Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Retire/rebirthing idk

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Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
I'm retiring Kinezmi Masuyo or rather converting her to a InpNPC. Character voucher-

Played current character past 6 months. I have no clue if this is how it's done but for now I'm just doing it how I saw in the OCR ;p
Old Character Name: Kinezumi Masuyo
Old Village: Leaf
Old Character Class (if you have one):

HP: (50+lvl) x stamina
CP: (35+lvl) x chakra control
Class Feature: +10% auto dodge
High: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Taijutsu Accuracy
Average: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu Save, Evasion, Genjutsu DC
Low: none

Old BL/CA (if you have one): Demonic Ancestry

Preferred New Username (check for availability first if you can): Kinezumi Amatsu

New Character Name: Kinezumi Amatsu
New Village: Leaf (edited)
New Character Class (if you have one):

Fighting Spirit[V]
HP: (80+lvl) x stamina
CP: (35+lvl) x chakra control
Class Feature: +2 accuracy +2 dodge
High: none
Average: Melee Accuracy, Genjutsu Save, Evasion, , Ninjutsu Accuracy
Low: Genjutsu DC, Range Accuracy

Old BL/CA (if you have one): Steadfast

* * * * *

Amatsu is a somewhat well built guy as he weighs 130ibs and stands at '5'11 to 6 feet tall. Outward appearance consists of odd crimson W shaped shades, dark with a blue tint shaggy hair, and a large dark blue coat with the Leaf village's sigil/logo of a bright red flame. He is witty and charismatic to say the least. He can be described as a very hyperactive individual. Most evident of this is how he is almost always shouting what he needs to say. His ideals and the way he tackles situations are a bit unorthodox for most; needless to say he is very eccentric.

Unsure what his name was before or where he had come from, Amatsu was found by a villager lying on one of the main roads and was taken to the Siren Hospital where he was treated for his injuries. He looked to be in bad shape with multiple injuries including a bad looking bruise on the side of his head. Medics were hopeful that his state of unconsciousness was due to a mild concussion but after several days of the man unconscious, the medics diagnosed him with coma. With no one to claim him and no head band was found on his person or identification, Amatsu was left in the care of one of the nurses who dealt with such cases.(Kinezumi Masuyo) Under her care, just like the rest of the patients in Amatsu's state, to washed them, kept them nourished and performed whatever duties necessary to keep them healthy. Aside from that, she'd often read to them a heroic tale of her clan's forefather and how he changed the ninja world from darkness with bravery, peace, and heroism. This simple mythology was much like a book of history for the Kinezumi people who believe that Amatsu would someday return when the ninja world needed him again. Little did the nurse now, the inspiring words spoken from the book was actually aiding the man in his long recovery from the coma he was trapped in.

Amatsu was only in a state of a coma for 3 months before he miraculously awoke from his sleep. Medics were surprised to see that he had recovered though they wouldn't understand how. In time he was eventually interrogated about the events that occurred the day he was found. Unfortunately he could not remember anything other than who he thought he was or basic skills and abilities involving walking, writing, eating, talking, even Jutsu but couldn't remember where her had come from, people he may have met or anything like that. It was all less than a blur. When they asked him to give his name, he'd tell them his name was Kinezumi Amatsu. When the nurse heard this she gasped as she didn't realize that reading to him everyday would case such an effect, sort of like he was brainwashed to believe who he was. The way he spoke and even mannerisms were just like it was described and read in her book.

After much physical therapy Amatsu had recovered physically but not mentally at all. He believed himself to be Amatsu Kinezumi and carried himself in said manner. It was debatable weather he should be released from the Hospital's custody but the village council agreed that he was capable of surviving on his own and didn't see him as a danger to himself or others. In fact, they saw him as overly capable with the skills and abilities he possessed and saw it fit to incorporate him into Leaf's society. Amatsu was kept watch over by Anbu just as a precaution and was given a job among the medics in order for them observe any improvements in his condition...

Reason that the new BL/CA matches your character: Edited
Aside from surviving a coma, Amstsu's recovery was fairly quick. Through a bit of willpower and physical toughness, there was no permanent damage to his body despite the sorry state he was found in. Believing that he could do anything, Amatsu had to work hard in order to complete his physical therapy and so set the foundation for him and what it means to work through pain. Waking from a long coma is said to be trying time as one has to restrengthen muscles that long relaxed. An extremely difficult task but seemingly made light by Amatsu. What would take months was accomplished in several weeks thanks to Amatsu's great fortitude and willpower to over come any and all obstacles. During this time of recovery, however, he had to suffer the nasty disgusting medical foods and medicine and whatever shots they stuck him with. This in its self was like a form of training. It allowed him to build up his tolerance to strange and adverse effects the different medicine may have had on him. He also had plenty of practice dodging needles as it would often take for or five medics to catch and hold him down for one of those shots. At the end of all of this, Amatsu was like a new man that being in both body and mind. Now that he was both fearless and strong willed and his body in much better condition than it had probably ever been, Amatsu was ready to seek out new adventures and reach for new heights.

ANBU/Med-Nin/AIT/MIT?: Med nin

* * * * *

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Quick Character Description: Shaggy dark hair with blue tint. Odd crimson W shaped shades. Loud, very eccentric. Wears a dark long coat with the insignia of the Leaf villages bright red flame on the back of it. He is "5'11" and weighs about 130ibs.

* * * * *

Death thread:N/A
Profile thread:
Training thread:
Dojo thread: N/A

* * * * *

Usergroups: B-mod

* * * * *

Current Stats (state respective stat cap):
Agility: 600/600
Stamina: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
Power Level: 3600

161 extra points to capped shop

I'll do jutsu swaps if I'm all good above ^_^


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Okay okay.

Name: Approved
Class: Approved
You....mixed your appearance and personality up a bit there.
History: One problem.
Your mom is a leaf shinobi, unless you're going to make an NPC with the same name as your current PC. Your character is joining Mist. So if it's the same character then we're gonna need to find out how he went from a kid in leaf to joining the Mist Academy.
BL/CA: Gonna need you to add a little more there, what you have so far is good though.
Stats are good.
Mednin approved.


Oct 7, 2012

Name: Approved
Class: Approved
Description: Short.. but approved
History: Approved
Medic rank: Waiting on sennin, but your previous character is a mednin already, I would think approved
Stats: Unchanged
Jutsu: Pending


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Name: Approved
Class: Approved
Description: Approved
History: Approved
Medic rank: Approved on my end, but obviously the Medical Sennin is the final vote.
Stats: Approved
Jutsu: Pending

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Jutsu Swaps said:
Jutsu Swaps:
Free Major = Wind
Free Minor = Lightening
Major Element(s) = Wind
Minor Element(s) = NE, Wind
Advanced Element(s) = Photon

Total mastered jutsu: 38

Non Elemental

E rank-
1. Transformation wrote (M)
2. Body Switch (M)

C rank
3. Jutsu Sealing (M)
4. Elemental Clone
5. One Element Sealing (M)---> System Restoration, C rank, Medical, R2

B rank
6. Energy Transfer (M)
7. Leech Seal (M)
8. Chakra Blast (M) ---> Contract Summoning, D rank, Non elemental, R2
9. Rasengan (M)
10. Shadow Shuriken Replication (M)

A rank
11. Perfected Rasengan (M)
12. Morality Sealing (M)---> Rainbow Flash, A rank, Photon, R2

* * * * *


D rank
13. Mystical Hand (M)
14. Coagulation (M)

C rank
15. Skeletal Fortification (M)
16. System Shock (M)

B rank
17. Mystical Force (M)
18. Medical Assistant (M)
19. Medical Ward (M)

A rank
20. Resuscitate (M)

* * * * *


D rank
21. Sinkhole Fist (M)

C rank
22. Inner Earth Reflection Lure (M)

* * * * *


C rank
23. Paper Clone (M)---> Earth Flow River, D rank, Earth, R2
24. Burst of Confetti (M)---> Scalding Ash Cloud, C rank, Fire, R2
25. Folded Shuriken (M)---> Wind Release, C rank, Wind, R2

B rank
26. Cocoon Sheets (M)---> Cancel, D rank, Non elemental, R2

A rank
27. Shredding Torrent (M)---> Illumination, A rank, Photon, R2

* * * * *


D rank
28. Thunderclap (M)---> Air Bullet, D rank, Wind, R2

C rank
29. Electrocution (M)--> Barrier, C rank, Non elemental, R2
30. Volt Charge (M)---> Flashbang, C rank, Photon, R2
31. Lightning Torrent (M)---> Luminous Shine, C rank, Photon, R2

B rank
32. Chidori (M) --> Radiant Shatter, B rank, Photon, R2
33. Gigavolt Cannon (M) --> Mirage Manipulation, B rank, Photon, R2

A rank
34. Chidori Control (M) ---> Pristine Aura, A rank, Medical, R2
35. Raijins Vengeance (M)---> Regeneration, A rank, Medical, R2

* * * * *

Visual gen

level 3
Blinding Flash (M)--> Whirlwind Spin, D rank, wind, R2

* * * * *

Bludgeoning Tajutsu

C rank
37. Carpe Nocturn (M)---> Gale Force, C rank, Wind, R2

A rank
38. Rejected Assault (M)---> Angelic Blessing, A rank, Medical, R2
There was probably no one in the Leaf village that has trained and worked as hard as Amatsu has. Still, it wasn’t hard work or any form of training that led to Amatsu discovering the power of light. No, these were merely stepping stones across the great lake of destiny. Amatsu never really realized his gifts for wind nin jutsu, not even till this day. He had always favored the element mostly because it made him feel… light. Focusing wind chakra into his attacks and movements allowed for greater control and accuracy. Amatsu’s worst element quickly became that of the lightening style. This doesn’t mean he could not use the lightening element; it was just for some reason his lightening jutsus just seem to scatter a bit more than it needed. Though it was fast it was always so unruly. One would say that was all that Amatsu and lightening had in common. Learning the other elements weren’t so difficult at all. Amatsu was able to focus his natural skills in wind elements with that of the others. This manifested in fire jutsus having more bang, water jutsu’s having more force, and earth jutsus having a bit more edge. Lightening however just wouldn’t cut it for Amatsu… at least for a while that is. Lightening was just energy in a purer form but with Amatsu’s wind element added, the energy particles were broken up and spread. A lightning storm showed Amatsu this when he was almost blinded by an extremely bright flash of light. Realizing this granted him greater control over the lightening element and soon gave birth to a new element he called photon. These photon ninjutsus were used by him when he would entertain children at the hospital but after mastering it he was able to harness it as a weapon against the forces of darkness.


Oct 7, 2012
Holy hell how did this get skipped?

Jutsu: Approved!

Anything else? I don't think there's anything else. You're good to go. Bug the admin for your changes. Oh wait, it's already done. Locked!
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
