Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Retiring Yong... Then Activating Yong...

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Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Doing this more because. I am getting very confused with writing for Rikudo Sennin... Just once character for me please :D

Old Character Name: Yong
Old Village/Missing: Missing
OCR Type: retire
Last Known Where-abouts: stone
Old IC Rank: S-Rank missing

New Character Name: Yong
Preferred Username: Yong
New Village: Missing
New BL/CA: Chakra Attuned
Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
Class Name
HP: 45000 (60+lvl) x stamina)
CP: 33000 (40+lvl) x chakra control)
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu (once obtained)
High: Ninjustu Accuracy
Average: Evasion, Gen DC, Ranged Accuracy
Low: Puppet Accuracy, Melee Accuracy
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Anbu
IC Rank: S-Rank Missing

Character Age: 21
Gender: male
Character's Physical Description:
Height: 177cm
Weight: 86kg
Hair: black
Eye Colour: light blue
Complexion: fair
Character's Mental Description: He is almost humble and quick to find compassion for those he sees as deserving. He has been tought to be uncompromising in life threatening situations, trained to diffuse situations through the path of least resistance, by violence or negotiation.
In combat he is focused, choosing to concentrate and remain silent rather than monologue like so many other shinobi in the world. He has a dark side that he tries desperately to keep in check, mostly with great success.
Multiple Personality Application: N/A
Character History:
An unremarkable childhood marked by no great trauma or event, he was born into one of the minor Samurai families.

His father discovered the boys latent powers during early childhood training but implored his son to keep it a secret so that he wouldn't be taken away to train as a shinobi.

He was trained from a young age to be loyal to his domyo, taught that his life would be complete if he could die honourably in the service of his lord.

During the invasion of Konoha, Yong (age 16) accompanied one of the samurai contingents sent to secure the shinobi academy. After initial resistance was quashed he was given the order by his commanding officer to execute the shinobi children. Yong refused, instead moving to defend the remaining children from his own squad. His 'dark side' revealed for the first time to his comrades, he was branded a traitor and a spy on the spot.

When attacked by his squad he was quickly overwhelmed before a duo of shinobi entered and ended the engagement, either killing or scattering the remaining Samurai.

After fleeing the burning village with the two shinobi, the small group dropped the children into the safe hands of one of the fleeing guarded caravans and the three continued on to a hidden base in the forests of the country.

During the five years since the fall of Konoha, Yong (senior, unrelated) and Kiko took him under their wing, in secret teaching him the art of the shinobi. He became a valuable member of their group, guarding their base whilst the others were out on 'missions' and taking care of the wounded. He long ago resigned himself to the fact that he would probably never see his family again in this life.

His Nindo and shinobi skills developed as he battled against his former comrades, becoming infamous amongst the Samurai that now guarded the country of fire, becoming an outlaw and a wanted criminal in his own country.

During their last mission, Kiko was returned to the base unconcious. He was ordered to retrieve Yong (senior, unrelated) from the field and complete the mission on his own if possible.
Clan Request: N/A

Death/Retirement Thread: will be keeping my rikudo sennin characters as npc's and will do a post with him interacting with them to retire them/activate him.
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:
Old FAQ:

Special Usergroups: Missing Nin

Old Stats: 3600
Old OOC Rank: S Rank
Stat Cut: 0%
New Stats: 3600
New OOC Rank: S Rank

Justu Mastery Swaps: 100% refund on all inventory please.
136 mastered jutsu, will post a list once new jutsu are bought.

Name of any Contract you currently own: Nil
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own: Nil
Name of Kinjutsu you own: Rikudo Sennin

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads? Nope

Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
Personality: Can you go into more depth details?
Appearance: Can you go into more details?
History: Pending - Not sure I can approve you cause of #2 & No sure you can rebirth as a missing from leaf right now, considering it's technically gone. Real question is who has control of leaf now, plot? If so, plot needs to approve your history.

1. You must have been either a Missing-nin or Mercenary this version, or with the character you are rebirthing from.

2. If you include a village/NPC country owned/run by a council/anyone else, you must obtain their explicit permission for use by having them post in your rebirth thread. This is true of all RBs, however as it is slightly more likely to crop up here, it bears restating.

3. To rebirth as a Missing-nin, you must explain how you are considered to be hostile from a village. (This falls under rule 2 if you are from a PC/Council-owned village.)
3a. To rebirth as a Mercenary, you must explain how your character learned the ninja arts. (If they are from a village, you must explain why they are not considered Missing and it also falls under rule 2.)

Stats: Please provide a full list of your stats (Agility/Stamina/Nin/Gen/Tai/Chakra), just stating 3600 isn't proper paper trailing.
Chakra attuned: Where's the write up for it?

Jutsu refund; like price? You don't get a 100% refund.

Class: Approved

Jutsu - You get to swap your Jutsu for any other Jutsu of the same rank, but you will need to sell your old Jutsu and buy your new ones yourself. You can transfer jutsus up to any level. => Stated here, sell them yourself, take the price hit.


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012

100% sell back bro, hope you havent ripped anyone off... If i really have to list all 136 jutsu and swap them around then I'm cool just to keep them all as is.

Why more details on description and personality?

Stone has control of leaf so i will chuck a PM their way.

In regards to the CA I was going to do it with the Kinjutsu app after birthing, if it is super essential here i will change it to no bl/ca and just apply for it later, or, alternatively did you want me to post the kinjutsu app for approval here?

I will fix the rest when i get a chance :)


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Sorry for the wait, admin was reviewing something.

Unfortunately, there's going to have to be something changed here.
If you wish to OCR into a new character, it cannot share the same relationships as your previous one, including those with your NPCs, and you must agree not to have it pick up any storylines your current character is taking part in.


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
No worries Hoshi.

Stats all showed out...
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600
Advanced Points: 98
Power Level: 3600
Character Level: 15
AP: 10

Updated history to remove reference to my current characters and to remove the date Konoha died.
An unremarkable childhood marked by no great trauma or event, he was born into one of the minor Samurai families.

His father discovered the boys latent powers during early childhood training but implored his son to keep it a secret so that he wouldn't be taken away to train as a shinobi.

He was trained from a young age to be loyal to his domyo, taught that his life would be complete if he could die honourably in the service of his lord.

During the invasion of Konoha, Yong accompanied one of the samurai contingents sent to secure the shinobi academy. After initial resistance was quashed he was given the order by his commanding officer to execute the shinobi children. Yong refused, instead moving to defend the remaining children from his own squad. His 'dark side' revealed for the first time to his comrades, he was branded a traitor and a spy on the spot.

When attacked by his squad he was quickly overwhelmed before a duo of shinobi entered and ended the engagement, either killing or scattering the remaining Samurai.

After fleeing the burning village with the two shinobi, the small group dropped the children into the safe hands of one of the fleeing guarded caravans. The two directed him towards a hidden base in the forests of the country, one of the last untouched shinobi outposts.

During the years since the fall of Konoha, Yong had a small group of former Konoha shinobi take him under their wing, in secret teaching him the art of the shinobi. He became a valuable member of their group, guarding their base whilst the others were out on 'missions' and taking care of the wounded. He long ago resigned himself to the fact that he would probably never see his family again in this life.

His Nindo and shinobi skills developed as he battled against his former comrades, becoming infamous amongst the Samurai that now guarded the country of fire, becoming an outlaw and a wanted criminal in his own country.

During recent samurai raids, the mercenary outpost finally fell into the hands of the samurai, forcing Yong out of hiding and back into the light of the world.

Is it still 100% sell back? If not I will just keep all my jutsu as is :)

Did you want me to post the Kinjutsu/Core Ability app here to approve both or just do it in missing council after the fact?


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
  • It seems to match what you had in your old profile and updated training, so approved!

  • Er, I didn't see the previous version and I don't know Yong that much to know if its a copy of the previous Yong's history or a new one, so I'll throw another council member (Sairasu) or an Administrator (Hoshikata) to double check!

  • I don't think it is 100% Sell Back, nope, sorry. Keeping all your jutsu it is, unless you change your mind.

Kinjutsu & Core Ability
  • You can apply for just one or both here for council approval or later when you're fully reactivated. Either or is fine; it'll still go through Missing Council!

Thank you for your patience; have fun with the rest of your reactivation!


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Thanks all, much apreciated.

Aka the old Yong (my last character) was a mist anbu who thought his brother was a god and was a half puppet monster guy :) yeah i will keep the same jutsu, no worries. What was the 100% sellback?

I will post my kinjutsu/core ability with council later if that is ok?


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Well, lets get this completed.

Physical Description still needs some work. Lets get at least a decent 50 Word Count write up.

Name, Class, Stats seem fine. History seems to be ok with Admin, so that's a go. Jutsus are being retained, so no swaps on those.

Core Ability and Kinjutsu can be applied for in Missing Request.

After that, just consider yourself approved.


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Coolness, thanks for that :)

Could. I also get a little jutsu swap? Just transfer old. Kinjutsu masteries to the new ones please :)

Hope this covers it.

Character's Physical Description:
Height: 177cm
Weight: 86kg
Hair: black
Eye Colour: light blue

Yong is of slight stature, tight muscles lacking the bulk of most seasoned warriors, without chakra he would be quite weak and frail. His right arm has chakra scares running down it, though he normaly will have it covered by a leather arm guard and sleeve. His shoulders, back and chest are covered in tattoos, though they have no mystical meaning and are purely there for Yong's own vanity. He has no other distinguishing scars or features, his inate ability with healing chakra along with his overactive chakra coil causes wounds to heal with almost no scaring.
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
