Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Relations - [Private, PM to join]

Jun 2, 2014
"Oh well... Might as well try"
Yukiko said it out loud... just to steady herself..
She was sitting on a bench, not far from the address she had found, with the help of a few people at the library.
Yukiko had been staring at the Signet ring for at least half an hour. just wondering.
'Is this really okay. have I done enough. will I offend whoever lives in that house for asking'
the signet ring had the same bird as her jacket had.. the colours was just a bit different..
at her jacket the colours was red, and white.. but on the signet ring it was clearly the same bird.
a peregrine falcon - or Hayabusa as it was called where she was from. hence her nickname.
but the background colour, although faded to where it was almost not visible anymore was green
and a small symbol in one corner, had the Kanji for Lightning the Hayabusa was definitely a part of the
Suzaku House symbols, among a few others..but the Kanji for Lightning had not been used that often..
and only in a short period of the family history.. at least that was what she had found out.
she had decided to try and learn more about her family.. starting with the one she knew who was
Ojaki and Ojami, Keiji had known how his part of the family had went.. but alls he could find,
was that her par - Ojami had died and leaving no one behind..
Altho here and there a few mentions of a secret wife had been written..

Not being able to find more in that direction.. she had tried the other way... what about the parent of Ojami and Ojaki.
And this was where it had gotten interesting. their parents had apparently been the ones using the modified version of
the Signet Ring.. why that was.. it did not say anywhere.. but the Santaru's were mentioned several times.
and further searching this had mentioned a marriage, the the mother of Ojami and Ojaki had apparently been a Santaru

This had lead her to an explanation of the symbol.. and also why it had disappeared from the signet.
If Ojami's secret wife had to stay safe.. she would have to have something that would identify her as part
of the Suzaku clan. and something specific as to where in the Clan this symbol was it..
Tying the Santarus' to the Suzakus'.
And now all this Keiji had talked about, lightning .. hmm.. and what had happened at the class.
It possibly made sense, something really needed an explanation.
Why was she giving off static lightning. and always had.

This had lead her to visiting this address. Supposedly a Santaru should be living here.
Yukiko collected all her papers. notes about her research. she had really outdone herself this time.
Reading much more than she ever had. but what if it was not enough.
And what if the Santaru was not the answer she was looking for
With the heavy stack of papers, now collected. she tucked her long red hair around her neck and down the jacket,
as she always had.
leaving her new seal from Keiji Visible between the collar snibbits. a remake of the signet ring symbol on a brass
ring made to hold the hair tight and. as Keiji had showed her.. was possible to use as a improvised weapon.
not that it was necessary now. and it was not viable anyway when she had her hair curled up like this.
Had her hair always been this red?.. hmm the pleasures of getting older.. changes everywhere.
She picked up her papers.. holding them close, as not so loose any of them, they had a tendency to slip
when she was wearing this many layers of clothes, and none of it in her size.

Finally she reached the door.. checking her note once more.. 'yep it was the right door'
after a few seconds se mustered the courage and knocked the door.
almost loosing all the papers in the process.
when the door opened, she would be picking up a few of the dropped papers.
Wearing an extremely worn jacket far to big for her and with a red symbol of the Hayabusa,
only barely holding on to the leather at the back worn to no colour at several spots.
baggy pants. leaving people guessing if she had shoes somewhere under the clothes and how her body figure actually was.
she was holding a large pile of papers in one arm, almost sliding out of control, while picking up 3 pieces she had dropped.
Hikari had been going over papers, managing reports from the Santaru bakery she'd inherited. It seemed to be doing well, but the financial reports were mismanaged and confused. Out of order or... something. She didn't understand the method of filing. "My family." She grumbled. "I need to hire an accountant." There was a knock at the door. She would most certainly be hiring a financial manager. She could afford it. As she stood up and started walking toward the door, Kariku rushed into the entry hall. His legs were longer than before. He'd become a gangly youth. "And where are you going?" She called after her cub. "Boy get your ass back here." She grumbled, as she trotted after him.

"There's someone here."

Hikari had on a tanktop and the shorts she'd worn years ago, when she'd been promoted to ambassador. The clothes were small but not tight, made for comfort rather than utility or fashion. She was at home today, and in no mood for politics. Anyone who came to her door could deal with her as she was. All the same, she grabbed a kimono, tying a sash at her hips.

"Yes, but you are not a guard dog, Kariku." She said as she knotted the thing

"I'm not barking-"

"Yet. Get behind me."

The gangly brown bear sighed and stomped behind the Sennin as she opened the door. "Yes?" She asked as she looked at the person who had knocked. A young girl with bright red hair and clothes too big for her body. "Can I help you?" She held a bunch of papers in her arms and looked rather flustered.
Yukiko did not realise the door was open, she caught the last paper, looked up, just as the woman in the door spoke
Can I help you?"
A woman in a Kimono was standing in he door. and if she was not mistaken..
It was the woman from the other day at the big event at dragons rest, the one she had "spied" on..
'Oh no' She thought 'Now at least I will get to know if she think of me as a spy, or worse'

"U-uhm... I-I hope you can miss.
Is this the House of Santaru?"

She shifted in the papers. and pulled out a piece with a handwritten note of the address and the Words
'Santaru relatives' clearly not written by her but by an adult, and handed it to the woman.
"I-I'm sorry if I am bothering you, my Name is Yukiko, Suzaku Yukiko,
but most people call me Hayabusa"
She said while bowing her head.
Almost dropping a few pages Again.
"U-uhm... I-I hope you can miss.
Is this the House of Santaru?"

Hikari raised a brow, "The house of Santaru?" She asked, "No, this is the House of a Tanaka" She pulled her mane of curly red hair back and put it into a light bun.

"I-I'm sorry if I am bothering you, my Name is Yukiko, Suzaku Yukiko,
but most people call me Hayabusa"

"Suzuku? Ah you're the student Kuruson san told me about." She said. At this point, Kariku nosed his way to the gap in the door. The young bear cocked his head, looking at the young girl. "My father and his father were Santaru." She said, "Why do you ask?"

Her eyes flicked down, to the bear, "He won't hurt you. Would you like to come in? We could talk." She said after Yukiko had spoken.
"Suzuku? Ah you're the student Kuruson san told me about."
"My father and his father were Santaru." She said, "Why do you ask?"

A bear stood somewhere behind the woman and for a second Yukiko was not sure if it was real or not. but for some reason it looked like it belonged,
so instead of freaking out.. she decided to acknowledge it, noding a hellow to it. So many weird Things had happened since she got here,
some of the bad some of the good, she hoped this was one of the good ones.
"It is Suzaku miss Tanaka. I hope that Mr. Kuruson did not say anything bad about me"
- Yukiko was afraid that the "spying" Kuruson had caught her doing unintended, would turn around and bite her...
'So the Santaru turned to Tanaka, Wonder if it all still held true.
well only one way to find out and that was to ask further when the woman had, had the time to look at some of the papers she brought.'
Yukiko thought

"He won't hurt you. Would you like to come in? We could talk."
It was a good thing Yukiko had not freaked out because of the bear, she was used to animals.. just not bears that close...
"That would be great, it sure beats standing in the door... how come you have a bear in your house, it looks so nice!"
Yukiko would look at the bear admiring the animal, but all the same keep a distance, as not to offend the bear like all other wild animals, it probably did not like people getting too close.
She would then follow to where the woman would lead her. making sure not to touch anything, but ogling everything.. she had not been in many homes. at least not that she remembered.
If a table was available for putting the documents on, she would spread them out, sorted in age and where she had found them. pulling one out,
"if my research is correct, then your parents might be Santaru Kuma, and Tanaka Eriona?" handing her the piece she had pulled out

the note:
Handwritten verion of this:
"Slip of the tongue." Hikari said, "Apologies on the mispronunciation. Ah... Kuruson san told me that you were a very curious student who came to our Main Branch Event, to see what you could learn." She said, "Nothing bad. He thought you showed potential." She smiled as she beckoned the girl inside. He'd also told her that the girl had been listening to her speak with Jo, but that he'd handled it.

"That would be great, it sure beats standing in the door... how come you have a bear in your house, it looks so nice!" She said looking at the bear admiringly.

"Oh? That's Kariku. I adopted him." She told the girl, "He is nice most of the time. Say hello, Kariku." She said in a motherly tone.

He grunted and grumbled as he approached her, snuffling at her clothing. "Hi." He said. As he walked around her and then trotted to Hikari's side.

"He speaks. but much of the time, he prefers to speak in his native bear language, instead of our language. Anyway, come inside. Would you like a cup of tea? Some water? Cookies? I own a bakery, I have enough pastries to feed a small army." She laughed as she led the girl through the sitting room- and empty place with simple chairs and a coffee table at the center. Then by her office, a cluttered spot where she lived much of the time she spent at home. And finally, into her kitchen. She pulled a chair at the table and gestured to Yukiko to sit.

The girl set her documents down and spread them out. She apparently had a system. After sorting through them for a moment, she pulled one note with a piece of a family tree on it"if my research is correct, then your parents might be Santaru Kuma, and Tanaka Eriona?"

. "Mmm... this is true, but not quite accurate." She pointed to the names "Masao and Rin's kids are named 'Saeko' - That's the daughter and 'Enjeru' - the son. And here, Kuma had a son he named after himself. The Santaru Kuma you have here, is my grandfather, not my father. But yes, other than that it's true. Santaru Kuma and Tanaka Erinoa are my parents."
"Hi." the bear said to Yukiko's surprise. She liked it even more for being able to speak.

"Mmm... this is true, but not quite accurate." She pointed to the names "Masao and Rin's kids are named 'Saeko' - That's the daughter and 'Enjeru' - the son. And here, Kuma had a son he named after himself. The Santaru Kuma you have here, is my grandfather, not my father. But yes, other than that it's true. Santaru Kuma and Tanaka Erinoa are my parents."

"Thankyou for the correction..."

Yukiko quickly produced a pen from one of her pockets, and corrected the mistake in her notes.
"It must be nice to own a bakery, some Water would be great thanks."

She then pulled out a few papers describing the Santaru Family..
"if you see here" she pointed at one of the documents. it describes a part of the Santaru Family
having two daughters and 2 sons where as one of the sons were the forefather of the ones i showed you earlier.
but this is where the Whole idea of researching the famely comes into play.
you see, my Cousin Keiji has told me that I have an innate ability to manipulate Electric currents. and our Whole Family have had an affinity for the element, in one way or the other.
and these documents kind of explains it, because it mentions one of the daughters of the Santaru Family being married off to the Suzaku Family empowering the Family, for a time.
This might explain some of the experiences I have had with creating small charges without knowing how, and the other day a large charge that damaged a sparring partner.
if we have the Santaru blood flowing in the Suzaku Family.
Could you help me confirm that, or rule the possibility out?.. and maybe help me understand, what is happening to me?"
The woman nodded, and went to fill a glass with water, "I'll admit, it does have it's perks." She smiled, "The cookies chief among them." She gave the glass to Yukiko, then she served a pot of tea and a plate of pastries before she sat down. "Now what have we here...?" She asked, looking into the documents.

"This is where the Whole idea of researching the family comes into play. you see, my Cousin Keiji has told me that I have an innate ability to manipulate Electric currents. and our Whole Family have had an affinity for the element, in one way or the other, and these documents kind of explains it, because it mentions one of the daughters of the Santaru Family being married off to the Suzaku Family empowering the Family, for a time. This might explain some of the experiences I have had with creating small charges without knowing how, and the other day a large charge that damaged a sparring partner. If we have the Santaru blood flowing in the Suzaku Family. Could you help me confirm that, or rule the possibility out?.. and maybe help me understand, what is happening to me?"

Hikari nodded and sat back, she took a sip of her tea before speaking. "It does look like you've got some Santaru blood in you, little one." She said, "And I know well what it's like to come into your own at a time when you have no one to explain the changes you are going through." She said, "When I was... a little younger than you are, I had my first experience... well my first notable experience with my bloodline becoming apparent. I was the cause of a major snowstorm." She confided. "I got angry and defensive... my friend had hurt me with his words. I didn't know how to control it... I would be happy to help you avoid such a thing." She said. "Do you have any questions?"

At this point, Kariku had climbed into the chair beside Hikari and was reaching across her lap and into the dish with the pastries. She looked down at him and he froze as he felt her eyes on him. "Kariku..." She warned, "You are being very rude. Use your words and ask for one next time." She said, picking him up and placing him back into his seat. She then split a scone between him and herself. "You don't need the sweets."

"Awwh." He grumbled, feeding himself, makinga right mess of his fur.

"What do I expect, he's a cub." She said, wiping his muzzle.

"I was gonna eat that." He grumbled.

"Anyways, questions? About maybe my experiences... what to expect and how to avoid outbursts?"

[MFT: 455]
It does look like you've got some Santaru blood in you, little one." She said, "And I know well what it's like to come into your own at a time when you have no one to explain the changes you are going through."
"When I was... a little younger than you are, I had my first experience... well my first notable experience with my bloodline becoming apparent. I was the cause of a major snowstorm." She confided. "I got angry and defensive... my friend had hurt me with his words. I didn't know how to control it... I would be happy to help you avoid such a thing." She said. "Do you have any questions?"

To Yukiko this was like a sweet breeze cooling her skin, 'was this the answer for this thing?'
the bear had reached for the pastries, and got scolded for it. this made the mood lighten a bit and a smile surfaced on Yukiko's face

"Anyways, questions? About maybe my experiences... what to expect and how to avoid outbursts?"

"well anything would be great, but the outburst could be a good start, because i actually without knowing hurt a Fellow student the other day. I had no intention of it, but somehow it escalated the spar to more than just a spar." she said..
wondering for a second.
"It actually made me afraid of what could have happened,"
in her mind she was thankful of the teacher being there stopping the escalating spar when he did.' what if that lightning had become worse along the spar.'
"Well, I don't know about you, but I have a temper. The more I let it build, the more explosive it becomes, and the more likely I am to harm someone, something I would rather avoid doing accidentally. In order to keep from... say... calling in a thunder storm on accident, try to express yourself. Find an outlet for your anger. Sparring could work well, or it could be something else. As for when you hurt the other student... Santaru are like... living turbines. There is lightning in our blood!" She said, "It's like a static shock, only much more powerful because for us, the shock is similar to the way heat transfers from one person to another. That will only get stronger as you get older, but it won't always be enough to hurt someone." She put her hand on the table and nodded to the girl, "Try touching me. It might feel a little strange."

Hikari smiled, "Let's see... Your emotions they're your strength and weakness. If you can control them all the time..." She laughed, "well hell, if you can do that, tell me your secrets! I don't think you'll be able to. It's a trait of the Santaru. We are a volatile clan, emotionally, and that will be a weak point, but it can also make you stronger. Don't be afraid of your power. Use it. Train it. If you do so, you'll get better, and your emotions won't surprise you." she took a breath then chuckled again, "Oh, and your eyes might glow."
Hikari put forward her hand after explaining how it were to be a Santaru.
Yukiko whom generally did not like people touching her, found it hard to convince herself to be the one touching Hikari.
Especially after what had happened in class earlier.
Hikari preceded to explain about the emotions.

'that made sense, so as long as I don't get too afraid or angry something like what happened in class would not happen Again'
she thought.

Maybe it was what had given her the aversion of people touching her.
Yukiko looked Down at her hands, and then to Hikari's on the table.

"what could happen?"

She said while, pulling the sleve on her jacket back, revealing a trembling hand.
Yukiko slowly reached out and touched the hand of Hikari.
Hikari smiled at the girl, and nodded back to her hand. "It won't hurt." Hikari assured her.

"what could happen?" The girl asked, pulling her sleeve back, before slowly reaching out to touch her. The girl would feel something similar to what she'd felt when she shocked the student, only instead of Hikari being shocked or harmed, the older woman felt only a slight buzz. Both of them would feel their skin prickling and their hair would become frizzier due to the currents running through their bodies. In effect, Yukiko had made a sort of circuit, with electricity passing through Yukiko and into Hikari, then back. Hikari thought it was a strange feeling, but it was not unfamiliar to her.

"See? In time you will be able to consciously control it, but that takes practice. I haven't shocked anyone unintentionally in years." She smiled. "Your bloodline is ancient and powerful, little one. You do not need to fear it. All you really need is to be strong and train it. The stronger you become, the better off you will be." She placed her other hand on top of Yukikos, softly. "Fear is your enemy. Fear tries to control you. It tells you that you're too weak to control yourself, or that you're too stupid to learn to be strong. It is wrong. You have all the makings of a fine Kunoichi, Yukiko. As a Santaru, you are a part of a family that has been influential in Kumogakure for ages upon ages. Every Santaru has had some sort of accident. Don’t beat yourself up for hurting your classmate. He will not suffer permanent damage from the zap. Shinobi heal quickly.” She said.

[MFT 250+]
the slight buss startled her at first.. but it was in a way comforting, it was not harming any of them.

"See? in time you...."

Yukiko was glad that Hikari, a senin told her that the damage was not a problem.. and even more how she agreed with Keiji in the fact that she could always become stronger.
this was for her the gateway she needed, instead of being obsessively scared of people touching her. this marked a shift in her, this was a way for her to become stronger, it was a way for her to connect, to people like Hikari, a way for her to become part of something, she had Family, although not close relatives, this, at least for Yukiko, bonded them closer. She had Keiji, and in some way now had Hikari.. her Family had grown much the time that she had been her. and she had gained friends. all this new and hopefully more new to come.

looking up from the buzzing hands, first to the bear at Hikari's side.. a smile surfaced shortly when seeing the bear munching the pastries, then up to the face of Hikari, imprinting this person, now being a part of her Life.

"C-could you teach me how to control this?"

Yukiko blushed a bit for the question she had asked.. after all this was the Senin of the main branch she was asking a personal favour.
she looked Down Again at the buzzing hands, feeling the heat from her cheeks and the static in her hair making her braid all fuzzy.
Yukiko smiled softly and looked up at her. "C-could you teach me how to control this?" She asked.

"I can." Hikari nodded. "It's like controlling your temper... almost exactly." She said calmly, "Don't forget to breathe, and don't forget to let your energy out. You are producing electrical energy as we speak. Figure out a way to use it practically. Cook food, make a battery, invent a new type of headset that runs on the static in your hair. I find it's easiest to control when you can release it in a practical way. Me? I hit things then take the rubble and wood splinters to the poor. The wood they can use for tinder, and the rubble I pay them to get rid of. I dunno, maybe they use it for gardening. Hell, I could use it for gardening. Maybe when I eventually retire, I'll learn how to not kill a plant..." The older woman chuckled. "And in the mean time, if you want, I can give you some rubber gloves to stop yourself from zapping random people. Believe me, they're useful. And as a plus the phrase 'the gloves are coming off' has a double meaning if you say it while wearing them. First of course, is that you're gonna get your hands metaphorically dirty in order to do the fine detail rough stuff, and second is that if someone isn't careful you could shock the hell out of them." She chuckled a little. "Why don't we set a schedule. We'll meet up and I'll give you a few lessons in how to do certain things every few days. How does that sound?"

[[MFT 250+]
[edited to add WC and MFT]
Happiness was what she felt.. And she chuckled along with the joke about plants..
"That sounds just amazing"..
her anxiety and insecurities were gone, she was sure...
she now had a place to be, and a way to cement it and her voice got the better of it
With no shaking, no buts, stems or gulps she said.
"I would really like that, both the gloves and the training. when would fit your Schedule? as a Senin yours is probably more filled than mine"
she would then collect the notes in a neat heap on the middle of the table, folding out a paper, grabbing a pencil, fixing the errors on the image quickly with her fast hands.
"would you have this?" the big piece of paper, showed an almost complete tree of the Family, with the editing Hikari told earlier.
she handed it to Hikari for her to take if she would have it, or see if she did not.
Hikari nodded, "Let me grab you a pair." She said, patting the girl's hand and then getting up and going to the sink. "Here." She said, as she took the pair she used for washing dishes and tossed it to Yukiko. "They're not stylish, but they are functional. I used to have a cuter pair..." She mumbled, tapping her bottom lip, "I'll find it for you. How about saturdays. We'll have lunch, then training for a couple hours, before talk and dinner. You can tell me about what's happening in your world." She winked. "How does that sound to you?"

Yukiko began collecting her things together and fixed the family tree. "Would you have this?" She asked.

Hikari smiled. "I'll hold on to it for now, sure. But you have done so much work... Let's call it a family heirloom. You can have it when you eventually have your own home." She paused, "Ah... you were right about me being busy. I've got a meeting to get to pretty soon. I have to say goodbye for now my dear cousin." She said with a smile. "Kariku, grab my coat." She said, "I'm sorry to rush you. Time has flown." She laughed, not actually rushing the girl.

[topic left after Yukiko]
[MFT 206]
Recieving the pair Yukiko thanked Hikari
And Said.
"Saturdays Will be Perfect." She then grabbed all her stuff, and Said goodbuy to Hikari.
At the door at the door She Said:
"C'ya on saturday"
Smiled an sent home all exited to tell Keiji what She had been Doing and the relation She had Found.

[topic left unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Time:
