Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Roka Meeting With The Devil

Akira Roka

New Ninja
Mar 31, 2024
OOC Rank
Roka's adventure begins as she traverses 'The Monumentum Deo', or a mountain more plainly known as the largest mountain within all of the lighting country. Just like the other jagged, and snow capped mountains, it possessed rough terrain that not just any normal person could handle. Though this was the case, Roka was completely undeterred from the challenge seeing as she had a vested interest in this journey. She was always in pursuit of exploring her homeland, and by coming here she might get to learn about and properly study the nimbus springs. It was her belief that they quite possibly possessed some sort of healing properties their her ancestors might have once utilized. While the temperature was low, the morning sun had already began to peak through the mountain range, gifting all those within the region a faint sense of warmth.

Taking a deep breathe, and casually glancing down to her side, she suddenly realized that titan was no where to be found. As of late, the two of them had grown somewhat distant from one and another; their bond was no longer as strong as it use to be. In fact, it seemed as if their teamwork and joint capabilities had even become lost to them. Still, not having him at her side was something she just wasn't use to. Closing her eyes, and nodding her head, she began to speak to herself. "You can do this." She told herself, as she began to walk a very specific pathway up the mountain side. With Chakra focused into the bottom of her feet, she secured her footing and began to hike.

At first, everything seemed to be rather easy but with each step, she realized how the gradual incline of the pathway was quickly becoming tougher. "My calf's are on fire." She thought to herself, as she stopped to rest. Kneeling down on her left knee, Roka began to pat and message the calf on her right leg. After a short while, she switched knee's and did the same to the other calf. Sighing, she stood back up and continued her walk up the side of the mountain pathway.

Before this journey even began, Roka had taken the time to study the recorded history about this specific mountain. She knew there would be plenty of unique sights to see, and discoveries to make. Even then, she wondered how many of Raiden's devotee's remained at the monastery. Times had changed drastically throughout the entirety of the lighting country, and Kumogakure was no so advanced that the village had vehicles that could basically fly through the air. Surely Raiden's devotee's had modernized, otherwise what short amount of time Roka was about to spend there would be comparable to that of the time she spends with her brother. "I wonder, has Kazan even visited this place? If this monastery is stuck in ancient times, he'd probably love it there." She thought with a slight smile. While Roka preferred things to be more modern, her brothers love of low tech was something she just didn't agree with.

As Roka continued her Journey up 'The Monumentum Deo', many hours would pass before she came across and opening in the mountain side, while recognizing the end of the trail itself. Turning her attention to it, she entered through the crevice and continued her journey through what seemed to be a man made tunnel. Statues, seemingly in reference to Raiden, would line the sides of the pathway. "I must be getting close." She told herself, as the pathway soon turned into an open cavern filled with pools of fresh, hot, spring water. "The Nimbus Springs!" She shouted, as her words echoed. Rushing to the waters edge, she knelt down once again as she simultaneously reached into her side pouch, before pulling out several small vials.

One by one, she began to fill each of them with water from the springs. "This should be enough." She thought, as she closed the tops and swiftly placed them back into her bag. These few samples would help her study the mineral composition, as well as test the waters for any foreign material, bacteria, or anything else that might rear it's head. Standing back up, she glanced about until she once again recognized what might be an established walkway. Following it, she walked past the pools of spring water to what looked like an exit.

As she eventually made it through to the exit, her eyes would quickly adjust to the new view before her. Nestled in an opening, in the middle of the mountain, was a single home surrounded by what seemed to be a small garden. "This isn't a monastery, is it?" She asked herself, as a figure appeared in the distance from the backside of the house.

[wc: 800] [Marked for Dojo]


Name: Sude Sairasu

It had been quite some time since Sairasu washed up upon the northern shoreline of the country. His mind was still in a haze, just as his heart was still conflicted. To rejoin the village that he devoted his life to and ultimately betrayed him, or to simply live as a wonderer? That was the point he had come to, and he was far from making a decisive decision. Almost immediately after being saved by a man with scarlet red hair, he found solace in the depths of the countries mountainous region. Having taken refuge in an abandoned homestead nestled safely upon what one would think was a mountains peak, Sairasu began to rebuild his life.

As the seasons passed, and the winter storms bore their might; he rebuilt the abandoned home, repurposes it's garden, and found some type of peace within himself. That was, until a stranger appeared within his domain. As he sensed them breach the exit of the springs, he stopped tending to his garden and walked around to the front his new house. Without hesitation, the Dark Sage formerly known as Kumo's Devil asserted his demonic Aura; the visitor would feel a distinct gravitational pressure begin weigh them down as if it were trying to crush them. Sairasu was not one for warm welcomes, and would immediately make assert himself. "What the hell are you doing here?" He'd ask, as he continued to approach before stopping less than fifteen feet from the woman.

Folding his arms across his chest, he stood there adamantly. No one had bothered him in quite some time, though no one exactly knew that he had taken refuge here to begin with. It would be worth noting that, while no body had really seen Sairasu since his return, even Akira Kazan wouldn't recognize the physical progress he had recently made. If anything, Sairasu was now stronger than ever.

[Wc: 316] <- Edited in WC
[OOC: Sude Sairasu NPC Enters Thread]​
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Almost immediately as the figure approached, they spoke to Roka as she began to feel an immense amount of pressure bare down upon her. Shifting her stance, and widening her feet, she her gaze briefly fell to the ground. Every muscle in her body began to shake, almost as if they were physically being overpowered. Gritting her teeth, she looked up to the man as her heart began to pound. He was just standing there, and yet somehow he was able to exert such pressure upon her and the area. "I'm just looking... for..." She'd said, as she'd take a step backwards. "The Monasteries." She'd said, as she began to grasp for air.

"Could you knock it off!?" She'd shout, in frustration towards the man. Suddenly, the pressure she once felt would begin to slightly ease up. Taking a deep breathe, in an attempt to calm her nerves, she'd stay alert to the situation. For all she knew, she stumbled upon some weirdo with ill intentions. Slowly, she began to shift her weight as one of her hands slowly reached down towards her pouch. "I just wanted to study the nimbus springs, and check in on the monasteries here on Monumentum Deo. I didn't mean to trespass, but you don't have to be so aggressive." She said, somewhat scolding the stranger for his intent.

Roka was a little feisty, and yet somehow that quality had yet to land her in trouble. Hopefully that trend would continue, but for the moment she was unsure. This freak of nature before her could very well change all of that. "Excuse me, let me apologize." She'd say, before briefly closing her eyes and nodding her head. Upon opening them, she'd speak again. "My name is Akira Roka, and I'm a Medical Ninja from Kumogakure. I'm just here trying to expand my knowledge for the sake of my trade." She'd say, as she pulled out some of the vials with water samples from the springs she earlier collected. Extending out her hand, she attempted to show him the samples she had created as if to back up her words.

After doing so, she'd quickly begin to place them back into her side pouch. While this was meant to prove what she was doing, it was up to this guy to decided for himself. If anything, Roka was read to turn tail and run, but it hopefully wouldn't come to that.

[Wc: 400 +] [Marked for Dojo]


Name: Sude Sairasu

As the girl spoke, and explained herself Sairasu began to slowly ease up before her attitude got the best of her. Pausing for a brief moment, to continue to allow his aura to affect her, he smirked at her frustration. While she did explain her purpose and what she was doing, Sairasu had no interest in guest or their reasons for visiting what he was claiming as his. Though before he could say anything, she apologized to him and introduced herself. The name echoed through his head, as he thought back to his old friend, sort of, named Akira Saito and a guy he had just recently met named Akira Kazan. This piqued his interest, and it was clear by the slight chuckle he let escape.

"Does the name Akira Saito, or Akira Kazan, sound familiar to you?" He'd ask the girl, wondering if she might be decedent of his old friend or somehow related to the scarlet haired man who saved him from drowning a couple months ago. Being related to either of them was sort of a bad notch in his book. Akira Saito turned both his and the village back on Sairasu, betraying him. Then, even though Akira Kazan had helped him, Sairasu held some sort of animosity towards him for his beliefs. Hell, Sairasu even tried to convince Kazan to give up on his blind loyalty towards his village without really pressuring the issue.

Planting the seeds of doubt in the mans mind was all Sairasu cared about doing at the time anyway. If it wasn't obvious, Sairasu had a sick sense of gratitude. Then again, Kazan also took something from Sairasu, rather or not he realized it or if it was intentional. To put it plainly, the Sude Clan held three ancient artifacts that were rumored to be capable of opening the door to the demon realm. Regardless if that was even possible, the three artifacts possessed an enormous amount of cursed energy. Before he willingly froze himself and sealed himself away, Sairasu had tied the three artifacts to his own life force. When Kazan saved him, somehow one of them left with him when the two parted ways.

Accidental theft aside, Sairasu was curious as to how the girl would reply to his question. As direct as it was, he still ignored everything else she had just said and zeroed in on what connections her name might hold. She seemed to have a personality attached to her, after all.

[Wc: 420]​
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While she explained herself, she noticed the man slightly chuckle at her before asking her about two very specific names. While she shared a family name with both of them, she had never heard of an Akira Saito before, but Akira Kazan was different. That was her brother, and this man knew about him. "Maybe they're friends or something? Kazan's explored just about everywhere in the country side..." She thought to herself, as she took a step back just in case. He seemed to direct, and completely ignored the normal custom of introducing themselves when someone else introduces themselves.

Maybe this was some sort of old school custom or something. Unsure rather or not she should answer that question, she just went with it and hoped for the best. "I've never heard of an Akira Saito, but Akira Kazan is my older brother. He's the newly appointed Main Branch Sennin of Kumogakure." She'd say, in hopes of mentioning her brothers position would maybe diffuse the situation a little. While this guy wasn't being hyper aggressive, everything seemed a little off for Roka. "Maybe telling him that wasn't a good idea..." She thought, before thinking about what could happen.

Her eyes would shift to the right, as she considered her options right now if things went sideways. On her person, she held mostly medical and research supplies, and without titan fighting wasn't an option. Though, she did still have her basic shinobi tools, including a smoke bomb. If this man attacked, dropping one and turning towards the cave behind her would be the first course of action, though it was the obvious choice. Roka's best bet would be to head for the rock like walls the circled the 'getaway' she had found herself in. With enough luck, and plenty of chakra, she'd be able to escape if she needed to.

[Wc: 308][Marked for Kinjutsu] [Kinjutsu Total: 309]


Name: Sude Sairasu

As she told Sairasu how she had never heard of Akira Saito, but that Kazan was her brother and the newly appointed Main Branch Sennin over the village, a grin crossed his face. Simultaneously, raised his right arm to readjust his coat and shift stance, as well as how held his classic, sheathed, nodaichi sword. "Ahhh, I knew that bastard was different." He'd say in regards towards Roka's response about Akira Kazan. "Roka was it? Your brother did me a solid. I owe him." Said Sairasu, as he raised his left hand into the air, formed a fist, and extended out his thumb pointed at himself.

"I'm Sude Sairasu, and I was Sennin a long time ago." He'd say with a brief pause as he realized how uncomfortable the girl seemed to be about stumbling upon him. Then again, he has been a little unwelcoming. "But that doesn't really matter much anymore. You're welcome to stick around for a little. I got some questions." He'd tell her, as he'd turn his back and begin walking back towards the house he had claimed.

Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. While he had told Roka that he owed Kazan, Kazan did technically take something from him. To Sairasu, there was nothing to be owed or reclaimed in this situation, so telling Roka she owed him was a lie by his own beliefs. Still, this presented an opportunity to monitor the guy in a unique position, while also keeping track of the ware bouts of his artifact. Realizing the girl had introduced herself as a medical ninja, he shifted the conversation to that fact. "Since you're a medical ninja, i'm sure you've probably heard of the impure world resurrection technique. I think during my time it was new, but I imagine medical ninja these days are plenty capable of using it." He'd say, wondering how she'd react towards him immediately shifting the conversation towards what was considered a forbidden technique.

[Wc: 328]​
With a shocked looked on her face as she realized this man had called her brother a 'bastard', she hesitated as he continued to explain that Kazan had done him a favor or something that caused the guy to owe him. Calming down and ignoring his choice of words, she listened as he finally introduced himself as 'Sude Sairasu' and claimed to have been a sennin a long time ago. Roka had never heard the name before, but if he was being truthful than she could feel a little more at ease. Choosing to believe him, wondered about what kind of questions he might have.

By the sounds of things, this guy had probably retired from serving the village or something. At one point or another, she'd have to write down his name and check with the village as to who he was. She knew that if there was someone out there capable of using chakra, the village would likely want them to return to service and this guy gave off a powerful aura. "Well, it's nice to officially meet you, but what kind of questions? And yeah, it was Roka." She'd ask him, as she noticed he turned from her and began walking back towards his house.

With a little hesitation, she began to follow him. At this point, Roka had begun to grow curious as to this mans connection to her brother and the village. As far as she knew, this region only housed monks dedicated to Raiden; finding a former member of the village, that had a connection to someone close to her, was purely coincidental. Within seconds though, Roka heard him talk about some technique that medical ninja should be easily able to perform, but Roka had never even heard of it. Also, he mentioned it was new during his time. This was confusing, because at best this guy wasn't much older than her brother was. "What do you mean your time? And no, I've never heard of a technique by the name." She said, both questioning him and replying to his statement.

He called it the 'impure world resurrection' technique, which seemed to have an ominous name that seemingly explained itself. To Roka, the key word was 'resurrection', which made her believe if was some type of revival skills or something of that nature. "I mean, i'm just a Chuunin ranked Medical Ninja. Maybe it might be something more advanced I just haven't heard about before, but I think something involving resurrections would be more known....." She told him, as she began to think about the idea of bringing someone dead back to life. If something like that existed, then no one would ever die. Then again, considering everything Roka knew in regards to her medical knowledge, that was impossible.

[Wc: 465] [Marked for Kinjutsu] [Kinjutsu Total: 774]


Name: Sude Sairasu

Stopping in his tracks as Roka asked about his comment about time, he'd sigh as she finished saying what she was saying about the technique he had just mentioned. While she was a medical ninja, she let her rank and skill level slip which made this all to easy for Sairasu to continue. "Yeah, my time. It was a few decades ago though." He said, pausing to turn back and face her breifly. "To be blunt, I was frozen for long time and we could technically say your brother saved me." He told her, giving her as little information as he needed to about being frozen and his connection to her brother. "Back then, the Raikage was a man named Akira Saito and he was my best friend, before.... he set me up..." He'd say before turning back around.

As he lead her around the side of his home, and reached the backyard he would point off towards a small plot filled with half a dozen headstone. "You've probably never heard of it because the technique might still be forbidden, but I'm very much capable of it and other similar techniques." He'd say, as he shifted his stance. Swinging his sheathed sword out from over his shoulder, he held it straight up and down. "Let me demonstrate one for ya." He'd announce, as he slammed tapped the sheathed sword against the ground.

Immediately, his body would begin to emit a purple aura of chakra that would channel straight into his sword, and transfer into a circle on the ground surrounding him. Within a few short seconds, the circle of purple chakra would surge through the ground towards the headstones. A cursed dreaded aura would fill the air, as the ground would begin to shake.

"Corpse Soil!" He'd say, as hands would begin to reach out from the graves across the yard from them.

One by one, give clothed and decayed skeletons would begin to rise from the graves. Turning back towards Roka, he'd speak once again. "The skill set brings the dead back to life to aid ya in combat. So it's not true resurrection. In fact, it's a cursed set of techniques, but in the hands of a medical shinobi, it would prove useful. So tell me, Roka.... since I owe your brother... would you like to learn?" He'd say, as if he were offering her something with nothing in return.

[Wc: 407]​
Although she was following him for some unknown reason, she came to a stand still as he turned around and faced her again. Listening to him explain about what he meant about his time, a look of astonishment crossed her face. Somehow, he had been frozen in time and without outright saying it, she made a few assumptions due to the fact he left some things up to interpretation. The guy named Akira Saito betrayed him somehow, and from the way Sairasu talked, he probably set him up to be frozen. Rather this was the truth or not, she had no idea. Though, normally something like being frozen was technically a death sentence, she knew that with chakra almost anything was possible. In truth, what someone who was skilled enough in chakra control, and it's usage, could do with chakra was nearly unfathomable.

Truly, there was nearly nothing that someone couldn't accomplish with enough time, planning, and chakra control. "Well, that sounds like Kazan." She whispered under her breathe in reply towards learning about this mans connection with her brother. Once he turned back around, Roka would continue to follow him out of a sense of curiosity. As the two of them walked beside his house, and towards the back yard, she stopped as he pointed at the graves. She had been listening the entire time, especially about the technique he mentioned being a forbidden technique and how he was capable of it.

In silence, she heard him offer to demonstrate one of the techniques and before she could reply, he went ahead and did so. Noticing his chakra, and feeling a sense of dread, she watched him slam the end of his sheathed sword to the ground and watched as his chakra poured into the earth beneath him. Once again, she took a step back; she had no idea on what she was about to witness, or if it'd be turned against her for blindly trusting this man. Watching as his chakra formed a purple circle, and then shoot out towards some tombstones he pointed at earlier, her eyes widened as she witnessed a bone hand breach the surface of the ground.

And then another, until five figures began to rise from the ground itself. "He called it corpse soil..." She told herself, as her eyes widened. Roka was completely silent about what she was currently witnessing. As Sairasu turned back to her and explained what was happening, he made an offer to teach her since he owed her brother. A technique, or skill set, like this was something Roka immediately recognized as something 'impure' and unnatural. Her heart began to race, as questions filled her mind; though, the idea of doing something like this seemed thrilling. Even if it was cursed, a power like this would help greatly down the road. Especially since her bond with titan had been recently loosening.

Struggling to answer him, she caught herself trembling. Something about this seemed so wrong, and while it was unlike her, she just felt the urge to accept the offer. The temptation was to great. "Please.... Teach me." She told him, with an unsure tone of voice. Deep down, she knew something like this was wrong. At the very least, it could be considered disrespectful to the dead. Though somehow, she felt she could probably justify it. In Roka's mind, she could use the ability for the greater good. If there was someone out there, like a fallen hero from the past, surely they'd approve of being resurrected to help the village again.

As for the technique she just witnessed, this corpse soil as Sairasu called it, was different than that. Clear as day, this wasn't the type of resurrection she had in mind. It was kind of disgraceful. "But, would that impure world technique bring corpse's back like this technique did or would it be more like an actual revival?" She asked, wondering the extent of the technique Sairasu had mentioned before. In this moment, Roka was treading in a territory she had never even considered. She became a medical ninja to help others, but right now that line was blurred. Would this actually let her help others, or was it just a power grab? "All that matters is how I use the technique, right?" She'd ask herself, in an attempt to justify it.

[Wc: 727] [Marked for Kinjutsu] [Kinjutsu Total: 1,501] [WC Minimum for Kinjutsu obtained]

Current Ninpocho Time:
