Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Rock Climbing Adventure?! [Class]

Aug 24, 2012
Twilight, the radiant sun retreating into the distant horizon and the only true refraction of light was the lampposts littering the academy grounds. Mikasa's ivory medical coat acted as a beacon, her session would serve as honing chakra control and utilizing the basic shinobi technique in less than ideal conditions. The sky way above would begin to reveal faint blankets of twinkling diamonds, and muffled crunching of twigs emit from underneath her leather boots. Strolling forward her gaze would aim star bound, a faint twinkling is present as a swift set of handseals is formulated. "Doton: Doryūheki!" she announces, slamming her single leather glove hand against the terrain as one could audibly hear bellows below as chakra surges forth into the soil.

The Medical Sennin's main element was Earth, ergo her control over the nature manipulation was top notch compared to the norm. Jolting upright, mounds of grass tremor and oddly protrude in unusual patterns. Ultimately an enormous slide of land would rise and the kunoichi standing on top of the pentacle. Stray debris cascades, the Sennin crossing her arms and staring towards the looming academy in the distance. The height of the wall was no more and no less than ten meters, a sufficient challenge for what she were going to present as a learning opportunity.

Satisfied with her work, she takes notice of the ambient light in the backdrop, a thin grin etches across her features. Extending her ungloved index finger outwards, she mouths a single phrase, 'Bang.."

An abrupt thin stream of water would rocket downward to crash into the shifted tera below. The objective of the day would be to scale the wall while avoiding the barrage of basic techniques; thus teaching the importance of chakra reservation and waiting for opportune moment to strike down an opponent. Mikasa's only wish were that she hoped a promising student would rise to the challenge.

[OOC: Only taking up to three!]​
Re: Rock Climbing Adventure?! [Tutoring]

As the sky darkened, Bee Boy tightened his trench coat around him. Foreign insects were nasty things to his precious bees, as was the chill that beegan to creep in. 'The village is getting a tad Frosty,' He thought to himself, spreading his tougher bees around. He had heard that there would occasionally bee mysterious cool Nin teaching lucky students their cool skills, but... 'Where the heck was this supposed to take place? This beetter not bee one of those lame Genjutsu classes where I have to actually find the classroom,' the Aburame grumbled to himself, looking around.

His questioning was soon resolved as a massive pillar of soil and rock shot into the sky. As the student marveled at it, water beegan to flow from the top of the rock.

"I guess that's where the class is. Waaaay cooler than I expected!" Bee Man started running in the direction of the rock wall as his insects beegan trailing beehind him. The thing seemed only more impressive as he approached, looking like some sort of massive Stone Bullet placed there by some Divine creature. "The Lord of Honey's feats get more impressive every day that I am graced with faith!" He said, as he made his way over.

Some lady with a shiny coat was standing ontop, obviously the sort of neato expert that he had expected. He hadn't seen her around the village, though that was reasonable, since the Bee Boy had seen many new faces in the last few weeks. Or rather, lack thereof with all of the masked weirdos hopping out of trees and bushes. Though he wasn't too sure if her robe was that of a medical nin. The closest thing that he had seen to one so far had been Riku, who constantly flaunted the fact that he "got an all expenses paid trip to medical school!" Joke was on Riku though, as more and more of the crew surpassed him while he had been looking in a mirror for weeks.

Ryujou remembered where he was and began waving his arms in the air, shouting upwards at the lady on top of the pillar. "What's going on here? You hosting like, a water slide class on this holy artifact? How do I learn super cool glowey rock skills? Most that I can do right now is shoot a wonderful and glorious stone bullet!"

Word Count: 400
Total: 400
The evening light was dimming and disappearing as Maikeru finally made his way to the training ground. He was running a bit late, he admitted that, but he couldn't help it! He had gotten lost not once, not twice, but three times trying to find where the Sennin had intended to have it. A bit embarrassing, and something he would never, ever admit to, but it happened to the best of them. At least, that's what he would tell himself from now on. Approaching the other two, he leaned over, panting as he rested his hand on his knees.

"U-Uchiha Maikeru.. reporting for.. class!" He said between pants of breath. "Apologies for being late, my uhm.. alarm didn't go off. Yea, that's... that's exactly what happened."

He took a look around at the training ground now that he had a moment to compose himself, letting out a slight whistle. He didn't remember all of this being part of the academy last time he had checked. He wondered if the Sennin had made this? It wouldn't surprise him, apparently the Sennin were only trumped in power by the Hokage himself, a feat that was not to be scoffed at in Maikeru's book. Bringing himself back upright, and composing himself, he took note of his other student. It appeared to be an aburame from the way he dressed, he was pretty sure he was at the impromptu math class as well.

"Hello there, pleasure to meet you. I hope we both get what we want out of this class." He gave the boy a small smile, before returning his attention to Mikasa. "Excuse me, Mikasa-Sama, but, did you make all of this? The structure I mean. I.. don't remember it being here yesterday, and I would hate to think I'm already slipping into dementia at my young age."

[306 words/1500]
[First post]
The faint humming of insects peaks the interest of the Sennin; after all, Aburame clansmen were not as wide spread as previous generations. Curiously she peers at the canary attire, although she had little room to speak ill of the coloring when medical coats were just as iridescent. "That would be amusing, would it not?" she retorts in a cheeky tone, "Unfortunately not quite as exciting as that!" the kunoichi states in a whimsical tone. Irony, unknownst to the academy student the natural enemy of honey bee's would be met today, weaving between the foul liquid.

"Today's objective is not entirely classified as a proper teaching. The year is nearing its end and in order to test if the academy has properly taught and supplied sufficient information, you will be utilizing basic chakra control techniques." Mikasa begins in a gentle tone, walking down the earthy creation; however reconstruction was a more proper way of classifying. "Water walking, tree climbing, and most importantly understand chakra flow are fundamentals in the shinobi and kunoiichi world." halting mid way, roughly around five meters above the Aburame, she eyes the second to arrive, an Uchiha by the name of Maikeru. Bowing, she introduces herself formally, "I am Tsukasa Mikasa, Medical head of Konohagakure, and I will be your instructor for the class." a brief pause, "I appreciate your manners, Maikeru-kun, but 'sama' is wasted on me." she chuckles, taking into account the other had yet to introduce himself.

Curiously she shifts her oceanic hues between the pair, "I did a bit of earth manipulation to reconstruct the grounds to make this a bit more challenging." the Sennin explains. "I pray you don't have demetia at your age, that wouldn't bode well for your future." she responds, tilting her head leisurely - mindful of being in an odd vantage point compared to the duo. Clearing her throat, a sly grin etches across her features, "I will be using academy level water based techniques from the top of the formation, aiming to halt your progression as you climb. If you make it more than seventy-five percent of the way up you pass. Simple, no?"
Ryujou gave the other kid a thumbs up as he waited until the Sennin finished explaining the contents of the class, continuing to gaze in awe at the creation. Her explanation of "earth manipulation" to the boy seemed like it meant that it truly was as holy as it sounded - a big giant stone bullet!

Unfortunately though, that was about as much as he got from what Mikasa had said. Big Brained Bee Boy had absolutely no clue what "demetia" was. It sounded a bit like a made up word though and this black haired boy seemed like he was the type of nerd to play with imaginary friends and things. Stuttery boy that can't wake up, that's prime nerdo material right there. The guy definitely had dementia, whatever it was. Beyond that, "the academy has properly taught and supplied sufficient information" sounded like the premise of a very promising science fiction novel; math was the Aburame's Achilles heel but the boy knew how to read - how else would he write the virtues of honey?

"Uhh, I didn't quite understand any of that!" The boy declared loudly, hands in the coats of his yellow trench coat, "If we're supposed to just climb up this stone bullet though, sounds like it'll be fun!" Then, he started to pull out all of the honey jars that he kept on him. It's no fun trying to climb a holy artifact when you start wasting perfectly good jars of honey due to them falling out of your pockets and wasting perfectly fine individuals.

Bee Boy then rubbed his hands together, considering the problem ahead. Chakra control was an iffy thing for him. He never really had much formal training on it; always preferring to just mosey on out of any class that he was put in. Luckily for him, his rather unique ancestry meant that he had some affinity to controlling chakra. It also helped that the God of Honey had shined upon him, granting him absurd chakra reserves for boys of his age! How wonderful it was to be graced by that Divine presence, naturally it would be his duty in the future to help bring that light to the boundless masses, whom were woefully ignorant of a better path in life.

Finished with his thoughts, he got himself ready to start climbing before turning to the older boy besides him, "Nice to meet you! Pretty awesome stone bullet, huh?"

Word Count: 407
Total: 807
Unlike the Aburame, chakra control had always been a strong suit for the young Uchiha. His genjutsu and Ninjutsu always relied on it, and it was the thing that he always trained the most. As he focused chakra to his eyes, and activated his Sharingan, he eyed up the course, memorizing every protrusion, every angle of attack the sennin could come from. He had to say, this sure as hell beat medical class. He clapped his hands together as he prepared himself mentally and physically for this endeavor, focusing chakra to key points in his body.

"Well, no time for slacking, we're losing daylight and that will only make the course harder! Let's go!" Maikeru said, taking a crouched position, his hands touching the ground like a runner waiting for the opening pistol, the signal to begin their endeavor.

He would wait for the Senin to begin speaking, to make her way towards her position on the rock wall, before he would take off. He focused chakra to the bottom of his feet to help him reach his top speed quicker, making his way to the rock wall. His Sharingan spun wildly as he used them to scan for any dangers, anything that seemed even slightly away from the norm. He wanted to give himself that extra split second to dodge the attacks coming at him.

He wasn't normally hyper competitive, but, he had something to prove here. Their teacher was a sennin, a leader of the village. A good word from her could mean a lot for his future as a shinobi of this village, and he would do everything he could to secure that recommendation. After the way he had spoken to the Hokage, in all honesty, her word probably would be the only thing that kept him from being an eternal academy student. He really should learn to watch his mouth.

(314 words)
(Second post)
Narrowing her gaze, the kunoichi settles her ocean azure eyes onto the Aburame; not that she had the slightest of this notion. Surprisingly the young man had yet to introduce himself and the Sennin was baffled if he were doing this on purpose or this tid bit slipping from mind. Not bothering to heed the idea any further, Mikasa allocates chakra around her feet and in turn entertaining the appearance her leather boots possessed special properties. Listlessly she treads upwards on her creation, taking notice of the trademark crimson optics of the Uchiha clan, Maikeru swift to analyze the odd trajectory of the terrain.

Reaching the 'summit', the maiden extends her left index finger outwards and resulting in a thin line of water to rocket downwards; a glorified water gun. "I will rain down a few, don't worry they don't pack enough of a punch to bruise, but will definitely be a nuisance." she remarks with a light grin, her eyes coming to a close. Mikasa doubted the pair would be able to reach the peak on their initial attempt, however it wasn't wise to assume the results in any given situation. "Your initial goal is to reach halfway, once there you will halt and await for the next signal to continue upwards. Understand?" she inquires, reopening her gaze to transfix on the duo.

Hopefully the pair would be creative, as she didn't place a signal restriction on how to get to the location. Unfortunately little did so know, the Aburame's companions may not appreciate the type of technique attempting to contest their travels. Each new generation brought new surprises and the Sennin would be shocked if neither of the two were able to present a unique approach to their obstacle. "You may begin when you wish." she calls down, releasing an initial group of water gun's<i></i> to avoid.

[OOC: Please post an attempt to scale the first half of the earthen wall! Be creative or standard, up to you! I will roll a dice in the discord gaming channel, keeping it simple, a one will result in a success and a two will yield a failure! This will not be the standard for each round, just the initial to keep it interesting; may lady luck be on your side!]​
Ryujou tried pulling himself out of his standard honeyed-fugue so that he could tackle this weird new problem - something that he didn't think his normal skillset would be able to handle. Mentally going over all of the jutsu that he had learned, he cried internally upon remembering that he had only ever bothered to get jutsu that seemed like they were stone bullet-y in some way, shape or form. The bees wouldn't exactly help him here too much short of scouting the rest of the pillar and he couldn't exactly sic them on the other kid for much of a leg up.

Or he could sic the bees on him anyways to give him a leg down. Could be fun! Could be that he's hanged around Riku too much for the last fifty thousand or so days. Apparently chakra control was a way to get around this, though the Aburame couldn't figure out how it would be beneficial. After reviewing what he had between classes at the academy and his person skills, he decided to give up. This whole intelligence thing was tiring, he thought as he pushed up his glasses, better to go to the natural best solution for everything. Thinking properly never got himself anywhere anyways.

Bee Man started picking up all of his honey jars once again to stuff them into the pockets of his coat and put his hands together to use the one jutsu that he had practiced most. Circulating his chakra and blasting it out, he shot a stone bullet up somewhere into the bigger, holier Stone Bullet. If it blasted a divot into the pillar or created some sort of foothold, he would throw a jar of honey over and up before attempting to use his body switch jutsu that he had grudgingly learned to swap places with the jar to get himself atleast partially up the pillar. Rinsing and repeating to try and get himself up to the halfway mark, it needed a lot of variables to work.

Hopefully the unathletic dweeb wouldn't botch his throws completely, nor screw up a body switch jutsu. If he managed to precariously get to it, the plan was awfully reliant on him not getting shot off by the water gun. Flashier than the other kid? Yes. More reliant on luck than the other kid? That too, but this was bee boy's own fault for not paying much attention in class anyways. A shinobi could adapt to their situation and their own inability, blah blah. If he succeeded today, it would be the will of the Lord of Honey. If not then it simply wasn't meant to be. With one last prayer to the Lord of Honey, he started his master honey plan.

Word Count: 457
Total: 1264
Maikeru was genuinely excited about this class. It was exhilarating, thrilling, and more important than anything, it was interesting and got them out of the classroom a bit. It was nice to be given an opportunity to actually apply their skills to a real world exercise, or at least as close to one as they could get. He waited, patiently, until Mikasa gave them the all clear to go.

He took off, making a few steps up the wall, using chakra to attach himself to the rock itself before he hit his first snag. The water jets. Now, normally, his Sharingan would help him easily dodge attacks of this level. However, Mikasa was not a normal shinobi. No, she was a sennin, a ninja of near legend in Konoha, which was something Maikeru would have to remember as he tended to that new bruise tonight.

He grimaced as he hit the ground, rolling backwards to dodge the next attack that was aimed at him. Okay, so, it was time for a new plan. He headed back towards the wall, taking a few steps, before flipping to the side, landing on a small rock that jutted out from the wall. As he took his crouched position, his hands locked into the tiger sign, the blakck tomoe of his sharingan spinning wildly in his eyes.

"Fire style! Fireball jutsu!"

Several fireballs erupted from his mouth, slamming into the jets of water being thrown down at both him and the Aburame, and creating massive amounts of steam. Before the steam completely enveloped both of them, Maikeru made a hand sign to his fellow student, giving the younger boy the all clear to go. This plan was simple, the wall they had to run up was straight. There was really no way they could get lost on it.

However, with the massive amounts of steam Misaka would be unable to see them bar some sensory nonsense. It might not help them incredibly, but, it would hopefully at least make it harder to aim her water jutsu at the duo. Before Maikeru ran, he noticed the boys confusion, and the odd looks he was giving his jar of honey.

"Hey, man!" He stage whispered to Ryujou "Attach chakra to the bottom of your feet, use it to run up the rock wall. It's easiest if you think of it as creating a floor of chakra to run on, imagine a little layer of chakra separating you from the surface you wish to stick to. Now, c'mon, we either pass this together or we don't pass."

(430 words)
The Aburame was swift to devise an unusual course of action, showcasing his prowess and ingenuity with body switching with the jars. Fortune shines bright on the insect wielding shinbi to be as his initial fruits of labor are advantageous, with the natural instinct to combat suiton with katon the Uchiha utilizes. Curiously she tilts her head, the steam beginning to cloud the vision for the trio and unknownst to the duo, the Sennin smirks. While it didn't necessarily require a genius to realize water and fire when combined together create steam, it was impressive to have the mentality of ensuring your comrade's safety as well as your own; in short a rare medical mentality. Overall success was of a higher standard than a singular, in Mikasa's earnest opinion.

Stray spews of water graze the shrouded duo, although the timing between each would lessen dramatically as the pair approach the half way point of the earthen terrain. Feeling a bit mischievous, the maiden leans forward to press her palm flatly against the impressive mound, causing for any brief lingering to be met with faint quakes threatening to loosen their grip - Gravel Shift<i></i>. "Clever tactics, both of you!" she comments from above with a chuckle, all the while distributing chakra through the soil to strength the vibrations, gravel shift. "I dare say you will make it half way with relative ease, perhaps I should up the challenge further?" she muses aloud, a bit surprised with the tactics thus far.

In similar fashion, the Sennin's sole gloved hand tenderly caresses against the summit, earth flow river, the obstacle not only vibrating, but seeping through the wisps of steam were visible rolling movements. Waves of debris leisurely slug downwards, creating abrupt bucking - rivaling a young steed, Earth Flow River<i></i>. "Don't let your focus go now, a bit more to half way!" she assures with a cheeky grin, not that the pair would be the wiser due to the Uchiha's previous actions.

[OOC: You both resulted in a 1, passing the first mark! Your next post will determine if you reach the half way mark, continue to be creative and roleplay out your actions of choice to face the difficulties linked/described!]​
The Uchiha seemed frankly pretty cool with his big old fire ball steamo water jutsu. "You got it, thanks old man!" The advice did seem pretty helpful and the Aburame tried to focus his chakra onto the soles of his feet to run up the rock wall. As he put his first chakra-layered foot onto the rock climbing wall, the pillar started to quake.

Ryujou hurriedly stopped, sending out his bees to begin swarming around the pillar as he pulled the chakra away from his foot. "Sorry, don't know what happened there. Guess I'm just not too good with this chakra feet climby thing!" The mound continued to rumble - something that Ryujou didn't take as a good sign. Checking his stores of honey jars and seeing them starting to grow dangerously low, he had his bees began to split apart into large groups as they flew higher and higher around the giant earthen pillar. "If you've got Body Switch too, now might be a good time to use it. Otherwise I'll just make as many targets as possible."

With that out of the way and the shaking getting almost too much for him to handle, Ryujou pulled himself a bit higher before using his Body Switch jutsu to swap places with a bug swarm a bit higher up. While the debris rained down upon the climbers, any time that Ryujou was going to be hit, he simply swapped places with one of his swarms that were higher up along the face. The hope was that no matter how many swarms were going to be preemptively targeted when Ryujou got in trouble, he would always have atleast one to body switch with.

The downsides of his 'master plan' were pretty simple: chakra reserves. Even though Ryujou had focused on inflating his chakra levels as high as possible, this many swarms would be a drain on anyone, the same reason that he had initially planned to go at this with just jars of honey. It was a race against time but hopefully more swarms would draw more fire away from his steam-hidden companion's climbing, even if he didn't have body switch. Besides, with any luck, one of his swarms could sneakily make their way up to the top and he could just easily swap to the end.
Oh. He didn't seem it at first, but, Ryujou was smart. Or, at the very least, he was one of those savants that had very clever ideas during battle. Either way, the older Uchiha was impressed by the Aburames tactic. Well, he couldn't let himself be beaten by this honey fanatic, could he? With new determination he sped up the rock face, a plan burning in his mind. It was... a bit ambitious, and he was really regretting that he wasn't natured towards wind at the moment, but, he couldn't change that now.

As he ran, he gathered lightning chakra in his fist, the area around him illuminating as lightning crackled and sparked all over him. He had a weird sensation in his eyes as he moved, like more and more chakra was building in them than ever. Everything seemed to slow down ever further, he was able to see more sharply, and the reason was evident for anyone who was watching him. His eyes began to shift, the third and final tomoe forming in his right eye, before his left eye mimiced. He had done it, he had mastered his sharingan.

"I.. I can see!" He yelled, coming to a sliding stop on the wall, raising his fist high above his head. "Lightning style! Thunderfist!"

As he fist connected with the rock wall, a small explosion echoed out from him, creating a shockwave and sending air flying all around him. The idea was to create quick, high wind pressure around him, clearing the fog so that Mikasa could see him clearly. Firstly to draw her attention towards him, and draw all these falling rocks to him, secondly, he needed to see Mikasa cerulean eyes.

'Aim for the middle of the rock wall. You don't want to hit us.' would be the thought that ran through Mikasa's head if his hypnotic suggestion was successful. If not, he was going to rely on his new eyes to dodge the rocks coming at him, though, he doubted he would dodge all of them. It was a feast or famine plan, but, he had to protect himself and Ryujou at the same time. This was the best way he could think to do that.
Humming of the insects grows more prominent as the swarms increase in volume, Mikasa peering through the steam to better understand the situation at hand. Regrettably, the insect wielding shinobi to be didn't seem to have a large repertoire of techniques; however in a realistic sense he was as academy student as one could be. Ryujou stuck to his guns and attempts to utilize the basics he learned throughout his time in the academy and to his credit got him relatively far up the pseudo cliff facing.

Between the steam and the increasing noise of the bee's, Mikasa remains silent to scan for any sign of their silhouettes; fortunately she wouldn't have to do so for very long as the guise lifts immediately to reveal the dynamic duo. Crimson optics would greet her cerulean, a silent message attempts to disgruntle her thoughts and in response her digits point in unusual directions to fire off the water based technique away from the pair. A widening grin is visible, for one of her caliber to be unable to resist a simple genjutsu from an academy student was far fetched and she merely only playing along; more or less approving of the various attempts thus far. After all, there was always more than one way to complete an objective.

The half way marker had been met and she was unsure how much chakra the students had remaining, surely not a huge amount in the tank? Closing her eyes momentarily, she reopens them to reveal mimicking optics, her own Sharingan - a coy smirk is aimed towards Maikeru. Swiftly the Sennin kneels on her creation, causing the terrain to rumble far more violently than previously. The terrain beneath the young men would lurch violently, retreating into the recessives of the world below and half the structure remaining. Mikasa now stared directly into the eyes of the pair, not more than a meter or so, "Not that I don't think you wouldn't be able to reach the top normally, but I don't want to risk either of you falling." she comments in a brisk tone.

Leisurely she gestures towards the summit and where they currently found themselves positioned, "You reached the 'top', congratulations!" she remarks in between dove fits of laughter. Casually she adjusts her platinum braid, still not sure of the Aburame's name, "With what limited techniques you possess, I believe you made far more uses out of them than many would have. Continue to think outside of the box and I am sure it will only aid you on your journey to becoming a shinobi." she comments with a nod of approval. In turn she would lock her gaze against Maikeru's, "Creating steam to guise not only yourself and but your teammate as well was a brilliant strategy. In order to succeed, at times you must think of your comrades as well - aiding them in battle is critical. Full points on all of your tactics."

A brief pause would ensue, "If I were an opponent on your level, I am sure I would falter to both of you. I am sure in the future you two will be a frightening prospects." she murmurs, crossing her arms. "You both have passed at this stage, congratulations."

[OOC: You will have to claim the rewards in the Lead Administration, but you both pass! Considering it is Sunday, you have one full week to claim it, as to not lose out on rewards!]​
Ryujou danced around on top of the stone bullet after having gotten to the top. It was through, uhh, hard work and perseverance that the two had gotten there. Not for safety reasons. Nu uh, not at all. At the conclusion of the class, he nodded heavily to the teacher's assessment of the two students after coming to the conclusion that they had passed the class and it was a good conclusion. He wasn't used to this at all - he had only ever passed one class and that had ended with honey.

"Um, thanks medical shiny coat lady Mikasa!" Ryujou uneasily gave a bow, mind spinning with the question of whether or not they would be getting honey after the class, "I will continue to work harder and think outside of the box and be frightening and have limited techniques! I'll definitely get to the top of the stone bullet next time too!" He shuffled his feet around a bit before turning to face Maikeru.

"Too bad we didn't make it to the end, nice to meet you Maikeru!" Introducing himself was never something that really crossed Ryujou's mind ever. The only time that he had ever said his name was in that manners class where everyone else had said their names first. "I'm uhh... I'm ten years old!"

With that, Ryujou hopped off of the stone bullet, body swapping with a honey jar right before hitting the ground and deftly catching it. Stuffing all of the jars back into his pockets, Ryujou ran off to go practice chakra sandals jutsu on a tree or a cliffside or something.

[Topic Left]
Well, that wasn't exactly how he had thought the class would end. He had expected more trials, but, he would just as well take the easy win. It didn't hurt to get a glowing review from the Sennin of the medical branch either, that would certainly boost his confidence if nothing else. When she left, and he was left with Ryujou, Maikeru moved to have a conversation with the the boy. That was, until he took off as well. That one.. was odd, that much was for sure. With a sigh, he hopped off of the giant stone bullet as well. Well, at least he could say today was interesting...

[Topic left]

(TWC: 1500+)

Current Ninpocho Time:
