Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Remembrance

Chigokai Yuna

Faithful Ninja
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Not a lot of time has past since I was last here. The cemetery was always a gloomy place to be, but there seemed to be a certain bite from the slight chill of wind that would blow over from time to time. It felt like an eternity since I was last here, even though only a few weeks at most have passed. My interactions with the New Leaf, and that of all the things that went down in Wind Country, from fighting a shinigami as soon as I came back to Lightning Country, to nearly getting into a fight with Cloud's Anbu Sennin. My soul is only thirty-six, and because of my body being genetically modified to the extremes, I look like twenty-two. But I feel as if I'm just plain old.

"Hey Mom and Dad..." My voice cracked, most likely from holding back all of my emotions, sadness, anger, relief, happiness. When I was in the Anbu branch, I had learned to shut off my own feelings at times, with few slips past the barrier of not showing emotion. I'll be honest, these past few weeks have been the hardest. Yukio... A good friend of mine, is dying, and probably now is dead, and I can do nothing for him except remember him and the promise I made to him. Bring peace to these entities he has found so that they won't be used for evil, and also so that they won't ravage the lands. The whole fiasco with Wind Country, from meeting Akkuma and first meeting with someone from the Death Organization, to learning all about how Maru has changed to Leaf ninja coming to kidnap Umashi. And even coming back here... I bury my nose under my scarf.

I've always put on a brave face, and ignored my true inner deeper thoughts, the thoughts that showed emotion. But this place... It's where I always show my true self. "I'll say that these last few weeks have been a real emotional rollercoaster. I still want to bring peace to this world, fix the evils in this society around the world. But other things have popped up that I need to take care of. Keep everyone safe, you know?" There was no response. I figured that would happen, but it still had hurt. Even when I was a Dark Sage, I could always talk with spirits very easily, but never once have I met my parents, even now. The cemetery was silent with the exception of the sound of wind howling every now and then.

"Yeah, I guess you both are right, I need to be able to trust others, it's just a hard thing for me to do." I fixed my glasses as they start to slip off of my nose, with a sigh, I stood there in silence, thinking about life. About where my parents were, and if they liked it, what kind of people were they. My tail flicked around as I was lost in thought.

(WC: 500)
It has been quiet like this for about ten minutes as I stand there, remembering my parents. Burying my face further into my scarf, I let out a small audible sigh. Everything has seemed to be moving way too fast recently, and all I wanted was peace. Peace to where people won't die from wars or greed or from someone with a sadistic mind. Peace to where I won't have to worry about my children's future. But that isn't how life works.

I am convinced that my own parents have moved on to the afterlife and will await for me to meet them when my own time comes. But even still, I feel the need to call to them, hope beyond anything that I can see them, know how my parents were, what kind of people they were. Would they be proud of me? How would they react to my killing Jirosho? There was still some holes in my life even I don't know about, mainly the things that surround Jirosho. He was someone that I wanted to hate, but I don't wholly know the reason why he wanted both me and our parents dead. It was something that the man took to the grave with him.

I shook my head. One mystery at a time. I have my head wrapped around enough as it is, and wondering about the past, with all those who might know are dead, would lead me nowhere. It was a frustrating thing to not know, though I have kept to myself thinking as a crow landed nearby and started cawing.
It was obvious that I was alone, and that I was not going to get a respond from my parents anytime soon. So I think that maybe it was time to go. I had to make dues with learning who is behind this Death Organization, learn more about this person that genned Maru, my own self, what with now being a female Kitsune, Umashi's deal with both Leaf trying to kidnap him and his own dilemma of some shady group wanting to off him.

I remembered partly of why I came here was to keep my family safe, and actually have time to see them. But now, that almost seems impossible, what with all the events that have taken place lately. That's when the thought had hit me. I'll have to explain all of this situation of me not being me to my family. I let out a sigh, well this is going to be a day I won't forget.

It's hard to remember that I'm now not me, in the sense of meeting with people I know, but then remember they only know the other me, me before I had changed. I flicked my tail as I sifted through my thoughts. It seems I can never really catch a break when it comes to wanting a peaceful life. Through all of the hardships I have faced, I have managed to dust myself off and stand back up on my own two feet. But at what cost? I had killed my brother, but had mortally injured a friend, I had saved my wife's eyes but got my own arm cut off, became Medical Chief, only to leave Leaf to fight the man that killed my parents. Survived in Water somehow, but lost two years with the world, came to Cloud but now most of Leaf probably thinks I'm their enemy. Seeing a lot of old faces, but in the times that are not good to see them. The list goes on.

I had often wondered what would have changed if I had died in Water. In reality, big picture, most likely, nothing would have changed. The world would keep on spinning with all the twisted things that always happen. This is where I strengthen my resolve. Even if I am a good for nothing nobody, that a lot of people hate, there is one thing I can do right. Stand by my own beliefs. And my belief is to get rid of as much evil in this world big or small, to bring this place one step closer to peace.

With that, I decide to take my leave.

(topic left)

Current Ninpocho Time:
