Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 08:39:17

R @ D - Researching the Golden Child [Medical Research Mission]

Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The strange smell of ozone lingered in this area, a large office with what appeared to be an attached laboratory. It was here that the med-nin, Myakashi Migoya, had set up shop so to speak. A rough wooden desk, covered with various pieces of paper and surrounded by bookshelves was in stark contrast to the pristine and clean nature of the lab proper. Medical equipment of various types were neatly ordered around the room, including the machine that went ‘pip’, various IV cannulas and the like, as well as other various experiments that Migoya was working on. At least the ones he didn't mind people knowing about.

Currently his focus was on a microscope where he was studying what appeared to be a blood sample. This particular sample was from Kotori, a strange girl that seemed to be suffering from what appeared to be anemia.

Admittedly, haemography was not Migoya’s strong suit, yet he had been trained by one of the greatest med-nin to ever walk the planet (at least in Daichi's own words XD) and as such blood work had been mandatory. His skills were such that he could even detect the bloodline of an individual based solely on examination of their blood, and with his efforts in uses for his bloodline he had developed new methods of both examination and treatment.

He squinted as his crimson orbs looked through the microscope, analysing the finest details of the blood sample that lay on the glass in front of him. Obtaining the blood itself had been a bit of an ordeal with the young lady fidgeting (intentionally) until she received some sort of sticky treat. Migoya still had reservations about her - for a 9 year old Kotori was still extremely immature, and seemed to enjoy that fact. Indeed, her frame itself was not very developed, and Migoya wondered if that in and of itself was one of the possible contributors to her condition. The fact that she was the Hokage’s daughter probably entitled her to be more… troublesome or at least garner more patience from others than would normally be permitted, but that would only feed the issue. Migoya was simply as polite as he would be to most others with her, and it seemed to work.

He zoomed into the palate, taking in every detail with an expert eye. His brows furrowed in confusion as he looked… and could find no discernable features about her blood, other than the fact that there were no antigens or any identifiable features... How could this be possible?

Reaching behind himself and extending tendrils, Migoya took an old book off the research shelves and brought it back to himself. Placing it next to the Microscope, Migoya started to scan through its pages.

What ya looking for? inquired Mikki, who for the most part had been distracted by playing with what appeared to be the humerus of a hospital skeleton. Apparently it wasn't as funny as he had hoped.

“Kotori seems to have an abnormality in her blood. Id expect something different as her father is an Uchiha amongst other things, and her mother is… a mystery. But there seems to be, well for want of a better word, nothing.”

Eh blood, who needs it. Mikki, clearly bored, turned and started to play with a patella.

Migoya thumbed through the tome, stopping now and then to garner information.

‘The two main antigens are A and B. The kind one has is determined by the alleles (gene variants) given by biological parents. A and B are dominant, while O (which does not have a corresponding antigen) is recessive. Then, in a different group, there's the Rhesus D antigen, which determines positive/negative, called the Rh factor. Positive blood has the Rh factor (it contains the D antigen), and negative types lack it.’

But what happens if there are clear indicators of Rh blood, but no other discernible identifiers… He continued to scan the book, hoping for something.

A light rapping on the door to his lab took him out of his trance. “Yes?” he responded.

“Migoya-san, I just wanted to see if you would like some food. You’ve been down here for a few hours,” a polite male voice responded. Hattori, a new MiT had been assigned to him and Migoya seemed to like the guy. Attentive, smart, and keen.

“No thank you Hattori, but I appreciate you asking. Hmm… there is something I would like you to do, if you have the time. Could you ask Ziren if he has had any experience with Rh negative blood types, particularly those lacking any particular extraneous structures.”

“Oh, golden blood.”


“Golden blood. It’s an extremely rare blood type of the Rh strain, noted for its ability to be used on any Rh blood transfusions. It’s very useful, and rare, so the blood bank here stores it very securely. I was there before I was transferred here…”

How convenient.

“Yes - golden blood. Well done. I’m glad you remembered. Forget the previous request - I need everything we have on golden blood. Thank you.”

Giving a small bow, Hattori left the room, clearly pleased he had passed yet another one of Migoya’s ‘tests’, even though unbeknownst to him he had provided Migoya with something he did not know.

Golden blood? Why have I not heard of this? A rare type of blood that is easily transferred to multiple hosts - to be able to replicate this could possibly save so many people… But obviously we can’t tie the girl up to a machine and milk her like a cow… unfortunately. Perhaps Ziren or another Chikogai… focus.

Rubbing his chin in thought, Migoya walked over to his large wooden desk, pushing aside some of his other research notes to make some space. He took out a large paper pad and started taking some notes.

- RHNull blood - ‘Golden Blood’ - transferable but critically rare. Useful in transfusions for those with RH bloodtypes…
- If injured, we don't have the facilities to provide her with blood.
- Possible anaemic reactions due to low red blood cell count - could account for fainting and tiredness.
- Child has not yet reached puberty, so menstruation issues will need to be addressed in the future.

Possible treatments?

- Vitamins to increase red blood count. Perhaps add it to some sort of candy?
- Injections of synthetic erythropoietin to increase the kidneys production of red blood cells?
- Blood transfusions… possible donor father/mother? Perhaps we could create a symbiote...

Mikasa undoubtedly had started treatment of some nature, and Migoya knew that the very skilled Sennin would have had similar thoughts about how to treat it. He would have approached the Hokage for further information, but the man was impossible to deal with - no, any actions he needed to inform the girls father about would have to go through his Sennin first.

There was, however, more ethically… challenging methods. Using the sample he had obtained, he knew he was able to replicate the girls DNA and perhaps, just perhaps, synthesize a new kidney to create a suitable level of erythropoietin, or create a new body to produce this rare new blood type…

Thought processes ran through Migoya’s head and soon Hittori returned with the small amount of information the byoin had on ‘golden blood.’ After thanking him Migoya set to work.

His findings would soon find themselves on Mikasa’s desk, and hopefully between the two a more permanent solution could be found for poor Kotori.

WC: 1245

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 08:39:17
