Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 05:43:59

Radiant Ruin - [ Open ]


Faithful Ninja
Aug 11, 2013
Water droplets rippling at the surface of water, the gentle sound they make is unmistakable. A plip here, or a plop there, the sound of the water could bounce off of the walls of caves to make the origin undetectable. In the underground abyss of Arcadia with the walls illuminated only by the reflections of precious gemstones stuck in the stone of the walls, being undetectable was a frightening thing. A man or woman could lurk in the shadows without a worry in the world, but still, these people had become accustomed to the low lighting of the area, but anyone else had no type of home field advantage, unfortunately. Now, was that not why people worked down here if they were aiming for some type of nefarious plotting or something along those lines? Undeniably so, but don't let the locals here about that. . . After all, they were a deeply thoughtful community who did not allow much of anything to pass along underneath of their noses. Unless they knew that it would end up being beneficial to them in the long run, but how many plans and conspirators truly took their home base into mind when they were finishing up with their devious plot lines? Not many. After all, did they not just use these places as a brooding hole to get out any of the feelings that might've crossed their mind out? After a while, home base would not be a fond memory. After all, misery would be born and bred there without a second thought. Especially if it came from a group of people, or one incredibly lonely individual. In the backwards area of Arcadia where children used precious gemstones as idle play toys and the like, people from the surface would not find it easy to assimilate within the culture. After all, one culture is literally day, and the other is night. Arcadians would find it easier to approach the surface of the Stone Village and assimilate into that hustle and bustle more than anything else, oddly enough. No matter how backwards a person was, they could change, but you could not change an entire community to your liking.

Metallic sounds would now add to the dripping water, and the water would drip heavily into whatever puddle it was sitting high above. Hushed sounds and whispers would be the other accompanying noise that flowed through the area. The Sea, it was dubbed, would wash up and down onto the curious little shoreline it had created, eroding stalagmites and the ground alike. The warm area was an ideal place for a gathering of minds that thought alike or anything along those lines to just sit back and relax, or even just talk while listening to the sounds of the water here. The attraction was cleared, though, with only a woman sitting back above the water on a rock, another figure working diligently with her body, and then, of course, what looked like a quaint little bassinet with a bundled up child within it. For the woman sitting upon the rock formation, it had become increasingly harder for her to leave the tiny child behind, and it had been nearly impossible without her growing feelings of attachment to the one being that accompanied her in her time of solitude and reflection. There had not been anyone else until he had been born, and even then, that was an incredibly bloody and painful affair that was one gigantic blur in the back of her mind. There sat her handmaid, Gai, before her who would touch and feel at her stomach where she had ripped flesh away from bone to ensure her child's safety. The scarring there was incredibly bad. The flesh was lighter with much scar tissue buildup, but still, the woman would work on it without any words. Her hands would glow a gentle red coloration as she stripped the flesh away layer by layer with the young woman known as Haruka sitting up and attempting to be as still as she possibly could. A culmination of blood and flesh would drop down into the warm sea, causing the sound of droplets and other such strange sounds. The metallic sound that would come would be Haruka working with two needles in her hands and attempting to keep her midsection still as it was layered away and away. She was working on what seemed to be a knitted toy, presumably for her child who laid sleeping, lulled by the heat of the area.

Haruka, on the other hand, was having one hell of a time attempting to breathe in the humidity and mess of this area. Why she subjected herself to this place was beyond her, but she quite enjoyed it. After all, this had been the first place that she had come across Akechi in all of his strange and uh, nearly nude glory. Enough to make any woman red in the face, of course, but she attempted to stand firm and tall, but eventually crumbled and ran away. Gah, what an embarrassing time for her. She was just happy that she could control whatever she had inside of her now. Even if she had lost a bit of her prowess, she knew that she could build herself back up to where she once stood, and that much was proven by recent battles where she did not yield to anyone or anything that may have stood within her pathway. Though, it did still feel incredibly weird to meet back up with the man who gave her her son, she thought that she would be able to handle it so long as he didn't attempt to seek the small child out under any kind of circumstances. After all, she didn't know how she would handle it. He was the one that pushed her away because of her position, but now look where she stood. . . Forced out of what position she might've held onto in the past with no one so much as fighting for her in her absence. Ah well, she didn't need the people who consistently fucked with her and made a mockery of her stance. She proved that much by the way she stuck it out nearly by her lonesome for a year and a half. Now, she knew, that she just had to sit back and let the people whom proved themselves entry into the oddly icy heart that she had. Forcing a small breath passed her lips, it would collide with the humid and hot air, causing a wispy cloud to float up and away, eventually dispersing into the air beyond sight. Opening up, though, was some kind of task that she found herself struggling with a bit. It was harder than she thought when before she had to keep her mouth shut, back straight, and her face devoid of any emotion that might've given her away. Now she had the freedom to say what she wanted, to slouch when she sat even though she choose to keep her posture, and her face could become some kind of book for people to read, even if she did not want it.

Life was such a curious thing to her, and it really made her think. As she knitted there, she would slip one stitch to the other needle in a fluid motion, not even skipping a beat as she worked her way around in a small circle befitting of her son's forming skull. It was a deep blue colored yarn that she worked with for the moment that she could only describe as peacock colored. The yarn would work it's way around, two carefully knit rows of that color, and then it would work into an onyx coloration. Naturally, these had been the colors that she picked when she was nesting and working on his quaint little nursery. She did not know what exactly she needed to expect out of the tiny boy, but that had to have been most brand new parental figures. Though with her oddly skewed lineage, it made it a bit weird. Did her son become some kind of time traveling necromancer? Did he become one with ice? Or did he become attuned to the shadows? Or would he take some other unnamed genetic pathway that would take her for surprise? All she knew was that she just wanted him safe and sound, and she would do whatever it took to make it as such. Nothing would stop her, and there would be no measures that wouldn't be taken. With another layer of her flesh, there would be another row of knitting complete on her small needles. The flesh would be brushed away along with any blood, and then a soothing feeling would swash over her as Gai began to heal her flesh with a tender caring, making sure that it would not scar back up again. They may have been the tiger stripes that Haruka had earned, but she did not need them as she did not need them to clue anything in to anyone. There were only so many lies, so many stories that you could tell people before your information began colliding into one another and the rumors began to spread. And that was why she had chosen to tell Souji the truth, even if it might've made him all the more curious into the life she now lead behind the scenes.

The runoff of her blood would dissipate into a salmon coloration into the water, flowing away to the end of the waterfall that fed into the very ends of the earth here. Her rows of stitches would grow smaller until they finally culminated to the small point at the top of the little hat she created. There was no limit to the outpouring of creativity that she had for her little, blonde haired munchkin. Every piece of clothing that he had, she took it upon herself to create for him. Though sometimes it seemed that he grew out of his clothes so fast that it was hard to keep up with him, but some how she always managed to see everything through. Topping off the small hat, she would feel a smile spread slowly across her features as she attached a little knitted ball atop of it just to give it that last hint of cuteness. Another creation worthy of being proud of in the back of her mind. And it wouldn't give the abundance of hair atop of his head any kind of weird brim of hat hair or anything like that. The thought made a small laugh pass her lips and then Gai would look up towards her with her silver locks falling over her shoulders now. The other young woman held a distinct smile that caused Haruka to quickly look away in embarrassment. She didn't mean to laugh out loud, but here she was, and every time she did something stupid, she always got caught. Jeez, could she have gone back to being a closed book yet? It didn't seem like it would come any time soon, though. And that was quite unfortunate in the back of her mind. Casting her knitting off of the needle, she would use one of her sharpened canines to rip the working end of the thread away and then she would wave her hand just slightly, sealing her needles and yarn away into a scroll to be used later. She was fond of such an action, really. It saved so much space. In her room, there were scrolls upon scrolls stacked away and kept for a later date. Those had been all of the weapons that she had kept locked away in the Cage of Rubies. She was thankful that she could get in and out quick enough to grab onto her belongings before they cast those away as well. Tch. . .

"Milady, everything here is complete. What I want you to do next is to take a long soak in the hot water to remove any bacteria from the surface of your skin. Your body may be a tundra where bacteria and viruses cannot thrive, but your son is very much warm blooded. It certainly is a wonder how he even survived as long as he did within there." She'd laugh just lightly, patting at the young woman's stomach which had been healed up. "I will take Kei to your home here in Arcadia and put him to sleep in his actual crib. I advise you sit and soak for about an hour, and for heaven's sakes, try not to freeze up The Sea or anything like that. I know you love your cold, but keep it a decent tourist attraction for everyone else~. And here," Gai would pluck the small hat from her hands and pick up the scroll that had sealed away her work, and Haruka rolled her eyes just a bit. "I'll see you in about an hour."

"See you, Gai. Take good care of him for me. I won't be long." She'd speak quietly, pushing herself up to a stand upon the rock. Reaching up, she'd pull away a pin that held her hair bound up to the back of her head in a neat and orderly bun, and her braid would fall out down along her back. Thankfully the braid itself would not unravel. Her fingers would run gently through the hair at the top of her head that was loose and she would shake her head from side to side. She'd watch as the woman carried her belongings and her son away, disappearing off into the distance and she would give an annoyed sound. It sucked that she had to stay away when all she wanted to do was cuddle him, but she could understand her handmaiden's reasonings very well. A yawn would pass the young woman's mauve lips as she would look around. It was a late hour, one of the times that she liked to come out because there were not many people around and the dark could be her shroud against anyone that might've recognized her. Lifting her arms above her head, she would listen to her spine pop and crack from where she had been sitting still for so long. Dropping her arms, she would use her feet to jump off of the flat rock that she had been sitting on and she would drop to the floor with a dull thud, not really wanting to be graceful with no one else around.
She would pull the white shirt that she had on away and then she would pull away her black pants that she had on, nearly stumbling forward. Skinny jeans, man. A person, shinobi or not, really had to grease themselves up to get them on. Thankfully they had been low riding so that Gai could work on her properly. Stepping forward over to the water's edge, she would look down towards her reflection carefully and trace her fingers over the scars which now only looked like thin lines along her flesh. She no longer looked like she had been attacked by a bear, or something like that. Truth be told, she did a real number on herself, but no matter what it was, nothing threatened a Mama Bear's cub, Nothing at all. Even their own inner-workings and things of the like.

She would then pull away her undergarments, leaving them with the disorganized pile of clothing that she took off and she walked into the warmth of the sea, giving a slight grit of her teeth. She could feel the cold leaving her extremities first, and then the warmth would invade her core as she shifted herself to go sit back against a wall. If she were to go to the center, she was certain that she would melt away here within The Sea and that was not something that she wanted at all. She could feel a sting at her stomach where she had been worked on, and what she had always been told was that was the feeling of germs or whatever else was there being killed off by whatever was there. So, she would let the water work it's magic for a few moments before, drawing in a breath to dunk herself beneath the surface tension to get her hair wet as well. Silently, she would contemplate how she would keep herself sane having to stay here for an hour. Bleh. She could do something like sing a song, maybe. . . Or she could actually attempt to freeze The Sea solid and blame it on some crazy and unnatural force, but she knew that there would be three more fingers pointing back at her. Chaos was not necessarily her calling, unless it was a controlled embodiment of chaos. Now, that was something that she could get behind. Pushing herself back up from below the surface of the water, she would feel her feet touch against the odd little stones that lay beneath the surface and she would give a wince. They were a bit sharp, but thankfully she was not made of paper. The pain that seared there would dissipate after a few moments and she would be left with her thought process once more. It was odd. She was surrounded by her natural base element, but. . . It was not a friendly form of that particular element. It was a lot like the fire that she had been experimenting with in her time of training. She knew that if she was not careful, she would end up scalded by this water, but she would not slip up. The dull drippings of the water would echo in her ears as she watched silently on. It seemed that maybe only a minute or so had passed at this point, and in her mind, she was most certainly counting down on every second until she could go home and be close to the young child that she called her own.

"Give me a break," would be the quiet murmur she'd give, tilting her head back to look up towards the ceiling. Tick, tock. Would there be anything or even anyone to provide some form of amusement here?
"Huh?" the word echoed throughout the immediate area. When this particular inquisitive grunt came from this particular rose-headed fool, it could only mean one of two things. Either he confused about the current conversation...or he was lost. And considering he wasn't talking to anyone?

...Yep. Dos.

The click-clack of his straw sandals reverberated throughout the cave. As per usual, Sachi Ay Keiatsu was in a pickle. He had only just been admitted into Iwagakure and he had already lost his travel companion and gotten completely turned around. Gun was off doing who knows what (most likely big bad mean mercenary stuff), he couldn't locate Yama, and Kudaranai and strawberry-head were nowhere to be found. But his trip to the Village Hidden by Rocks wasn't a complete failure...yet. Sure he wasn't able to find anyone he knew, but there was sure to be tons of helpful and strong shinobi around to aid in his cause...right? "Wonder if Ewakagure's got a Ewakage. He's gotta be crazy strong, too. Maybe he can help...?" ...yeah! That too! Sure his pronunciation was a bit off, but his heart was in the right place! The leader of the village had to able to help out! And if not? "I'll beat him up!" ...NO. Bad idea! If not...then he could just go to some other village and try his luck there. Word of Kirigakure icing over had to have reached the main Shinobi Villages by now. Help was out there. He just had to go out and find it!

