Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Ready For this [Req ANBU Captain]

Kamiya Akari

New Member
Feb 6, 2024
OOC Rank
Akari always stuck out in public for one reason or another. Whether it was the bleach white skin, the unnatural hue of red on her cheeks...and her eyes. The fact that her eyes were yellow where they should be white. And now that she was older, the fact she towered over most everyone at her height, most people would think it would be absurd for someone who looked as she did to try and become an ANBU, someone who operated in secret and shadow. But she always excelled under those conditions. In addition to this, she was an expert in deflection and it was simply because she looked as she did that no one would suspect her so long as she kept out of sight or killed anyone who posed a problem.

That was the easy part. It had been a little while since she had finished the Academy and become a genin, so thus she was directed here, to the ANBU gate, where she didn't particularly expect to see anyone, not if they were as good as she was led to believe, but she knew they would find her. If they were good. ANBU should be experts at intelligence gathering and she certainly did not keep her desires a secret, in large part so that she would be approached. It had not yet happened, so instead she would take more proactive steps. She, like always, had on her brightest smile to assert that she had control of the situation around her. She would never lose that.

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
It was a mad house, the Anbu were barely hanging by a thread and yet they were becoming the most active in years. Though most of the no named ninja were out on whatever was happening from the Sennin games, Viper was stuck holding down the fort. After all it wasn't like they could exactly afford to just leave the gates unwatched especially with the influx of visitors as of late. She sat at the check in exhaling smoke from her mask, a trick she had figured out in order to manage the nicotine intake while on duty. Hell, she had just wanted that day off in order to watch her friend and captain compete, but now.. well it was all up in the air.

She looked over her shoulder as the smoke rolled up from her mask, her eyes locking on the new figure as it approached. She smiled under her mask, as she had been in that exact stance not too long ago, waiting for the rest of her life to catch up. She assumed, but she too had that same look of breathless anticipation when she waited for the Anbu to answer her unsaid prayers. She pushed off the wall and began to saunter over, this woman towered over her as she approached, but what she lacked in size she made up for in experience. She made mental notes as she approached, soaking in every detail of the woman she saw before her. While she'd probably not fit well into her desired path, it seemed like she'd be useful for a few of the options available to them once they'd proven themselves, but that was a discussion for later. First, she'd confirm the reason for contact.

"Well, what do we have here? can I help you?" her words rang out in the metallic modified tone that her mask provided, yet somehow still felt as if they were singsong in tone. A playful, almost knowing raised brow as she continued, "I assume you're not here to request an exit?"

[338 wc]

Kamiya Akari

New Member
Feb 6, 2024
OOC Rank
Largely known far and wide as the land of Mayhem, Monsters, and Murderers, filled with freaks of all kind, Suna seemed rather tame over all. However, that is, however, from the perspective of a young woman who spent years traveling on her own through the vast desert of the Land of Wind. She had seen and experienced so much and the only monster, true monster, she knew of her was Akkuma and that was why she sought out the ANBU. She wanted the specialty skills needed to increase her combat abilities to capture that demon, torture him, break his soul. So many people had been lollygagging around the SENNIN games, but that really had never held much interest. Everyone seemed to be in a frenzy, however, and her own lackadaisical attitude in waiting to be approached and set her behind schedule, and she cursed herself silently for falling prey to complacency. This would have been a perfect moment to strike, but her skills were too unrefined. The fact of which the tall, young woman was well aware of.

However, it didn't take long before she was approached by a shorter woman in a mask, a dead giveaway on an ANBU operative. Naturally, they operated in secret and kept their identities protected for obvious reasons. Clearly trained and Akari could appreciate the smoke emanating from the mask, something she thought was quite the flare for the theatrical, which was also something the blonde appreciated by and large. Still, despite a likely vast gap in their abilities, the younger, taller woman wouldn't so much as flinch.

Instead, with all the confidence in the world, she followed suit and met the woman halfway with a grin that hid well even the slightest intent of malice. It was warm and welcoming as her unnatural red eyes lit up. "You can indeed! Though perhaps I can also be of assistance to you as well!" She said, reaching out an empty hand, palm up, in order to introduce herself. "My name is Akari. It's a pleasure to meet you, quite a pleasure! Fear not, the only exit I plan to make from this village is on official business! However, it was relayed to me that someone here might point me in the direction of joining the group that has been, shall we say, as of late. I certainly am hoping that person might just be you as I believe my skills might be well suited for this specific line of work!" Polite and respectful, but never wavering from maintaining her bright and cheerful smile for even an instant. To most it was so deceptive, the idea of her even becoming a ninja, let alone an ANBU, would feel like almost a joke as she seemed so kind and compassionate. That, however, was the great con of it all.

[WC 473]

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Not that she could see it, but the confirmation of the hunch made Neko smile. She had hoped that was the case but she also wanted this girl to be one hundred percent certain of the path she was about to take. If she was, she'd not hesitate to make that dream a reality.

"Alright, let's say we could use someone.. how sure are you to throw your life to the wind without a second thought? Are you willing to put your fellow shinobi before yourself?"

While these questions didn't matter too much in the situation at hand, they mattered for Neko. She wasn't about to let any stray walk in and make themselves Anbu, she cared about the quality of her branch and was willing to test it.

"If so then I only will ask you this, when are you ready to prove it?"

[if accepted AiT Exam will happen once my class is finished, I will DM you details]

Kamiya Akari

New Member
Feb 6, 2024
OOC Rank
Since childhood, Akari had learned how to read people and their emotions, their subtle hints, even the slightest changes in their tones. Even with the half-mask on, the woman before her, at least in Akari's interpretation, seemed pleased, if only slightly. This could very much work out to the bleach-skinned woman's advantage, if she played her cards right. And she made sure to never lose that trademark smile of hers, for that was as great a mask as any that could be created by the living. She nodded in response to the ANBU's questions.

"I can quite assure you that I am willing to do whatever needs to be done at the drop of the hat and more than willing to put forth the effort to accomplish the goals of the village. Even if that includes putting my life in the line of fire for those around me. Though, my personal goal would be to, shall we say, subdue the threats before I'm eliminated, naturally," the shadow manipulator said with a soft, pleasantly feminine chuckle. She knew it was important, and often necessary, requirement of being a Ninja to put your life on the line, but it was far more important to accomplish your mission which almost never involved self-sacrifice. Even if it were dangerous, Akari never felt it necessary to go into a situation with the belief she would die no matter what. An ANBU was meant to be a Ninja who were several steps above others, the elite in the shadows, which meant eliminating problems with prejudice. "I have no mission as of currently, so I'm more than willing to prove myself worthy of your trust right away, if you wish."

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
A nod of understanding and then she turned and began to walk back. "Keep an eye on your window, pigeon will be by when the time comes. Eat, sleep, and rest now. Tomorrow you may not have the chance to." She was calling back over her shoulder, but under that mask a smile turned sour and flat in the realization of what was to come.

[Topic left, AiT exam to begin soon]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
