Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Research and Development - Improving the debriefing process [Medical Research]

Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
'To the Kunoichi and Shinobi of Konohagakure,

As part of researching how we, the medical ninja branch, can improve the mental health of our forces and the debriefing process after difficult missions, we are conducting anonymous surveys to ascertain the prevalence of nightmares and post traumatic stress disorders amongst our colleagues.

Please take the time to respond to this questionnaire. We understand that this is a very difficult process, and a very personal one. You are not required to put your name on this survey, and you are welcome to change names in order to maintain confidentiality.

We work in a very difficult field that can cause us grief. Some of us have had difficult childhoods which impact us now. It is important to note that you are not alone.

There is no shame in carrying wounds, especially those that are not necessarily visible. Should you need to talk about anything, our medical team is more than happy to help you, confidentially, on your journey to healing.

- The Konohagakure Medical Ninja Branch.'

1. Do you suffer from reoccurring nightmares? If so, can you explain the content of those nightmares?

2. Do you experience flashbacks or a sense of deja vu? If so, can you explain what is occurring during these times?

3. Do you find yourself losing emotional control? Do you feel there are any particular triggers?

4. Are the services provided by our branch appropriate? What can we do better?

Your assistance in our research and development is greatly appreciated.

[OOC: This is purely an 'in character' project, and is in no way meant to substitute professional advice. All responses to this should be in character.

If you, or anyone you care about is suffering from anything discussed in this thread, please seek proper professional advice. We care about you!]
The test was entirely drawn on with crayon, yellow crayon, to make the paper a hard on the eyes monstrosity. The only form of response to any of the questions seems to of been done with glitter glue that was recklessly used to write words about as well handwritten that a 5 year old with a pen may have been the one responsible. The author of this fine piece of literature had however written his name in the top right corner of the page in a simplistic black ink. Hideki Riku. He had also made sure to draw a small black ink smiley face beside his name.


1. Do you suffer from reoccurring nightmares? If so, can you explain the content of those nightmares?

There was a time in my life where I had dreamed of a land entirely made of my face, the mountains, the plants, the trees and even the animals had my face (including the spots on a cow). The noises were replaced with my voice in different tones, and this was a paradise. Sometimes though, my dream turns nightmare as each of the faces suffers a blemish, each having the slightest mark to ruin my perfection.

2. Do you experience flashbacks or a sense of deja vu? If so, can you explain what is occurring during these times?

I’m walking along, minding my own business, when mean people appear and start telling me I shouldn’t be doing what I’m doing. This happens a lot and I’m getting a sense of déjà vu.

3. Do you find yourself losing emotional control? Do you feel there are any particular triggers?

Anytime I look into a mirror, my face drives me close to madness in amazement. Admiring the jawline, the eyebrows and cheekbones of my face in its glory seem almost impossible, and it makes my mortal mind shudder.

4. Are the services provided by our branch appropriate? What can we do better?

I need more mirrors.

Your assistance in our research and development is greatly appreciated.
I know.
As one of the medical ninja, it is Ziren's job to further any development of any kind of research needed. This time, it was peculiar. From reading the questionnaire, it seemed like it was about post traumatic stress disorder. He grabbed a pen that was nearby and grabbed one of the sheets of paper and sat down in his own office to begin working.

1. Do you suffer from reoccurring nightmares? If so, can you explain the content of those nightmares?

"My brother. Of how he wanted to kill me. Other times, my nightmares consisted of a mercenary. The very person that my brother had ordered to kill my parents. I would see his face. And then relive the time in which he had also killed an entire caravan of people that took me in after my parents deaths. Of the weapon that he had used to attack me with, leaving a very noticeable scar on my arm." Then, as if on cue, Ziren could feel some kind of ghostly pain on his right arm. Right where his scar was that wrapped around his arm...

2. Do you experience flashbacks or a sense of deja vu? If so, can you explain what is occurring during these times?

"Flashbacks, not that much. But deja vu, yes. Looking back at some of this younger generation, it reminds me of how I used to be. Of how I got into trouble and whatnot. Though that is where the similarities stop. I have learned my lesson and always had a reason why I did what I did back then. The newer generation seems to get into trouble for no reason other than to make life harder for us higher ups." Ziren let out a sigh and fixed his glasses from falling off. He will have to look to getting these fixed to fit him. He listened to blood flow and heard the blood of none other than the kid who gets in trouble the most. Ziren poked his head out of his office to make sure the scoundrel wasn't harassing the patients and then happy that at least he wasn't doing that, Ziren went back into his office, keeping in mind if the child's blood flow in case if he does anything stupid.

3. Do you find yourself losing emotional control? Do you feel there are any particular triggers?

"Sometimes the problem is that I don't show enough emotions. See, I never really had a father figure so a lot of stuff, I have learned from books. I have grown and matured, and yes, I do show emotions now, but sometimes it is hard to connect to people through emotions, especially with my own understanding is different than others." This was all something that Ziren was well aware of.

4. Are the services provided by our branch appropriate? What can we do better?

"As part of the Branch, and you may know as well, the only problem right now is that we are short staffed on shinobi who can both fight as much as they can heal." This part was from his own small bit of research that he has done. In the means of reading books of history of those medical ninja who have been out to battle, that have died. He wants not only for the branch to grow, but for all the ninja and shinobi in the branch to be strong enough to be able to withstand the stress of battle.

Ziren signed the bottom if the paper, "Chigokai Ziren."

After which, he had went to the front desk and handed the paper in.
Kotori was looking left and write over the paper... despite her rank and everything, she still took a little bit of time to read things here and there... But once she started she did went through with filling the paper in.

1. Do you suffer from reoccurring nightmares? If so, can you explain the content of those nightmares?
So, I dreamt that I was friends with Harry Potter and that I was with him at Hogwarts, which, for some reason, looked awfully similar to my actual school in real life. All of a sudden, we were tasked with defeating zombies. We succeeded.

But then came the next challenge. We had to defeat zombies… except the zombies were old sand ladies dressed in Sarees. If they bit you, you’d turn into CURRY. The masala was strong with this one. Though we fought desperately, the zombie sand curry ladies latched onto us and bit. We lost. And we're reduced to curry. While I was unconscious, lying on the ground as a delicious bowl of curry, I could hear the voice of the zombie sand curry lady. She was listing the ingredients of the curry. Then threatened to marry it.

Harry and I woke up. Our bodies were regularly shaped, except made out of curry. It seemed like the zombie sand curry ladies were gone for the moment. I proposed that we go to school and ask the Headmaster old guy for help. When we walked into the building, we noticed that the curry spell seemed to have worn off, due to the magic of the school itself.

Cut to a completely different day. My friends and I are in the class were going home. Then I noticed that in the school’s multi-purpose room… there was a zombie sand curry lady! I panicked, told my friends about it, and we made a run for the village. My friend (who was a fifth grader at the time…) got into the trees. My other friend took the dirt road and I got into Forrest. Once we started to run, we saw the zombie sand ladies walking after us and stopped, we escaped. We celebrated our narrow escape.

The end. Hey, it was a nightmare with a happy ending. That still counts, right? I love curry and all… but not when I’m the main ingredient.

2. Do you experience flashbacks or a sense of deja vu? If so, can you explain what is occurring during these times?
Yes... I have them often as I skip in and forth in time! Just like the time, I wasn't supposed to go outside from the nurse due to my sickness and I still did! Or the one time she wanted to say something and I already said sure and left her baffled.
3. Do you find yourself losing emotional control? Do you feel there are any particular triggers?
Not really! I hate it when they don't hug me! (my parents)
4. Are the services provided by our branch appropriate? What can we do better?
I always get out healthy when I am sick or have a scratch again! Maybe add more treats... Lolly!
Your assistance in our research and development is greatly appreciated.

With that, she snickered to herself and started to sign it with her usual name. Kotori. After that she placed it where it belonged and made a run for it.

[MFT: 563]
[Topic entered and left.]
Reicheru attempted to sit still in her seat, but couldn't help but kick her feet and fidget with her pen. She made a few clicking noises with it, until it became apparent that it was bothering the person next to her. Finally, they brought the papers in. She and a few others at the academy had been held back after class, randomly selected to fill out an anonymous questionnaire. As the young girl scanned the questions, it seemed odd to her that they would be having them fill this out with their limited experience. Surely any information they received from them would skew the data? Maybe they were having trouble getting people to take the survey and just needed something? Regardless, Reicheru looked it over and did her best to answer well and honestly.[lb2][/lb2]

Medical Questionnaire said:
  1. Do you suffer from reoccurring nightmares? If so, can you explain the content of those nightmares?
    I don't know that I'd call it reoccurring, since it's only happened twice, and it was a little different each time. Still, it was so vivid - I'm standing at the village gates, and the sun goes from noontime position to setting in an instant. As the sky grows dark, and the background noise shifts from birds to crickets, it suddenly goes silent for just a few moments. Then, the noise begins to grow, reaches the pitch it had been before, and then quickly surpasses it. It becomes deafening, this indistinguishable sound. As the noise crescendos, the gates triple in size, looming over me. The doors open, like a mouth, ready to swallow me whole. But then, they turn and swallow everything around me instead; the forest, the buildings, the people, even that noise. Suddenly, everything is dark and silent, leaving me completely alone in a vast expanse of nothing.[lb2][/lb2]
  2. Do you experience flashbacks or a sense of deja vu? If so, can you explain what is occurring during these times?
    I mean, there are some students around here who remind me a great deal of an incident that happened between my father and another student last year. But that's more just a similarity in personality than déjà vu I guess. Though once or twice I've seen the boy from last year's face in place of theirs, for just a moment, so I guess that's something. Typically, it's when they're mouthing off to teachers and other authorities.[lb2][/lb2]
  3. Do you find yourself losing emotional control? Do you feel there are any particular triggers?
    Not often enough to be worth noting.[lb2][/lb2]
  4. Are the services provided by our branch appropriate? What can we do better?
    I honestly haven't interacted with anyone from the medical branch yet, so I can't really answer this question. And it's been because there hasn't been a need for me to, not because of inattentiveness on the branch's part. Though, maybe there could be semi-regular check-ins by the medical branch at the academy? I know we haven't been out on any missions yet, but like this survey says, a lot of us have had difficult childhoods. Maybe that's something we ought to be addressing earlier rather than later? Teachers and parents are great, but medics are on a whole different level of being able to help with that I bet. I know there are some who would benefit greatly from that, and a lot of us don't know if that's something we should be asking for help with. Everyone else around us seems so strong, so I guess we think we ought to be, too.
  1. [lb2][/lb2]

    Finished, the young girl looked back over the paper, wondering if any of that information would be useful. She kind of hoped that they would take her suggestion at the bottom into consideration, though she knew that their medics already had enough going on treating shinobi coming back from the field. Turning her paper in, she made her way to the Forest for an event of sorts that she'd heard about through the grapevine. This little pitstop would make it so that she'd be pushing it, but should could probably make it to the student sparring match on time.

Current Ninpocho Time:
