Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private [report] Keep friends close, enemies closer.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
The hidden pathways and entrances through the checkpoints to the Hokage office, in constant watch of the ANBU enabled the ANBU Sennin a quick and easy way to the doors leading into the office. Him and Toshi, still in full ANBU attire made their way there and gave a quick knock to the office and walked in with a brisk pace. He stood first, nodded with a curtsy to the Kage, presumably sitting or standing in his office. Looking back to Toshi, expecting him to keep low on his knees.

"Hokage-sama. I bring news, a murder has occurred within the city limits, clearly that of a Shinobi against Shinobi, while normally I would handle these matters myself within the Branch itself. However, this news is particular in it's nature of a possible culprit that this Anbu Student has brought evidence and suspicion of. They seem to have caught our previous dinner guests make a hastily retreat. Possibly to escape the ramifications this murder might ensue."

"Now, show the Hokage your snapshot." indicating for Toshi to show the snapshot to Takeshi.

[Private thread between Toshi, Keiji and Takeshi.]
[Continuation from this thread: ]


Mar 11, 2021
The boy noted the path they took to the Hokage's Office. If he had time, he'd study the mapping of the quarters with other ANBU. They could give advice on different routes for exit emergencies. As they walked into the office, he took a knee, bowing his head to the Kage. This is the place where problems were solved, a place where peace could be delivered to the villagers, a place that gave hope to the hopeless. He would stay at a knee until he was called upon.

"No problem." He moved forward. Being an audience to a decision maker meant to keep his findings accurate.


"Two suspects." Keeping things brief, he himself could conclude that they weren't civilians of the village. With the constant recent attacks on the village, patrols would probably be implemented. He would speak what was on his mind of given a chance. Until then he would keep his ears open for further orders.

[ Topic Entered ]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi sat at the office desk as the morning was interrupted, for a few seconds he figured he would watch the figured that entered into the office for a few moments. He listened to the news from Keiji and a flash of anger came across his face at the moment that the news was announced of this. It seemed that lies and hatred where all the clan that had once more gone were known for. Their history was a smear of their own hate and inability for forget the past it seemed. The came to this village, house and had potentially left with a act that would be considered the worst in the world.

"I see, so it does seem with the evidence, and with the recent actions that we can all put this under one big bubble of them trying to start issues between everyone, when clearly this is not the case at all. I think giving all the well frankly pretty clear signs this was an action done by mercenaries once again. It seems they are a plague that does not go away any time soon, not sure the issue is there, but things are discussed behind closed door. I guess the first question is what is the loss to the village?"

He allowed his eyes to fall upon the other ANBU as he beckoned the man to stand up, and gestured both of them to sit down, it was clear that the ANBU had done a lot of work into this he wouldn't dismiss him right away and allow him to hear the conversation that the three of them would now be having inside of the office.

[Topic Entered]


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
He nodded to the Anbu in Training to follow along with the Hokage's invitation to take a seat.
"It would appear so." He merely replied as he sat himself in one of the opposite seats from across Takeshi's table.
"This is an act of defilement of your house, home and world. I won't deny their presence at the meeting seemed like an odd one, they didn't really bring forth anything except vague threats of war, conflict and betrayal when in truth the true acts of all of these are perpetuated by them and them alone." He took a deep breath and sighed to himself. "What's our next move?" He looked intensely towards Takeshi.

Half expecting him to reply that they'll figure it out tomorrow he adjusted himself in his seat almost readying to leave again, hesitating for a second though as he assessed Takeshi's body language.. An inkling in him.. Perhaps he saw a spark of action in Takeshi's eyes due to the frustration this revelation brings..


Mar 11, 2021
Sitting down across from the Kage, the boy began to listen to the two conversate. He would give his own input when he could. Thinking of the village and what it meant to him, his means of action had a direction. The results of said action were currently not known, though he thought out a few scenarios. While listening to his ANBU senior, his ears caught words of a war. The young Yuki knew that he'd have to go out more and make sure the village's Shinobi were up to par with a plan to defend the village. He'd ask about how the attacks affected them in life and make sure their fighting skills were up to par with war standards.

War probably wasn't on everyone's mind, but the boy's heart told him that he would defend the village no matter what came it's way. He would look for the right time to give his own input. He thought of those that he knew, getting inspiration from the thoughts that they had. He would speak off of what he learned in life.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to sit in the chair opposite the two and ponder his next words carefully, the anger inside of him was a whirlwind but that would not solve anyone's issues right now, no he needed to be calm and collected. Jumping into situations was what caused problems in the past, as he sighed he leaned back in the chair keeping his eyes on the Sennin for a few moments, it was clear that he needed to address this issue as it kept coming up, and really it was becoming more of a hassle. Though he knew full well that the situation had solved another one.

"Your captain is dead, only weeks after moving back to the village, an interesting situation, on the notes of that I will personally find your replacement, Captain. Someone who is born into the darkness of an ANBU life. I will send them to you when I have found the right candidate for your judgment."

As he turned his head to the newer member, it seemed that people changed all the time now, but this one served the village well at least he could tell that much. Between the three of them, they needed to make sure that this information did not spill far and wide, it wouldn't do any good to spread panic.

"We put those two back on the Bingo book, clearly the hand of friendship was slapped back at us, strange and unneeded but that is the way they are. For now, our focus should be on peace, it seems that with other villages and our actions from our past, we are growing distance that is not what is required right now. I am sure you can agree. What we do need is however people we can trust to keep the peace, tell me this member of your branch, how far away is he from stepping into the full ranks of yours?"

As he waited to see what reply he would get from his ANBU Sennin, he needed to start to get head counts in and gather the strength of the village.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
His eyebrow raised slightly at the mention of the Hokage himself finding the replacement.
Nodding approvingly though he responded "I appreciate it."

Listening the Kage make his decisions and ask further into Toshi's career Keiji nodded firmly and turned his gaze to the young AiT.
"If I understand correctly, there's still a fair bits off from a promotion, but I'm sure we can put some challenges on his table and get him ready for these troubling times we're heading into."

Looking back to Takeshi he addressed the final issue. "I'll make sure the Bingo Book is updated, sir. Then we can start looking into putting out some patrols and keep a look out for their descriptions. I fear we currently don't have the crew available to go on dedicated hunts as of this moment, but we'll prioritize it."

"We'll get right to it."
With that said, he turned around and indicated to Toshi to follow along.
As they would walk towards the door and leaving the office as they both walked through the doorway he whispered only so Toshi would hear. "No word of this to Nao, wouldn't want him worried too much.."

[Thread Exit unless stopped]


Mar 11, 2021
'That was that Captain. They would even kill an ANBU these days.' The boy let the thought sink in as he knew the Kage was somewhat disappointed with the events. But as he said, upholding and defending what we have was probably the best case of action. As the Bingo Book was mentioned the AiT made note to look it over. He wouldn't let in a single face that he recognized from it, and he would report it back to the Kage. Hunting seemed to be out of the question due to the current busyness of the branch. He looked for ways to stand out by aiding others in the village when he could. Using such methods to find his own direction in life. Studying after the more experienced ANBU was always great. They always gave great pointers when it came to knowing your masteries. He knew that it was time to step up and make some helpful moves for the village. He looked forward to the challenges.

As Keiji finished his reply to the Kage, he gave the boy ear to follow him. The boy nodded, bowing to the Kage once more, showing his respects, and then leaving behind Keiji.

The boy knew to keep his lips sealed as he wouldn't approach Nao with any of the ANBU business. It would his job to take care of his duties. "No problem, ANBU worries won't ever reach Nao." Having Keiji with him in the ANBU gave him a bit of assurance that he would be the best that he could be. Knowing that he was home as well gave him the opportunity to ask where he would have to brush up his skills. Not only on the battlefield, but off the battlefield as well. The steps to becoming a better ANBU was still open to everyone, it was just up to the individual to have the paper and pen to take note. He told Nao that he made AiT, but nothing as far as this killing would reach Nao. He could only wonder where this mishap would lead to. Hoping the best, he'd stay on his duties of protecting the castle.

[ Topic Left ]
[ MFT | WC: +250 ]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to listen to everyone speaking, it seemed that the future would not be as simple as the nice peaceful time that he wanted in his life, but of course, this was something he would have to learn the hard way, he would have to make sure that moving forward the whole situation and the village was kept up to date with everything, communication would be key for the future and he knew that. As he allowed a sigh to escape his lip he leaned back in the chair watching the others leave to get ontop of this matter.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
