Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Refuel and Repackage. [Leaving Country]

Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Baba, in his infinite wisdom, found out there was more to this place than what had been first presented. "My My My... This is going to be... Quite fun, Eh." The Area was quite flourishing. Immaculate in the scenery. It seemed like everything was glowing, vivd blues mixed with hues of purple and translucent topaz and oranges. The Sapphire walls that Baba scaled down seemed to chip away as he walked. He could feel... chakra down here. Though he didnt care, he would kill whomever was down here if they werent apart of the troop. Which as it stood only had three members including Baba. Though he could feel... A few small signatures of chakra. People didnt normally hide their chakra in their own village... so if this was the extent of their chakra pressure...

Needless to say Baba was going to have a fun time. As well as an easy day, not to say every day wasnt easy... it was just hard for him to feel affected with the world around him when life and death meant nothing to him. The idea and nature of dying didnt make sense. Though, he did get a kick out of seeing the looks in the eyes of those who were about to perish. Something about the fading life of their eyes sent a sense of euphoria trough his body... 'Am I going crazy?' he often thought. Though, those lingering thoughts didnt hold any candles to the thoughts Baba had as he scaled this wall. Every sapphire stone seemed to chip away as he tried to drop down from ledge to jagged ledge. Oh well, he would begin to find his footing as he'd finally leap from the ledge unto the ground below. In a state of shock the two men that were down below seemed to stagger back a bit, which left them open for Baba's assault.

This was something that he knew he wouldnt get caught for... but this was for ultimate power. So with a step in their direction he would fling a hand to the younger man's throat while holding his pistol out to his right. "Move and its all ov-..", and a loud 'BANG' would shake the catacombs followed by an, "Ooops?", shaking his head he found his body to clench down and break the boy's neck with just a chakra infused grip. "Parting is such sweet sorrow...", moving to the younger boy as he examined the bullet wound to the elder's head. They didnt even tell him their names, 'Rude...' he thought. Baba was... going mad... and now as they would see... he took the heart from the slowing beating chest of the boy... He was frail... but he had a strong sense of chakra about him. Not enough to make Baba wary, but good enough to find him worthy of death by his hands.

With that... Baba would set out, to look for Akumi. Who seemed to have disappeared from this place... her chakra was no longer here... Causing Baba to nod off knowing she would show herself again when it was time. However, he was a sitting duck if he stayed any longer. So with that he would brandish a knife and move his body to begin preparations to leave this place... he knew Konoha would be after him and Akumi so he would write her a note, leaving it in the same spot they had last seen each other. And with that he would be gone after collecting some food and nourishment, water and supplies.

[Heart Obtained: +1 Accuracy]
[S Rank]
[Leaving Country: 1 Hour.]

Current Ninpocho Time:
