Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Contract Search Rest for a Sennin [Plant Contract Find]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
It had been just a few days since Shin had received the title of Sennin for Sunagakure no Sato. That change in itself was drastic enough, but that meant, until a new Medical Chief was appointed, he would be doing double duty. Where as before he was the main Shinobi responsible for the Omni Prime Medical Facility, he was now also responsible for the burdens and duties that came directly from the Kazekage's Tower, though they have yet to pile in too drastically.

`You know, if it would help you out... never mind.`

Kohana's voice would break through the peace of the oasis. A soft pond with flowers and trees that was the rare outcropping within the Land of Wind.

"No, go one, what did you have in mind?"

Shin sat up in his chair. He was wearing a simple white shirt and a pair of blue shorts, much like you would expect to see a beach goer wearing.

`You're going to be busy, and without you the Medical Branch may revert to how it was before... You're going to be busy with the Senninship that I was... No, no one would like it.`

Shin would huff slightly before speaking up slightly irritated.

"Just say it already!"

Kohana would appear before Shin, standing in her armor with a nervous look on her face.

"I know how to be Medical Chief alright? We share a body and mind after all. Everything you have done I was there. Everything you have seen and witnessed I was there. I know just as much as being a medic as you do since we share a brain."

She turned around with an embarrased look on her face.

"So like, I guess you could give me a body again and let me take care of what needs to be done in the Omni Prime Medical Facility while you move on to the Kazekage's Tower."

Shin's would go wide at the notion of separating the two of them.

"But, if we do this... It won-"

"I know it won't be like before you idiot. I know what you know. I know that if you place my soul into a Homunculus body our connection will be severed. I know that not only will you lose your Shadow, but you would lose your Persona as well. You will be weaker. You would have to train back up to where you are now. I know that isn't an ideal situation for a brand new Sennin. I get it. The idea was stupid anyways. I'll just shu-"

Shin would wrap his arms around his sister tightly.

"It won't be the same without you. I am who I am today because I have always had you covering me, protecting me. But if you think you would want to take over the Medical Branch in my stead, who am I to tell you no? We just..."

"We just need to make sure we don't have the same mistake like what happened with Sora... I know. I trust that you'll find the missing pieces needed to create a true Homunculus that can carry the weight of soul. I know you'll be able to do it Shin. I have faith."

[ Plant Contract Find ]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank

It seemed that while the plan for the day for the plant was to just bury itself in the ground and pretend not to exist away from everything, from the people, the noise, the lives that they took, and the work they so desperately tried to complete, he couldn't catch a break from it, even out here in the vast expanse of nothing but stand. There was always someone around with the commotions or woes that came with the human race, it was exhausting trying to avoid it, and he figured what better place than the desert to make sure he didn't get interrupted.

Even an oasis in a place like this seemed to draw the attention of others, it seemed like the man was treating this like a spar place, yet for most creatures around this area, it was a small opportunity to get much-needed water, to rest and to relax, even as his eyes set onto the water he knew that he had wandered for days without real nourishment or any intake bar the sun into his body, yet between him and that place was a chair, and two people it seemed to have that conversation. That said with conversation came distraction.

He grumbled internally as he was already router, but the temptation of a few moments of not having to worry, being able to relax, and making sure that he looked after himself was too tempting. Forced his body to move from the usual still state it was in, his legs breaking free from the sand, shifting small mounds around him, as he forced one free and then the other one free, he wanted to make sure that he didn't let such an opportunity go to waste, now all that lay between him and a small oasis was humans, but that was another matter on its own.

What would only be described as an interesting sight would appear next to Shin not paying mind, a tiny cactus just casually walking past him towards the small Oasis, no words spoken and almost attempting to be stealthy, even though it was not, instead it looked like a ball of stupidity just using all its effort to walk towards the other plants, the sand moving at the impact of its feat with each mammoth step it took to make this whole processes go quickly.

Anyone would normally consider this just an awkward moment but the fact that in the mind of this small creature, it was stealthy and unseen just made the whole interaction more unreal in those few moments, hitting the edge of the grass of the oasis, the plan wandered past the two Shinobi ignoring them without even glancing at them, before allowing himself to dig into the nicer ground and let his roots gently start to shift and worm into the ground, to absorb the water and get sunlight as it had been days without the water at least for this little cactus.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin would let out a sigh as his sister expressed her faith in him. While he felt as though he understood the science behind the practical application of homunculus soul creation, he had yet to execute the procedure correctly. He was about to respond when the most peculiar thing crossed his line of sight. A small cactus was roaming through the desert, walking like an animal. While it wasn't heard of to see phenomenal creatures like that of Tetsuya, he had never heard of a plant being able to walk on it's own accord without it being a creation of the Senju Clan. With his curiosity peaked he would raise a finger to his lips to gesture to his sister to be quiet. Shin slowly raised from his chair and raise a hand into the sky. A flutter of clouds would slowly gather as Shin would call upon a water style jutsu to summon a small shower of rain.

Looking into the sky, catching the rain into his face Shin could feel his sister's presence fade back into the void. A smile stretched across the Sennin's face as he twisted his foot and used his Secret Art: Floral Fields jutsu to cause the grass and plants of the oasis to expand to double it's previous radius. He let out a sigh as he let the rain cleanse his face of sand dust and sweat from the heat.

"The rain feels wonderful, doesn't it"

He would look down to the small cactus, stepping slightly closer to it, squatting down to be able to look it more directly in the eye.


Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
The cactus stopped moving when the rain came, it seemed to allow the roots to expand around him those few movements. The rain nursed its body as it enjoyed the change, however, it became startled by the shift in the form around it, the spines in its body coming out and hardening more, the sharp points a defense mechanism. its arms coming up to cover its eyes in that situation, it was taking the very mentality of it couldn't see the now shadow looming over it, then they could not see them either. A very optimistic and someone innocent mentality to have on the part of the plant.

Suddenly the voice could be heard breaking the silence, as it seemed that it was trying to engage in a conversation, time seemed to wait a little bit between the two of them before the arm slowly moved down to show one eye toward the voice, though it was startling for the little creature to see just how close that eye was, it had caught up on him without him even noticing, startled and flustered slightly the cactus almost pulled its roots from the ground as it moved up in the air in pure shock and startled.

its tiny arms flapping out as it tried to stabilize itself at that moment, knowing full well that it was trying to keep itself well-maintained in the ground.

"Why are you speaking to me, humans are not to be messed with, I shouldn't be talking to you, I am a cactus I swear, just an illusion that is right, something you made up in your mind!"

With that the little fella in desperation tried to stand still not moving a muscle between the two of them, trying to pretend and act like a normal plant that did not move or speak, it was almost an attempt at desperation to try and get out of the situation, as it stood there silent for what would be considered about ten minutes had passed, though there seemed to be no change between the two of them and he was still aware that he was the focus of this attention, if he wanted it or not, he was now in position that he would have to act or do something.

"Fine, the water is nice, happy now, if you excuse me I am just relaxing here, its like you have never seen one of my kind before"

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin grinned as the cactus finally spoke, he knew it was more than something ordinary. The Sage would begin to radiate natural energy as he would enter his Sage Mode, in an attempt to cause the little creature by showing he was one attuned to nature itself.

"That's just it, I have never seen someone of your kin before. I have met magnificent avian friends who held in them the heat of a star, but never have I met a friend quite as adorable as you."

Shin would chuckle at his own comments towards the wayward little plant. Being a cactus, he was very prickly both physically, and based on his personality, spiritually as well. Shin would look around the oasis for a moment and ponder how he could try and help this little guy out some.

"Don't go to far."

The newly appointed Sennin would take to his feet and walk towards the oasis itself. He would kick off his shoes into the freshly rained upon ground before wading out mid calf into the fresh water. Lowering his body into a Horse Stance, he would stomp his foot before punching towards the ground and raising his arms. Earth Style: Earthslide Wall. He would create a wide column of stone raise from the side of the oasis before causing it to stretch over the water and landing on te other side, creating a sort of cover and two walls, each facing east and west, to help prevent the sun's horrible rays from evaporating all of the water in the Oasis.

Slamming his fists together another impressive display of wood style would be demonstrated. Earth Style: Sleeping Forest. As Shin focused his natural energies to his surroundings the ground would shake as Desert Willow trees would begin to grow up towards the sun, casting more shade to the oasis to prevent premature evaporation.

"Almost done."

Jumping back out of the water, Shin would raise a hand to his mouth before raising a single finger. Exhaling firmly, a torrent of water would appear above his finger that sprayed out to the large oasis. Water Style: Mystical Pond. The water would grow, and it would become a more clean hue for those around the area.

A small, newly formed forest now sat around the Oasis.

"How's it look?


Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Sighing it seemed that the human would not leave him alone, as it moved around it tried to step aside from the man but at this point even with its size it knew that this task was what would be considered impossible, it couldn't get away in time and with nowhere to run to and at least the conversation heading the way it was, he found none to a little point on actually trying to run away from the conversation. He would just be followed no it looked like he was going to be stuck into this conversation if he wanted to or not.

"I suppose in this place, my kind would not be exactly something that you expect to run into, but I guess that we have to survive everywhere, I just got used to this climate, and used to roaming around it by myself, you just end up walking around and hoping for the best."

As the plant stepped back slightly watching as the desert shifted in place and changed, the ground becoming more of an oasis, and the water becoming more sparkling in the sun, it seemed that this little place of rest was coming to be something that he could use as a focus for him, after all, it wasn't often that he found a place like this that could be used to relax, rest and even get the nutrition that he wanted.

"I do have to know, after all, we wander, we hide from humans and we do not seek to talk with them, you seem to love the destruction of nature, you do not care for others but yourself and you always seem to want to try and do harm in others. With all this in mind, it makes me consider now what you are doing, why give the time of day to help here? Isn't just walking away the best option for you?"

The little plan would take the time to look around the new expansion of nature and earth that had been created, admiring the beauty in which things could thrive and flourish, it was quite an awe-inspiring site truth be told, but he would want to see how everything turned out before giving anything away. After all the situation and encounter by all rights, was a completely strange and new one in his mind.

"So I do ask, why bother helping?"

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin would chuckle at the little plant going on about the horrors that is humanity. It wasn't wrong, but not all humans could be generalized like that.

"While that is true, the destructive nature that is humankind, not all of us are like that. I am a keeper of an Arboretum, an artificial forest with species that range numerous biomes from tundra to tropic."

Shin would look at the beauty that was this expanded Oasis.

"I aspire to create, nurture, and grow life. It is what I do. I do my best to never take nor destroy. I am not only the Overseer of the Arboretum, but I am a medic. I have spent my entire life studying how to help the world heal from the pain others have caused."

Shin would take a few steps towards the cactus before squatting down and handing out a small piece of paper on it. It contained a sealing formula that would act as a reverse summoning for the cactus, allowing it to transport instantly to Shin's side.

"If you ever find yourself curious to see what the Arboretum is like, I would love to have you as an esteemed guest. It is not every day I am honored with the chance to speak to a member of nature itself. I am glad to have met you, friend, but I can tell you are wishing for some time for youself, so I will be taking my leave."

As Shin spoke he would rise to his feet from his squatted position. With a flick of his wrist all of his relaxation items such as the small table beside the reclined beach chair and the large umbrella, would simply vanish. He enjoyed being able to quick summon at this speed, made it feel like magic.

A burst of Light would come from Shin's form as his casual wear would be replaced with his Medical Chief cloak and armor which had become his stable shinobi attire. From his back two bright red phoenix wings would stretch out to a twenty meter wingspan as he would take to the sky and begin to soar like a falcon back towards Sunagakure.

[Topic Left, if this is an okay ending]
[1500+ WC, Contract claimed yea?]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
