Hello, I'd like to do an inactivity OCR but I need my old information for swaps. Help?
Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.
Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.
Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.
The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.
This is Ninpocho Chronicles.
Current Ninpocho Time:
Profile/Last Dojo/Last Training Posts have been sent. If any other information is needed please feel free to contact me directly or through Discord. Potential Welcome Back!Hello, I'd like to do an inactivity OCR but I need my old information for swaps. Help?
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main BranchCustom Class said:Blood for the Blood God[Vet]
HP: (55+lvl) x stamina
CP: (45+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu, +10% chance of inflicting bleeding
High: Melee Acc
Average: Evasion, Genjutsu Save, Ninjutsu Acc
Low: Range Acc, Genjutsu DC
Taken in, sorry for the delay!Old Character Name: Chikara
Old Village/Missing: Sand
OCR Type: Inactivity
Last Known Where-abouts: Unknown
Old IC Rank: Genin/AiT
New Character Name: Himawari Kuriiro
Preferred Username: Himawari Kuriiro
New Village/Missing: Sand
New BL/CA: Chigokai, Kyonshi
Custom Class: (+2 Class points from ASP card)
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main BranchCustom Class said:Blood for the Blood God[Vet]
HP: (55+lvl) x stamina
CP: (45+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu, +10% chance of inflicting bleeding
High: Melee Acc
Average: Evasion, Genjutsu Save, Ninjutsu Acc
Low: Range Acc, Genjutsu DC
IC Rank: Chuunin
Character Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sex: Male
Character's Physical Description: Kuriiro is of normal height and weight for his age. He has brown hair and red/maroon irises as well as maroon where the whites in his eyes should be. He typically wears a white robe with his headband hanging loosely around his neck. Below the belt his pants match his robe and he wears sandals with socks because he’s a psychopath.
Character's Mental Description: Kuriiro is, most of the time, capable of maintaining his composure after years of practice and appearing to be a model citizen. He can easily hide his psychopathic tendencies for the most part but when there’s blood around he can lose his cool easily. When he does lose his cool he becomes a blood thirsty beast and must retreat from the situation or risk being found out.
Multiple Personality Application: N/A
Character History: [[Includes my bloodline (Chigokai) and kinjutsu (abomination) applications]]
((Himawari Kuriiro was born to a family of laborers under very normal and unspectacular circumstances. Neither of his parents had any propensity towards anything combat related and there were few shinobi in his family. Despite this, Kuriiro was very excited to join the academy when he came of age. He was an average student with a small group of friends who he had grown up with. Everything about his life was perfectly mundane, for someone living in a world of shinobi, until he began to hear it. At first it was like a calm stream in a quiet forest, but as he grew older and stronger the sound also grew until the calm stream became raging rapids.
Although he didn’t understand what the sound was he felt intoxicated by it. Whenever other people were around the feeling would become stronger to a point where Kuriiro couldn’t stand being around others. He began to shut out all of the people who loved him, and his studies began to suffer. It was beginning to look like his future would be bleak and hopeless, until one day his father cut himself while preparing dinner. Kuriiro could smell it from across their home and it put him in a small trance which brought him into the kitchen.
The young boy was deaf to his father trying to explain that he was fine. The wound was deep enough to send a small stream of blood down his father’s arm. Kuriiro watched as he father moved about the kitchen, washing his arm and applying first aid. His heart was beating out of his chest and he wanted nothing more than to drink his father’s blood. After it was cleaned Kuriiro began to snap out of his trance and when he finally came to his senses he ran away back to his room.
Labored breathing followed as Kuriiro tried to maintain control. Even from his bedroom he could hear the blood of his parents and he couldn’t get the delicious smell of his father’s blood out of his mind. That night he found himself in a trance once again as he walked into his parents’ room as they slept and stood beside them. He clutched his heart with one hand and raised his other, his open palm facing the two sleepers. He struggled to stay calm and his breathing woke up his mother with a start.
Kuriiro was taken by surprise; in his trance like state he acted instinctively and covered her mouth so she couldn’t wake up his father. She struggled to get her son off of her and even with very little training he was easily able to overpower her. His chakra began working on his own and soon blood was pouring out of his mother’s mouth and through his fingers. His mother began thrashing around which woke his father. Kuriiro quickly grabbed his mother with both hands and snapped her neck before pouncing on his father who was trying to get out of the bed.
Kuriiro bit his father and took out a chunk of skin from the man’s throat. He began to drink as his father slowly bled to death. He was like an animal, licking the blood off the floor and even sucking it out of the sheets. He was covered with the stuff when he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror; this was when he noticed that the whites of his eyes had turned into a dark maroon color. He started coming back to his senses and his labored breathing returned as he realized what he had done.
Bloodline: 599))
[[Kuriiro washed only his face and then ran across the street to his aunt’s home. She answered the door to find her nephew covered in blood. He was never found out to be the killer; to his knowledge no one had any idea it was him. Even he could barely remember doing the deed. Now his blood lust was satiated for the time being and he gained a new clarity. His started hanging out with his friends again and his studies improved just in time for him to rank up to genin with the rest of his peers. No one was the wiser, even though his eyes were now blood red he began showing a great talent for blood jutsu.
Years passed and Kuriiro was able to maintain his sanity by feasting on the blood of animals. He hid his secret feelings towards his peers to keep up appearances. The truth was he didn’t feel anything for anyone in his life. They were all just food to him, but he couldn’t give in to temptation. He knew that the more he murdered innocents the more likely he was to be found out. So instead he continued to do his job and pretend that he wasn’t a psychotic vampire. Then came the chuunin exam which almost ended in tragedy.
Kuriiro joined the chuunin exam with several of his peers who he graduated the academy with. He was the friend of a few of them, though they weren’t his friends. He only interacted with them to keep up appearances. During the last round things turned bad, but before that Kuriiro was a shoo-in to pass according to the proctors. The final round was a mini tournament in which each contestant was allowed to show off their combat skills. Kuriiro won his first match easily but with a major wound. Because of this wound he found himself unable to keep up in his second match until he managed to get a lucky strike in.
Until that point he had managed to hide his blood lust but in his weakened and tired state he couldn’t help but feel a trance come on when his attack caused the first bloody wound of the match. His opponent’s blood sprayed out onto Kuriiro’s face and the smell strengthened his trance. He was unable to control himself as something inside him began to stir. It was a feeling he hadn’t felt since he killed his parents and suddenly he found his second wind. Kuriiro blocked his opponent’s next strike while continuing to star into the void. His peers began to mock him, as if he were scared because of the blood.
He slowly turned his head to face the other combatant who could see Kuriiro’s eyes pulsating. Kuriiro gave up all pretense of a fair fight and shoved his hand into the wound he had just created. His opponent threw up blood and went limp for a moment before adrenaline took over and he pushed himself away before jumping across the field. Kuriiro followed and used his blade, creating another gash in the contestant’s torso. Then another, then another.
Blood pooled in various places across the arena and Kuriiro finally stopped his onslaught to lifted his foe into the air by his neck. Kuriiro growled from his throat, producing a low guttural hum. The blood pools began to rise into spears pointed at the man in Kuriiro’s grasp, who had already passed out from blood loss. At this point the main exam proctor stepped in with a swift strike to the back of Kuriiro’s neck. The proctor’s higher power level caused this move to knock the boy out.
Kuriiro faded in and out for the next few hours; first he was in the medical unit near the exam site, then he was being carried by a few people who he couldn’t quite make out. Lastly, he finally woke up for good in a dark room surrounded by the few people who considered Kuriiro a friend. They misunderstood the events that went down during the exam and instead believed Kuriiro to be possessed by some kind of evil spirit. They had him bound with multiple binding jutsu, just in case the spirit showed itself again, and they revealed their plan to use a sealing jutsu to pull out the evil spirit.
Kuriiro put all of his strength into trying to break the jutsu that bound him but he wasn’t strong enough. The sealer walked closer to Kuriiro and placed his hand on the boy’s chest. Symbols spread out from under the hand and grew into a circle. The sealer, a novice who was just learning sealing techniques, didn’t realize that he had made a mistake. The seal wasn’t meant to keep out evil spirits, the seal was evil. When he was done the seal began to burn and glow with a red chakra. Then there was nothing but darkness and streaks of red before Kuriiro woke up moments later, covered by the blood of his peers who were now dead on the floor.
Kuriiro walked out of the building and came face to face with a woman. He was covered in blood but she just stood there with a smile on her face. She was pale and short but had an enormous pressure. She told Kuriiro that she saw the whole thing and wanted to help him. From behind her came a behemoth made of bones which walked past and entered the building, just barely being able to squeeze through a hole in the wall. The woman, who introduced herself as Bara Yami, claimed the beast would devour the bodies left behind and clean up the mess and no one would be the wiser.
Yami claimed to know the truth behind the seal that was placed on him by accident, and that what she saw was a mutation brought about by the cursed seal’s power. Kuriiro couldn’t remember the events that just took place but she explained to him that he mutated his arm so that his hand grew large claws and he attacked the other men in the room. Yami claimed that Kuriiro’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and he was oozing blood from various parts of his body. She also said she found it very alluring and she wished to study him; in exchange she would help him control the power and give him a thrall to feed on so he could stop feeding on animals.
Yami was infatuated with Kuriiro, but of course Kuriiro only wanted the power and the blood that she promised him. Over the next few years Kuriiro and Yami spent most of their time together. She was already well versed in cursed sealing but had yet to meet someone like Kuriiro who had an innate affinity to the seals. Together they learned how Kuriiro could control the seal and mutate his body at will, but he couldn’t seem to master the full mutation until one day when two ANBU appeared at their training session.
They claimed that Bara Yami was there illegally and they had evidence that she was aligned with dark forces, but they didn’t seem to know who Kuriiro was. Before Kuriiro could speak Yami impulsively attacked the two, starting a two on two battle. It didn’t take long for Kuriiro to realize that the two ANBU had the advantage, but Yami refused to retreat. Then one ANBU member attacked with their blade as she was setting up a new jutsu and her forearm was sliced in two. Her hand hit the ground with a thump and a large amount of blood pooled on the ground below her.
She screamed, as one might do when they have a limb chopped off, and fell to the ground with her other hand clenching the end of her stump arm. The two ANBU looked at Kuriiro now, but he was no longer there mentally. Seeing that much blood set something off in him, and once more he felt himself being dragged into a trance. His cursed seal, which had already been activated, began to glow brighter and cover his entire body. Slowly his entire form changed, causing him to grow large with vestigial wings and horns that twisted in every direction.
With a loud guttural growl he swarmed the ANBU members and despite being outnumbered and out gunned he managed to bring the fight back into their favor. Yami had passed out but Kuriiro was up to the task of taking the ANBU out by himself. He used his claws to cut the two open at the same time, just as more wounds opened on Kuriiro’s body and spat out more of his own blood. He growled once again but in a way that seemed more like laughter as he tossed the two into the nearest wall. The area was covered in Kuriiro’s blood, and with another shriek he turned all of his blood into ever reaching spikes in order to execute his opponents.
Upon seeing Yami motionless on the ground he returned to his senses and deactivated the cursed seal. He sat by her side but he knew she was already gone. She had bled out before he could return to help her. With his body having returned to normal he picked up her body and left the area, taking her to a secluded area to bury her. He felt he owed her that much, even though he didn’t actually have the same feelings for her that she had for him.
Kinjutsu: 1592
Total: 2191
Clan Request: N/A
Death/Retirement Thread: N/a
Old Profile: A link to your old profile. If you want to re-use the same format, now is the time to copy/paste it to yourself via PM to yourself
Old Training: A link to your old training.
Old Dojo: A link to your old dojo
Special Usergroups: N/A
Old Stats: Maxed out
Old OOC Rank: S-rank
Stat Cut: N/A
New Stats: Maxed out
New OOC Rank: S-rank
Jutsu Mastery Swaps:
Body Switch(M)
Combination Transformation(M)
Crystal Eye(M)
Spirit Lantern(M)
Contract Summoning (M)
Jutsu Sealing(M)
Stunt Double(M)
One Elemental Sealing(M)
Elemental Negation(M)
Elemental Clone(M)
Shadow Shuriken Replication(M)
Energy Transfer(M)
Leech Seal(M)
Chakra Shield(M)
Chakra Blast(M)
Cursed Sealing(M)
Perfected Rasengan (M)
Five-Elemental Seal(M)
Morality Sealing(M)
Nature's Guard (M)
Stardust Nova (M)
Gate of Enma (M)
Shadow Play(M)
Eagle Vision(M)
Basic Safeguard(M)
Chakra Extension(M)
Shadow Dance(M)
Chakra Absorption(M)
Concealed Steps(M)
Focused Assault(M)
Insatiable Hunger(M)
Limit Break(M)
Arcing Slash(M)
Dynamic Slash(M)
Overhead Strike(M)
Full Circle(M)
Cross Rip(M)
Crimson Flash(M)
Heavy Tow(M)
Vanishing Slash(M)
Lunar Steps(M)
Sword Juggle(M)
Zero Slash Counter(M)
Top Spin(M)
Blood Trail(M)
Focal Blade(M)
Piercing Rain(M)
Cross Pierce(M)
Impaling Counter(M)
Dynamic Poke(M)
Dynamic Pierce(M)
Defensive Thrust(M)
Iron Point Prison(M)
Clip Downpour(M)
Spiked Shield(M)
Feint Strike(M)
Pressure Pierce(M)
Outer Rim Breaker(M)
Pressure Thruster(M)
Million Stabs(M)
Giga Star Breaker(M)
The One-Two(M)
Low Sweep(M)
Uncalled for shot(M)
4-hit Combo(M)
Spinning Wind(M)
Dynamic Entry(M)
Dynamic Finish(M)
Nut Buster(M)
Dragon Assault(M)
Tiger Hook(M)
Step-in Flash(M)
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku(M)
Roaring Combination(M)
Shadow Step Strike(M)
Multi-Hit Combo(M)
Fist of Virtue(M)
Fist of Sin(M)
Broad Slap(M)
Dynamic Bash(M)
Dynamic Charge(M)
7-Hit Combo(M)
Double Slam(M)
Concrete Blast(M)
Render Blitz(M)
Blast Rush(M)
Skull Buster(M)
Blackjack Attack(M)
Carpe Noctem(M)
Carpe Diem(M)
Nostalgia Strike(M)
Joint Lock(M)
Memento Mori(M)
White Lotus Strike(M)
Infernal Ember(M)
Thermal Maw(M)
Fire Ball(M)
Immolation Armor(M)
Combustive Seal(M)
Dragon Fire(M)
Searing Eruption(M)
Scalding Ash Cloud(M)
Heat Wave(M)
Dragon Fire(M)
Searing Eruption(M)
Scalding Ash Cloud(M)
Heat Wave(M)
Dragon Flame Bomb(M)
Sol Fire Tempest(M)
Abysmal Harbinger(M)
Flame Shield(M)
Wind Slash(M)
Pressure Burst(M)
Whirlwind Spin(M)
Air Bullet(M)
Shredding Touch(M)
Wind Scythe(M)
Gale Force(M)
Wind Release(M)
Great Wind Scythe(M)
Wind Scar(M)
Vacuum Sphere(M)
Cyclone Movement(M)
Ambiance of the Forbidden(M)
Zephyr's Grace(M)
Storm Bolt(M)
Thunder Fist(M)
Zeus Flash(M)
Lightning Torrent(M)
Volt Charge(M)
Gigavolt Cannon(M)
Lightning Beast(M)
Amp Field(M)
Raijin's Vengeance(M)
Chidori Control(M)
Stone Bullet(M)
Gravel Shift(M)
Earth Flow River(M)
Sinkhole Fist(M)
Inner Earth Reflection Lure(M)
Earth Flow Wave(M)
Rock Golem(M)
Earthen Coating(M)
Bedrock Coffin(M)
Weighted Rock Technique(M)
Earth Spiker(M)
Antlion Sinkhole(M)
Fist of Gaia(M)
Earthen Magnitude(M)
Earthslide Wall(M)
Pressurized Mist(M)
Water Gun(M)
Water Whip(M)
Aqua Fang(M)
Rinse Off(M)
Grand Waterfall(M)
Impaling Hydro Jet(M)
Water Prision(M)
Rain Dance(M)
Torrential Vortex(M)
Hydro Tidal Shockwave(M)
Water Shark Bomb(M)
Mystical Pond(M)
Grand Hydra Excavation(M)
Water Dragon Bullet(M)
Scorn of Aquarius(M)
Supreme Aqua Realm(M)
Poison —> Blood
Wood —> Mirror
Archsage —> Abomination
B - Essence of Life(M)
B - Naturalization(M)
A - Breath of the Wild(M)
S - Gaia’s Vengeance(M)
B - Metamorph(M)
B - Cursed Seal Stage 2(M)
A - Malevolent Annihilation(M)
S - Virulence
Other Refunds:
Augment Refunds:
I want to refund all my augments, here’s a list from my profile
Primal x1
Great Weapon x2
Assault x3
Trick Weapon x7
Blood Rack x2
Vengeful x1
Vanguard x1
Steady x1
Swift x1
Silencer x1
Recovery x1
Blitz x1
Lantern x1
Tracer x1
Razor Strike x1
Vampiric x2
Barbed Teeth x1
Toxify x1
Wired x1
Chakra Drain x1
Pressure x1
Anchor Boost x1
Inventory Refunds:
Light Armor
Name of any Contract you currently own:
Tsukumogami & Bear
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:
Name of Kinjutsu you own:
Archsage (I can’t get a link to approval bc I can’t see the village requests)
Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?
Wanted to note somewhere that the weapons Galore ASP card was bought for this character as it is character specific
Current Ninpocho Time: