more, Uri felt like a sudden tremendous force was pushing itself at him, with haunting of unknown spectres and presences trying to muddle his senses. He didn’t like it at all, but now he may have figured it out that the one responsible for this was the creature itself. For as the flames grew large and tall around them, he was in full view while the vice-commander was somewhere beyond the flames. But that didn’t stop Uri from attacking as he let out a siphoned energy to blow a large energy from the ground, sending his devastating chakra to scar the battleground once more and hit the creature. He didn’t sense the other’s chakra pulse so he was annoyingly disappointed to think it missed his true mark. And it was this break of concentration that allowed the said large lizard to strike at him. It was a heavy strike that send Uri crashing to the ground once more, feeling a battering strike against his body. He coughed and spit out blood as he got up once more before glaring at the lizard.

“Looks like I’ll have to deal with you,” said Uri as he sent another barrage of chakra energy exploding around him. It sent the blue flames alight once more before the energy would stray into the air and mold the atmosphere, creating a burning sensation around them that would definitely dry up and create intense internal burning sensations to those around him. And it was spurned on by the blue flames’ own power, further intensifying the effects as if the energy would penetrate through even the thickest of skins, or in this case, of scales and hide. And as if that was not enough, Uri let out another concentrated chakra attack through his body and sent it out with deft manipulation to circle about him and spread into two streams of blue flames that hunted down the enemies he sought for.

A thought lingered in his head as he focused the same chakra power in himself suddenly realising a break in the lingering uneasiness. He must have been affected by something but now he managed to be free from it. Never the less, he kept his guard up. Even as his body was sore, he was far from ending this battle. “I’m ready,” he muttered as he raised his hands up, more chakra accumulating and ready at his disposal.

[Action sent]

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
There was a spectral image of a woman who glowed in an emeraldine hue. Through her fragmented anbu masked there was a single watching eye revealed, witnessing as the battle between Kaji Okada and Uri Eru continued. She was barely keeping track of the contest though, instead, she was meandering in slow steps and stuffing the bowels back into her midriff. Long green intestines were spilled across the fractured floor and faded to dispersing smoke once Kaji stepped over the cord.

His movement never slowed, yet Uri’s defenses were improving the more Kaji tested him with strike after strike. The Vice Commander’s efforts to make Uri bleed were sufficient yet the fiery opponent would not bend the knee just yet. His tactics were adapting to the nature of a clever attacker, demanding that Kaji pull out more tricks if he wanted to put an end to the face-off. For the moment though, Kaji was delayed by a barricade of spinning flames. Smiting it was as simple as conjuring a water jutsu from his repertoire, but Uri had complicated the matter by taking Rhokul into it.
“He’s going to make this personal” grunted Kaji, dissatisfied by Uri’s strategy to place himself alone with Rhokul.

Meanwhile, the brightness of fire brought out the excitement behind Rhokul’s eyes— pupils flaked with gold and narrowed coronas. His maw formed a pearly, toothy grin. The pair of barbed scales in his clawed hands had a sheen, much like the muscle rippled with scales from head to tail. The fire hardly stung through that tough hide, leaving the ring of fire to feel more like a wrestling one than an inferno. “Deal with me” mocked Rhokul. “You don’t seem to understand… I’m not locked in here with you—” and he sped forward, whipping those long blades for a critical cutting blow. “You’re locked in here with me!”

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
Those forceful words from the battle-hardened Rhokul must have had Uri second-guessing his strategy, seeing the fiery cage as a frivolous endeavor with Kaji waiting outside of it. Suddenly the fire dispersed into nothing. Rhokul shot backward with enough strength that his claws scraped the floor to bring him to a stop.
“Look out Rhokul, I can feel the humidity shifting” warned Kaji to his companion as he emerged from the lanky redscale’s shadow. “Water style” predicted the veteran shinobi, who watched on for the seconds before Uri began transforming air into water in another massive evocation of chakra.
“The kid doesn’t know when to quit… I like it” jested Rhokul, heartily shaking a fit of laughter. But Kaji Okada didn’t share in the humor. Instead, he bent just slightly at the knees and swelled chakra in the pads of his feet. In a flash of black Kaji vanished!
From on high, the Vice Commander sailed down into Uri’s aquatic biome. Forming the angle of attack was as simple as a wall run and rebound to the ceiling. He made submerging into the center of that forming vortex seem easy, but his moves were a symphony of acrobatics. Did Uri think himself to be secure from the center of the sphere? He couldn’t have, or else he wouldn’t have been fighting so desperately to put off the inevitable. Kaji was like a shark in the way he emerged behind Uri, drawing blood with sudden deep cuts that struck harder than great white jaws. Kaji was upside down but righted himself by the second cut, effortlessly moving with his own proficiency in water natured chakra. Again and again, Kaji was painting the aquatic dome with red streaks Uri as climbed towards his threshold of damage his body could stand.

Reckless attacks came in the form of unique creations that took a toll for him to form. They were slow maneuvers, both wildly inaccurate from Kaji’s estimation. Avoiding them proved to be easy for Kaji, even if they came as uncomfortably close calls for Rhokul outside. “Hey now” shouted the old alpha redscale named Rhokul, “hurry up with this Kaj’... I’ve had about enough of the little war games you’re playing. Finish this hatchling already, and you owe me a chicken bucket for my troubles, ya hear me?”
No, he didn’t hear him. In fact, the look of determination in Kaji’s eyes hinted that he wasn’t listening to anything, just function, tuning out the world as he carved away at the opponent. Yes, this needed to end moments ago, as the world was still turning outside of the Sileo Tempestas. His daughter was still bedridden, and soon, Uri would be as well for forcing his hand.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
As the fight raged on and fire covered the vicinity, Uri knew better than to stick to one plan. The lizard, already, was showing signs that it would not be bothered by the blue flames that encircled themselves. Though it could be a bluff, Uri wasn’t taking any chances, especially when the real target was outside the ring of fire that he created. Clicking his tongue, he would step back and the flames vanished into thin air before it would be replaced by a different stirring of the chakra pulse. This was a gamble, a little something to change the pace he fell into. Almost at once, he let out a surging chakra pulse that manipulated the moisture in the air, gathering them and multiplying them in an instant to the point of creating a large dome of water. Encased within, he found himself in a moment of brief respite but unfortunately for him, there was none of that.

It took a second too late to realize the intruding presence of another and before Uri could counter or protect himself, he found the man’s blade cutting through once more. This time, it struck deeper and he felt the pain almost instantly before the blade slipped away again, leaving a trail of blood flowing from his wound. The multiple cuts were beginning to take its toll on him, the blood trail in the water was evidence of that, but Uri was far from giving up.

He moved along the sphere of water he created, his chakra providing the necessary supply of oxygen for himself while his opponent may have to fight against the pressure of the water and suffocate. Weaving his hands into handseals, Uri manipulates the water to create forms of dragon heads before sending them out to an attack. The initial one misses the man, but it continued to dash across the water sphere before it breached the area and launched into an attack towards the large lizard, with three dragon heads attempting to take a bite off the scaly creature.

This provided Uri enough time to distract the creature as he syphoned his energy from within. Once more, he felt the presence of his demon, that same energy that revolved around his soul, slowly accumulating before him with an alluring laugh that belonged to a woman. Soon enough, the energy would burst into a strong stream of light that pierced through the water sphere. He had hoped it would hit the man, but it seemed to have hit creature outside.

But that wasn’t the point. This was only one of the two instances that he had felt this in his entire life. The surging energy from within his body continued to grow and converge around him. He could feel the flame burning around him, half warm and half numb despite being within the water sphere.

He gasped as he could feel the energy being drawn from him and his eyes felt like they were burning. He gritted his teeth as he then felt something grow from within him, his body was in sharp pain as if his being was constantly being transformed. He held his breath for a moment as blue flames formed protruding from his head like horns. He grunted as the energy continued to surge out of his body while he tried to keep a steady breathing.

Despite his attempt to reign in his power, latching onto the memory and words of Shuuten, he found those words failing him as he kept a watchful eye around him, from the creature and in search of the man that he fought with. The rage of being toyed with was there, and yet he also felt a different kind of freedom – as if he was given an opportunity to indulge in his once isolated power. And so, he would. Gathering his chakra and his flames burning brighter despite within the water sphere, Uri was ready to materialize the desire from within him.

[Action sent]

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017


B-Mod Notes:
@Uri: Only your chosen element (not any advanced elements) capitalize on the 0 CP of Rank 3 Elemental Manifestation. So the CP IS correct
@Uri: Yes, the HP was correct for Rhokul, I just didn't actually track the spiritual portion of the damage.
@All: I ended up removing the "Max Healable" portion for HP/CP and Max AP portion of the mod to make room to make the font larger.. This is also because that information isn't necessarily relevant to a mod.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2016
Sometimes it just needs a little something to offset the scenario. Perhaps it was the sudden usage of water jutsu that made Uri feel different, if not crazy, but this made Uri all the more eager and reckless to an extent. He already had the mind to let loose more cannons, but he suddenly had a different thought. The more he would act unexpectedly, perhaps there was a shot to prevailing in this fight. As such, he stilled his movement for a bit as his chakra pulse died down from its torrential movement around the spherical water dome, all at once making it lose its form and the water molecules would drop to the ground like rain, though it was sudden and crashed to the surface like a sudden dam broke. It held up to their ankles as the surface took its time to absorb the water through sewer vents or broken pieces and actual earth.

Bracing himself for the worst, Uri brought his arms to a defensive position before him, trying to cover the earlier wounds. He still felt his heart beat rapidly from the injuries and the bleeding that continued to swell into a pool beneath his feet. But he did not mind them at all. He was too focused at the moment, eyes glancing between the large lizard and the vast space about him, knowing that the vice-commander was out there and readying for a strike. And that happened. He felt the first strike hit the blue flaming aura around him and it sent a crack across the flames. He stepped back again and turned as he felt another presence close in. This time, the strike shatters the blue flaming aura that acted as a barrier and he gets hit by a multitude of blades as it would seem, drawing blood once more.

It was at this point when Uri lightly staggered back before a release of his chakra sent the entire high ceiling surging with power that converged into a dark mist that pooled over before pillars of obsidian color struck down one by one, targeting enemies around him. He may have missed the chance to strike at the man, but at the moment one of the pillars struck the lizard, Uri sent out another rapture of chakra from his person, sending a shockwave of energy surging past the atmosphere and hitting the said creature, its energy would course into the body. And hyper-aware of the lizard, Uri felt a dread approach him but he manages to steer clear and steel his mind and soul from its penetrating claws.

Nonetheless, he felt a sudden gnawing from within him. A trembling presence that held his movements in place as he felt the toll of his actions, his muscle burning from within and causing joints and tissues to ache. It was this unfortunate circumstance that left him wide open for a bit, causing the next assault to almost cement his fate. He didn’t notice it until the very last moment when the blade finally struck at him, and he was sent across the battlefield, crashing with a tormenting pain. Splotches of blood pooled at his body but he manages to push himself up from the ground, ever more determined. Red eyes didn’t flinch as blood trickled from a cut on his head, and soon enough he would truly be a sight of a red demon. Yet, he smirked as he found his mark on both man and lizard, as he would push his body to the limit. The surging blue flames burst like a sonic boom to propel him with immense speed, and gather around his arms as he struck them one after another in quick succession that made a Chidori pale in comparison in his zig-zag path. But no lightning coursed, just bursts of blue flames that would engulf the targets and trail along the surface of the battlefield.

The man would take it as a sign to hide once more, making Uri click his tongue in annoyance. “Always hiding, I see…” he gasped as he turned to face his last known location. Then the lizard attempted to retaliate but Uri would not shy away from it, partially deflecting the energy aside as he gets part of the force hammered into him, nonetheless. He let out a howl as the blue flames continued to burn from within him, and the twin horns that were aflame on his head flickered like a hazy vision.

[Actions sent]

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
The terrain shifting jutsu were changing like the seasons, first scorching the room and then flooding it with a torrent before the water sphere collapsed. All of Kaji’s concern for holding his breath was relieved long before a dangerous point. Nothing more than a few seconds passed; hardly enough to force heavy breathing, yet Kaji was taking deep breaths, pumping blood through steely veins. He found calmness through his focus, stowing his troubles and thinking only of the moment. He traced a path around Uri like a jaguar stalking in the deep jungle. The quick movement turned him into spots of pitch blackness as he suddenly surged into motion with Hohō. Kaji sank the blade edge of Eelspine into Uri once more, sliding around in a dance of death before vanishing once more.

To and fro, Kaji Okada continued to work around Uri until a speck of red fell into his eye. The sight of red was only partly blinding, yet the sting brought a distracting memory. The moment— the extremities of training in his youth in the mushroom groves of Arcadia. His childhood training partner, Xinyue was a frighteningly powerful kunoichi who spun her greatsword with reckless abandon. He became a boy again in his vision, dueling Xinyue with those same Hohō techniques. For all the hours he could evade her, there was always the moment when that devastating blade met his tender form.

The force of a sudden impact snapped Kaji back to reality— a much different pain from the cut of Xinyue’s sword, but reminiscent in the moment. The attack caught him completely off guard and sent him reeling backward. Xinyue was the absolute image of power compared to young Kaji, and Uri had too much in common. Wild power with unharnessed potential. She was reckless, fearless, and went down a long road to self-destruction. As powerful as she was though, she was almost always bested by her agile brother, Kaji. A thoughtful look crossed Kaji’s visage as he vanished once more, resuming their battle with another Hohō flicker.

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
There was nothing left for Rhokul to do but witness the final moments of that spectacle. It was Kaji Okada’s job to bring Uri to heel, and he was methodically doing so with a persistent attack pattern. The red-scaled titan went to find a seat on a big hunk of stone created in the first of Uri’s major blasts. He planted himself upright, leaning on one side. Then Rhokul revealed a modestly-sized stick of rolled up herbal components, the healing kind produced by Bhelzira back at their home in the Hidden Oasis. The rolled bundle was already wrapped with leaves until it was narrow and tightly bound. Rhokul used a bit of simmering stone on the floor to grind against the tip of his herbal joint until it turned hot and red. He began to inhale from the other end, taking in smoke until the opposite end of the herbal joint was cherry red. Smoke billowed out of Rhokul’s maw and nostrils like a dragon after releasing a burst of flames. The herbal remedy was putting his pain at ease long enough for him to find some joy in watching the conclusion of Kaji’s discipline of the demon host, Uri.

“This is not how a battle between us should have gone” chided Kaji, almost disappointed as the crossguard of Eelspine clapped gently against the tip of its scabbard. He had put the blade to work with several strikes, taking down Uri in less than two seconds of extreme speed— a final barrage that ended the fight in under a minute’s time. He expected many different results from all the unbridled power his opponent exhibited, but without real knowledge of how to wield it, Uri ultimately snuffed his own flame. Kaji’s work was instrumental in clipping the wick of the candle, but ultimately it was Uri who extinguished himself. “I watched you mistake power for capability— and while you began to adapt to my countering it was already too late and you depleted yourself by exerting too much strength. If this were more than a simple test— yes, we’ll just call this a test— I’d be dealing a finishing blow and absorbing your souls into Eelspine.” For a younger Kaji, it would have been a challenge to deny the hunger of the Soul Thief, which was a much more fitting name for his saber, yet he denied it that feast and that title, instead, he dignifed it with the title it was given those many years ago.

“I have known and mastered shinobi like you before— most of us learn the skill before obtaining power, but jinchuuriki often lack such an opportunity. So you are blinded by it, seeing nothing in front of you but that blue flame. You’re led by your ideas and coerced by the belief that what you’ve learned is all you need. But the truth is that you’ve only just begun.” There was more than lecturing in mind as Kaji became forming hand seals over the floored Uri. He was molding chakra for something advanced, something requiring several seals. His emeraldine orbs began to glow brightly as he formed a flat open palm with one hand and pointed about an inch from Uri’s forehead. Direct access to the mind gate, infiltrating his chakra through a direct application of genjutsu. Kaji formed a last single-handed seal, turning that open palm into an index and middle finger pressed upon the temple, and a thumb at the center of his target’s forehead. Mirroring his own, Uri’s eyes would turn the same emeraldine glow as Kaji evoked the Mind’s Eye Chaos!
“I will see this inner demon with my own eyes,” said Kaji, speaking a trigger as the world turning black and Uri washed away to reveal another place— a world— an inner realm.

Kaji Okada materialized in an astral form, aware of where he had gone. This place was a manifestation within the mind of Uri Eru, in the place where the demon sealed within him existed in a material form. If such a thing had not existed before it would now gain such a thing. Kaji was in full control of himself and appeared the same as he was seen a moment ago, though Eelspine was not with him in this form. He could not risk making the sword a part of this process, or else even more inner demons could manifest within Uri, poured out of Eelspine. He did not intend to wander far here, nor did he expect any danger with Uri already mostly drained of strength, barely gripping onto consciousness, if that. “Show yourself demon... it is time we parlay” commanded Kaji, echoing into the chamber forming into existence around him.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
