Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open [Requesting Passport] Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner!

Akira Kazan

Well-Known Ninja
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
After leaving his home and heading to the village, The Scarlet Serpent swiftly made his way through the gates towards the Torre Empirea. Today, he was once again dressed in a full armor; this time, he wasn't here to fight or stir problems. In fact, Kazan felt it was time to truly find himself and embark on a pilgrimage across the land. A figure from the past, known as Sude Sairasu had stirred some emotion within him that made him question the reality of the world. While he did attempt to previously challenge the Raikage and one of the Sennin, it was not out of anger or frustration. In fact, it was simply to see if they'd answer the challenge and they did without hesitation. However, in truth he didn't understand the point in testing their readiness and acknowledged that it was a stupid decision on his part. It was his own readiness that needed testing, and he hadn't realized that until a giant snake named Ryntharok beat some sense into him.

That combined with his time spent in village, albeit short, had slowly began to reshape his mind. With this new formation, it was his desire to explore and see how things were for himself rather than simply taking orders. Now, he sought to leave the country and explore parts of the known shinobi world. This time, he'd ask for permission rather than acting first and asking for forgiveness later. As he approached the Empirea, he noticed the five giant skyscrapers. The sight was a lot to take in at first, but he quickly found his way down to one of the buildings and entered. After a brief wait, he approached someone at a desk and introduced himself while also explaining the reason for his visit. "Good Morning, my name is Akira Kazan. I'm here to apply for a passport." He'd tell the person at the desk, while waiting on their reply.

[Wc: 300+][Marked for Something]
The work never stops for Yuna does it? She had a relatively quiet day so far, catching up on some paperwork when her comms on her headset buzzed to life. It seems someone is at the Torre Empirea looking for access to a passport. Normally, any of the three Sennins would be able to handle it. Normally. But ever since she had rose to the position, it really seemed that the other two Sennin haven't shown much face. The Anbu Sennin would sigh before leaving her own office and heading to Torre Empirea.

By the time she got there, the receptionist would have followed guidelines to escort the person to a separate office where passports were usually handed out. Yuna had worked a little bit on rearranging it in her early time as Sennin but to no avail. Probably would do well to get sealing scrolls for peoples names a through z to reduce the clutter and cabinets needed. Walking in, she would see Kazan, the Main Branch Jounin that has made a splash on her radar as someone who at first, seemed like trouble but had quickly learned his past mistakes. Of course, Kazan would only see Yuna as Sennin Abyss as he had before, plain anbu garbs with a plain white mask.

"Akira Kazan. What brings you here to request of a passport?" She would inquire. Yuna would hope that he would give a detailed reason as to why, which would make it easier for her to give him a passport rather just a plain response of just to travel.
Surprise, surprise. After being lead by a receptionist, Kazan once again found himself face to face with someone who was starting to become a rather regular figure in his life. His face showed a brief expression of shock, before settling back down to normal. Abyss greeted him and asked a rather simple question, that unfortunately had a somewhat of a complicated answer. Pausing for a moment, he he brought his hands together, grabbing his right wrist with his left hand, down by his waist. "I wouldn't have guessed such a high ranking figure within our village would handle this. I'll try my best to make this brief then, though there isn't a simple answer to that question." Kazan explained, as he once again took note of the Anbu Sennin's stature. "I wish to go on a spiritual pilgrimage to the land of fire, the land of wind, and perhaps even the land of water. He stated, with a nod and a sighed before he continued.

"Some time ago, before my arrest, I met a man named Sude Sairasu. He claimed to be a former Sennin of the village, and ever since meeting him my sense of duty has been a skewed. While the Cloud will always be my home and it will always have my complete loyalty, there is a lot out in the world that I don't know or understand." He'd state, followed with a short pause. Before Abyss could comment, he'd finish explaining what he had in mind. "It's my hope that if I visit foreign lands, I might obtain some understanding their will and resilience, as well as their customs and culture, so I could better serve our village. I also my hope to build foreign friendships and to learn about the Uchiha of the fire country, since there isn't even an official clan of us here within the village. He'd say. And with that, it was up to the Abyss to decided how things would play out.

Kazan had a lot to say, but perhaps more details and explanations would help further his cause.
"The job of handing out passports falls on the Sennin and Raikage, though there can be elected officials that can do the job." Yuna would reply to Kazan's surprise about high ranking officials taking on a job like this. She would then listen to his request. He wanted to visit three whole countries. Fire country, Wind Country, and Water. The first one, Fire Country, and by it's extension, Leaf Village, she sees no problems with. Alliance was broken when her and Miro had visited Leaf, but was quickly fixed when the Raikage and Ryu Rei had visited with a new treaty deal.

As for the other two... At least, on paper, Kazan visiting Sand shouldn't be a problem. However, Yuna knows full well that the Village is under new management what with Raizo gone, one of which is Mirokou Akkuma as one of its Sennin. She'll need to give Kazan explicit instructions for when he visits Sand. And as for Water country... She knows full well the dangers that live there, in fact she's been there herself to deal with a certain problem.

She listened more as he explained his reasoning until he had stopped. "Letting you go out on a spiritual journey along with finding out more information on the Uchiha clan for your own benefits is acceptable. However, I do ask that you follow some advice that I am going to give you and please, do not take it lightly. You are a Jounin of Cloud and therefor a representative of Cloud. Firstly, with Leaf. They are our allies and they should be treated as such. As for Sand... There is some complications. There is an individual in Sand called Mirokou Akkuma. He is by my books, a terrorist or a villain. He had ordered a mercenary to attack both Leaf and Cloud only to put the blame on Sand. The only reason why he is still alive and breathing is that he is now the Sennin of Sand, and we do not want to cause an all out war with another Village if we can avoid it. So I am asking that you do not seek him out, though I do suspect that he will find you sooner or later when you are in Sand. If, or rather when he does, do remain respectful. Any blood spilt on either side will warrant international conflict. As for Water Country. I have seen for myself the dangers that it poses, even to well seasoned shinobi."

She stopped to let him process the information. "I will also ask that before you go to the next Country that you send in a message back to Cloud to let us know of your safety. If you have any questions, ask away, if not, then let me know if you agree to my terms."
As he waited, he couldn't help but wonder if his travel plans would even be approved considering how the last few months had gone. With the arrest and trying to fight the villages leadership, it was a long shot to even ask. But then, the surprise of a life time happened as his brow raised and his ears perked. Abyss was not only going to allow him to travel, but was letting him in on some important information about the village's connection and tries to the other village. Of course, it also came with a warning about the sand village and specifically, a single individual. "Mirokou Akkuma..... Sennin of the Hidden Sand... Terrorist. Avoid." Kazan told himself, as he committed the name and instructions to memory. Things were indeed complicated, at least when it came to the Sand Village, but Kazan wouldn't involve himself in past quarrels if he could help it. At the very least, he wouldn't be the reason why the Hidden Cloud had to go to war.

But, at he continued to listen what really caught his attention was her comment about the water country. Supposedly the place was dangerous for even a seasoned Shinobi, which meant this place was somewhere he absolutely had to explore and survive. Oh, the stories he'd be able to tell once everything was said and done. As he pondered what awaited him in the land of water, his attention quickly shifted back to The Abyss. She asked for him to send messages back home before leaving one country to travel to the next, just to reassure the village of his safety and quite possibly keep them updated on his actions. Nodding in reply, he spoke. "I agree to those terms. But, I am curious about the water country. What dangers await me there? I've take great pride in myself as a hunter and survivalist, and I've even developed jutsu specifically to aid me in such instances." He'd ask and explain to The Abyss.

[Wc: 300] [Marked]
Yuna relaxed as Kazan agreed to her terms and then went on to ask about Water Country. It was... A total disaster to say the least. Not only was she having to deal with a whole country infested with monsters and the place seeming to sap her of energy and life force but she also had to deal with just how crazy her family really is.

"Water Country is a completely desolate and hostile place that doesn't care about anyone or anything. The place is filled with monsters that are never before been seen anywhere in this world. Along with that, the Country as a whole seemingly saps away at a person's energy and lifeforce. Given the harsh conditions of an icy tundra, one would think that a person with the affinity of fire or ice would be good." She shook her head, Along with my personal experience there, I had looked into it, the whole country is a mystery, but one thing is certain. Even those with the capabilities and well thought out plans to try and survive the Country no matter how powerful or lucky they think they are wouldn't last three days there. So because of this, do not try anything foolish and think yourself as invincible, because the country will prove you wrong. As for my own experience there, I had fought off armies of monsters, and it took my quick thinking to get out of being swarmed several times."
As he listened, a slight grin crept across his face. Abyss's explanation of the water country and their personal experience only caught his attention and made him want to visit the place even more. In fact, if anything his heart began to beat with excitement at the news. The land would apparently sap his strength, while he would more than likely be forced to endure wave after wave of monsters. This was definitely a challenge he wanted to experience. "Thats...." He'd say, with an excited tone before catching himself and reclaiming his composure. "I mean, that sounds like a daunting task. I'll definitely be cautious while I'm there." He'd tell him, knowing full well he probably wasn't going too.

At this point, there wasn't much else to say or do. Everything seemed like he was good to go. "Well, so how does this work from this point on?" He asked, before glancing over his shoulder. If it wasn't already obvious, he seemed a little eager to get things going. "I'd like to hurry home and finish packing for my pilgrimage. I've already begun in anticipation." He state.

So long as everything was fine, and Abyss had everything they needed, once they handed him his documents or instructed him on what to do next, he would quietly and politely take his leave. For him, a grand adventure that could very well change who he was as a person was about to unfold. His journey to the land of fire, wind, and water would be something he hoped he could reflect back on to help guide him down the road.

[Wc: 250+][Marked or Training]
[Topic left] <-- Once Passport is approved and Yuna/Abyss allows it.
She would sign off on his paper, giving the alias of the name Abyss. Going into detail that the Anbu Sennin is granting a main branch shinobi leave to explore the world. No doubt that there will be some raised eyebrows and people will automatically assume that Kazan is part of the anbu, and therefor...

"Give the paper to the secretary at the desk. She will write off on it. If anyone had seen that an Anbu had signed off on your papers, they might automatically think that you're anbu, and thus giving you unwanted attention."

With that, she would get up and leave, her footsteps barely even audible to even the trained ears of a shinobi.

(topic left unless stopped)
(passport granted)

Current Ninpocho Time:
