Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Re:Connect [ Tutor || Maikeru ]

Inuzuka Ryou

New Ninja
Mar 21, 2017
There was too many people, too much noise, too much... everything. A female scoffed at the voices of all the chattering people and noises with disgust. This was one of the many things that the girl hated about going outside. There was always too much going on all at once and the streets were too crowded. Not to mention going outside in itself was a huge chore. Even if it was to get the most basic of necessities... it sure was an annoyance if it was only one or two things. Today was one of those days where such a fact applied. However, when a mother (threatens) kindly asks their child to go to the store and get a few things... you'd only be signing a death warrant if you refused and called her an 'old hag'.

As the short figure stood in front of a doorway to a mere grocery store, they flicked their shades down to sit upon their face with little effort. The very faint panting of a dog could be heard beside her, tongue hanging out the entrance of its mouth with a wag of the tail. This was Sanae: A perky, creamy colored shiba inu with a bit of a flare to her. And the human being beside her was Inuzuka Ryou: A teenager with a mouth to her and a whole mood. With a short gesture of her head, the greenette began to charge forward into the crowd without so much as an 'excuse me' or 'coming through'. Sanae followed with a bounce to her step, close behind her owner with a smile plastered on that little face of hers.

Ryou just wanted to get home.

With the bag filled with only two things tight in her small grip, the Inuzuka turned corner after corner just to get away from everyone. It was clearly evident that she was annoyed if the obvious scowl on her face wasn't enough. This young lady may be small but she wouldn't be afraid to give someone a piece of their mind. It wasn't until more people showed up on the streets in the late evening rush to get their things, causing the teen to groan out loudly in frustration.

"God, would you people move?!"

She didn't care about the heads turning to her. People should move and not clog up the streets. They should see that she's trying to get through here. Oh, how she wished she could give her own mother an earful for this. She was ready to blow at any moment.


* Marked for Training.
* 426 Words.
Frustration grew at the back of Maikeru's mind with each page of the book that he flipped through. His mind was rattling with sentence structure, slang, and other nuances of language he had long forgotten since his childhood. Each flip of the page brought a new annoyance to the forefront of his mind, causing the anger to grow deeper and more furious with every failed attempt.

"I'm never going to learn this." He said, flipping another page of "Basic Kumogarian" as he walked through the streets. "This is stupid, why can't all the forms just be in common. I already speak two languages, anyone who enjoys this is insane."

Sighing, he flipped yet another page of the book, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his free hand. Normally he would have done this indoors, preferably in his home, but, the day had been so nice. Living in the mountains it was rare he found that they enjoyed more than a few days away from the bitter cold, and he planned to take advantage of it in every way he could. If that meant reading a book while slowly meandering through the streets of his village, then so be it.

It all would have been fine, if not for one Inuzuka girl who just happened to be in a hurry. As the girl's small form met with the corner of his elbow, he found himself in a rare moment of shock and surprise. His fingers loosened as his arm shot forward, sending the book careening into the crowd, where it was quickly trampled upon as the masses barely even took notice.

Which left one Uchiha, dumbfound and at a loss for words, staring at the book mere feet away that he could do little to retrieve. The crowd moved around the boy as he just stood there, frozen in that single moment. Slowly, his head would turn to the small girl, whom he towered over a foot taller than, as his eyes narrowed at her.

"Not one for watching where you're going, are you?" He asked, oblivious to the fact that this was half his fault.

Sighing, he ran his left hand through his hair, holding the Mark of the King up to the sun. The mark was a blight left on him from the monster attack, a scar that, well, marked him as one who had encountered the king, and been left tainted by the experience. Monsters usually had some effect when feeling the presence of this mark, but, he had not spent enough time around an Inuzuka to see how their animal companion would react. Only time would tell.

"You know you owe me a new book, right?" He asked the girl, pointing his burnt and scarred right finger at her. The gem in the center of his hand glowed a dim blue as he put it to her face, almost as it had a life of his own. "Not like, today or anything. Real shame that book got ruined, but, can't help accidents.."

Yea, no way she would catch on to how happy he was to have an excuse not to study.
And just like that, a figure collided with her body in the midst of the droning crowd after her short outburst. With a grunt from the momentary impact, Ryou's green orbs shifted quickly to the source of the sudden push in force. A man towering over her with an expression that could be deemed as priceless, if it was the appropriate moment. However, the young lady just stood there with a clear display of annoyance and frustration. The last thing she needed was to bump into a person that would cause her problems, and even more of a delay to get back home. Now it was looking more and more like the situation was unavoidable, just balling up her fists that were shoved quickly into her jacket pockets while the bag of 'important' essentials just dangled about in her grip. The teen didn't even notice the book that seemed to grow wings of its own and fly off into the crowd, being trampled upon without a care in the world.

However, one observant little dog did. Sanae watched as the book just continued to be stamped upon foot after foot, sitting on the ground politely with a tilt of her head before seeming to find it amusing. The dog simply let her tongue slide out as she panted, smiling as she gazed up curiously at her owner before back at the stranger in question.
??? said:
"Not one for watching where you're going, are you?"

Oh, really? Ryou couldn't help but scoff and huff, almost like an impatient little child. Wasn't it he that bumped into her? Wasn't he supposed to be watching where he was going, too? It wasn't her fault completely that they just happened to make contact, now was it? All these questions paraded around her mind as she gritted her teeth, a bit sharper than normal ones thanks to the Inuzuka bloodline. With a foot stomping down on the ground as she stared up at the stranger, Ryou furrowed her brows and let her attitude shine forth. Sanae, her loyal companion, lost her smile as the dog simply watched the attitude in her owner's demeanor shift dramatically within the passing moments. However, the man's arm seemed to be making the creature's fur stand on edge... Such a strange thing for an animal to see and be near.

"I owe you a new book? Dude, I don't know if you've noticed, but you were bound to bump into someone else if it wasn't me! And you should be paying attention to where you're going in this crowd instead of reading! What if, say, I dunno... You bumped into someone?!" And it was then that the young lady sighed as he continued. Yeah, can't help accidents her butt. You can help accidents if you take steps to prevent them. Making the hasty assumption that this wasn't going to go anywhere - since he seemed so torn up about his book - the little lady just groaned and scratched the back of her head.

"Fine, fine! What do I owe you then? Yen? Something I bought? My glasses? Just tell me so I can get out of this damn crowd and go home. I ain't fond of a lot of people.", she said with... almost... a plea. However, she kept that expression on her face intimidating as she could possibly keep it. The greenette wasn't about to admit that she was uncomfortable to a stranger, but if she owes him something, she might as well get it done and out of the way. As long as it was reasonable, at least. Ryou did notice the strange way the man's hand was formed but she didn't care. He wasn't posing a threat to her right now so no reason to pay attention to it. Her parents always did drone into her head to not judge a book by its cover, or whatever the saying was.

Sanae just squeezed herself in between her owner's legs and sneezed, her neck careening forward as the dog let out the sound. Something about that man's mark was a bit unsettling, but she kept close to Ryou just in case. Maybe a bit too close since she was impeding her owner's posture to stand correctly.
Maikeru stood with his own remaining arm on his hip, his eyebrows arched as he listened to the girl speak. So, she wasn't a people person eh? Well, there were lots of things he could do with that if he was feeling really malevolent. But, what kind of image would that give the young shinobi of the Uchiha clan. Instead, he simply sighed as the girls finished her short speech with a huff of annoyance.

"Look, if you want to owe me something that's on you, I just want a new stupid book." He said simply, squinting his eyes to look at her as his one purple eye scanned the girl. So, she was a shinobi, that was good news at least. Her chakra levels were a bit low though, probably an academy student or a fresh genin. "You're not exactly the punching bag I was looking for but, I suppose you'll do in the meantime. Come, walk with me."

While it wasn't exactly a request, he also wasn't going to do anything if the girl didn't come with him. Motioning for the girl with his hand he began to walk down the crowded streets, moving with the grace one would expect of a trained shinobi. After a short moment of silence, he decided the time was right to actually explain why he was having this small girl come with him. Was he turning into Maru now?

"My name is Uchiha Maikeru, and I am a Chuunin in this village." He started, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he realized how rude the lack of introduction was. "I uh.. well, my cousin gave me this weird purple eye, his Rinnegan, and I have no idea how to use it. That's what I'm going to use you for. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you too badly. Just enough to get the knack of this damn thing."

Taking a few turns, he guided the girl deeper, and deeper into the city if she had indeed followed. Ready to answer any questions she might have, he assumed that a one-armed man with a purple eye asking you to follow him would raise a few questions. It would have for Maikeru, at least. Though the mystery of what the hell had happened to a man to put him in that state would probably pull at Maikeru's curiosity enough to come with him regardless. He really had been a stupid kid.

"Obviously, you can't beat me. No offense meant mind you, just with your chakra levels.." He trailed off, letting his hanging of words finish the sentence for him. "But, I figure, if I can master this eye with your help, and meanwhile teach you just enough to not die, then Cloud will have gained two boons. Of course, I won't force you to do this, but when I was at your level I would have killed for this opportunity. But, I do like being a strong shinobi, that's probably not for everyone."

One last jab at the girl in order to rile her up was all that he felt needed to be said.
If she owed him something? IF? This was coming from the same stranger that was complaining about his book being ruined not even five minutes ago. This same stranger even said that she owed him a new book! She was just going to honor such an accident because that's the way she was brought up! With a pang of fresh aggravation at this man's words, Ryou gritted her teeth with a forced smile. Any harder and the pearly whites would have probably cracked underneath such violent pressure. This girl was a minefield; an explosion waiting to happen. And when this man had the nerve to call her a punching bag, she was ready to throw a punch square in his jaw right then and there. If it wasn't for the fact that Sanae was still standing in between her legs, things would have gotten out of hand in the middle of the streets.

The teen didn't care who he could be or what position he held. If he was going to make such a big deal about a book and then dive into some mysterious charade, at least he could not be such a jerk about it. The girl had half a mind just to turn around and waltz home, ready to pretend that none of this ever happened. But with a gruff sigh as this guy made some motion with his hand, Ryou only glanced down at her trusted companion before grumpily stomping and pushing past the crowd of people still parading the streets like madmen. Something in the back of her mind was begging her not to go with the way this person referred to her as a 'punching bag' but she had her pride.

If she owed this man something, then she would honor it. But that didn't mean she wouldn't try to weasel her way out of this. In the moments of silence that followed after this game of follow the leader, the greenette wasn't even staring at the guy's back as he began to speak. So, he was an Uchiha, huh? And he needed to test something a family member gave him? It was then a pair of green and pitch black orbs gazed upon the man's back with interest, albeit carrying a bit of caution. Sanae trotted beside Ryou with a straight face, wondering just what exactly this man had to go through to gain such a thing. And the Inuzuka merely sighed and shoved her hands deep into her jacket pockets, making a very animated and sour face that was mixed with two emotions: Unease and caution.

The need to find something's capability and use, huh? She supposed she owed him that much but she had to make sure that this man was true to his word. That he wasn't going to harm her to the point of no return. With a look of determination glistening on her pale face, the girl spoke up rather softly as they traversed deeper into the city's shadows. She should provide his introduction with a version of her own, after all. Part of being polite and all. "As you probably already guessed, judging by my dog, I'm Inuzuka Ryou. And I'm a puny genin compared to the other big shots, which I don't give a lick about.", she spoke out sarcastically before continuing. "And my dog's name is Sanae." It wasn't until the Uchiha spoke up again that the greenette stopped in her tracks, taking in his words like an anchor.

And oh, how heavy they weighed.

With a drop of the bag she held - and lifting up the sunglasses covering her eyes - the Inuzuka scoffed. Sanae's growl was quickly echoing off the building walls around them, the shibe's body curling up slightly as she bared her fangs. Ryou could only perch her shades atop her head and keep her hands at her sides. This man was serious. If she helped him with this, would he really leave her alone? What would she possibly gain from this? Would Sanae be okay? What has she gotten herself into? The little lady had to admit that she was a bit scared but had to hold her ground. She was trained for this. She survived her days in the Academy and made it through her own version of hell. She could do this.

She could do this.

... Right?