It would be several minutes before the young wanderer would look up to actually take in his surroundings. It was a real wonder why he always got lost, wasn't it? The caverns in which he stood were home to hundreds of marvelous gemstones, all lending their natural light to the dark setting. A massive body of water resided in the center, much larger than the average pond or even lake. Say what you want about Iwa, but this place was damn pretty. "Coooool!~" a tad unsophisticated...but yes. Keiatsu might be a moron, but nature's wonders weren't completely lost on him. "How'd they get all this water down here, anyway?" he spoke to himself aloud, thousands of harebrained scenarios no doubt playing in his head. It actually wasn't that bad of a question. Good thing he wasn't more science-oriented, because that conversation would be boring as hell! He closed both of his eyes and grinned widely. "Yama'd love this place." While airhead over here was off in his own little world, someone else was soaking in the water nearby. And boy...

Was she a sight to behold.

But then, so was he! Definitely not in the same way, though. She was graceful and elegant in appearance...he was...well...not. A ragged cerulean vest hung open on his frame, revealing much of his torso. And a frayed pair of black shorts hung just above his knees. A pair of old straw sandals rounded out his threads. And even at first glance one could tell that he was travel-worn. Stray bruises and scratches covered his body from head to toe. And he wasn't exactly clean, either. So all in all? Veeerrrrry chic. Eventually he did shift his gaze towards the water and notice the woman who was, by the way, very much naked. But he didn't flinch. Or blush. Or get a nosebleed or even shield his eyes. Because where most people would see a nude, beautiful woman...Kei only saw a person. He was far too stupid innocent to even view things in that sort of way. So without hesitation, the rose-haired youth shot a hand up and waved. "Yo." Meeting new people was always fun. And who knew? Maybe this subterranean sea was where he'd find the help he'd been looking for all along? "Know where any good restaurants are?" ...

Or...maybe not.

[Topic Entered!]

Naturally, another presence would not slip the mind of the versatile young ANBU, but she'd keep her eyes closed. She wasn't looking to start shit right now, and she was sure that someone else wasn't looking for that either. Reaching up, she would comb her fingers through her blonde locks to allow the strands to fall down her front and conceal herself from any potential prying eyes. A woman always needed to have some kind of plan, right? Well, she was no different. Slowly now, her eyes would slide open to reveal those odd blue orbs that reflected the rigidity of the ice within her and she would lock them onto Keiatsu. She might've been surrounded by the warm waters, but now she could feel her blood running just a bit colder and her defenses building up. Maybe she was crazy, but shinobi were not people to trust and she did not do so very often unless they persisted and showed that they were worthy of such a delicate emotion. As he greeted her, she would tilt her head off to the side, letting out a small breath that had vapor clinging to it. Then, at the question, she would soon find one of her shaped eyebrows raising, almost like she was a bit taken off guard by the question. "Restaurants?" She'd speak, leaning back against the wall now. She had nothing to worry about, and that much she was sure of. "I'm sure Arcadians would gladly accept you into their homes to offer a home cooked meal. They're kind people like that. If you're looking for an actual restaurant or something along those lines where you're going to spend your pockets inside out, you may wish to look on the surface on Aventurine Street rather than below ground." There was nothing wrong with the eternal twilight, but Aventurine Street was a spectacle, made for tourists and other people looking to find a good time. Cupping some water, she would sprinkle it atop of her head, feeling the warmth run down her face.

"Then again, I am partial to making my own food because it's far more fun," she'd open one of her eyes. "Is there something you need? I can assume you do not know who I am for you're not gawking like most of the idiots from the surface would." Clicking her tongue in her mouth, she would mull it over in her head. "You're not familiar with the inner-workings of the village, not knowing where you can find the best-- It leads me to believe you may not be of the Earthen Country." The former Daimyo knew the people she worked for, of course. There were just things that people were aware of. . . but maybe he was just daft? It was a good question to her.

Yare yare daze~.
Blink. Blink. The boy's expression never changed as he listened to the blonde-haired woman speak. It was a bit dumbfounding, actually. There were so many things he just didn't understand about this new country. Giant cliffs. Underground seas. Free food. It was insane! "So...people just give you food here? For free?!" For him, it was a hard concept to grasp. And sure it wasn't as simple as he made it out to be...but back in Kirigakure he couldn't remember a single time where someone took him in and fed him. And actually he had already been treated to some of that Iwagakure kindness. Some crazy Yakitori salesman Ossan offered him and Gun a few free samples. Of course said Yakitori then proceeded to fly through the air and into the clutches of a certain crafty puppeteer...but I digress! "I love this village." People were so stingy back home! What with their keeping up with all of his restaurant tabs...and damages to village infrastructure...and keeping up with all his restaurant tabs...

Selfish, I tell you. Selfish.

Though his inability to find a good restaurant wasn't simply due to bad luck. In all of nature-- all of history, there has never been a single individual that was more completely inept when it came to navigation than Keiatsu. He didn't even know his way around his OWN there was no way in hell he was getting anywhere here! The rose-haired youth folded his arms and frowned. If he was below ground now...and he needed to get above ground to find a restaurant...then he'd need to go...left? Gah. It was all so confusing! So while Kei was busy sorting out his directional problem, Haruka asked him a funny question, likely due to his complete lack of tact. The youth simply glanced at her, blinked, and shook his head 'no'. "Nope! Who the hell're you?" And who said he wasn't polite? Now, when asked by literally anyone else this question might've indicated the person's own defensiveness or hostility. But when said so candidly and in the boy's usual light tone he uses when speaking, it was obvious he meant no harm. The kid was just dumb! And it wasn't long afterwards that the perceptive ANBU posed her suspicions about the boy...which were correct! He stuck out among the refined Iwa-nins like a sore thumb. He wasn't exactly "culturally sensitive", see. "Yup! I'm from Water Country. My home got frozen by some giant now I'm lookin' for people to help me beat it up." This line was almost second nature to him now. He can't count very high anyway, but he still couldn't track how many times he'd said it over the past few days. And though his explanation for such a devastating event was quite simple, at least it was accurate. Kirigakure was now effectively a popsicle. Keiatsu had witnessed the culprit begin the ice age firsthand along with Takada. He had seen it's face. And he had seen it murder an innocent girl for no reason at all. Honestly? If no one else would help him, he'd just end up going back there alone. That thing had to pay. And if nobody else was going to collect, he'd do it himself.

What kind of person was this? Clearly he was of no threat to her right here and now. A foreigner by the way he declared his love for a village he did not seem to know. It was almost curious as to what exactly went through this boy's mind. "Yes, Arcadian hospitality knows no real bounds. They also help in trying times, so that much is yet another perk." She'd lean backwards into the wall some more and give a deep breath as she mulled silently in her head. She knew personally that they were generous, but had they known the status of her being the Twenty-Third? No, it shouldn't have mattered to them. Politics were probably bullshit in their minds and caused more trouble than what it was worth. Then, as he addressed her in a completely uncouth manner that seemed to have caused her to sit and stare for just a moment, her lips parting in an almost astounded manner as she brought a hand up and quite literally face palmed at him. "Kono Haruka, the Twenty-third Earthen Daimyo." She'd state very bluntly with her hand pressed against her features. God, were people from water country so rude? No, her mother and father had not even been the slightest of bits rude-- maybe intense, but nothing like what this boy had to offer. Jeez, you'd think that all people from the country acted in such a manner. Ha, ha, ha.

"You'll catch more flies with honey rather than vinegar, you know." She would point this out and furrow her brow. "If you're looking to fight for a cause. You know, they say that I was cursed by whatever plagued the Water Country because I was nearby when it happened. But it's been a long while since I fought that demon. You aren't going to have a very easy time, y'know. So you might just wish to make it easier on yourself." Words of wisdom coming from a lady who had to struggle her way up to the top. Even then, she was going to have to struggle right back on up after playing a game of footsie with her Jinchuuriki. Blah.
A big grin crossed his face and he closed his eyes as the woman spoke of this region's hospitality. He wasn't one to maliciously take advantage of people, but at least now he knew that he'd never starve in Earth Country! According to her they were quite capable of helping someone in need…but his need was pretty dangerous. Plus his task called for strong warriors! Not villagers who would serve as cannon fodder. His lids opened and his gaze once again fell on Haruka as she introduced herself, a neutral expression taking hold on his face. However fancy her title was, he was quite obviously unfazed by it (like so many other things…). Not out of rudeness. But out of simple ignorance. That didn't stop him from being his usual cheery self, though! "Earth Dam-yo twenty-three Harika, huh? Cool." The boy was notoriously bad with names…but for a first time this was pretty close! There was a silence. Possibly some underground crickets that chirped. Then…all of sudden…the figurative lightbulb above his head sputtered to life. "Wait! That sounds pretty fancy…so you gotta be strong, right?" Flawless logic. Really. If it wasn't already apparent, he was planning on getting her help for his mission. How? No clue. He didn't think that far ahead. He didn't think at all! But it seemed like this was a decent (albeit odd) start.

The idiom about flies and vinegar and honey? Woosh! Right over his head. But he did understand what she said next. The rose-haired youth listened to the woman speak, intently for once in his life. It was unbelievable. This thing- this…"Ice Demon" had ruined so many lives. It's influence was even felt here in Earth Country. "Cursed...?" he questioned aloud, as much to himself as it was to her. It was more clear to him now more than ever just how little he understood the force that encased Water Country in ice. It most definitely was not within the realm of "natural". And it was much worse than any Monster he'd felled during the Invasion. It froze an entire continent like it was nothing…and he was willing to bet that wasn't even the full extent of its power. He was messing with forces well beyond his complete comprehension…but he didn't care. It was bad. And it had to go. Whatever the hell it was needed to be stopped. And he was gonna be there when it happened. After what it'd done to his home…and to that innocent girl he and Takada were tasked with finding? It was going down.


Keiatsu clenched his fist, the nails on his hand digging into his palm. Just talking about the creature that decimated his home brought his blood to a boil. His brown eyes narrowed, giving him a much more stern look than before. "I don't give a damn how hard it is…I'm gonna send that thing back where it came from." With his rose-colored hair and ragged blue vest he might not've looked very threatening…but those who had seen him in action during the Invasion knew firsthand that he meant what he said. He didn't need any long-winded speeches about revenge or justice or any of that crap. The conviction and determination he carried in his heart transferred seamlessly to his words. He was horrible with deception. And he never said anything that he didn't mean. He was serious now…but then as soon as it had come, it was gone. His optics widened once again and his face relaxed to take on its usual naive expression. "But if kickin' that thing's ass doesn't melt the ice…" then they'd have one hell of a problem on their hands. It wasn't normal ice in the first place. And even some of the hottest flames Kiri shinobi could conjure didn't even make the frost sweat. "I'm no good with Ninjutsu. And even Sagi couldn't get rid of it…" It was true that his own chakra was fire-oriented and potent as all hell, but ever since his Academy days his ability to precisely mould chakra was one of his biggest weaknesses. It was bad. And it hadn't gotten much better. Still, even if his Ninjustu wasn't half bad there was little chance of him being The One and thawing everything out. He was stumped. If he was still disguised as O-jissan, he'd be stroking his beard in *ahem* "thought" right now. He was out of ideas. Hell, he didn't have any to begin with! So maybe his new acquaintance could think of something. "Oi, Earth Haru-yo! Know how to melt ice?" …what? I never said his name pronunciation would get better!

A shake of her head from one side to the other would be her next expression of contempt as she listened to the male talk. It seemed she had found an acquaintance within a slightly dense kid. . . Well, slightly might've been an understatement, but she wasn't going to be that mean no matter how a person talked or lived their life. Their choices, and she wouldn't be the one to correct them. "Even with some fancy title, I'm an ANBU of high caliber. So I guess you're correct in your assumption of strength." Nevermind the fact that she never lost, and she never backed down. But why did it end up having to be about the strength that she held? Sometimes she found shinobi to be so strange in their endeavors, but she would never outwardly state such an opinion. After all, she had to keep the peace. So she would comply with answers that should have been given and whatnot. "Yes, cursed. I had a demon using my body as a host for what seemed like a very, very long time." She commented, looking up towards the ceiling now as she leaned on one hand. It was true. It was hard to recall a time where that demon was not clung to her soul or psyche. It was more or less complicated to explain as well.

"You don't seem to grasp fully that whatever it was out there within the village hidden within the Mists was huge, larger than you or I." It was true. There had been skilled men and women out there, and they could not even pause the inevitable. Mist's destruction was something that was very obviously a heavy thing to contend with. "It wiped out a lot. A lot more than just one or two people. It wiped out masses. I don't know what it was or is, and I never will claim to. I just know that I don't want to have my village befall any similar fate to what happened to Mist." Too many precious things within this village for her to lose, and if she lost it, she'd lose her shit. There was too much at stake.

"Melting ice? I have an affinity towards ice, but I'm not sure about melting it. You'd think you would need a Uchiha or someone else that's super good at fire techniques." Now, that made her wonder, was Akechi good with fire techniques? He must've been. The blood that ran through his veins would fortify that much. "I've melted ice before, but you don't fight fire with fire--- Or in this case, ice with ice." Ha.
Silence. A blank stare encompassed the entirety of his face as Haruka spoke and he did his damnedest to listen to what she had to say. She was a bit modest about it, but even she reaffirmed his guess about her power. His Sense usually gave him a rough idea about a person's collective "strength" but it was damn unreliable at times. It was always nice to hear it firsthand from the source, anyhow. Next she told the rose-haired airhead about her curse. It was always the supernatural, wasn't it? Kiri was home to a number of crazy things from different planes of existence, so he wasn't exactly a stranger to this sort of stuff. Now did he understand it even in the slightest? No. No he did not. "Weird." was the only thing he could utter after hearing it. Ironic, considering Keiatsu is just about the strangest kid anyone'd ever meet. But even if she did explain it further, it was doubtful that he'd ever grasp it. That sort of stuff was better left to the likes of Yojimbo or Emirii...

What the enigmatic woman said next snapped the lad out of his stupor and put a slight frown on his face. "I know it's big and I don't care! I'm gonna knock it flat for what it did to my home." The last part of his statement was tinged with rage. He could feel his hand tighten instinctively. Keiatsu had a front row seat to the destruction of Mist. Literally. He was there when it first emerged. He was there when it began its freezing process. He stared it in its big ugly face and swore he'd come back for it. He didn't understand a lot of things, but in this one situation, he knew the stakes. Better than most, this hardheaded young wanderer knew. But Haruka wasn't deserving of his anger. She didn't freeze his village...and she didn't know the whole story either. Now wasn't the time for fury. He actually had to use his words... "Uh-uh." he began, shaking his head in response to her suggestion about fire. "Fire doesn't work. It's crazy but nobody can melt it." Uchiha, Pyros, no one. Maybe the right person with the hottest flames hadn't come around yet but it just didn't seem possible to thaw it out using fire. This frost was an unnatural thing, completely unaffected through natural means. The best "plan" the boy could come up with is to pound on the Demon until the ice went away. It wasn't much of a plan, granted...but it was all he had. "That shadow-thing froze it all...I got as many people out as I could but I couldn't save everyone..." Personally, Keiatsu had helped dozens of villagers get to safety when the ice first set upon the village. With the help of his Trigger, he utilized his enhanced speed to whisk away as many people as he could carry at a time. But even with all the chakra in the world, all the stamina...there was just no way to evacuate everyone in time. The ice came without warning and froze without discrimination. By the end of it all he was suffering from severe frostbite and his entire body was in bad shape from the abuse of his triggered state. And despite that he still tried to go back and help. If Sagi hadn't stopped him when he did there'd be a rose-haired ice cube right in the middle of the village with all the other statues.

An entire village...ruined. Its inhabitants frozen in time with looks of fear and anguish still on their face. It was mortifying. Scarring. And if no one else was at least going to make an effort, then Kei was gonna be the one that did the impossible. But not without some help. He looked Haruka in the eyes and dropped down to his knees. Sure she might've been nude in a body of water...but it was now or never. For what was likely the first time ever in his life, the brash young shinobi was about to display some respect. He placed his hands out in front of him and bowed his head, crashing it into the ground. "If that thing cursed you then maybe you can do something about the ice! I don't know who else to, please!" Not exactly the most intricate of pleas...but it was really about all he could do. As far as bumpkins go, Keiatsu was likely the biggest this side of the NC map. "Manners" weren't something he grew up even things like oh y'know...introducing himself (which he still hadn't done, by the way) were lost to him. He'd never bowed his head before, though. So that had to count for something...right? "Please Haru-yo...I need your help." That he did. His mission was a big one...and he'd always been one to bite off more than he could chew. But even if she said no and no one here in Earth Country would help, he'd end up facing this challenge alone. It was his home, after all. And he made a promise he'd be back for it.

It was complicated to give people any kind of a quick guess into what kind of prowess that she held. She was always expanding her ways and she was constantly changing. That's what his kind of world demanded, after all. They didn't want someone to sit back and remain stationary. That was quite a bore. A person really had to manipulate themselves into doing whatever could be considered good for their goals at the time. The longterm couldn't matter for Haruka much anymore. After all, the present was what was happening and if she neglected it for fear of something being wrecked in the future? It'd be hard to recover. Though, she did have a good basis for what direction that she wanted to go in. As the young male would declare his suicidal nature, she would bring a hand up and place it flat against her facial features. A lengthy sigh would pass her lips. "And I could knock this village flat on it's ass for what it did to me, but I do not. You need to think a little bit more about your self preservation." She'd state suddenly, her voice incredibly serious. She would lift up her head as she looked towards Keiatsu, her eyes reflecting a strange gold color as she watched him. "It hurts, it hurts like hell when you lose people, I understand that. However, there is a point where you need to sit down and understand that you may be in over your head no matter how pure your intentions may be, kid." She'd sneer a bit, shaking her head from side to side. No, no. That was the Jinchuuriki remnant speaking. She couldn't lose her head. Not in public. Oh, wait, it was kind of too late at this point. Tha-thunk. The dull thud of her heart within her chest would sound and she gave a vaporous breath.

"I'm not a cure-all." She'd shake her head from side to side, using her arms to pull herself up. A shroud of ice would obscure her body in the form of a dress. Her feet would channel her chakra and she would stand atop of the water there. Well, at least she wasn't naked anymore, right? Riiiight. "I want to do great things for people, but when I try, it falls through kid." Holding her palms out, she would manipulate the water thanks to her affinity towards it. It would soon turn into a mist that flowed freely in the air.

"A curse doesn't mean that I'm going to have whatever powers it did. That doesn't mean that I'm going to be able to clear all of the stuff away. I am a single entity. I do not have the power to fix an entire village. I couldn't even fix my own village. You should find a better person to rely on."
Ouch! As far as reality checks went, this one was particularly harsh. But it was perhaps necessary. It was true that the rose-haired fool was infact in waaaaayyy over his head. He was planning on going head-to-head with a being that had frozen an entire Shinobi Village in a matter of himself. It was much more than reckless. It was suicide. The woman's insight on the matter rattled in the boy's brain. It stung... should have...but this is Keiatsu we're talkin' about!

Fingers scraped along the ground as they drew inwards to form clenched fists. Any loose dirt or rocks that had been beneath his hands were now clutched tightly in his closed palms. "I don't give a damn what happens to me...!" He slowly raised his head, a few droplets of liquid dripping off of his forehead and onto the ground below. Some of the earth where his head lie was cracked and split, and now it had a reddish hue to it. That's right. He'd bowed his head so hard it broke the ground and made him bleed. If that ain't genuine for ya, I don't know what is! "It's not about me, it's about everyone else!" A trail of crimson traveled down his head, parting at the bridge of his nose and going mostly down his face. Now that his dome was fully raised Haruka would be able to see the shallow wound in the middle of his forehead. And she spoke of self preservation! Ha! "I can't just sit back and let my home and everyone in it die..." He leveraged his fist to the ground, using it to help prop himself up onto one knee. His gaze was focused on Haruka, and he watched her as she rose majestically out of the water and materialize a dress for herself. "Could you?" Well...

...damn! The rose-haired wanderer then listened to the woman speak. About how she couldn't fix everything. About how every time she tried to do something for someone else it failed. Kei rose to his feet, his stern-ish expression fading back to his neutral one. The more she spoke, the more she gave away little bits and pieces about her state of mind. Now to an intelligent and thoughtful shinobi, this may have been enough to analyze and understand her further. To Keiatsu? "Well I don't know about all that..." Not uh...not so much. A small smirk gave way at the corner of his mouth as he stared at her. "But you don't know until you try." Now...Keiatsu may have been an idiot, but if there was one thing he understood about people, it was feelings. His own feelings drove just about everything he ever did. And from time to time they allowed him to do some incredible things. Haruka may have seemed abrasive on the outside (at least to strangers...) but Keiatsu didn't see that at all. "I bet you can do lots of great things." He spoke, his eyes wide and his faith in those words true. And maybe the kid was just an idealist with half a brain and the survival instinct of a rock, but he believed he was right about this. His Sense alone could tell that this woman had massive power at her disposal. She was strong. She probably did have the power to do these things...but she didn't believe it herself. And that, ladies and gentlemen, was just something Keiatsu didn't have the tact or skills with words to make her do! "Just a feeling." was all he said as he gave a small laugh and turned away. "I fought a lot of crazy things before Water Country got Frozen™. I don't know if they were demons or what but they were bad..." It was true! He once brought down a creature that was twice the size of a building he stood on to reach it. With the help of his comrades, of course. "Just because that thing cursed you doesn't mean you're like it." ...pretty much what she'd just said herself, but good! "You're not a monster."

And she wasn't. He knew lots of monsters! Gun...Yama...his grandfather. Not to mention actual monsters like the ones he felled during the Invasion. Haruka wasn't like any of them. Maybe they'd talk more some day, but for now, he'd probably just given himself a concussion and he was still starving, so it looked like it was time for him to go! Unless his newest aquaintance had something else to say. "Now...I gotta find Adventure Street and get somethin' to eat!" Priorities, man. In all honesty though he had to fill up before he set out on this path. And he wouldn't be completely alone. Gun was still lurking around somewhere so he'd have the power of metal on his side aswell. The former Chuunin let out a small, "Hehe!~" as his sandals began click clapping on the cave floors. He threw up a hand and waved as he ran. "Later, Haru-yo!" Click-clack, click-clack, click-clack, click-clack.


What a guy.

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What an odd person... How strange it could have been, the way that people thought, the way that they wanted to save the unsavable. Was that not what she was attempting to do at this very time, though? She was fighting a war, she was waging it, she was pushing it to keep her people, her family, her life, and whatever else that she could safe from harm's way. Could she split her attention for Keiatsu's cause? No, not right now, but some time in the future... Perhaps she really could. She could take it upon herself to push out a decent attempt, yet more than likely still fail, to save the village of Mist.

"... Come find me when I complete my task. If you are still around in the village, you will definitely know when that task is completed and it will not take long." She would murmur, clearly alluding to the death of Inu Endo himself, but she would not outright state it. After all, you'd have to be crazy to do so...

[ Topic Left ]

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 05:43:59
