Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Reminiscence [Private]

Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Azusa emerged from the Toraono dojo renewed, revitalized, and reborn as Toraono Azusa. The ritual had rescued her mind and body from the curse and madness that had consumed her, given her a new life when her previous one was nearing its bloody ending. Life returned to her features; her hair, ears and tails were all once again a bright, radiant gold with the sheen of silk, rather than its matted faded color during the alter stages of her disease. Her previous torn and messy robes had been discarded, exchanged for an outfit consisting of white robes, lightly armored around her waist. Her weapon, the Liberator of Darkness, cleaned, polished, sharpened and sheathed on her back.

She took to the streets of Sunagakure with an objective in mind;


She remembered their last encounter. Vividly. How he had approached her, asking for her trust. And she answered by taking a limb. Riyota, her little knight who had always remained on her side, even when she lost herself. She was not in her right state of mind...But she remembered she pain she inflicted on him and others. What she had easily been capable of terrified her...But perhaps the most frightening thing was that she had no idea what happened to him afterward. She recalled taking his arm...and that was it.

Surely, he hadn't collapsed inside the burning building? Azusa knew Riyota had the strongest regenerative capabilities she had ever seen...but even so. How much was too much for him?

Thus shortly after being brought into the village's largest clan, the kitsune immediately put that influence to use and scattered a message throughout the village;
"Miroku Riyota,

At bequest of Lady Toraono, you are needed at the shinobi academy on XXXXX"
A simple message. But one she made sure had spread throughout the village as soon as she was able to. If Riyota was alive and well, she wanted him to receive it...And thus, the Priestess stood atop the academy, hoping to see him arrive at some point.

If he didn't show, she could only assume the worst....
May 6, 2015
Riyota stood in a quiet corner of the Miroku clan house, wailing on some poor training dummy. His ability to lift his large blade with only his left hand was certainly impressive, but his movements had nowhere near the speed they used to when he could support the swing with his right. The other clansmen and women had offered him various other weapons to use in place of the greatsword he had been using for the past few years. Riyota had not accepted, to him it felt like giving up, admitting that the loss of his arm had knocked him down to a point he couldn't recover from. No, he was to keep using his greatsword for now, the stubborn young man continued swinging and slashing at the dummy. It was truly fortunate that he was left handed.

He paused for a moment and attempted to wipe sweat off his brow, an action that swiftly led to the grim reminder that he was missing an arm. He sighed softly and stuck the blade into the ground, using the now free hand to remove the sweat instead. It was then that a messenger crow arrived, Riyota noticed it as it perched on a nearby windowsill and cawed in his direction. Moving to remove the attached note from its leg (with some difficulty) he sent it back and scanned over the contents of the letter.

'Azuza... he thought to himself as a small smile crept across his face. He hadn't seen her since the night she had taken his arm. Not for lack of effort, but he was forced into bed-rest by many pushy nurses for the few weeks following that night. It brought him comfort to know she was safe, and apparently once again at least sane enough to write a letter.

'Needed at the academy? That part worried him, he walked for a moment towards a mirror and he knew immediately he didn't look the part to meet with her. His face bore many scars and burns from both the recent night and other affairs, his current clothes were dirty and even more bedraggled than they used to be. As well as a few patches of facial hair that had begun to re-emerge on his face. No, as it stood, the scruffy Riyota had no right to meet with his Lady.

He did want to see her though...desperately so, surely he had at least some time to make himself presentable. He checked the date on the note again, it was today. 'Oh the great speed and efficiency of our postal service. he thought, rolling his eyes. Looking at himself once more in the mirror he called for a servant. After only a few moments one arrived and bowed quickly before him. "I need some advice on impressing a Lady..." he said, bluntly.

3 Hours Later

Riyota stood at the front of the academy, it had been a long time since he had last been here. It was a strange feeling of nostalgia, a bittersweet sensation of knowing this was a place where he had learned so much, both good and bad. The young man certainly looked better than earlier, cleanly shaved, new set of clothes. A black jacket with matching trousers to replace his old grey one. Even make-up to cover up the scars on his face, he had wanted to look his best and this was probably it.

Then there was still his arm...

He didn't want to risk Azusa feeling guilty over what had happened, and so, Riyota had stuck various items in his sleeve to give the illusion that his arm was still there. Hoping that Azusa had forgotten about it and wouldn't remember without a reminder.

He checked his hair one last time as he waited, and eventually he saw her. The beautiful red-haired Kitsune herself, returned from her state of madness and anger. The young man simply couldn't believe how she had become even more dazzling. He sunk to a knee and knelt in front of her, just as he used to. "It's good to see you again my lady..." he said, softly.


Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
The more time passed, the more frantic her mind became. She paced back and forth along the rooftop, eyes constantly searching for any new movement entering the academy. And of course she checked everywhere every few seconds.

....Would he hate her? The thought ate at her mind.

(He swore to always be mine. That he would always be there when I needed him...) She told herself in an attempt to reassure herself; this attempt failed. (But...I've harmed him. I attacked him; who would continue protecting someone like that?) The thoughts made her stomach sink. Even if he were alive, she couldn't blame him if Riyota had decided to have nothing further to do with her.
...And she didn't even know if he was capable of moving around on his own! Or living!

Azusa told herself she would keep things proper if Riyota arrived, and see what his reactions were. If he wished to cut ties, then she would have no choice. She exhaled deeply in an attempt to prepare herself.

...But nothing could truly prepare her. Her plan to appear polite and calmly apologize to him failed before it even began. The moment she had seen Riyota enter the academy's grounds was the moment she climbed down the side, practically flying down the side of the wall to begin her rush towards him. "Riyota!" She exclaimed as she dashed towards him. No proper bow or greeting, or any of the grace she worked so hard at expressing; the kitsune lunged directly at the kneeling boy in an aggressive attempt at embracing him. All things considered, he'd be forgiven if he mistook her as still being in her feral state, actually...

She was conflicted; she was overjoyed to see him alive. She was ashamed at how she had let herself harm him. She was terrified that he might despise her. With all these thoughts clashing within her mind, much like before, she found words were difficult for her to she simply resigned to communicate through repeating herself "Riyota..." If allowed, she'd embrace and clutch to him for as long and as tightly as he'd allow. She wanted to apologize for all the pain she had inflicted upon him, all the trouble he had suffered while being around her, and her disregard toward all he had done for her...-and there was so much she wanted to say! But, she couldn't resist the one thing she needed to know;

"...Do you hate me?"
May 6, 2015
Riyota had always known Azusa as a woman of class and logic, a stiff upper lip at all times. Due to this, Riyota was not expecting the light haired kitsune to come at him in what was essentially a flying tackle. Yet that it exactly what happened, the young man, taken completely by surprise was knocked from his kneeling position onto his back. He worried for a second that perhaps her mind was no fully her own as he thought. Yet as he felt her softly clutch at his jacket he knew that Azusa was Azusa once more.

Slowly, the brown haired shinobi brought his arm up and wrapped it around the form on top of him. "Lad-..." he began before she asked the blunt question, and to his own surprise he had to think for a moment. Did he hate her? By all logic and reason, he should. She had attacked him and his family and crippled him. Yet reason and logic had not been major parties in Riyota's head for many years and he couldn't bring himself to feel anything but love for the kitsune.

A small smirk crept up on his face. "Oh yes, I just despise you, you darn rapscallion." he teased in a mocking tone before playfully stroking her hair. If she looked up at him, she would see him wink and his expression soften. "Honestly my Lady, you jump to the strangest conclusions. You think a bit of an ass-kicking is going to make me break my oath. Make me stop lov-..." he caught himself. Thinking he shouldn't bring it up. She'd been through a recent traumatic experience. True she had just hugged him, but a hug between friends was not the same as one of romance. Perhaps she didn't love him now, or ever would again.

Perhaps she had never loved him at all.

These thoughts crossed the young man's mind as he took in Azusa's beauty once again. He made no attempt to get up from his position on the floor, merely enjoying the closeness. "As of this moment my Lady, I return to your service." he smiled softly.

Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
"...."Her ears twitched in dread, wondering how he would react. "Rap...Scallop?" The Priestess's head tilted to the side, momentarily confused by his choice of words. But nevertheless, once he winked, she realized she didn't detect any animosity from Riyota. Whats more; he spoke as if he would just bounce back from everything she had put him through.

"...Don't say that to me, Riyota...You don't know what that means." Azusa spoke in a bittersweet tone. She wanted Riyota to know exactly what continuing forward with her meant, what it could put him through. She felt the guilt of everything that had affected Riyota up until now, and wanted to make sure he fully stood with her by his own choice.

...But it was a heavy topic, and truthfully, she was not yet done embracing him. From her vantage point atop him, she rested the side of her face against him, as if listening for his pulse to verify his life. "You never left me, Riyota...I was the one who had left you. Whoever I had been up until now, it was not me...No, that -was- me...and I've done something unforgivable. You promised to protect me as my guardian and protector...and I promised to become someone worth your respect." The kitsune spoke against him...until her eyes opened, glistening with restrained tears, and she rolled off him to kneel beside Riyota, lowering her head into a deep bow until her forehead touched the ground beside him. "...I can't ever apologize enough for doing the exact opposite. I am so sorry, Riyota." Yes, Lady Azusa, embodiment of all that is proud, was prostrating before him. "I do not ever, -ever- want to hurt you again. You've completed your oath to me Riyota."

May 6, 2015
He held back a chuckle as it became evident she had used a term she was not familiar with, but maybe it was better explained later. Though his growing smile faded as he saw the growing sadness on the blonde kitsune's face.

He felt her weight shift off of him and he himself moved to a crouching position to watch her, his left hand supporting him. His eyes widened slightly in surprise as she bowed down low, her nose practically squashing against the ground. She had never acted this way before nor had he ever expected her too. He wasn't someone worthy of being bowed before, even being apologised to really. So this sudden behaviour confused Riyota.

And in the midst of all that confusion, he laughed. As she bowed in front of him, he laughed. As she poured her heart into a desperate apology, he laughed and laughed and laughed. Because it was so unnecessarily dramatic. As the young man's laughter quieted to a chuckle. "Unforgivable?...Azusa when I was eleven Kyuji blew my chest open and I very nearly died from it." he reminded her. I forgave him, almost immediately. "So I think in this case I get to decide what is and isn't forgivable." He smiled lightly, "and this is definitely forgivable."

"So don't lie there and act like giving me a few scratches will make me never want to see you again." he teased, helping her up to her feet. And as he stared into her eyes he sighed happily. "I love you Azusa...just like I did ever since that day I got closest to my death." he spoke with absolute sincerity. "And if my oath is fulfilled, and you consider that reason for me to go then..." he knelt down in front of her. "I, Miroku Riyota, solemnly pledge to my Lady Azusa. To act as he eternal companion, to support however she needs, to be with her until she no longer wants nor needs me."

He stood back up from his kneeling position and moved to kiss her softly on the forehead. "That is my decision, I want you to stop blaming yourself for something that has had no impact." he smiled warmly once more. His mismatched blue and green eyes meeting her gaze.


Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
The last thing Azusa wanted to hear was laughing from Riyota. Her body, to include her bright-gold tails, trembled; she hated that she couldn't stop herself from shaking with anguish, embarrassment, anger, joy...

Were these feelings that she felt something to laugh at so easily? True, the Aikayume Kitsune were very emotional; but Azusa believed she was not overreacting! "....." The Fox Priestess raised her head, but she was not laughing. She allowed Riyota to assist her up, but her expression was one of disbelief; she was not sure whether she should have striked him instead.

"...Stop....Stop it..." He spoke of love and oaths, but...didn't understand at all; Azusa shook her head, not wanting to hear it. He acted as if the pain he had suffered was nothing. And perhaps to him it truly was...but to Azusa it was a betrayal. "This is not acceptable." It frightened her, and was not something she would let pass by. "And I am not Kyuji!" Her voice rose. Kyuji was an excellent teacher and had helped her get to where she was today...But he was also an instructor, guiding shinobi to become the best they could be; of course bumps and scratches were expected along the way all in the line of duty. But she was not Riyota's instructor. She didn't have to accept that. She didn't want to be anyone who had brought Riyota, her little knight, harm.

"Pick yourself up Riyota. I...I reject your oath! I said not to say those words lightly until you knew what they meant...
Any of those words..." the Priestess declared, her heart pounding. The more she tried to maintain her demeanor toward Riyota, the more she faltered. To Riyota everything may have been water under the bridge...But the fox was not going to let this one go. "Show me your right arm."
May 6, 2015
Riyota paled slightly as he faced the angry rant from the Kitsune. In his mind he had ticked all the boxes, done everything right to diffuse the situation, forgiven her, done what he'd thought she'd wanted. Apparently all those things couldn't have possibly been worse things to do. He had apparently infuriated her beyond measure, insulted her in very imaginable way. Quite a feat, and he had no idea how he did it. All he knew was that it was time to fix it.

"My lad-...My lady I-...Please...My Lady-...Azusa!" he said trying desperately to get a word out against her seemingly endless rant, but to no avail. In his silence he decided to listen, and analyze. He noticed that her expression was less angry, more flustered. To the young man it seemed that it would take more than words to wash away her guilt. Perhaps he was wrong, but it seemed like she wasn't mad because of his reaction...she was mad because it wasn't enough of a reaction. Like she had expected him to assign a whole set of trials to earn his forgiveness. Maybe that's just what she was used to, or maybe the Brown-haired Shinobi was reading the situation entirely wrong.

"Azusa I..." he began once more, but his face paled and his throat went dry when she demanded to see his right arm. Knowing her, no excuse would get him out of it, she was determined, it was one of her best features. Riyota patted the improptu stuffing within his sleeve. Taking a deep breath, he removed his jacket, slipping out of his left sleeve whilst the right remained rigid. As he dropped the jacket on the floor, there, plain to see with his short sleeved shirt. On the left an ordinary, pale, muscular arm. On the right, a stump, cut slightly below the shoulder. Certainly looking better than the night he had lost the arm, but still detached from the rest of itself.

"Must've misplaced it somewhere, you know how much of a klutz I can be." he chuckled weakly, trying to lighten the mood with a joke.

"I wasn't insinuating anything about you Azusa..." he told her, staring into her eyes once more. "Everything I said was an attempt, however poor, to alleviate your guilt and help you feel better." He paused for a long while, taking in her features again. "I want to be here for you, but I know I could never win your heart, not while I am what I am." he smiled weakly. "I want to be close to you, if I can only aspire to be your servant, than a servant I shall be..." he paused for another long while looking down.

"I'm sure you don't see me the way I see you, but please understand. I have forgiven you, things don't hold the same weight to me as they do to you. It's not just my flesh that heals quickly."

Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
It was fortunate (for Riyota) that he went along with Azusa's demands, because if he had any excuses she wasn't going to be having any of it. And though she struggled with it, she forced herself to keep her eyes on the injury she had inflicted upon him, and not avert her gaze. "It is not anything to joke about..." Azusa spoke as her ears drooped lower, feeling defeated by Riyota's happy-go-lucky outlook. Like many other things, it irritated her.

After inspecting the wound, Azusa shut her eyes in an attempt to collect her thoughts; this injury proved that she was right. Riyota was not unharmed. The injury was not something to just shrug off, despite Riyota's best attempts otherwise. He spoke again of worrying about her, paying no mind to his injury just for the chance of making things more convenient for herself. Oh how noble of him! Being the ideal servant who'd sacrifice his own wellbeing for her; in theory, this was exactly what Azusa had wanted afterall.
...But in reality it pissed her off. He was doing the selfless servant thing too well.

When her eyes opened and her thoughts were sorted, she reached out her claws out to his shirt, intending on pulling him down to her eye level, her expression a scowl. "If you love me then kneel down and swear to me; you will protect yourself! Do not ever -ever- act like your suffering means nothing..." Her expression, and her grip on his shirt, would both lighten. "...Even if that means from me. If I ever attempt to harm you like I have before, you will do whatever you can to stop me. Promise me this, Riyota...The guilt I feel hurts. Seeing your arm...hurts. But the thought of doing something even worse to you is so much more terrifying. " She pleaded; these were not demands she was placing upon Riyota, but requests. If she were to ever again lose the clarity she was fortunate enough to regain, she wanted to be able to trust Riyota to act on her behalf.

"...Do you understand me? You are not just a servant to me Riyota." Azusa declared; she was not going to let his misunderstanding continue, and reached for his hand. "I want to tease you, I want to spoil you...There are so, so many things I want to do with you, but I never wanted to hurt you seriously. You have become so important to me...I was just so focused on what I hated, that I never considered what I loved..." She realized when she regained her sense, how nightmarish the thought that she had gravely injured him was, or horrified she was that he may detest her. She was selfish, petty and vain...But Riyota was the one person she was willing to put before herself. "...That is you, Riyota." This was perhaps the most honest and direct she had ever been in her life.
May 6, 2015
Riyota let out a swift exhalation of breath as he was pulled down close to the Kitsune's face. Forced into a hunched over position by her tight, clawed grip on his shirt. He expected more anger, more fury held in her gaze. However what he saw mostly was almost akin to...desperation. It was a weird emotion to see crossing Azusa's face, at least to Riyota. Desperation came from those who begged, and the fox had never been one for begging.

Riyota couldn't formulate any sort of response, no wisecracks, no witty commentary, no calming speech. Nothing, the young man simply listened to Azusa's requests of him, and a pang of guilt hit his heart as he grew to realise that he had focused so much on not hurting her. That he had hurt her immensely. In his blind foolhardiness he acted under the assumption that the way to her heart was through her ego. He had assumed her main characteristic was her sense of self-importance, and he trembled slightly as he realised how much of an idiot he had been.

He stared down at his feet as he came to grips with the realisation that his actions had been wounding her so much. His laughter, his thoughtless forgiveness, everything. He had never felt so guilty in his life.

Yet all these thoughts ceased immediately, for a brief moment he assumed he had misheard her, but as he once again looked at her expression he knew he hadn't. She had returned his affections, she had told him that she loved him as he loved her. He gently took her hand off his shirt and knelt down once more.

"Very well then, this is my new oath. I Miroku Riyota, solemnly swear, to love, care for and protect you, Azusa. That part is the same, but, in addition to the aforementioned means, I furthermore swear, that I will protect my own life and everything I am, to stay alive for you. To defend myself even if you are my assailant. To survive, for myself." He looked her in the eye once more before standing.

"That is my oath now, revised to meet both our interests, and if you will have me. I will be with you, as more than merely a servant." he smiled warmly at the fox. "Now tell me..." he whispered, leaning closer. "Whatcha been up to recently?" he smirked, planting a gentle kiss on her lips. Eager to take both their minds off the stressful conversation that had occurred. Even if it might earn him a slap.

Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Azusa was never one to suffer from a lack of confidence. But in the brief span of time before Riyota knelt before her, she felt...timid.

The relief she felt when he knelt and swore to remain by her side...It was nearly overwhelming. She gave her protector a solemn smile, truly was pleased she was able to get through to him, even if she felt unworthy of his forgiveness. ".... I know I have made many mistakes and have hurt many others...But as before, I swear to be someone you may take pride in standing beside." The Fox Priestess spoke, reaching her hand down to stroke his face gently. "I will accept your oath. An Aikayume Kitsune has no tolerance for liars; so always keep it close to heart, Riyota. You belong to me." She brought her face closer to the shinobi knelt before her, her previous timid demeanor replaced with aloof confidence as the intense gaze of her vulpine eyes bore down on him. "And I will never allow you to forget it." This was her vow to him.

When Riyota rose, she met his kiss. And with that, their oath was sealed; she had given him his one chance to reject his previous oath and be freed of her. He chose to remain even after seeing her at her lowest; the trust she felt with him couldn't have been stronger.

...But even so. What had she been up to? The events leading her here? That was...difficult to answer. And as such, the blonde remained silent. "...." Meeting with Riyota had been her priority since having her curse seal suppress and madness lifted. But after that? It was a difficult subject she decided to deflect. "...Come, Riyota. Follow my bright tails." She spoke, moving away from the entrance of the academy, and towards the grounds they had their first lesson at many years ago. It was empty; no lessons were in progress. "What made you decide to become a shinobi?"
May 6, 2015
The gloomy situation the pair had found themselves in had finally been resolved. It seemed that conversation could return to a happy norm, even if the relationship of the two had...changed.

Riyota did not hesitate to follow the golden haired fox on a stroll through the academy. As he opened his mouth to repeat his earlier question, her counter-question caused him to pause. Why had he become a shinobi...his face paled slightly as he realised how long it had been since he'd thought that far back. Back when he was just a young child, back when his biological parents were still around.

The kitsune would be able to see the silent expression of Riyota shift from melancholy, to bittersweet, to reminiscence, to anger as all the memories of his younger years flooded back to him. His time before he had left the village for those five long years. Eventually he looked up again and a drained smile crossed his face. "Well...y'know, it's not exactly like I'd make a good florist!" he joked, avoiding properly answering the question.

"I'll throw it back at you though, what made you want to do it? I can probably guess but...I'd like to hear it anyway." he smirked as they continued to walk, and as he waited for her response he looked down at the ground. 'All these years and I still haven't found the he just hiding to well or...have I given up?' The young man's eyes darted from left to right as he began to realize he had never resolved his issues with his biological father.

He attempted to shake all that from his mind however, as he smiled and listened on to Azusa's response. When she was finished he asked her more questions before she had a chance to ask any of him. "So what's Kitsune culture like? Are there any male Aikayume because I swear I've only ever bumped into girl ones? What have you been up to recently?" he asked her, the last one for the second time now, before pausing for a moment and asking. ..."Do you still hate my father?"


Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
It seemed she had asked a winning question. Riyota's initial silence had caused the woman to glance behind herself, in the process catching the signs of Riyota's inner turmoil. A smirk appeared on the kitsune's lips as she realized that Riyota's passed may be an interesting point for her to dig into at a later point; especially after he gave her such a half-hearted deflection in typical Riyota-like way. "I disagree. You are calm and patient, and I am sure you would have the most delicate of touches if only you practiced." The priestess's foxears drooped down, realizing that Riyota would have much practice ahead of himself, or even just recently, to cope with his injury.

...She stopped her walking when she had reached a training field adjacent to the academy. Her emerald eyes wandered to the nearby building; it certainly had suffered its share of damage and repair over the years. Like most of the village and its inhabitants. (Come to think of it, the first time I saw Riyota was when he fell out of the academy...) She blinked. Actually, she could still imagine Riyota clumsily stumbling about the same way even now, years later. "Mph-haha...M-my apologies.." The memory caused her to suddenly begin snickering, unable to restrain her amused giggle. "I was only thinking of how even though you've changed, your You are nothing if not reliably stable. Whereas myself....Hmm. I suppose I had wanted to a medical shinobi..." She spoke, pausing for a moment. Was that true though? Now it was her turn to put all sorts of 'tells' on her face as she collected her thoughts on her past. Did she truly wish to be a medical shinobi, or was that just an excuse? A part of her at some point had truly wanted to help others...But at some point, that dream of hers became twisted and lost to her ambition. Even now, her focus was narrow.

...Her thoughts were thrown off track by Riyota's next question however.

"There are not too many males born in my clan. If thirty Aikayume were in a room...perhaps four or five would be male." The kitsune shut her eyes for the moment, envisioning the last time she was at the Shrine. There were so few, she could name them all. Being able to recall the names and faces of each Aikayume was one of the many lessons she was forced to learn growing up as heiress to her clan...for all the good it had helped her. "Most of the men in the Aikayume were originally from other clans. Aikayume do not marry, but are very welcoming toward outsiders." 'Welcoming' was abit of an understatement; they were actually quite amazonian in regards to convincing others to join them. "If I were still welcome in the Aikayume, perhaps I would bring you into the clan, Riyota..." She smirked at him as she joked; tricky foxes they were.

Her green eyes narrowed into a glare at the mention of Akkuma's name, as if hearing it insulted her. "...You would do far better with me than with the Miroku, after all." This was a topic she had wished to avoid for as long as possible; of all people, why did Riyota have to have ties to that demon? Hadn't Akkuma caused her enough trouble? "Miroku Akkuma...My own family tossed me from my home because I was 'tainted' by his cursed seal. I lost my family, my home, and my power...And I have hurt so many people while trying to reach him...lost myself to filth and substance. I even attacked you and Kyuji-sensei..." Though her curse seal no longer corrupted her with dark impulses, she had not yet had the opportunity to master it. "Tell me why I should not hate that...thing." She asked, turning to stare at him. The thought that his ties to him could even possibly affect his opinion of her terrified her.
May 6, 2015
As they walked he couldn't start a slight blush forming in his cheeks as she complimented his patient nature. It was the most minor of comments, yet hearing it from her made him feel incredibly flustered and humbled, for reasons he could not explain.

Eventually she stopped, and he stopped with her, taking in the sites of the academy as she did.'Jeez, they really left this place to rot...' Although Riyota had never attended the academy much in his youth he remembered the corridors being full of wide-eyed students ready to start their very first lessons, now the old building was all but abandoned. It was a sad fate really.

His recollection was halted by the sound of laughter to his side. He looked over to see the kitsune lightly snickering to herself, and Riyota smiled as it was probably the first time he had seen her genuinely laughing. He was about to ask her what was so funny, but he decided that he really didn't care. Seeing her happy, her expression filled with joy, was more than enough for him.

He stood and listened to her brief explanation of her wish to become a shinobi. He wasn't focused enough to pick up on all the nuances of her intonation. So he didn't detect any information being withheld. "Nothing's stopping you from continuing to do that." he smiled. "If I'm any example we can never have enough medics." he winked cheekily in an attempt to coax another laugh out of the golden haired fox before she answered the last of his questions.

She told him of the Aikayume's severe lack of men. Riyota's thoughts started to wander on to how they managed t reproduce enough with that few men. Just before his thoughts got to the action phase, Azusa, as if detecting the incoming dirty thoughts, answered his question. "Oh, I suppose that makes sense..." he replied, his eyes shifting slightly.

Before Riyota could react to the fox's sly comment about bringing him into the clan the conversation turned bitter once more. He stood in stoic silence as she explained her hatred of his adopted father. Listening intently as she let all the hatred she had for him out into the open air.

When she was finished, he slowly approached her, and lowered himself down to look directly into her eyes. "When I was eleven, Akkuma adopted me...took me in when I had no-one." he explained, he would raise a hand to silence her if she tried to reply. "However..." he continued, and as he did he slowly raised his shirt to reveal a vile black spot on his flesh, just below his left pectoral. "Shortly after he did this, the combined effort of him and a woman I don't know." Riyota's eyes would look down as he lowered his shirt. "When I told you I was a monster, when I told that sennin I was an abomination ten times worse than you, none of it was a lie." He returned his gaze to hers. "Akkuma helped turn me into an abomination, an abomination that took me five years of isolation to suppress and I'm not even sure if I've done it completely." he sighed, and let the silence hang for a long moment. "I spent years convincing myself that he was a good man, but I've realized that the only good thing he's ever done is take me in, and I've begun to feel he had ulterior motives for even that." Riyota's eyes would start to water slightly. "And now I've seen what he's done to you, I consider my debt to him repaid, and now I can't turn a blind eye to all the other things he's done. Azusa, don't judge the Miroku for what Akkuma is, the majority of them are good people, honest people." Glancing around one last time before looking at her again. "If you still hate him, as I have grown to hate him, then tell me. Should I make him face justice for what he has done?" he asked her, solemnly.

"Should I kill the man I called my Father for so many years?"


Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
She was going to speak —of course she was, she was Azusa— but Riyota had motioned her to wait. So she did; and the kitsune's eyes did not move from Riyota during this at all. Her tails, normally flowing lively behind her, remained perfectly immobile. Not even a single hair moved.

She was giving him the chance to speak his mind and intent on a matter that she felt so strongly about. And because this was Riyota, she was willing to listen to what he had to say.

Riyota showed her the cursed mark branded on him; the fox scowled with disgust. Of all people, Azusa knew these seals offered up tremendous capabilities to those bearing it...But of all people, she too understood that such dark power came at an equally frightening cost. In her case, her curse mark took hold of what she wanted most -petty vengeance- and forced it to the surface of her mind, perverting that desire into a self-centered goal should forsake everything else in her life for, up to and including herself. If not for the actions of Toraono, even now she would still be lost to that insanity...
It was an ugly thing, that brought forth her ugly side. She hated it; but at the same time could not be rid of that brand.

Did Riyota go through the same struggles that she did? Her heart ached for him...

Riyota could go through physical torment that would drive lesser shinobi insane, and remain stoic throughout. But the tears Riyota shed from the memories he had, and the decision he had ended up coming to...The conclusion that his father was a monster. Seeing this affect her stalwart protector so much? It filled her with even stronger resentment than seeing his Curse mark had. "....." She felt her body grow cold. Her small figure trembled in silent fury. Her claws ached. Her breathing deepened.
How -dare- Akkuma place her sweet Riyota through such pain.

"....I was worried that you would try to persuade me out of pursuing Akkuma." Azusa spoke. "If you had told me there was some good to him, I could have convinced myself I was wrong for chasing him. It is so, so tempting to take you, Riyota, and run; leaving behind my sins, the damage I caused, or my anger...But I know I would regret it." To forget about her sins toward her allies, to forget about her grudges toward Akkuma. The shrine maiden knew that if she did act on those desires, she would be haunted by her own cowardice for the rest of her unnatural life. "Yet...If even his own son cannot support him, then my grudge against him isn't selfish; its justice. I am not wrong for pursuing it. I was never wrong in my feelings." Riyota had helped her overcome any lingering doubts she held about her vendetta; she had already let herself be consumed by it once afterall.

The Aikayume kitsune were guided by their extreme emotion. "I have not forgotten or forgiven what my own family had done to me. I will have the Aikayume submit themselves to me, and reshape my clan in the way it was meant to be." The Kitsune priestess had spoke in an unwavering tone. "...If I am incapable of forgiving even my own family, do you think I would care for the Miroku in the slightest?" The fox stated bluntly. "....But I care about you, Riyota. Because you ask it of me, I won't extend my grudge against Akkuma toward the rest of the Miroku. Not out of concern for them, but for you."

For as much respect and fondness she held toward her chosen knight...She held disgust and resentment toward Akkuma. And if she were forced to weigh the two against one another? Well...Akkuma had indirectly turned Azusa's family against her; the thought of doing the same to repay Akkuma was far, far too enticing for the vixen to pass up; there was no hesitation. The fox suddenly closed the distance between the two in a single step that was more like a leap, rising to the tiptoes of her barefeet to breath the most hushed of whispers into Riyota's ear;
"Punish Akkuma for me, Riyota." A simple phrase, but vague enough to protect herself from possible curious ears.

"...I will not discuss any more in the open like this. If you wish to press me for more, then bring us somewhere free from wandering curiosity. Somewhere I can be absolutely certain it is just me and my favorite knight."

...The fox said.

May 6, 2015
Riyota slowly recovered his composure as she spoke, internally he cursed himself for breaking down in front of her. He stood up straight again and made sure to dry his eyes, in the process removing some of the make-up that covered his facial scars. He took deep breaths as he listened. Steeling his rampant emotions once more, nodding along in agreement with the fox's words, and thanking her when she promised to spare the Miroku.

He gave her a slight suspicious glance at the word favourite, unsure of what she had chosen such a strange intonation for it. It was especially strange because as far as he knew he was her only knight, but for now at least he elected to ignore it. His body froze for a moment as she whispered in his ear, and all he could do was nod once more in response to her order to punish the demon lord. Turning to face Azusa again his eyes darted over to the academy building. "I feel this matter requires further discussion, so I must request that this time, you follow me." he smirked ever so slightly before taking off towards the doors of the academy for Azusa to follow.

Assuming the kitsune did so the pair would find themselves in a dimly lit, run down classroom. Most of the surfaces covered in dust, clearly not occupied for months, if not years. Riyota was loathe to bring her to such a location but they were short on options for the time being. Though he couldn't help but wonder if they'd ever fixed that hole that he'd made...

one of...the holes that he'd made.

Once he had found a relatively clean spot he turned back to speak with her. "As unused to saying it as I am, we can't go at this without a plan. Akkuma is evil, but also powerful, and although you yourself hold incredible power. I don't think even you would be able to take him on alone, and I don't know how well I could support you in my..." he paused and slowly glanced at the empty space where his arm should've been "...current state." His intention was certainly not to feel guilty, more to emphasise the fact that with his injury, Akkuma would annihilate him in a straight fight.

"So my lady, I beg you merely for time. Give me time to first talk to Akkuma, if we can solve this without bloodshed, if I can make him flee the village of his own accord, everything will be fine." he paused once again to let plan A sink in. "Plan B) If he refuses to leave, I will do what I can to stage a coup within the Miroku, and if you wish you can try to rally the Toraono. If we can raise an army, our victory will be assured." he gave her a look to indicate that he wasn't overly happy with this plan, but it was likely their only option. "After that, I'll work with the Miroku to find someone suitable to replace him." he moved a step closer to her. "I've never been one for plans Azusa." he smirked, "So please let me know if you have something better."


Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Azusa loved it when she was listened to, and though she did not comment on it, her ears perked up in upon seeing Riyota agree to bring them somewhere she didn't have to worry about eyes and ears straying too close to her business. Oh, how cute she found Riyota to be when he obeyed her! The fox clan's priestess eyed Riyota the entire trip until they arrived at a suitable location.

...And 'suitable' was a very, very strong word. The room was downright filthy; she could see the rays of light shining through the dust floating in the air! Her expression upon seeing this room presented to her was one of disgust.

...But this was Riyota. And he tried his best. So the fox sighed, and begrudgingly entered the room with a shiver down her spine. (This dust will stick to my tails...) She was certain her tails would lose some of their golden luster after this...

Riyota had found a...less-dirty area for her, but even so, the miko refused to sit on the floor or stray too close to the wall. She never allowed her tails to brush against surfaces and walls outside her home. Much less in one such as this. It brought back memories of when she was staying in the slums of Grand Palais during the lowest points of her life...but fortunately, Riyota began to explain his thoughts to her before she hung herself too much on the past. And she listened; pleased that Riyota had actually been taking her request seriously.

She did not interrupt until Riyota had requested time to speak with Akkuma. "...Without Bloodshed?" The fox repeated, quizzically. The glare her eyes shot Riyota was as if he had yelled profane insults at her. She...had made a mistake. How foolish of her. "!!" Of course. It made sense to her now; if Riyota were able to forgive her for all the suffering she, herself, inflicted upon him...Why shouldn't she have expected him to show the same mercy to his own father? She understood this...But she couldn't accept it!

...She wanted to have an absolute monopoly of his concern and affections! Riyota agreeing to side with her wasn't enough; she wanted his absolute devotion, she wanted thoughts only of her to dominate his mind. The thought of Riyota showing concern about the well-being of someone other than her? The kitsune woman decided to wring out those feelings from him here and now before they grew into a larger problem in the future.

Without a word, Azusa turned around and proceeded to the doorway of the classroom, engaging the lock with an audible '*click*, before turning and closing the distance between the two of them. She reached out to take hold of his hand, and if allowed, placed it atop the left side of her chest. "Feel me, Riyota. The beating of my heart...So long as Akkuma's does the same, I will never be able to rest." She knew it was selfish of her to ask Riyota to turn against his own father; but she could not stop herself.

"...I do not think I will be able to fight him as I am now. Not without that vile cursed seal." the fox spat out. Her spiritual rebirth as a Toraono had stabilized her Curse Seal into a form of dark chakra that didn't constantly fuel her with malice; but this was only when dormant. Since then, the fox priestess made no attempt at activating the accursed thing, despite knowing the power it could grant her...and insatiable hunger it bestowed on her. She was loathe to acknowledge it, but she may not have a choice when it came to confronting Akkuma. "But we do not need an army, Riyota. I have you...and you will have me. Is that not enough? Am I not enough?" The vixen questioned, weaving her very real affection with very feigned insecurity. "I will not share my victory with anyone...except you, my proud little knight. Know that there is nothing I would not share with you."

"Slay Akkuma for me Riyota...this is something I only trust you enough for. When I said I would bring you into the Aikayume, I was only half-joking; I will show you just how serious I can be when taking care of what is mine. I will be all the family you need, Riyota..." The more she spoke, the further her hands wandered up from his hand, his wrist and arm, to his shoulder, before reversing down to his chest...and the more "personal space" seemed to no longer exist as a concept to her.

Riyota had a weakness; he was a male, with affection for her. Even thinking of manipulating this filled her with disgust; but she could not give up her desire for revenge, and was not above using that a weapon to get what she desired.

May 6, 2015
It seemed his plan was not a popular one. Not in the slightest, in fact this plan could probably go down in history as the least popular plan to have ever been devised. At least that was the impression he received from the vixen's glare.

Riyota was not stupid, not by any means. However, he was not insightful, his ability to read situations, emotions and people was severely lacking, and thus, when Azusa drew closer to him. Placing his hand on her. All he could think of was how warm she felt, and he failed to see how she was about to manipulate him thoroughly. She spoke slowly and softly, explaining to him how she could not be at peace whilst his Father still drew breath. Riyota could feel the rhythmic beat through her chest. Over and over, repeating the same pattern. He was no expert on anatomy, but the rhythm certainly didn't strike him as abnormal in any way.

As they stood, close to one another. She thoroughly explained all her issues and grievances with the plan he had devised. She didn't want Akkuma to live, she didn't want any outside assistance. She wanted son to kill father, if one were to wash away all the honey from her words. They would be an order, a demand for her pet to kill...

She went on further, about how she refused to share victory with anyone but Riyota, how she would share everything with Riyota, How she was everything Riyota needed, and within his mind her words rang true.

...But Riyota was not stupid...

As her hand moved his lower he softly pulled it away, there was no force or speed behind the movement. No malice or anger, if she had resisted the motion even slightly it would've ceased. It was his turn to speak, and speak he would.

" not mistake my fear of Akkuma for affection." he looked upwards to her, his gaze pointed down until this point. "I am not so much of a coward to admit that I am terrified of fighting him." he didn't blink, he continued to gaze at her, trying to make his intentions clear. "You made me swear to protect myself, even if you were my opponent. So, to protect myself, I don't want you going anywhere near Akkuma. I don't want you to fight him, not even with me, because even before I would not be enough, and now I only have one arm...He would kill you Azusa, plain and simple, and I would suffer more than any physical injury could ever hope to accomplish." He looked down, and she would see him trembling even if she no longer held him to feel it.

"This is me protecting myself, this is me making a demand! I will fight Akkuma, and you will not intervene, because if you do. It will kill me." He stared intently at her, making her aware of every emotion he was feeling all at once to the best of his ability.

"Every victory I accomplish will forevermore be in your name, you will share that triumph with no-one, that I will promise you." He paused. "But a deal is unfair without compromise, Akkuma will die, but you will let me handle everything." His voice twisted his words halfway between a demand and a desperate plea.

"You are eternally the center of my affections...That fact will remain true as long as I breathe and even beyond that." He pulled even closer to her. "I do not pity Akkuma, but I choose to pity others because a monster does not pity." He explained, "Humans choose to pity because it hurts, we choose to empathise, sympathise, to FEEL because it hurts! Pain is what makes us Human, I do not pity those beyond pity. I pity those who need it."

He stared intently at her once again, "And you have never been the object of my pity, only of my love." He told her, mere inches away from her face.


Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Throughout all of their talk, Azusa had been observing Riyota's mannerisms. What he enjoyed. What made him blush. What made him upset. The kitsune was constantly observing him; how could she not? Riyota was her favorite knight afterall, a fact that was most certainly not a lie. She wanted to note all the ways of pushing him out of his comfort zone. It was something of a hobby for her, you see.
The fact that he was her only guardian was complete beside the point.

When Riyota avoided her touch, Azusa noticed. For a brief moment, the corner of her lip raised to a smirk and her tails swayed ever so slightly behind her; abit to the left, abit to the right, and again a bit to left before becoming still. She had found something. Resistance? Or perhaps shyness? Maybe innocence?
...There was no difference between these in her mind. This was fine; if Riyota were going to play coy with her, then the kitsune had no trouble being forced to pursue. She was a huntress afterall; and right now, Riyota appeared as absolutely delectable prey.

But she waited. And gave Riyota the same respect he had shown her, not interrupting him.

He was asking the impossible; and he wanted no compromise less than what he had wanted. Azusa was proud of how bold Riyota was being, despite his worries about Akkuma. How open and honest he was being! How passionate the shinobi before her was capable of becoming for her sake! Yes! This was someone she took pride in calling her knight! Oh, if only he had known the trouble he was bringing upon himself by fueling her attraction.

....But even so; he was asking the impossible! He knew what Akkuma was to her...and yet he asked, no, demanded that she avoid him confronting him? She wanted Riyota to fight Akkuma; but she intended to be there with him, and show that she had the strength to take from him just as he had done to her. "How bold. I have already agreed not to extend my grudge against Akkuma to the rest of the Miroku, and you would 'demand' me to not pursue Akkuma? Were it not for my fondness of you, I would be offended, Riyota." The priestess spoke. Her tone was not harsh or even irritated; but matter-of-fact in nature. "...But I am fond of you. And I just may be too soft on you. Still; you tell me to stay away after seeing you tremble from speaking his name? Do not be ashamed of fearing Akkuma. He...scares me too. Not because of what he is, but because of what he made me. I know you have never pitied me, Riyota. Even when I was at the most disgusting point in my life, where I had not an ounce of pride or dignity...You looked at me with the same respect you always had." ...Perhaps that was when her affection had turned to love; but even that had been been drowned out by her spite toward Akkuma. And even now, it was difficult for her to balance the two.

"Still; I have already granted you one favor. You will have to convince me to even consider granting one as large as this." She smirked; having already decided. "...You speak these words of 'love' and 'affection' for me, yet hide from my touch...Does my touch offend you, Riyota?" The kitsune taunted; she could not let that go, of course.
May 6, 2015
The huntress was counterattacking, but the prey had not yet lost the battle. His demands had annoyed her, but she had not yet rejected them. That meant Riyota still had a chance, the only problem was that he had no clue what she was asking of him. All he knew was that she believed that her touch had offended him somehow. This situation certainly required rectifying.

He grabbed her hand, slowly but incredibly gently. "Azusa, nothing makes me feel greater warmth than your touch. There is no possible way it could offend me." He gently ran his thumb over her knuckles, still lightly gripping her fingers. He then lifted her hand up towards his face and kissed it softly. "My worry was your inattentiveness, my hand began to fall, uncharted territory... so to speak." He cleared his throat awkwardly and a visible blush was appearing on his cheeks.

Whatever I must do to convince you I will do it." He explained, recomposing himself. "If you demanded I chew off my other arm I would do it...though that might make fighting Akkuma a little more difficult...I suppose I could kick him to death?" He theorised, swiftly losing his train of thought. "So, what must I do to convince you? I will do anything you desire." He told her, genuine honesty visible in his gaze.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
