Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Red Clay Jar Bar and Inn <Private>

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012

Entered as iNPC Uzumoreru Toushin​

Rule #1, you don’t talk about Fight Club.

The stale smoky air of the crowded bar gave off an atmosphere of hate and the mild amusement of self destruction as people dressed in clothing reminisced of a biker’s bar in the 80s crowded the bar while the rest sat in shadowy booths minding their liquor and random bar food. The smell of those random foods mixed with that of tobacco, alcohol, and the random hint of drugs gave it an feeling that was unique to the bar, and it was that feeling that kept drawing the assassin back over and over again.

Uzu sat in one of the booths in the far corner of the bar sipping on straight whiskey through his mask and adding to the smoke in the air in the same manner. A song bounced sound waves off the wall with the mixes of jazz and southwestern that continued to set the restless calm of bar mood. What was he doing here one might wonder? It was Wednesday which meant it was time to collect.
It had been quite a few months since the business arrangement was struck and this was the last payment he would be receiving during his vacationi; or so he hoped. From what little he could remember of their night together had been completely wild, and it wouldn’t surprise Uzu in the least if she took that nice hefty payment for herself and catch the first exit out of town, but she never did. In the back of his head this little voice twerped at him, trying to cause unnecessary paranoia that may have addled the minds of the lesser, such as Ryuu Tama, but not a man who was trained to resist genjutsu with his willpower alone. Besides that he had done this kind of arrangement hundreds of times before, so there was really nothing different other than this was the first client he had ever slept with; victims, oh yes, but never before someone who was paying him too.

The assassin tapped his foot to the music in the background as he reached for another drag of his cig when an incident unfolded in front of him. It wasn’t unusual for someone to break from the restless calm and try to spark and explosion but it always ended the same way. He was a large man who seemed to have easy anger triggers as he was apparently towering after a man of much smaller stature for spilling a drink on his lap.
Instantly the bar began to crowd around in a circle to watch the fight as not a single bouncer made a move and the barkeep turned into a bookie. Uzu’s black eyes studied both of the soon to be fighters, saw how nervous the little guy was and smirked. The assassin raised his hand with a bit of cash in it and put it on that scrawny little fuck who was being pushed back before the fight could even begin; someone yelled “ding” and it was on.
Instantly the larger man tore into his weaker opponent with three chained punches that attacked the chest and abs hard before landing a strong blow that must have broken something as the smaller guy landed hard. The big guy, who was showing his true colors now that he was guaranteed a win, began to toy with the smaller man. Kicks landed in here and there, insults were thrown, and even mothers were spoken ill of. Toushin waited patiently, his black eyes studying the fight to watch for just the wrong move.
It finally came when the bigger guy stuck out his chin to his opponent, pointed at it, and dared to get a free strike on him. The Uzumoreru flexed his chakra and cut the tip of his index finger to allow a small amount of blood bead up there. He curled his finger back beneath his thumb and flicked the speck of blood across the room, skimming across at least ten different faces before landing on his chin right as the weaker man, in a stand of bravery or stupidity, struck him. The blow itself wasn’t half bad, as rage and adrenaline fueled it, but the force was enough to push Toushin’s thick blood into the flesh. Creating a seal underneath the table he commanded his blood to quickly work into the nerves and freeze his body which caused the larger man to instantly ragdoll to the ground. Without missing a beat the smaller man was on top of that action, grabbing a beer bottle from someone before going to freaking town on the larger guy’s face.

In a matter of seconds it became quite clear who the winner of that little brawl was. The raging little white-boy was finally pulled off his opponent who’s bloody mess was drugged off out back to be thrown into the back alley for the scavengers to have. Uzu and maybe two others raked in a large portion of everyone’s money and then made personal cuts to give to the winner of the fight; he just hoped the kid wasn’t stupid enough to think he was some bad-ass martial artist now.
With a content sigh the assassin settled back into his seat to count his money and order another drink as he awaited for his next meeting for the day. Tomorrow Uzu would be returning to his clan’s hidden home in the tunnels and bring news to the noble class of his accomplishments to date. He already knew that no one else had accomplished anything close to what he had, and a few even figured he was dead by this point. It had been decades since last an Uzumoreru spent more than a year on a single mission to kill someone, and it would be that kind of class he hoped to return to the clan when he became their king.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Rule #2, You DO NOT talk about FIGHT CLUB.​

It had been a few days since the incident. Since that bitch came back. The once proud and sensual Kitanai had been beaten down, and had spent those endless hours in bed. Literally. Every second, save dragging herself to the bathroom occasionally, was spent sleeping over and over and over. Her face buried into the pillow and her face paling out more that usual. She was, in hindsight, a beautiful mess. Hours not spent sleeping were spent laying in a pile of self pity and self loathing, staring teary eyed at the wall with glazed over and dead eyes.

It was, however, on this day, she found find herself being forced to get up. She had recently been paid a hefty amount of money by Tama, that was delivered to her, as she didn't bother to get up for that, either. It was this delivery, that was her reminder of the date. The woman rolled slowly, her head churning with her. She had been very light headed from her lack of food and movement, and it was causing slight irritation in her mood.

Red Clay Bar and Inn, is what the small slip of paper pinned to her refrigerator said. That was today. That time was in an hour. And she needed to leave now if she was ever going to get there at all. But she didn't want to get up. She didn't want to leave. She wanted to lay there. That was how it was supposed to be, right?

Kit dragged herself from her bed, completely nude, as, being dressed was more of a hassle than anything. Moving to the sliding-mirror doors in the hallway to grab her clothes. She wore rather plain undergarment, quite plain blue with no real lace off bedazzle to it. Over it, she slipped on dark blue skinny jeans and a lumpy sweater, as she had no real intention of impressing today.

Moving to the bathroom, refusing makeup (not that she needed it) as she ran a brush through her wavy raven locks and through it up into a messy bun and moved to her closet again, whipping open the door and kneeling down to the ground. She moved a few baskets and clothes and pulled a safe towards her, opening it and pulling out the bag full of quite a large sum of money--all of the money Tama had given her--and kicked the safe back into the closet, shutting it and heading out the door.

Kitanai was late. Not tragically late, but enough for him to notice. She strode through the bar without a single look of desire shot her way. The usually sexy woman appeared rather casual and normal--if not very much civilian like. Men that would normally holler and swat her ass gave interested looks, but that was it. They had no need to go out of their way for her, as she was just pretty, nothing special. There was a lot better bait there today.

She moved her way to the very back where her masked lover sat, carrying the bag of yen in a backpack that she held in her hand, and as she neared, she threw it onto the table. At first, she didn't say anything. She didn't sit, but rather, stood there with eyes that burned in her own pitiful hell as she stared down at him for a few moments, before her dry lips parted: "You can keep all of it." She said simply, her fingers flexing as they hung loosely by her side. "I'm done. I'm out. Kill him for all I care."

The words, though spoken as though she no longer cared about the deal, were said with a voice that had been whipped. As though some unbeatable power and forced her to that moment. Had forced her to give it all up. As though, somehow, it was all against her will. But, she did care. She didn't hate Tama. She didn't hate the deal either. In fact, she loved it. She needed it. And as she stood there, her face glazed over with an undoubtable poker face, she begged her emotions to stay out of the way long enough for her to get over whatever he had to say and get home.

And yet, another part begged him to pull her in. To touch his nose against hers and flicker those auburn eyes at her. Some strange confusion of emotion between pain, lust, anger, and desire. As though she were two people who had different wants and needs that she could not satisfy, in fear of harming the other.

Oh, heartbreak, you unforgiving bitch.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Uzu’s eyes squinted into a glare at the form she appeared before him in.

The assassin knew something had been up but didn’t care enough to investigate any further than a hunch. Seeing her now he could easily read the emotions that were splayed all over her just by the appearance of her clothes, monotone, and lack of care to her looks. Kitanami was beautiful without the aid of makeup but a good assassin knew how to flaunt their charms, using every single opportunity they could create with their disguise. Needless to say he was disappointed.
Sit,” the assassin demanded with a hand gesture while completely ignoring the large sum of money on the table, “Kitanami this is not yourself. I have no idea what is eating you but you should know that there is no ‘getting out’ in this business – we’re killers for life.
I do recommend cutting some of your habits off like one would a cancer. The drugs, the over-drinking, the over-complicated emotional situations…

Uzu raised the glass to his advice and drank the rest of the liquor before sliding the glass out of his presence and putting his cigarette out in the ashtray that had maybe one, two other butts in it. Leaning back into his seat the killer placed his arm across the back of the cushion of his booth and released her from his glare taking something of pity on her. He too had suffered emotional backlashes before, but the survival always made him stronger; he couldn’t think of a way to explain that without sounding cheesy or chiding. Toushin didn’t worry though as he was far aware of the girl’s true strengths and what she could become if she was to actually focus on those strengths and make something far more than that…

My vacation is ending tonight. Next month begins anew and I will be re-introducing myself to the public of my clan after being undercover for the last three years. We can end our agreement on Tama’s protection, but I can’t simply let your talent waste away on the woe emotions of your heartstrings.
As such, I make you an offer. Join me in my return to the clan and I will induct you through a special ritual. It will flay your soul and strip you of your pain in a most terrible manner…but you will emerge stronger. Between your special abilities, my cunning, and hopefully the aid of my brother’s return I will be able to finally control everything in another year from today.

It was, more or less, a job offer. He didn’t know of her background and what she would have to break off to even begin to take on such an offer, but the promised riches and glory of the accomplished goal would place them both in the esteemed upper echelon of society. Ironic that they, two professional killers with one from a poor background, could gain such status from secrecy.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The glare followed her. The entire time it watched her with that sort of sneer and snide cocky superiority that Uzumoreru seemed to have. It hung over her head, nagging at her existence and lack of use, as per usual.

Not really, she was just upset, and therefore everything about the world was, clearly, against her. So, bear in mind, dear reader, any perception from here on out is probably horribly dramatized by her terrible outlook on living in the moment.

Uzu demanded she sat, her body refusing for a moment in dire hope to be stubborn and bitchy, but she wasn't in the mood to fight either. Her body collapsed into the seat, her posture sloppy and uncaring as she watched him with rather lifeless and unreadable eyes.

He told her, as to be expected, what she could and could not do with her life. What types of things she had signed up for as being apart of such a dangerous life, and how there was no way out. However, he had the audacity to suggest she quit her dirty habits, as though, some how, that would magically make her feel better.

The poker face broke, a slight scowl coming onto her face as she leaned forward, "Uzu," His name was a snarl, the way it came out. However, she caught the way it hissed from her teeth, and decided against speaking, leaning back and reverting back to her neutral stage.

It was then, that the shrouded man offered her a job. She wasn't exactly expecting such an offer, and her eyebrows raised at the idea of it as she watched him carefully as he spoke. The first part of her, denied the job. There was no way in hell she was going to get back into working her ass off. She wanted to lay in bed, watch those stupid romantic comedies, and do nothing. The bills would pay themselves with Tama constantly throwing money at her.

The other half, however, found joy in the idea. Being so privileged to be apart of an organization as deadly and as successful as one Uzumoreru was apart of. However, he made sure to point out the fact that she actually had feelings was an issue. Her poker face breaking again to scowl as she finished up his offer.

"Do you have to be such a heartless asshole?" She asked simply. It wasn't a real insult, but rather, more a joke, and, perhaps, a stated fact. "I'm flattered you think I have some sort of hidden ability under this, but I've been told one too many times that I'm not strong enough even for things as petty as bandits. You don't want me with you, as much as I'd like to join you." Her jaw was clenching a bit from the words, recalling Saemon's very honest remarks about her lack of strength and how she had failed her mission--even when she was quite aware and already in a state of mourning over it. She had killed a woman, and he cared to remind her that it was because she was weak.

"Though, if by some special way, you think joining this so called...clan, or whatever the fuck you want to call it, that I'll become better, or, if by some miracle you think that I'm already qualified...then..." She shrugged a bit, a lack of logic and sense to be found anywhere in her thinking. She was running off of pure whim and thoughtlessness, "What the hell, I'm in."

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
That glare returned, but beneath it was a glint of something else.

Yet you don’t seem as…excited as I had hoped. No doubt it’s to contribute to your mood, but I do believe I can fix that as well. I have a good idea as to how to remember what it’s like to be yourself again, and I won’t even have to touch you.

With a snap of his fingers a few things happened in the bar that seemed completely out of the norm. For one the music stopped as if the snapping of Uzu’s fingers magically made it stop. The second was that the crowd and all of the restless clam that had been the so thick you could taste it went straight out the window, left only with the cold collective calm of the entire crowd.
You see, there is still the matter of the initiation. Every single person here is an assassin or mercenary that I have personally hired with all that money I’ve been receiving from you,” around this point two burly men would grab the woman and pull her right out of the seat and throw her into the middle of the bar, “They all have one simple mission darling, and that is to maim the hell out of you. Not kill, no, no, but to try and break every bone in your body, to attempt to flay at your beautiful flesh…

Toushin slowly slid out of his seat and walked up towards Kitanai but kept his distance away by staying at least four people between the two of them having remembered well his brother’s ability with the Seikon warping skills. The crowd slowly started to move in an almost zombie lack fashion, drawing blades, chains, clubs, and kunai hidden within their clothing as the professional killers began to spread out slowly around the woman. Some of them held the dead cold look of someone just trying to get an easy pay, while others stared down in sheer lust, licking at their lips as they waited for the signal from the man paying them.
It was a hell of a fate to be placed in, but this is what happened when you tried to conform to the Uzumoreru’s ways. Even being born into the clan was a painful route to become an assassin, but it had been a good thirty years since their last wave of new blood – there hadn’t been a lot of good assassins lately. Then entered Kitanai who had a power that the clan craved to have more of and with the training of at least basic assassination skills. If she could just deaden her emotions towards the mourning of love lost and focus on her survival for just even one minute she would survive. Oh yes, Toushin would have to deal with a very angry woman if she did but he was already prepared for that rolling fury and had been since the start of the month when he began to set this day into motion.

Dance, darling," Uzu said as he made a wave of his hand to signal the attack.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The attractive man across from her gave her a long stare before inquiring the fact that her lack of excitement was disturbing. She didn't seem to care, rolling her eyes at the idea that he thought she would enjoy the offer of more death and suffering. Well, at least she had part of the deal, right?

A loud snap cracked through the air, and echoed in the sudden silence. Hard stares coming down on the young woman, the music dead and gone as Kitanai slowly turned her head back to look at the group of men, then back at the one before her. A slow, betrayed, grimace crossed her face as he spoke. "A waste of your money," She hissed, "You could have used it on something that would last." Kita said simply, the arms of a few burly men grabbing her as she kicked for a moment, struggling and trying to pry herself from their grips. "Let go of me, you fucking asswipes!" Her emotions were overflowed. She was filled with pent up anger and hate--and it all so easily would flow from her in the sudden request.

Thrown into the middle of the bar, and totally surrounded, the situation would remind her a lot of the desert bandits, but in a much larger number, and more stupid. Her cyan eyes flashed upwards, locking with Uzumoreru's as her fists flexed with anger. "I'll kill you, you son of a bitch." She screamed as she leaped forward towards him, the blockade of men shoving her back down to the ground a few times and she leapt and clawed after him, far too emotionally unstable to think reasonably.

Uzu waved his hand, the cue starting an uproar of the men. Battle cries, evil laughter, and snide remarks as they moved in. Two grabbing her in a crucifixion pose as she kicked, struggling with her wrists that they held onto. One man moving in, large, beefy, with a curdling sneer, and socked her in the face. Her pretty face jerked to one side as she cried out, trying to rip her hands away as his fist came back, throwing her face to the other side. His punches becoming more persistent, and her struggling more desperate as he began to beat the shit out of her. Her cries echoed through the bar, but the cheering from the crowd was louder than her bloody coughing.

But around the tenth time his fist came flying towards her, those cyan eyes, that had always glowed so mysteriously, burst with blinding light. "I said....!" Her pupils disappearing as her chakra literally glowed around her like a monstrous aura as her bleeding and cut head came forward, and smashed against his. "Let! Me! GO!" Her arms ripped and ripped away as her hands grabbed the heads of the men who had grabbed her, smashing them together as her leg swung around to kick them back away from her.

A fire jutsu bursting from her right arm as it literally burned in a heavy flame as she swung it around, catching a few men with it as their clothes began to get eaten away by the fire. "I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU!" She screamed, the cyan color bright and flickering as the Seikon lost her mind. The rage built up inside of her bursting from her in impressive amounts of chakra, and blinded by utter bloodlust.

The men, however, did not stop. Despite a few of their burning brothers, they continued forward. A kunai slicing across her arm as the fury-driven Seikon reached forward to the man with the kunai, her hands grabbing his chest, and literally... oh yes, imagine this... tearing his atoms apart. Crying out as she tore the man in half on an atomic level until his atoms split into nothing.

It was a move far too tiring to use a lot, and the amount of power it took caught her off of her feet for a moment just in time to get a steel-toed foot crushing against her spine and throwing her forward. She landed on her hands and knees, the boot coming back down to step on her spine, and start to crush her slowly, threatening to crack her in half. Her body glowed violently as she shook and trembled beneath the boot, other feet coming in to kick at her sides and her face.

Her image flickered, once...twice...three times.. and her body disappeared, the atoms traveling out of the way and behind the man who had started to crush her. Using a quick metal jutsu, she dragged the metal from the shelves of the bar, morphing it, to her will, into a sword of sorts, with a help of her sundering reality skills. Swinging the blade around the top of her head to decapitate the monster. Her hand coming back down with the oddly shaped sword as she continued to swing violently. Slashing through men at speeds unfeasible to any but the Seikon.

Any blades that would more towards her would flicker in the same manner as her body had, moving them slightly to the side and out of the way to have her dodge it enough to slip her own blade between their ribs. The battle cries of them people in the bar echoing violently as she swung her blade through the other neck of a man--it stuck, the blade shattering from the over use.

Shelves weren't made for decapitating.

Weaponless, the woman was quickly closed in on by the last ten or so men. This time, they jumped on top of her, tackling her to the ground as they each took a limb, her hair, or grabbed anywhere breakable--and pulled, viciously. It dragged her into a sort of hog-tied position as she screamed out in pain. They pulled and held her there, the final man moving towards her with a knife, tossing it a few times as he smiled at her, "Beautiful skin, sugar tits, I think I'll make a rug out of it." His blade moved forward, placing against her cheek as he dragged it across slowly, the blood rushing from the growing cut as she struggled and screamed, and the chakra, with the last burst of violent cyan light, pulsed. A large dome of chakra burst from her, spreading a few meters around her, and totally tearing the atoms of the men apart, disintegrating them into nothing (So Uzu better step back away from it), leaving her, bleeding, broken, and exhausted on the ground. Surrounded by the bodies of various corpses as she breathed in and out, the light dying away from her as she laid there, a bloody mess, and her eyes raised slowly to look up towards Uzumoreru.

"T-..." She coughed up a few spats of blood, "Told you it was a wa-waste of money...jack ass."

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Uzu was nothing short of amazed.

Only an Uchiha who had unlocked the secret level of powers in their dojutsu would be able to follow her movements, a reasoning he deducted from being a human trained to have eyes similar to their own; though they never could come close. Toushin’s golden amber irises danced as he watched the girl whip herself up into a fury and never once flinching no matter how many times she was cut, kick, or beat. Hell at one point she even targeted Uzu though she may not remember it in her fury. It was a fight he wouldn’t soon forget either as he drew out his blood blade and did battle with her shelf sword, dancing and weaving through the crowd while forcing others to take the blows that were meant to kill him. With a quick duck and roll to the left he was out of her line of rage and he was back to watching her again, studying that form.
When it was all said and done she laid there on the bar floor, panting, bleeding, and in a sense returned to the woman that he knew. Slowly the assassin kneeled down before her without a single fear of what she could do to him with her remaining energy and smirked,
Oh, but I think it did just the trick,” he said as he held the blood blade over one of her many wounds before slowly stabbing the blade into her flesh with a rather non-chalant look affixed on his face. He then broke the tip off which caused the black blood to return to liquid form and flow into Kitanai’s bloodstream; giving him complete control.
You see, initiation to my clan takes a certain…measure to accomplished and the entire process is quite painful. It’s all in the process of stripping away your identity and reforging you into a weapon. Only the strong are able to retain their identities and those that do are numbered among the Nobel Class. Your strong, aren’t you love? Of course you are.
Shaping his hands into a seal the Uzumoreru activated the Blood Control technique and forced her mind into sleep.

When she awoke again the assassin would find herself within a deep black pit of darkness held up on an old fashioned crucifix and stripped of her clothing. Her hand and feet were nailed ever so painfully to the wood and a seal on her stomach would render her chakra coil useless. A single light suddenly appeared to show the circumference directly around the cross and revealed two men cloaked in black hooded robes. They both looked up at the naked woman before them and one whistled, causing the other to smack him. A vibrant booming voice rang out from nowhere followed by the chants of at least ten more people.
Today on this dark and dismissal night we introduce a new blood into the ranks of the Uzumoreru Clan – a clan who can trace its roots back to the First Men and beyond. In this darkness we give thanks to the Night Mother by sacrificing one hundred pieces of her soul so that her blood forever runs dark.
May the Shadows protect her. May the Night guide us.<i></i>”
May the initiator and his healer present themselves before the council so that they may be recognized on this Night.
The two robed men stepped forward and revealed themselves.

Uzumoreru Toushin and Ryuu Tama stood before Kitanai to what was most likely her despair and morbidity due to one of the two men she didn’t like seeing her naked no doubt. Forget the fact she was nailed to a cross, there was no doubt that seeing Tama was going to reawaken her anger at least enough to overcome what was probably fear.
Also to see Ryuu at all was no doubt an act for concern considering up to just moments ago in a bar she was being paid to protect him from the very man standing next to him. He had also seemed to undergo a change during the last time to two had exchanged hands, (Tama always paid at the beginning of the month), by not only drastically shortening his hair but placed on an air of complete unwavering attention. The Tama that Kitanai had gotten to know was a poor man at the bottom of his rope trying to find a way to fit in with society. Plagued by the souls of the dead he had consumed paranoia and fear constantly ripped at his mind, slowly driving him into a state of constant cowardice and insanity. Somehow the scientist had managed to trick his mind back into sanity and silenced the voices. Yet there was still the nervous edge to him, a certain body language that spoke not so much of fear than it was of…paranoia really. Of course what could he say? It wasn’t like he was a member of the clan and in fact was snatched up in the middle of the night about three hours ago where everything was explained to him firsthand by Uzu himself. They reconciled an agreement that if helped him in this ritual then the blood debt owed would be cleared, but there was always the chance their paths would cross again. Accepting it as a chance to at least breathe easy for a second Tama took the deal and a few combat tips that the assassin readily gave the scientist to protect himself from other killers; it was still very apparent Uzu wanted to kill Tama so was willing to help him survive till that day came. Of course not a single one of those tips had ever mentioned Tama cutting his hair. That was just the unfortunant accident of an explosive chemical compound that he was trying to mix with mild chakra waves. Needless to say Kitanai no longer had a spare apartment either.

I represent the Uzumoreru Clan. My name is Toushin, meaning blade, third of this title and second to be born of the Night Gift. I shall be the one who gives to the Night Mother."
I represent the Ryuu Clan. My name is Tama, meaning jewel, first of his name and last heir to the Ryuu Clan. I shall be the one who keeps from the Night Mother."
Then so it shall be! May the ritual be completed when Ijimeru Kitanai dies one-hundred times.

Tama positioned himself behind Kitanai and sat down on the ground with his legs crossed and his eyes closed. He focused a seal to form on his hand and placed it on the ground right beneath the cross and focused a small steady stream of chakra. The light was cut out and replaced by a dim glow of green chakra in the forms of rune work surrounding her. The light was warm and gentle causing all of her sores and aches to simply lift out of her body. All of the addictions, wants, needs, and sicknesses from them cleared from her lungs and liver as Tama gave the assassin a full cleansing.

A blade then pierced her heart.

Toushin looked up at her with eyes that almost said I’m sorry as he slowly removed the edge from her heart to let her quickly bleed out to death. With a shock she was brought back from the blackness of death and healed only to watch as that blade cut into her heart over and over again.

One Hundred Times.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The world was already blackening around her, without the help of the sly assassin who moved and knelt by her. His hands moving towards her as he poked her with a blade, not even enough energy to cry in pain as her body lay crumpled like broken paper on the ground. Her eyes watching him as he hurt her so easily. He spoke as though he didn't matter to him at all. The way he could so easily bade her into pain without much of a blink. A traitor. He had betrayed her trust.

She hated him.

Kitanai would wake with a true startle. Her head jerking up violently as she sucked in violent gasps that threatened to hyperventilate. Her body shocked, as well as her mind as she looked around wildly. She was a strong woman. A powerful woman. Never afraid. Never hurt. Never a coward. And there she was, stripped, shamed, and--she let out a cry. Her body was nailed to a massive wooden X. Her brain processing the pain as the blood dribbled over her hands and down her arms, as well as over her toes. Her long, once luscious, black locks appeared limp, like her soul, as it hung over her body, as though to try and hide her nude frame.

Shame. Humility. Fear. Powerless.

A soft light appeared in the room, a light that, perhaps had she been optimistic, would have represented a form of hope. And, had she not been scared shitless, the whistle might have lightened her up--but it didn't. Her heart was beating in her chest wildly, her eyes, once bright and sharp, were dull and broken. Kitanai: representative of all that was unbeatable, was shattered from the inside out.

The voice that echoed far too loud through the small room caused the frightened woman to jump slightly--as much as she could nailed down--her eyes searching wildly through the darkness for the mysterious voices that chanted to the follow the voice. The seal on her stomach glowing and flickering slightly as the woman pulled, crying as the blood from her feet and hands began to flow more as she tried to pry herself from the massive X. Trying, like a spooked rabbit, to warp out of the situation.

Helpless. Defenseless. Worthless. Shattered.

The cloaked figures stepped forward, removing their hoods, and the woman's eyes widened violently as they locked onto the one and only Ryuu Tama. She had already proclaimed Uzumoreru as a betrayer--but the form before her infuriated her. "You!" She screamed--no, roared. Yeah, that was definitely a roar. "How... DARE YOU!" She roared again as she struggled, those eyes attempting to piece and slaughter him from where she was as she stared him down, her jaw clenching, and the blood from the nails streaming down her body and the X again, dripping onto the floor as she pulled.

They talked over her struggling and her roar of vicious anger and pain. The nonsense about Night Mother, or some shit, was over her head, but the last part of the booming voice stopped her. Kitanai hung there, staring forward as the words batted around in her mind. Dies one hundred times.

"No!" Her words were no longer angry and hateful, but terrified. Uzumoreru closing in on her as she watched him with wild eyes, "No, you stay away from me!" Kita went doe-eyed, as Tama circled around her, her chest heaving in and out as her breathing went wild with fear. "Stay away from me, you monster!" She cried as she shook and trembled, the runic symbols on the ground beginning to glow a soft green.

For a minute there, it was comforting. The green warming her body, and her frame feeling lighter for a moment. Her lungs opening up, and her stomach settling. The pain on her skin and bones fading away, and for a moment there, there was a sigh of relief--that quickly caught in her throat.

A squeak of helpless pain escaping her mouth as her eyes dropped to look eye-to-eye with Toushin. His hand gripping the blade that pierced through her ribs and into her heart, the blood dribbling from the wound, and down. It traced over those her breasts, down her stomach, and her leg, and stained her flawless and fair skin that she had once thought Uzumoreru had adored.

His eyes begged forgiveness, and hers asked 'why'. Why was he doing this to her? Why would he put her through the pain? For money? For sex? For selfish pride among his people? Why not leave her to suffer? Leave her be! And yet, she bled, the blade removing it self as the blood ran down her chin and that long neck he had once kissed so tenderly. The last of the light in her eyes dying out as tears slowly flowed from her eyes--not from pain, but from the terrible ache Toushin had done to her. That pretty head slowly dropped, and blackness took over her vision.

For a moment, she had felt peaceful. Her body felt healed and warm, as though she was being embraced tenderly. The darkness of the realm was so much safer and better than where she had just been, her body tingling as she took in a slow breath--but there was no need to breath. No needs at all. Just peace--

An electric shock ripped through her happiness as she was dragged back to reality. It came so fast and her head whipped up with wild and wide as as she let out heavy gasps of air, as her body tried to replenish the oxygen it had lost, her body warm again as the healing process continued, only to be shattered again by the familiar pain of a blade through her chest. Another scream of anguish. Another death. Another revival. Repeat.
36 Deaths Later...

"NO!" She screamed as her living body was ripped back to her as she lifted her head and screamed, "Let me die!!" Her body moving to rip at the nails again, which hurt more than before, due to the constantly healing she was given. "Kill me!" She screamed--the blade slipping into her chest again as she coughed up more blood, her body jerking once more and her head drooping back into death.

But they didn't let her die. They brought her back. They kept going. It was after that mark, that she took it. She took each death without the struggles that she had done previously. She'd wake, without a sound, without even lifting her head. Her breathing was normal, and her tears would drip from her face and patter against the ground with the blood that drained from her body over and over. Her entire front of her fair skinned body stained and crusted with dark red blood. Vomit and blood on the floor from various deaths worse than others. But she would not scream and demand death to take her...

Death Number Thirty Seven Killed Ijimeru Kitanai.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
So few had ever made it through the one-hundred deaths and retained their own personalities ever again. Uzu was spared because he had been born of the black blood, and his brother was a genius. They were the two youngest nobles in the clan. Of the thirteen that existed including Uzu and his brother, eight came from the last generation and three more before them where the eldest assassins that had ever lived in the entire history of the clan; many blamed it on a sedimentary lifestyle they were getting far too used to.

Which is why Uzu was conducting the Blood Heir Ritual, and a slight panic entered his heart when her fighting eyes went blank.

Such violence was rarely brought to the outside world on this levels and no new blood had been entered into the clan in two generations. Toushin could see them and their ancient ways dying off and with everything he had in this life he was going to put them back together and forever remain known as that which stalked the shadows. The determination was on his face as he stabbed the blade into Kitanai breaking a rule in the ritual – that the Giver be devoid of all emotion. For with each stab was a death by pain, not by emotion filled rampage. It was to place the core principle into the assassins that what they did was not for their enjoyment but necessary as a factor of life. Eventually they were all going to die, it was just placed into their hands by the Night Mother to hand out death so that the world would not stagnate, so that a balance of chaos was always mixed with law. With Uzu’s deeply hidden feelings for the woman starting to emerge with each painful stab the ritual’s color flowed a slightly different vibe as it switched from green to a pale yellow shade. His raw feelings for her where being transferred with each stab now, so that each death was no longer meaningless as it should have been, it placed his regrets and sorrow into her body to shock back awake the woman that the thirty-seventh death should have killed off.

Tama simply looked on at Toushin’s determination with sad eyes as he continued to focus his healing chakra as he revived her from the sixtieth death. So much about the man reminded him of his father, or, at least the stories he had been told about him. A man so obsessed with returning the name of the Ryuu to the world that he was willing to sacrifice everything for that goal, including the clan he so desperately loved. The search to leave a mark on this world drove him to the brink of madness and he could see Toushin falling down that same hole that consumed his father.
It didn’t take a lot for Ryuu to piece together that Kitanai and Uzu were somehow connected to each other at least in a bond that formed some kind of trust on either end. Assassins weren’t exactly known for being trustin’ of anyone and for Uzu to risk his entire career to alter the ritual a little just so she could become noble class was the ultimate sign of trust from him. Perhaps even love, if killers could indeed be capable of such emotions. He was so set on trying to gain the right to rule, but his heart was always leading him astray even if he couldn’t see it.

Tama pitied them both. Humans who may never truly know what love really is because of what they do.

The final and last stab pierced her flesh and ruby red blood flowed out. It glowed a soft pale white that spoke of all kinds of new strengths for her. As soon as Uzu removed from her heart the blade it was dropped to the ground as Toushin joined it on his knees, panting. The emotions of his energy caused the ritual to steal away his power and push it inside of her as well, weakening him to the point of near death. The only reason the Uzumoreru Nobles didn’t descend down on their heads was because how damned impressed they were Toushin was still alive after making such a costly mistake. It showed a strength that could very well lead them into a new age, and for that reason only where the three spared.
Tama, help me get her down…” croaked Uzu as the Keeper rose from behind the giant wooden X. The unseen eleven shuffled out and back into the castle as the two men removed the nails and took her off the instrument of pain. Instantly Uzu removed his robe and covered Kitanai as Tama prepared a healing jutsu that would shock her body back into complete health. Between this and Uzu’s altering the ritual, she should have survived the mental torment and retained her personality. This had been his goal from the start which was why he bargained with Tama rather than just outright killing him, and after seeing how powerful a healer he was, it was probably best.

A golden rune shaped itself on Tama’s palm that was placed against Kitanai’s forehead to shock her body and soul back into one, and awaken her back from the darkness of unconsciousness.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The final death was inviting. The final warmth covering her body as she fell into what felt like comfortable and deep sleep. As an assassin, deep sleep was difficult to come by. The deep world of purgatory, the final stage, felt better. It felt better than any other deaths before that one, for this one lasted longer. She had time to settle into this one, and her feet, standing softly on the darkness, finally touched something for the first time out of all of them. She stood there, her eyes opening, the darkness surrounding her, as she looked around into the lonely openness. Her feet padded against the nonexistent floor as she moved freely, her nude body healed of its wounds and cleaned of the blood. No pain. No fear.

But, it was awfully lonely...
* * *​

In the living world, Kita's limp and lifeless body was pulled from the X, robed and cloaked in drying blood as she laid like a rag doll in Uzumoreru's arms. Limbs sticking out without resistance, and bouncing with each movement. She was dead. Tama preparing a seal to finally bring her back, and as he touched it to her, the shock ripping through her...nothing happened. Kitanai's body stayed limp and without a pulse. Once. Twice. Thrice.

* * *​

A bright light echoed from somewhere, painting the picture of peace. It was sunny, and white, like a large white room. It played soft music and called to her, and her feet padded towards it. It was inviting. She wanted and craved the light, especially more than the darkness. And behind her, a large golden runic symbol pulsed and shocked. Her body turned slowly, looking towards the symbol then back towards the white palace. Her brain did not comprehend what either meant, but rather, seemed afraid of the electric symbol. She stared at it long and hard before turning back, moving towards the white room--but it seemed to anger the runic healing symbol. As Kitanai moved away from it, it pulsed, one of the golden bolts grabbing her and dragging her back.
* * *​

Five shocks. Five life pounding and nerve racking force heals, her body's wounds healed up, and her organs healthy and brand new. Her eyes whipped open, a gasp ripping through her lungs as she sat up quickly, hyperventilating for a moment as her hands clutched at her chest and hands--preparing for another stab. Her body so used to the feeling that she panicked once more before realizing she was down and 'safe'.

But was she herself?

Those blank eyes stared at Uzumoreru. They stared at him for a long time almost as though she had forgotten who he was. But, in reality, she hadn't. She did not forget who the betraying monster cradling her was. But after a nerve-racking blank stare, she ripped away from him. Like an abused animal, refusing his trust as she clutched the robe to her. Kitanai cowered and shook, shriveled up as she hugged her own body in fear. She was terrified of the men before her. She loathed them both with all of her heart. They had taken the one trust she had rarely given out and tore it to shreds--and stabbed her with it.

But at least she hadn't lost her identity?

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
So sad was the assassin’s eyes on this day.

To have so much ripped away from her in such a short amount of time had to been truamatzing for Kitanai. Not only had she had her heart broken but her trust as well by all the men she had been in contact with these past few months. Saemon destroyed her heart metaphorically, Uzu did it physically, and Tama repaired it so that it could be repeated over and over again. Truly even Tama was worried what she would be like when the fifth shock ripped through her body to return her from the edge of the abyss. She sat up with a start and a gasp, her whole body shaking in absolute terror while in the presence of the two men and nothing could be said.

What was there to say? I’m sorry? An apology at this point seemed absolutely silly.

Tama stood up and motioned to Uzu that he was wished to leave of this and be done with everything. He didn’t particularly cared or disliked Kitanai all things said, and truly pitied what the assassin was putting her through just to prove himself to the world. Yet it wasn’t his concern, and though curious to see just what powers were unlocked from that ritual the scientist knew when he had over stayed his welcome. The rules stated very clearly that a Keeper could not be touched by any of the Uzumoreru due to how sacred a role that was…but then again Tama h ad been the first Keeper to be brought in from outside the clan and survive the ritual. Normally the keepers died from exhausting their healing chakra to the point that their own life force is placed inside of the sacrifice…perhaps for that reason alone did Kitanai’s blood didn’t turn black.
Toushin nodded at the scientist absently as he kept his sad eyes staring at the back of his lover who undoubtedly wanted nothing more to do with him ever again. He wasn’t so sad over the fact that he broke the trust, that they could have been “something”, but over how traumatized she was going to be for the rest of her life just so he could elevate his status a little more. It honestly sickened him a little to think how violently draconian their rules were, and decided then and there that there were going to be some much needed changes whenever he staked his claim to rule.

Tama formed a strange seal with his hands and “poofed” away in a cloud of smoke as he activated a one-time teleportation jutsu set on a scroll that Uzu gave him before blindfolding him and bringing him to the castle.
As much as Toushin wanted to just let Kit be to collect her thoughts he had pressing business that needed to be attended to, namely that of reintroducing himself back into the council and retelling of his exploits in his three year disappearance. Slowly the assassin stood up and walked up to Kit before kneeling down next to her. He didn’t look at her for fear of watching her shy away from him would break what little willpower he had to keep from crumbling over the act he had just committed.
The Hands will be along with you shortly to bathe and give you clothes. They will guide you to a room within the castle that will be yours alone…

Uzu stood up slowly and walked forward into the darkness until the sound of a latch being undone and two giant old doors creaking open filled the temple. Bright light shined in from the golden artificial sun in the sky as fresh air rushed in to run out the stench of death and play with Kitanai’s hair. The light revealed the landscape before them to show a gigantic castle buried so deep within the cave system. It was almost the size of Sunagakure itself and buried deep within the remote parts of the cave. The castle itself was made from material and had stains upon it that spoke of the world above, though how the assassin clan managed to move their entire castle underground was left to the imagination. Toushin slowly disappeared into the light outside as he walked down the stairs and across the bridge that spanned a large gap leading towards the main part of the castle.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The woman's body jerked, her eyes casting to the floor as the monster of a man stood and moved in her direction. The overwhelm of fear and mental pain taking over her logic as she shyed away, and squeezed her eyes shut, small bubbles of tears forming in the corners as he spoke rather deadpan to her. A kicked dog, curled up as he left the room, the sun spilling through the room, the stench of blood and vomit being replaced with the refreshing dusty air of the drafty cave they called home.

Kitanai stood slowly, after a moment of cowering away from the light, pulling the robe around her sweaty form as she flipped the hood over her blood-crusted and damp limp locks of hair, shading her eyes from the harsh light as four women, gowned in black robes, but not covering their faces, entered the room, lead by a woman in a white robe. She had blonde hair that cascaded just slightly past her shoulders, and beautiful green eyes, and a gentle smile. A warm smile that invited the broken and beaten woman as she gestured with a soft hand for her to move closer.

"Oh, my love," The strangers voice cooed to her as Kitanai took shaky and uneasy steps towards her, that bullheaded face tipped downwards towards the ground as her legs threatened to shatter and pull her back to the ground. "Shall we clean you up? Come~" Her hand moved around Kita's arm, pulling her forward as the black robed maidens flocked behind her, unaware of the woman's status under the bloodied robe. Silent tears running down her cheeks and splattering against the stone they walked on as they made their way to the main castle.
Maiden Chambers

It was easier to trust the woman who's smile was soft and warm: Raito Hahaoya--who insisted she was called Oya. She had a gentle touch, and light practically radiated from the breeding puppet as she escorted the first noble woman of the Uzumoreru clan into the reserved bathing room. So many treasures and specialties were given to her, as she was quite an honor, and totally unaware of it. The entire bath house, connected to her own maiden chamber--which was in the maiden hall she practically owned, as the only other women were simply breeding puppets--for she was a special brand of royalty for her strange blood. 100 deaths should have tainted her blood black, but rather, hers, with some strange resistance, remained red.

"And the water is still warm--I bet that'll make you feel better." Oya cooed as she pulled the robe from Kitanai's blood stained body. Her eyes would trace over her form, Kita's back to her, as she gave pitied eyes to the amount of blood she had spilled, and her silence ached her heart. The four black robed servants had been shooed, as Kitanai was left with her waiting maid--a personal hand picked one, of course--who ushered her into the bath.

The raven haired woman sunk into the darkened waters, the steam encircling her as her bloodshot eyes stared blankly forward--not from loss of identity, but deep and tragic thoughts-- Oya smiling sadly at her as she took her robe off to reveal a white sleeveless dress, allowing her to aid in bathing the woman before her without soaking her robe. Her delicate hands grabbing a rag that she ran over Kitanai's neck and down her front, scrubbing deep at the crusting blood as the cyan-eyed assassin closed her eyes slowly, taking in the lavender scent of the massive bathing pool, and the gentle touch of the hands of her maid, who was much less violent than the past few days.

Certainly, she would not hurt her...right?

And yet, Oya chatted and chatted as Kitanai sat in silence as she moved around her, scrubbing off the sweat, blood, and stench of vomit from her. She talked about her three daughters (whom she was allowed to raise, the boys were taken from her at birth) and how beautiful they were, and how old they were getting. She talked about the new curtains she got, and how they blew in the breeze so beautifully. Oya was, in hindsight, very good at distracting.

Kitanai even found herself dragging from her coward-like shell, participating slightly in the conversation. Casual questions and prying curiosity, which caused the maid's eyes to spark with delight. Despite the fact she was in her forties, she was quite beautiful and youthful--probably because she didn't have to raise as many kids as she had.

And so, the bath ended, and Kita raised from the water with a new determination. Willing to take such a suffering, such a deadly life, and make it hers. The sulking was done, it was time to make something of what she couldn't change. Taking the towel from Oya, who was talking about the time the pools drained of water, and they had to bathe by the river.

They moved into a bedroom that was hard to believe was for her. She gripped the towel close to her, padding quietly across the room, and gawking at the castle's elegance. Though, the idea of it being hers, and hers alone, was a bit... sad. Lonely, even.

The woman, gone now, left Kita to wander around the room, towards a vanity. Sitting down as she stared at her sorrow-ridden face, her fingers playing over the silver toys used for various beauty modifications, one stopping over a blade of sorts. She toyed with it, picking it up slowly as she gazed into it's reflective beauty...

A quick slice was all she needed.

"Lady Kitanai!" Oya's voice called as Kita stood, a blade in one hand, and her other hand holding the locks of her black tresses. She had pulled her hair back in a pony tail on the nape of her neck, and cut it off, leaving her hair a wavy and bouncy mess that fell to her shoulders. Her eyes watching herself in the mirror as Oya stared at her, watching here drop the hair into the recepticol.

Oya had come back out into the bedroom, holding a large pile of white, smiling as she helped Kitanai into a dress more elegant than the rest of the women's in the hall. Her cyan eyes watching herself in the mirror, the lack of hair cooler on her shoulders as she took in slow breaths.

"Is.... Is Toushin coming to see me, Oya?" Kitanai whispered, finally mentioning his name, releasing the elephant in the room. "Would you like to see him, Lady Kitanai?" She stared at her reflection for a long while, her hands running over her succulent hips and judging her self image as she looked upon it. "I think so."

It had been a good few hours, and certainly, by now, a civil conversation could be had. As Oya left the room, the beauty moved across the red velvet room and sat down in one of the three chairs before the massive glass window that made up the entire outside wall of her bed room. Settling into the velvet seat as she took in a deep breath, her eyes closing from exhaustion--but there was no time to rest. An explanation was needed.

MFT: 1266 WC

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Being dressed in his old black robes of office brought back some memories for the young assassin as the women helped dressed him.

There was no doubt going to be quite the stir in the council room when he entered. The assassin had promised an incredible return from his three year mission and the stir it had caused throughout the castle was on the lips of every man, woman, and child; Uzu was finally challenging the other nobles.
Among assassins it was next to impossible to keep a secret and something like one of the nobles inducting a woman into their midst was almost out right blasphemy. There hadn’t been a female assassin noble in over at least seven generations, as most females of the Uzumoreru clan were only there to breed more males to create a greater force. It was all a very dark and dreary loop that the entire clan had been trapped in for well over a century. With not only the rise of a strong female role, but one of the Council actually condoning it and performing the ritual there started the small glimmer of hope that a king would rule once more. Order and Law would be returned in full to the assassins and purpose would once again flow through their veins.
Uzu would first do away with the terrible laws that restrict so much of what the women born into the clan can do. He would then change it so that males don’t immediately have to be placed through the Blood Heir training, and that it would finally be a choice to be made by the parents rather than their Clan Heads.

Toushin’s robes whipped around him as he walked through the halls of the palace without his mask, proud to show his scars. His mind continued to race with all the ideas he wanted to implement in the future while coming up with counter questions and strategies on how to defeat the rest of his Council on all the things he had done.
Placing gloved hands on the door to the Grand Chambers the assassin pushed with his weight and opened the twelve feet tall oak doors to be placed in a grand arena like structure where a high raised platform dwelled over it. The platform split off into twelve separate metal circles where all but two seats had been filled and a large thirteenth one that remained empty and reserved for the king that loomed above them all. Toushin entered the grand circle and looked up at other figures fully masked and in their robes of office; which didn’t bode well on his part. Whenever they wore the masks there was a Roman arena style justice about to take place to see if the person is worthy enough to keep their place. Apparently there would be no arguments to be brought before the ten council members as they only sought blood for the “injustice” forced upon them. Toushin had replaced his place on the council and was now the only noble who could take upon the throne – all he needed was the funding to back the clan which would be coming along shortly. However before Uzu can rise too far the other cowards had decided to try and crush him here and now. A single hand was raised by the middle member and the walls lifted up to reveal at least thirty cages, all of them teeming with mercenaries, terribly ferocious creatures, and even some of the Uzumoreru assassins; they weren’t taking any chances apparently.

Uzu knew the score, and knew there was no talking his way out. Gripping the front of his robe he ripped it off to reveal bare scared flesh beneath and pants that contained only Kami knew how many pockets. On his arms where black bands that contained a scroll on each – payment from Tama on another little secret agreement. Toushin hated that he would have to use them so early after receiving such powerful jutsu sealed up in convenient little scrolls. Drawing his wrists up to his mouth Toushin’s eyes moved around quickly as he began to quickly count every single enemy that was placed before him. Fifty-five mercenaries, two displacer beasts, a cave lion, and at least ten assassins; a good challenge for any of the noble class.
The assassins wasted no time and were the first to act cutting and biting their flesh to release the black blood from their veins and create weapons and prepare for long range attacks. Three stepped into the front with blades ready for a two hand style while the other seven prepared long range blood spears. A single gesture and the fifty five mercenaries roared before rushing into attack Uzu while the three close range fighters disappeared into the ranks.
A with a painful half smirk Uzu bit both of his wrists and slung out the far blacker blood out into an arc while he quickly reached up for both of the scrolls and popped the wax seals with his thumbs. With a flick of his wrists he slung blood into the eyes of the first wave of men while unrolling the scrolls to allow the arcing blood to splatter across the paper. He spun in a circle and activated his mobile chakra in the blood to bring out the first gifted jutsu Tama had given him. An explosion of hurricane force winds appeared out of nowhere and literally decimated half of the force as it slammed the against the walls with enough force to break the wall out into the open chasm outside of the Grand Chambers.
With a quick twist of his body he dodge the first attack from one of the three assassins and activated his first Chigokai technique and took control of the remaining men he had splatter blood on. Immediately, without question, they turned on the rest of the force and began a civil war between the mercenaries and remaining beasts while Uzu focused on the deadliest part of the attack.

Toushin wrapped the second scroll around his arm and activate the second jutsu gifted to him. His hand was gifted a strange glow before exploding into a lightning chakra that turned into an edge. All three of the assassins attacked at once as he had expected, and activated the true form of the technique allowing lightning bolts to shoot from his hands in the form of spears, instantly killing two out of the three melee attackers. Without missing a beat Uzu flicked blood from his wrists again to create two blood blades he duel wielded to take on the single blade master before him. The two crossed blades only three times before the noble found and opening and killed his own cousin without flinching. The other seven assassins had taken this time, however to set up their strong blood jutsu trap that created a massive wall of blood spears to strike at Uzu with incredible speed. His amber eyes turned to look at the death rushing at him only to watch it explode into nothing. His eye squinted a little as he watched in shock as the other seven assassins attacking him, along with the rest of the rabble, suddenly exploding into an orgy of blood and gore. Standing inside of storm of blood rain it created was the last person Uzu had ever expected to see help him or…well even see at all.

‘Twas his own younger brother.

My good Councilmen, have you forgotten your manners? My brother here has by all means given you proper challenge for the throne and yet you would rather kill off such a resourceful creature? What madness would bring such wise council to act rashly?
He brought in a woman amoungst our ranks! He defiled the Blood Heir ritual so that she would keep herself and become one of the noble class! There hasn’t been a female ruling head in generations
Damn bro,” Hoiru said with a chuckle as he helped Toushin back to his feet, “You’ve been busy while I was gone. Riling up the old men, staking your claim for the throne, taking over one third of the market…

Uzu only replied with a half grin and looked up to the council fluttered by the turn of events.
You have failed in your only chance to rid yourself of me, and now you must accept my challenge. Within one year from today I will be the king of the Uzumoreru and you will finally be forced to meet the demands I tried to put in place four years ago.” He turned and exited the chambers without another word, Hoiru following along as they both left the council to stew in their defeat.
When they cleared the doors both of them let out a roaring laughter that, though painful to Uzu’s face, was exactly what he had need after the ordeal he had gone through. Seeing his brother really brought back hope in his heart that he could succeed.
Its good to see you Hoiru.
Aye, you too Toushin. Good to see you still like to stir up trouble among the old nobles, it always kept things fresh.
How long were you gone this time?
Almost as long as you were, I just got back in time to find out that you were about to challenge for king. You’re as bold as your father for replacing your Circle like that you know.
Aye, and I doubt the worst is yet to come regarding her as well. She won’t be the most…accepting of us, yet. I still have to explain why I did all of this…
You sound like you did when you lost that girl from your first mission. Careful with those emotions, they are exactly what was also the fall of your father as well.
I…I am well aware of that Hoiru. I’ll explain everything I have accomplished so far during a later date as well as a favor for the next time you enter upon the surface again.
Aye, I have some news you’re going to want to hear too. See you then.
The two half brothers clasped each other’s hands in promise and gave a nod to one another before parting their separate paths in the castle. Around that time he was greeted by one of the Hands and told that Kitanai want to see him. With a deep breath he nodded and asked her to take him to the woman immediately. She began to say something about his attire but remained silent as he began to form his clothing from his blood armor technique once again to make himself look presentable and within his robes once more.

Toushin took his time walking up the flights up steps it took to reach the Maiden Quarters as he rarely visited the place. When he was at last arrived he felt his heart sink down into his stomach. Why was he so nervous? The man had just taken on a small army and challenged his fellow rulers to be the boss. How was apologizing to this one girl so hard? Before he could even compose himself and knock the Hand opened the door for him and pushed at him to move him inside. Perhaps she saw the uneasiness in his form and knew that this was the only chance he was going to get to be fully honest with her. The handmaiden for Kitanai knew the laws and what was going on, and knew as well it was going to take him to get the girl to fully realize what being a female noble for the Uzumoreru was.
At first the assassin couldn’t even lift his eyes to look at the girl but slowly forced himself to and found his breath catching in his throat when he gazed upon the beauty that nobility gave her. The dress she wore reminded him exactly of her charms and he found himself regretting breaking her trust so quick for his own selfish reasons. Steeling himself he stepped forward slowly, but kept his distance.

I…suppose now would be the best time for an apology. Too long has it been since I have seen the Blood Heir ritual preformed that I forgot how terrible it must be for those who suffer it. What I did to you is inexcusable and you have every right to hate me…but I must also tell you of what you have gained from rising out of the ashes of death…
The women of the Uzumoreru clan have too long been oppressed within our society which has kept us from moving forward. A female assassin hasn’t been entered into the ranks of the clan in well over a hundred years…for you to be of noble class and of an opposite gender literally places you higher than even me. However I have made a challenge for king to rule this clan and finally bring it out of the dark ages…the other reason I have done this is to ask that you be my alley in my plight. I have only the strength of my brother to aid me and I need more of the clan on my side when the votes are allowed to be given to see if I can survive the final ritual. With your help I can give the women of our clan a voice that will rocket me into the ritual of one-thousand deaths.

So in a way, I offer you vengeance for what I put you through while giving you all the riches and pleasures you could ever have. If I fail to survive the ritual it will immediately fall to you as the highest member of the council to outright elect a ruler at that point…you could even rule yourself one day…



Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The woman, gowned in her angelic royalty, stood slowly as the presence of the man entered the room with his tail between his legs. Her body rising to it's full height, and then some due to the heels she was given as she turned slowly, her sharp and violent cyan eyes locking on her target who stood in the room, and began to speak, despite knowing her will.

That black hair, snipped at the shoulders, was waved and slightly curled in a playful manner, but mixed with the deadpan of her face and the intimidating elegance of her clothing, she looked like the devil himself. Her raspberry lips twitching slightly as he rambled on with his apology of sorts. Speaking of the lack of women's rights in the society, which would certainly rub her the wrong way eventually. Uzumoreru was rising in power, and completed a step of his walk towards success by murdering her violently over and over again, to bring her into the clan. Such a remark did nothing more than enrage the already pissed off woman.

Shaking her head, not in refusal, but in disgust, as his vengeance offer, she took in a deep breath and turned away from him, moving back towards the massive wall-window, and staring out into the magnificent court yard. "In your name I shall fight for these women and the power you so desire," Her voice was monotone and rather uninterested as she slowly turned towards him, a clear attack in her eyes as she took two swift steps towards him.

"But never shall you set foot in my chambers after you leave here, do you understand? You shall not speak with me in any sort of personal or nonchalant way from the second you exit this room, Master Toushin. You will only approach me if directed to from the council themselves, and only if they have no other worthless member to send to me." Her eyes bore into him as her finger raised and she poked him violently in the chest, holding her clawed finger there for a while as she leaned in and stared into his deadly eyes, "You will never misuse me again, Master Toushin. You will never place your lips upon my body again. You will never speak to me out of turn, and you will leave me to my own until further called upon," Kita's voice was that of poison and venom as she glared him down and poked him for every one of the next words: "Do. You. Fucking. Got. That?"

Her body would turn away, facing the window again as her hardened face broke, now that he could no longer see it. Her flawless poker-face shattering with a sudden overwhelm of emotions again. Heartache and despair, and, of course, regret. "Now get out of my chambers." Kitanai hissed, no longer facing him as she stared forward, afraid that if he did not leave, she would change her mind--and show him the tears that threatened to leak from her beautiful eyes.

[Topic Left Unless Stopped--Or Rather, Unless He Doesn't Leave.]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
It was everything he wanted and everything he didn’t.

It was so hard for him to take those words of scorn and not talk back as not a single member of the clan spoke to him like that. Even the Council members knew better than to challenge Uzu’s mental capabilities, proven by that test he was placed through before he could even issue the challenge. It was truly hard to argue down Toushin when his heart was set on something like it was on Kitanai but still kept his scarred mouth sealed shut as she continued to ‘read him his rights’. Women were such touchy creatures when it came to the whole trust thing when compared to, at least, assassin males who threw trust around everywhere. In retrospect it was probably why females tended to generally live longer. The killer’s eyes harden down into a glare as she neared the end of her little rant, the terrible cold look in his eyes sending poor Oya scurrying behind the angry Kitanai for she knew of his capabilities.

Yet Toushin was civil.

He did not say a word before breathing in slowly and letting the air escape his lips in a hiss, and continued not speaking as he simply turned and obeyed, slamming the door behind him and carrying on about the rest of his day – or so it would appear.
In reality Uzu, right after leaving the room felt the painful twinge in his heart as the so called person supporting him wanted nothing more to do with the king-to-be. It was so hard for the assassin to accept a partner that hated him and was a concept almost beyond the logic behind a killer’s mind. Yet he would put on a strong face and continue about the day trying to remind him which of the two of them was going to be more miserable. Yet he couldn’t help but also remind himself that he was still right where he started in his climb for power…nothing but minor things had improved in his favor while the one major forward movement of his ascension nearly backfired. It didn’t take long for his brisk walk away from the maiden chambers slowed down before he slowly started to lean to the left and eventually up against a wall. He slowly sunk down to the floor against the wall and brought his hands up to cover over his eyes as he too fought the urge now to resist tears from raw emotions trying to rip his training apart.

In the same empty corridor but just as unseen as everything else hid Hoiru inside of the wall, watching through two tiny holes as he saw his brother being taken down yet another peg. First saved by his younger brother then chastised by a woman he seemed to have emotions for…for some reason. Honestly Hoiru thought better of his older brother but it seemed that he would be far too unstable for a role as the king…

A painful smirked played up on Hoiru’s mouth.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
