Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Red Eyed Report! [Req. Kitsune]

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
The sudden appearance of the Raikages' daughter twisted her lips into a smile. To let a noblewoman out of her box always rubbed Mirō the right way. Usually they were too afraid to even leave the house, let alone speak up and become a ninja. The Sennin shrugged again, 'And she's blind... What is my Master thinking...' A thoughtful joke that began to turn sour. Just what was the Raikage thinking. While she moved away from the Dragon Gates deeper into the village over the horizon crested the top of an Art-Deco styled sky scraper. It's size towered over the village and only grew bigger with each step.

"...Master..." She called as she approached the building's entrance. "I have come back from my mission abroad." As she spoke the door opened and a man appeared in the doorway in a bell hop outfit. Swiftly he ran over to greet Mirō with a bow. Those devastating red hues peered down at the bent bell-hop. After a moment he arose to guide her to the elevator to the top of the tower. "This way Miss. There had been whispers of your arrival." He said with a light tone and a slight hint of glee at having such an esteemed guest. His words made Mirō's face twist for a moment before it returned to its usual stoic expression. "Thank you." She replied politely as she followed him through the doors and into the elevator. Once inside she moved to the center, folding her arms. In a moment waited for the lift to reach the top floor. Then they would be on their way.

Mirō stood silently as the elevator reached the top. Her hands clenched tightly together, knuckles white. She couldn't help but wonder just what was going to tell the Raikage. The entirety of the mission and her plans went over... as expected. A bumpy road that ended at a cliffside with sharp rocks at the bottom. Sunagakure had been the only good grace that came from the mission. Her meeting with Akkuma fueled the flames in her heart to spark war against those filthy denizens of Konoha. A tidbit of information that she'd hold her tongue to tell. For now there was other matters to discuss. When she reached the top the doors slid open revealing the well kept and tidy room Kitsune usually had. With grace Mirō entered the room and stopped just before her desk. With a proper bow her long silky black hair threatened to slip past her ears. "My Raikage, I've returned from my diplomatic mission with good musing and unfortunate events." She said in a formal manner while standing with one hand pressed against her chest.

[Topic Entered]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune had been deep into planning additional business ventures that'd increase the economic might of Kumogakure, which in turn would allow them to increase their technological might, when a message had arrived from the gates. It was a notification that one of the ANBU had returned, and as far as Kitsune remembered, there were only 2 out of town at the moment. One being Chigokai Yuna, and the other being her ANBU Sennin, Kagami Miro. Odds are that the one that had returned would be Miro, and as such, Kitsune prepared herself for a debriefing.

She'd be sitting over at the larger conference table in the office, a cup of tea in front of her, and a large map of the world spread out on the tabletop. She'd been setting up figures to represent troop locations, bases, enemies, and so on, and an update from the ANBU Sennin would do wonders for the strategic map. As the doors slid open, and Miro entered, Kitsune would look up from her work, and offer a smile. "Welcome back, Miro. I trust your mission was a success?" she'd ask, before gesturing to the map, "I've been working on a few things, and I'd like to hear your report before I continue. I'm sure you have a lot to tell me, so please, take a seat, and tell me everything you've learnt." she said, before taking a sip of her tea, and waiting for Miro to take a seat.

Hopefully Miro could shed some light on the source of the attacks, or perhaps even the identity of the mastermind behind it. Ideally there'd be some information of use that she could bring with her on the impending trip to the Land of Fire, but even if there wasn't, it'd be good to know what was going on in the world. After all, the more she knew, the better she could plan for the future, and more importantly, the better she could protect her people and her country.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
The Sennin was delighted to hear the silvery tone of her Raikage’s voice. After weeks of travel, mind-boggling decisions and her own voice of reason and anxiety there was finally someone she could be herself toward, as much as she allowed. From a bow she arose to stand straight up. A hand gripped the top of a seat to move it back so she could comfortably sit down. Manners that were taught by the woman across the table Mirō sat upright and cleared her throat.

“The mission had many trials to overcome Raikage. After a few days both Yuna and I reached the gates of Konohagakure. Their surroundings were tattered but our gates have experienced worse. The line toward the entrance mimicked our lines yet when we finally reached an officer at the gates we were met with a level of antipathy that I’ve only encountered in the slums.” Mirō gave a moment's pause to catch her breath. “We asked to meet with their Sennin or Hokage and when they appeared we were, again, met with disgust and hesitancy. Some of their attitude was merited by two masked shinobi. On diplomatic grounds Konoha appeared hostile to us. After giving them their message the Sennin began to berate me and the Hokage seemed disinterested in any further details. It seems as though they think we’re the disingenuous ones even though they could’ve relayed their struggle at their gates to us.” Mirō paused again, “Without as much as an ounce of hospitality shown to us, my operative and I left the gates even as we were berated with ill-willed comments.” Red hues never moved from her Raikage’s own iridescent orbs. Her story had been coated in truth, no need to muddy the water with exaggerations.

A deflated sign escaped pursed lips, “Then we moved into the deserts of Sunagakure. That’s when… we encountered a rogue shinobi.” Her lungs filled with air in preparation for her story. “Yuna had encountered him before and goes by the name of Miroku Akkuma. His intentions were unclear except that he had been banished from sand. But more will come from him in a bit.” A pause to collect her thoughts and pull out paperwork of notes from her cloak. “Soon after he fled the scene, we did not have to engage nor foresaw a reason to. Soon after, Yuna and I made it to the gates of Sunagakure and were met with the Kazekage himself. Unlike Konoha, Suna showed two complete strangers a generous amount of hospitality and a rush meeting with the Kazekage.” Another moment's pause had to be given to catch her breath and allow Kitsune to absorb her report. “From there we discovered that the so-called Ancients of Suna have been extinct for decades. Word from the Kazekage describes the new-age persons to be hybrids.”

Mirō cleared her throat, “With the amount of information the Kazekage released to two strangers from Kumo I have no reason to doubt his words. He himself even asked to be on the hunt for them if we happened to ever encounter them.” A folder of her written report was gracefully pushed over to Kitsune. “If you look closer at the report towards the bottom you will notice even more important information. The Kazekage revealed that Leaf’s own Hokage eloped with a missing ninja from Sand and were spotted with Miroku Akkuma in Sand weeks before our arrival. We have suspicion that Leaf could be meddling with Sand to wreak havoc. We have no details of an organization behind all the incidents.” Her report held the truth and her own thoughts about each incident. Konoha’s conscription of Sands rebels and hybrids to shake up the nations was the first step of their plan.

[Grammar Edits]
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Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune raised an eyebrow at what Miro was telling her about how they were met with apathy and almost downright hostility. It did seem about par for the course, given her own experiences some of the villages envoys, and she mused that it'd have to be mentioned when she went there in person to sort things out. Hopefully there was a proper explanation for it, but she wasn't going to hold her breath. She lowered her eyebrow, as, well the surprise was very much over at this point. "I'll have to investigate that." she said simply, stating her intent without revealing her future plans. That was for later.

She listened intently as Miro talked about having an encounter with a Miroku Akkuma, and the name rang a bell in the back of Kitsunes mind, but she couldn't quite place why. Then, Miro explained that they made it to Sunagakure and was welcomed by the Kazekage with all the hospitality a diplomatic envoy should. She smiled, and made a mental note to thank the Kazekage if she ever made her way to Sunagakure (or vice versa, of course). Afterwards, Miro explained about a group called Ancients and how they'd been extinct for decades and there instead was hybrids. How very odd.

When Miro slid over the written report, Kitsune took it and speedread it, to get the major points down, then raised an eyebrow about the debacle with a Hokage eloping with a missing nin from Suna, and being spotted with Miroku Akkuma. Either this Akkuma was up to no good, and wanted to implicate another party, or Leaf was indeed the source of the recent troubles at the gates... It certainly warranted investigation, that was for sure. "And what of your other operative, Yuna? Did they remain behind in Sunagakure, or have they been assigned to a different task upon returning home?" Kitsune asked, curious about Yuna's current whereabouts and doings, in case it was relevant to the current situation.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Red hues remained fixated on their Leader. From her parted lips Kitsune asked of her subordinate Yuna. That ninja, her ways of operation fit the lifestyle of ANBU however the execution needed improvement. That and sending abominations to the gates to deliver mission reports also needed to be addressed. After a moment of reflection Mirō spoke out, “Chigokai Yuna has been tasked with learning more about these Ancients and Hybrids. She was also tasked with monitoring any situation within Sunagakure that included Akkuma. The Sennin Games are taking place. Any may enter but the victor will become the Sennin. My gut tells me Yuna will produce fine work in her reconnaissance.”

Sat upright, Mirō cleared her throat to speak on more troubling news from her branch. “My Raikage, to much of my surprise and disappointment I have gotten a report that two ninja from my branch have gone missing. I’m sure you’re aware of them.” An image of Schizo Shinjo and Mental Monika popped into her mind for a brief moment. “While we were at Leaf there was something I agreed with from their Hokage. Our ninja cause havoc and nothing gets done about them.” She gave another brief pause, her hands overlapped each other and the top hand began to dig its nails into the other out of frustration. All while being visibly annoyed and frustrated with herself. “I personally need to deal with these traitors.” Her hand began to bleed but her psychotic neutral demeanor would’ve confused the normies. “Especially my apprentice who deemed it worthy to take civilian life then go missing. Monika made it into the ANBU but still betrayed us even after being imprisoned for an attempt. After this meeting I will be out of the village again in the hunt to deal with my mistakes.” Her teeth ground themselves in anger of her failures. Those traitors were her responsibility. Her business. They had to be taken care of.
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Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune nodded a few times listening to Miro's words. then, when Miro expressed a desire to be let loose on the scum that had gone missing from the village, Kitsune grinned, like a shark that'd spotted a bare rear to bite. "Very well. You have leave to chase them down, and exterminate them. Do bring back proof of their demise." she said, hitting a few buttons, which made a piece of paper print out of a machine sitting on a side table. Kitsune then grabbed the paper, which was a thicker, higher grade paper than you'd normally use, and applied a chakra seal to it, as well as a physical wax seal, carrying the emblem of office. Then she slid it across the table. "Your orders, in written form. That'll get you leave to perform this extrajudicial extermination of former Kumogakure operatives. I wish you luck, my student." she said, giving Miro a soft smile, before letting her go.

Once Miro had left, Kitsune would draft up a letter to send to Yuna back in Sunagakure. She'd have to send it by courier, but it was important enough to warrant it. She'd have to send a letter to the Kazekage as well, so she'd draft up one for that purpose as well, applying her duo of seals to both of them before enclosing them in an envelope, and sealing that as well. It was a high priority missive, so she'd have to go deliver it to the aviary at the telegraph office herself, so a messenger bird could be sent to Suna right away.

[Miro granted leave to chase former Kumo-nin]
[Topic Left Unless Stopped]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
