Anii has now reached her tenth year of age. It is now time for her as a female of the Tsubaki clan it is now time for her to begin the rituals she must perform to gain priestesshood. Before she starts the many rituals ahead of her she must first go through a purification rite into order to prepare herself. For seven days she cannot touch anyone, she cannot eat meat or dairy, and she must bath in the pool within the temple each night. One may look at rite as something that is easy to preform, Anii did at first. However after three days of not being able to hug her mother or kiss her father good night, she found out just how hard this ritual really is. She was glad that she was fortunate enough not the only one going through such a difficult task. There was one other young initiate going through the rite as well. While Anii has just started the other is close to completion. They would bath with each other and enjoy each other’s company. They became quick friends as each of them knew the others’ pain. On Anii’s fourth day however she was alone. Sure she still talked to her as she did with everyone else, but it was not the same. When she finally completes the right she has never been so happy to hug her parents. If this was only preparation, she was afraid what the actual rituals must be like. Just what awaited her in the coming days? Will she be able to pass the tests? Will she even be able to survive the trials? So many questions of concern enter into her little mind. She can only hope for the best like all of those that came before her.
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