"Look, I don't know what kind of shit you've been through, but if you think I'm just going to stand here and let you toss me around like some doll... then you're wrong. I'll help you out but I'll do my best to make sure you don't get your way easy. But, I'll only let you get punched in the face once under one condition: You better figure out real quick how your problem works. And my dog better get out of this unharmed. You only aim for me, you hear?", she waved with her index finger. "I'll help you with this and only this. Consider this payment..." And within moments, the Inuzuka got into a fighting stance. He may have been doing her a favor by providing her with such an opportunity, but this particular little lady didn't care. He didn't know her inner workings and didn't know the way she operated. He only knew her power. And she would give it to him.

"For your stupid book, you baby."

Ryou was daring him to make the first move.
A small smile crept onto the lips of Maikeru as he faced away from the girl, realizing that his taunting and prodding had worked at least to a minor extent. The girl was ready to fight, and more than that, she really wanted to hit the cocky shit who had lead her all the way to the forest outside of town. Bringing his face back to a neutral expression he turned to face her, his Sharinnegan squinting to get a better look at the girl. Honestly, he would have preferred to use someone like Reicheru for this type of thing. However, since she and he were not on speaking terms at the minute, the little Inuzuka who could would have to do for now.

"Alright, usually for these types of things there's a reward. Something to motivate you to do better." Maikeru said, rubbing his chin with his one hand thoughtfully. "So, here's what yours is. If you manage to make me use my Sharingan in my right eye, you win. I'll take you for.. Udon or something. To go, of course. Would hate for you to have to be around people and be a person."

Taking a few steps away from the girl, Maikeru wouldn't go into a combat stance. Partially because it wasn't needed for this conflict, and partially to rile the girl up once again. He wanted her to feel like he didn't view her as a threat, he wanted to drive into her the motivation to prove him wrong. Instead, he mentally went through the checks in his head of his own power. He needed to use enough chakra to harm the girl, to push her on, but he didn't want to do any lasting harm. Anything he couldn't fix with a quick medical jutsu after the battle was pushing it too far.

"Well, if you're ready, let us begin." He said, placing his one hand in front of him. "Let's see if you can even reach me."

Maikeru would lower his stance a bit at this point. He was bracing himself for the power of his eyes that he was not ready for, even he wasn't sure how the crazy ideas swirling around in his head would pan out. Hopefully the girl would be okay. Regardless, he would stand there and wait, wait just long enough for the girl to get within striking distance before activating his jutsu.

"Shinra.. Tensei!" He roared, his purple eye glowing as it manipulated the very gravity around him and the girl.

If she was able to resist, she would feel very little in the way of manipulation. If she was not, however, there would be a large force acting upon her chest, like all the weight that had held her solidly on the hard ground was suddenly transferred and amplified. It would be a repelling force, causing her to fly back and away from the Uchiha, hopefully keeping him out of harms way.

"A full front assault won't work on me.."

[ Shinra Tensei used ]
Now this man was just making fun with that little reward he was offering her. Ryou could only squint her eyes as a sound of annoyance passed her lips. So what if she was missing dinner right now and the offer of takeout was sounding better by the minute? She wasn't going to relinquish her own pride by showing any sort of giddiness at that reward. The way this newfound acquaintance carried himself in his stride and the way he walked, the greenette began to wonder in the little passing moments... All this went from a book being tossed onto the ground to a spar in the middle of a clearing, deep into the city's crevices. True, he was owed something for a book that was ruined.

For all Ryou knew, the book was special to him before it was ruthlessly trampled upon. After all, she didn't know of its contents. Its purpose to him. Yet here she was in a situation that she would normally try to coerce her way out of. He was here wanting to practice new powers and abilities on her, all the while taunting her. All on a girl that could suddenly turn around and walk away. With a steady gulp, pale fists balled up slightly before relaxing slightly as Ryou began to wonder if she would be of any use to him. The little one's body began to tense up slightly as a parade of thoughts began to waltz around her mind.

Sanae could only stand there on guard, her growling echoing off the walls around them. If it wasn't for the fact that Ryou had to focus on this Uchiha Maikeru at the moment, she would tease her little shibe for sounding like an engine of sorts. But such antics would have to be kept on hold until later. The thought of explaining the situation to her own mother didn't even cross her mind. Not to mention said woman would be frantic about where her daughter would have been to have arrived home so late.

And most likely, with bruises at the end of this.

Now that she was thinking about it, how could she possibly help this stranger? She had nothing to offer him that was beneficial. This was the Inuzuka's version of having 'second thoughts' in a seemingly tense situation. Daring to not break away her gaze, Ryou quickly shook her head as the man simply stood there. He dared to even speak upon seeing if she could reach him; all this ninja knew was mainly Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. And to make matters better, she was unarmed. As her sharp teeth became bare and the battle was truly beginning, the Inuzuka called out to her companion behind her. "Sanae, stay back!" The man's arm reached out before he transitioned into his battle stance, his voice cutting through their small world without hesitation.

It was within seconds that suddenly, the very air around her felt funny. Such an uncomforting feeling was weighing upon her chest that would cause her to fly backwards, a slight yelp escaping her lips as she landed on her back. With a slight groan as Maikeru's words barely reached her ears, the little lady slowly began to rise to her feet. Obviously she posed no threat to someone like him but the only goal right now was to get him to use his eye, right? Might as well make that happen. As Sanae trotted over to her owner with a whine, Ryou could only raise a hand to let her dog know she was okay before fully turning back to face the man.

A full frontal assault won't work, huh?

"No shit..."

And with that, the little Inuzuka did the only thing she could think of at the moment. The girl would make use of the environment around her; what little there was. With that, she would disappear into the shadows of the alleyways around them while Sanae simply sat there a ways away, observing the spar with obvious nervousness. Ryou wasn't running away, no. She was just trying to play smart. Even though there was a high chance she would fail at getting this man to activate his newfound powers, she was at least going to try. Even though this man may very well know what she's planning to do, and could easily counter her attempt at a sneak attack, she would at least attempt to catch him off his guard a little.

It's what he deserves for being so cocky.
Okay, good. He had access to the Rinnegan's divine jutsu at least, that was something that was to be glad over. Though, he hadn't expected how well it would work on the girl. Clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, he made a mental note to tone down the level of jutsu. Despite what the Inuzuka might think, he really didn't want to hurt her. Well, not too badly at least. Pain and adversity were how a shinobi grew, he knew that better than anyone. If nothing else this would be a small learning experience for both of them.

He was impressed when the girl retreated back to the outskirts of own, using the terrain to her advantage. He wasn't sure if she knew about the ocular powers of the Sharingan or if she was simply trying to bide time. Either way, the clever use of her environment boded well for the young Genin. Maybe this would be more interesting than Maikeru had imagined. However, she was still inexperienced, which showed in spades to Maikeru as his Rinnegan shifted towards the girls abandoned animal companion.

"Shinobi art number one, stealth," Maikeru said aloud, taking a few steps towards the Shiba Inu. "A shinobi must be able to blend into the shadows, become invisible and strike with vicious accuracy. It's smart. After all, I can't hit you if I can't see you."

A few more steps, every measured movement drawing him closer and closer to being within range for some ocular trickery. His purple Rinnegan seemed to glow as he looked down at the Shiba Inu, a small, wicked smile creeping onto the face of the young Uchiha.

"As promised I will not hurt this precious little creature. However, can you say the same thing about him?" Maikeru said, a bit louder this time to really draw the attention of his opponent. "Sanae, right?"

He crouched in front of the dog, focusing chakra to his mythical eye as he manipulated the chakra surrounding the brain of the small creature.

"Shinobi art number four, genjutsu. The art of manipulating the mind." He smiled as he looked down at the eyes of the beast. If the genjutsu was successful its eyes would slowly start to shift, taking on the appearance of Maikeru's three tomoe Sharingan. "Go, Sanae. Find your master and attack her."

[Kotoamatsukami used. Special action: Contract - The user gains control over the contract for as long as Kotoamatsukami remains active on it and they do not have their own contract present in battle. After removing Kotoamatsukami , a Contract is immune to it for 20 seconds.]

Oh, this didn't bode well for a certain shiba inu that was once just a mere spectator. The animal companion only stood on her paws as the strange man made his way over to her, her tongue brushing against her nose warily as he began to speak. All Sanae could do was stay quiet as he began to talk of different things, clearly nervous of what his intentions might be upon Ryou's disappearance. Maybe the dog should run or make a break into the alleyway? But she couldn't interfere because it was Ryou's request for her to not be hurt. So why was this man getting so close? The dog could only begin barking now at the man as a smile so vile stretched across his lips.

Sanae didn't like this one bit. All sensory of caution turned into a mode of attack, even shaking in an almost a drill like fashion as she continued to warn the man to stay back. The dog didn't want to be involved in this mess but he was making it very hard for her to avoid it at the present time. As Maikeru called out Sanae's name, the dog faltered and made the one mistake that may have just helped him turn the tides in his favor. Her glistening black eyes gazed up into his strange looking one with both caution and fear, a whimper escaping her muzzle as she curled into herself. Something funny was happening in the depths of her mind; something was making her lose connection to the world around her.

Suddenly, without warning, the dog was met with nothing but the will to follow the Uchiha's commands. With a growl, the cream colored shibe dashed past the man's body and charged into the same alleyway that a certain greenette had disappeared into. Turning corners sharply and allowing the scent of the master to waft into her nostrils, the dog only barked aggressively as she hopped over bundles of trash and other miscellaneous pieces of the world scattered about in the city. Soon, right in front of her, Ryou was in sight.

And she was trapped into following this command: Attack your master.

If this situation could get any worse, it was about to. Ryou was just running, thinking, and hoping that there was a way she could outsmart this man. A part of her even began to wonder why she was even trying so hard. All this was over a stupid book anyway. She could just run right now and that would be the end of it. But the bag of belongings her mother asked for were still back there, and so was Sanae. And as if it was on the world's cue, the familiar sound of a dog barking began to echo in the teenager's ears. However, it sent a bit of a chill down the little lady's spine. Skidding to a halt along the cement floor, the girl turned her head to see that it was indeed Sanae charging at her.

Just as she was about to call out to her dog to go back to where she was supposed to be, it was in these quick moments that Ryou noticed something was... off. The way her beloved companion and friend was charging at her was one that was all too familiar... With a gulp sliding down her pale throat, the Inuzuka could scarcely believe what she was witnessing. The way her eyes were shaped, the way she was running, and growling... That growling and barking... The very body language alone was what set off alarms blaring in her head, her body begging her to run for it. But this had to be dealt with now or else she would have two things to deal with.

But how could she get through this without hurting Sanae?

Nearby, there was a trash can that was piled together with others. And it was then that she got an idea. If Ryou had timed this just right, she could place the can right in front of her to have Sanae charge right into it. Everything else could eventually come into play, she hoped. With beads of cold sweat dripping down her pale forehead, the teen waited just one more singular moment before hurriedly grabbing the metal trash can and placing it down in front of her. And within moments, Sanae's head met the metal end of the trap with a loud thud before a whimper escaped her... and then just silence. Ryou only teared up slightly at the very truth that she just had to pull a trick on her dog that caused her to get hurt. Why did things have to go like this right now? Maybe it was her mistake to leave her dog back there. But it would be one she wouldn't make again.

Making sure to at least place the top carefully down on the cement, trying to avoid as much noise as possible, Ryou only whispered softly to Sanae who was out like a light in the trash can; some bags of garbage still left inside. "Sanae, I'll get him for this, okay?", was all she said before picking back up the top to rush down the alleyway. If there was a clear definition for anger, that was certainly Ryou right now. Within a moment or two, she recognized a familiar clearing that ended up being the very one she started in with this strange man entering the depths of her vision.

And without a moment's notice, she jumped out into the clearing in an attempt to catch notice of Maikeru's back. With a soft growl, she threw the top of the trash bin at him before charging forward in an attempt to collide with his head. If the trash bin didn't him, it would fly over his head into another area around them both. If Ryou got close enough, her foot would begin to raise up in an attempt to crash into a certain... sensitive area. Whether the bin hit this heathen or not, Ryou was going to fight fire with her own version of fire. Definitely a bold move on the Inuzuka's part but she wasn't going to just let him walk away after what Sanae just had to go through.

This was personal now.


* Marked for Training.
* 1,049 Words.

Attempting ::
Maikeru heard the yelping of his unwilling ally before he felt the grasp of Kotoamatsukami break from the back of his mind. Clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth he rested his hand against his hip. In honesty, he didn't think that girl had it in her to hurt her own dog, but, he had been surprised by the lengths some people are willing to go to for a win before, why should this girl be any different? Shrugging, he removed a scroll from his pouch before unfurling it with a dramatic flair. As he made a one-handed seal, he watched as smoke filled the air surrounding him before weapons exploded outwards. The battle field would become littered with kunai, shuriken, and a vast number of swords. All creations of Maikeru's that he had deemed unworthy to use himself or to give as gifts. Still, they would function well for giving the grennete facing him all the arms she could ever need.

"You know, if you don't come at me like you want to kill me..." He said, shifting on his legs to get a better look of the area. "You'll never even hit me."

He wasn't sure if the girl had heard him, or if the gods had an odd sense of irony, but the sting of the metal trash lid against the back of his head hurt mentally more than it did physically. Taking a step forward, his head whipped towards the direction of the assault, thankfully with just enough time to see the girl aiming a very powerful, very angry, kick directed right at his most sensitive location. His eyebrows physically raising in surprise, the young man twisted his upper body as he spread out his stance, bringing his hand down to catch the girls leg.

"Looks like you don't need an introduction to Shinobi Art #2: Taijutsu.." Maikeru said, drawing his eyes into a tight scowl. "But, allow me to give you the advanced course, shall I?"

Pushing the girl's leg, he would attempt to twist his body in a juke and move himself past the girl's guard. His hand, his only hand, that had been holding her leg would shift with him, circling around before coming back towards a vicious downward jab aimed at the girl's face. Of course, he was still holding back, and at worst it would be a glancing blow, but he wanted to see how she would react. He wanted to see what made her tick in combat, and figure out how to fix the mistakes in her form. The girl intrigued him. Even when faced with insurmountable odds, she didn't give up. That wasn't something he could teach.
And just like that, the tides were crashing against each other violently. Even though the lid of a mere trash can had hit the head of the man that is running her through the ringer, Maikeru grabbed Ryou's leg within seconds of her raising it. Everything seemed to be happening so fast from the beginning to now. The teen hadn't even noticed the field of weapons scattered about their temporary battleground, focusing on this man in the passing seconds that soon began to feel like eternity. It was quite clear and obvious that he knew what she was trained in - the art of Taijutsu - but it seems by the scowl on his face he might have been a bit miffed about her success of a hit. At this point, the greenette wasn't sure what to think of this man other than it was wrong to use her dog. Having honestly requested that Sanae stay out of this, she set up that trap in the mindset of snapping her beloved friend out of such a state, her goal now shifting from just winning to teaching him a lesson.

Yes, Ryou shouldn't have left Sanae back there after having just met this man. She unwittingly decided to give him a chance. To believe in him despite how utterly annoying he was at first. Who knew he would try such tricks? Not the girl. And as she felt her body twist awkwardly with the silver haired man, she grunted at the force of his strength. Just who was this guy? He had successfully dragged her out of her figurative hole that she kept herself in, and is purposely making the Inuzuka put forth effort just to make it through this. Within the slow passing moments, barely noticeable movements, and little time... emerald eyes caught sight of an elbow inching closer to her face before it collided with a single palm of her hand. If Maikeru looked close enough in the passing seconds, he could clearly see the look that veiled on the little one's pale features.

She was shocked.

Ryou breathed heavily as the impact gave her hand quite the bruise in the palm, knowing for sure that it would sting and hurt later. Her eyes gazed up at the man holding her in his grasp still, wondering just what he would do with her now that she barely blocked his jab. He still had hold of her leg and she growled lowly, despite the look of shock on her face. Her sharp teeth became visible and her features became more sharp, ready for what was to come next. Yet he must have known by now that she wouldn't go down without a fight. Even if this was over one small, miniscule thing. Before he did anything to her next, she yelled out to him in a rough voice.

"Advanced course my ass! All this over a damn book?! My god, dude!"

She was just trying to stay strong... despite the fact her mind was going blank.

She didn't know what to do next.

What could she do?

Current Ninpocho Time:
