[I]The oldest and most prodigious clan originating from the Hidden Cloud Village, The Santaru are a proud people with the unique ability to control electricity. Long have they been feared by others because of this trait, yet, few can stand against their mighty bolts of energy they summon from the sky. Though they are attuned to storms in general, by far they have a much more strengthened affinity to Lightning and electricity of all types, their eyes brightening with an electric neon glow whenever their powers are in use. Subconsciously they tend to emit unnoticeable electromagnetic waves, enough to leave the hair on your neck stand up and leave goosebumps on those nearby. Yet, when angered, their powers become so great, that often it is beyond their ability to control.[/I]
[spoiler][COLOR=red][B]Note:[/B][/COLOR] All Santaru Techniques are considered Storm Techniques.
084 PL - Storm Manipulation (Rank 1), Gathering Storm (Rank 1)
168 PL - Call of the Storm (Rank 1)
252 PL - Rejuvenating Storm (Rank 1)
336 PL - Call of the Storm (Rank 2)
420 PL - Storm Manipulation (Rank 2), Rider of the Storm (Rank 1)
504 PL - Gathering Storm (Rank 2)
588 PL - Call of the Storm (Rank 3), Rejuvenating Storm (Rank 2)
672 PL - Storm Manipulation (Rank 3), Rider of the Storm (Rank 2)
756 PL - Rejuvenating Storm (Rank 3)
840 PL - Gathering Storm (Rank 3), Rider of the Storm (Rank 3)
[U][B]Storm Manipulation - [I]Passive[/I][/B][/U]
Called by some as “The Storm Bringers”, Santaru are all born with the ability to control the very sky itself. This natural ability is something many children of the clan do by accident before they learn to control their chakra, as it leaks out due to emotional changes that will directly change the weather based on their mood. While many grow out of this, learning how to control this power naturally teaches them how to also change other Ninjutsu into powerful storms.
[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] May convert Lightning and Water Techniques into Storm Techniques by paying an additional 20%/10%/0% Chakra Cost.
[*]The User automatically has access to the Storm Advanced Element.
[*]Partial hits from Techniques converted into Storm Techniques are treated 1 rank higher.
[U][B]Electrokinesis - [I]Passive[/I][/B][/U]
One of the most unique traits a Santaru has, even as a child, is a certain special magnetization of their chakra. This starts off as simply having metal objects stick to their skin, and it is with this early life event that a parent of a Santaru child knows it's time to train them in controlling their power; or else metal objects will begin to fly through the house. Due to this, they naturally have a way to empower ninjutsu by pushing their attuned chakra with this natural magnetic force and gives them the ability to naturally repels projectiles aimed at them.
[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The User gains +5%/+10%/15% Damage for Storm Techniques. The User also gains the [URL='https://ninpocho.com/threads/deflection.213/'][U]Deflection[/U][/URL] ability, which does not take up an ability slot.
[U][B]Gathering Storm - [I]Santaru Bloodline Style[/I][/B][/U]
By attuning their chakra to manipulate the elements of Lightning and Water in different fluctuations, a Santaru’s constant casting of Storm Ninjutsu blesses them with small orbs of energy that condense into such a form as a result of the constantly shifting the electrons in the air caused by such attacks. The Santaru consider these orbs “Blessings of Raiden”, as they can be seen, touched, and used by the Santaru themselves to empower a number of natural abilities and their Kekkei Genkai.
[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] Upon entering this style, the user may choose which Gathered Storm is active. When the user casts a Storm Technique they gain a Storm Orb, which can be spent the following ways:
[*][B]Gathered Storms[/B]
[*][B]Distant Thunder[/B]: The user casts a Storm Technique and it is delayed by 5/10/15 seconds, techniques delayed in this way get +1 Acc/+5% damage per Storm Orb spent
[*][B]Eye of the Storm[/B]: For user gains +1 Dodge and +5% deflection chance per Storm Orb spent.
[*][B]Sudden Squall[/B]: Storm Techniques the user cast are modded as 0.25 AP faster per Storm Orb spent.
[B]Cost:[/B] 0.5 AP
[*]Counts as either a [I]Chakra[/I] or [I]Physical Style[/I]. Must be declared upon entering.
[*]The user may spend a Storm Orb to change Storms.
[*]The user may hold up to 3 Storm Orbs at a time. Upon selecting a bloodline branch, this increases to 6.
[*]Eye of the Storm’s buff is active until the user changes to another Gathered Storm, and caps at +6/+30%.
[*]Sudden Squall's AP timing reduction caps at 0.5 AP.
[U][B]Rejuvenating Storm - [I]Storm Ninjutsu[/I][/B][/U]
Many shinobi who specialize in certain elemental prowess tend to have an upper edge in combat depending on where they are fighting; known as the “home field advantage.” Santaru, however, have no such weakness. They carry on their back the weather of their homelands and are always at an advantage in any battle due to this.
[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] Targets up to 3 Allied Targets at +0/+0.5/+1 Acc, Healing 1/2/3% Max HP.
[B]Special Action[/B] - [I]Storm's Ire[/I]: The user may instead target up to 3 Hostile Targets, dealing 300/400/500 damage instead of healing.
[B]Cost:[/B] 1.5 AP; 250/450/650 CP. 125/225/325 CP per round.
[*]The user may spend 1 Storm Orb to maintain this technique.
[*]While maintained, this technique is modded every 10 seconds.
[U][B]Rider of the Storm - [I]Storm Ninjutsu[/I][/B][/U]
Going into a fight with a Santaru has been considered by some to be akin to trying to punch a natural disaster. Like spitting into a hurricane, anyone who crosses the ire of someone who can manipulate the very sky often find themselves living in a nightmare of storms. The land quakes and fear strikes into the hearts of those who know the sound of battling thunder.
[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The Battlefield gains the following effects:
[*]Attempts to strike up to 1/2/3 random hostile targets for 200/250/300 damage each.
[*]Reduces the chakra cost of Storm Techniques by 5/10/15%.
[*]Gives +6/8/10% chance of activating secondary effects of Storm Techniques.
[B]Cost:[/B] 2 Ap, 600/750/900 CP, 300/375/450 CP and 1 Storm Orb per round.
[*]This is a [I]Terrain[/I] technique.
[*]This technique may be maintained for up to 30 seconds
[*]While maintained, this technique’s damage is modded every 10 seconds.
[*]Other Terrain Techniques must pass a Ninjutsu check at -2 Nin Acc against the user to overwrite this technique.
[U][B]Tenki no Eshi - The Weather Painter[/B][/U]
[I]Among the Santaru are a special handful who are able to fully control their weather abilities with the practiced hand of a professional artist. Known as the Tenki-no-Eshi, or 'Weather Painters', these Kekkei Genkai masters are really the part of the clan you don't want to cross; lest your day be ruined by torrential downpours and thunderstorms. Their very presence on a battlefield is often marked by a rolling black cloud full of thunder and fury as they literally glide into a conflict. [/I]
[spoiler]924 PL - Master of the Weather (Rank 1), Stormweaver (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Tempest Targeting (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Stormweaver (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Master of the Weather (Rank 2), Tempest Targeting (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Updraft (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Master of the Weather (Rank 3), Stormweaver (Rank 3)
1428 PL - Updraft (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Lightning Spear (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Tempest Targeting (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Updraft (Rank 3), Lightning Spear(Rank 2)
1764 PL - Dark Tempest (Rank 3)
[U][B]Master of the Weather - [I]Passive[/I][/B][/U]
Weather Painters are a powerful kind of Santaru that can do more than just control the sky. They can shift the very terrain of battle to their whims and can do things with the weather that would make the uninitiated believe they are gods walking among mortals; to which, they often agree with.
[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The user may maintain 2 Terrain Techniques on the battlefield at once. The user gains +0/+1/+2 to checks in their favor when an ally or opponent attempts to overwrite a terrain technique.
[*]When an opponent or ally attempts to cast a Terrain Technique, the user may choose which of their techniques is overwritten if check is passed. The other remains on the field.
[U][B]Tempest Targeting - [I]Passive[/I][/B][/U]
Storm Orbs are a powerful tool in the arsenal of a Santaru already, but in the hands of a true artist of storms they become elemental mortar shells. Even a single orb used by a Weather Painter can turn a simple storm into a calamity that has the potential to wipe a town off the map and change the very face of the world.
[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] Whenever the user consumes a Storm Orb, the next Storm Technique gains +1 target and -3/2/1 accuracy, increasing the cost by +5/10/15% CP. This effect does not stack.
[U][B]Stormweaver - [I]Storm Ninjutsu[/I][/B][/U]
Surrounding an enemy is an effective way to exhaust their resources, stamina, and is a valid tactic for eventually overwhelming a powerful foe. Not so for the Weather Painters. Control over a variety of weather events makes it so that no matter how many opponents these Santaru face, the enemy will never know what these weather shinobi be blasting.
[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The User makes a check against 1/2/3 Hostile Targets, with 2/4/6 hits per person dealing 175/220/260 Elemental Damage, at -1 Acc. For every 2 hits, the Hostile Target has -1 Acc and Dodge for 5 seconds. The user may spend a Storm Orb to make the debuffs last for 10 seconds.
[B]Cost:[/B] 2.5 AP; 750/1000/1250 CP
[*]While [I]Rider of the Storm[/I] is active, this technique deals +10% damage.
[*]The Acc and Dodge Debuff caps at -3 Acc and Dodge.
[*]This technique has a 15 second cooldown after use.
[U][B]Updraft - [I]Storm Ninjutsu[/I][/B][/U]
A storm technique performed yet again by altering the electrons in the air, this invokes a powerful gust of wind that smashes into targets with spontaneous force, and launches them into the sky with its sheer force. Perhaps this technique started rumors of the Santaru being able to fly, though one may wonder how safe using it on oneself may be.
[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] When the user casts this technique and every 10 seconds this technique is maintained, they make a ninjutsu check against all targets in the battlefield. A successful check causes Airborne Status on the target for 5 seconds. While this technique is maintained, Targets with Airborne Status can use Melee Accuracy against other Airborne Targets.
[B]Special Action[/B] - [I]Riding the Wind[/I]: The user may give or remove Airborne Status from themselves by consuming one Storm Orb and spending 0.5 AP.
[B]Cost:[/B] 2.5AP; 650/820/980 CP.
[*]This is a [I]Terrain[/I] technique.
[*]This technique may be maintained for up to 30 seconds
[*]While this technique is maintained, Targets may voluntarily fail the check to gain Airborne Status.
[*]The user may spend 2 Storm Orbs to make Airborne status last 10 seconds instead.
[U][B]Living Storm- [I]Storm Ninjutsu[/I][/B][/U]
The strength of the Tenki-no-Eshi is not something that is easily measured. To simply believe that creating weather events has been the hubris of many a Santaru's foe as their ability in controlling the very elements of the weather give them the talent to turn the storms they conjure into something that seemingly has a mind of its own. These storms are so fascinatingly alive that they even appear to protect the Santaru who create them or, even become one with them, making it nigh impossible for even most shinobi to tell the difference between the creator and the creation.
[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] Creates a Living Storm with 5280/6600/7920 HP with -3 of the User's secondaries and 5 AP. The Living Storm can take the following actions:
[*][B]Lightning Strike:[/B]: 1 AP - Does a basic strike 704/880/1056 Elemental Damage using Ninjutsu Acc.
[*][B]Ride the Lightning[/B]: 1AP - The next A Rank or lower Offensive Storm technique is modded as taking 1 AP less timing, and may be comboed with another Offensive Storm Technique of the same rank or lower.
[*][B]Generate Storms[/B]: X AP - May cast any Water, Lightning, Storm or Santaru Technique the user knows. Techniques cast this way automatically are under the effect of the Affinity Move Spread. The AP cost is equal to the Technique's AP cost.
[B]Special Action[/B] - [I]Clad in Lightning[/I]: By consuming all the user’s current Storm Orbs, the Living Storm's HP becomes temp HP for the user, and the user may use the Living Storms actions. For each Storm Orb Consumed, Clad in Lightning lasts 5 seconds, for a maximum of 30 seconds.
[B]Cost:[/B] 3 AP and 3630 CP, 1815 CP/rnd.
[*]This is an [I]Creation Technique[/I]
[*]The Living Storm uses the User’s CP to cast techniques.
[*]Each action taken by the Living Storm generates Storm Orbs, this includes while using the Special Action - Clad in Lightning.
[*]When using the Special Action - Clad in Lightning, This is also a Chakra Armor Technique
[*]When the Special Action - Clad in Lightning is active, The Living Storm may not use AP and the user does not gain the Living Storm's AP.
[*]When using the Special Action - Clad in Lightning, the user must pay the CP costs for any techniques cast with Generate Storms.
[*]Special Action - Clad in Lightning ends when the time is up, or the Living Storm's HP is depleted.
[U][B]Inazuma no Ken - The Lightning Sword[/B][/U]
[I]While most Santaru are more than happy to use their god-like powers to overwhelm an opponent via sky control, there lies a section of the clan that are nearly as secretive as the shionobi they all claim to be. The Inazuma-no-Ken are a secret sect of warriors who have help guide the clan through subtle nudges and secret missions as they follow the path set before them by their savior and god, Raiden. Sometimes known as the Ronins of Raiden, these Santaru rarely work with other members of their clan, and concentrate their power into a smaller but far more versatile form to combat on the level expected of most shinobi.[/I]
[spoiler]924 PL - Shocking Presence (Rank 1), Sword of Storms (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Overclocking (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Sword of Storms (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Shocking Presence (Rank 2), Overclocking (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Storm Capacitor (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Shocking Presence (Rank 3), Sword of Storms (Rank 3)
1428 PL - Storm Capacitor (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Lightning Spear (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Overclocking (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Storm Capacitor (Rank 3), Lightning Spear (Rank 2)
1764 PL - Lightning Spear (Rank 3)
[U][B]Shocking Presence - [I]Passive[/I][/B][/U]
Instead of abusing the power of the sky and controlling their chakra into a limited form, the Inazuma supercharge the power gifted to them already via natural magnetism to shock opponents the moment they make contact; via by weapon or by defense. Like static electricity on steroids, this sudden zap can pop a weapon right out of an opponent’s hands.
[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] Offensive Techniques that make Melee Contact against the User have a 5%/10%/15% chance to cause the attacker to drop their equipped weapon.
[*]The user is still hit by the Offensive Technique, the opponent drops the weapon after the Offensive Technique's completion.
[*]This has a 5 second cooldown after triggering per Hostile Target.
[U][B]Overclocking - [I]Passive[/I][/B][/U]
For a true shinobi, speed is everything. Cutting an opponent down before they can move, shifting into position to counter attack before it can be seen, striking first; these are all mantras of the Inazuma that are taken to heart. Due to this being a core principle in their combat tactics, even their Storm Ninjutsu appear with such startling speed that often their storms becomes the surprise element needed to land the final blow.
[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] Whenever the user consumes a Storm Orb, the next Storm Technique they use has it's AP timing reduced by 0.25 AP. Until they cast their next Technique, the user gains +0/1/2 Dodge.
[*]The Dodge bonus does not stack.
[*]AP timing reduction does not stack past 0.5AP.
[*]AP timing reduction does not stack with Gathering Storm.
[U][B]Sword of Storms - [I]Storm Ninjutsu[/I][/B][/U]
Originally named by the first secret sect of Inazumas, whom all used katana created from pure energy, this technique has since evolved to adapt to the user. Be it cladding their fists with heavy clouds filled with thunder or creating a kunai capable of calling down a torrent of lightning bolts to hit its intended target; it is easily one of the strongest weapons in an Inazuma's arsenal.
[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The user creates a weapon with 1/2/3 augments. This weapon automatically has the Special Composition: Storm augment which does not count towards the augment limit. While Sword of Storms is equipped the user may cast Storm Techniques through the weapon. Storm Techniques of C-Rank or Higher cast this way generate a Storm Orb.
[B]Special Action[/B] - [I]Bottled Lightning[/I]: The user may consume a Storm Orb to cast Storm Techniques with Weapon Accuracy.
[B]Cost:[/B] 2 AP; 550 CP, 275 CP per round to maintain.
[*]Sword of Storms is a Weapon Creation Technique.
[*]Bottled Lightning last 10 Seconds.
[U][B]Storm Capacitor - [I]Storm Ninjutsu[/I][/B][/U]
It is said that the Inazuma-no-Ken are doubly blessed by Raiden by following his path into battle in the same manner their god would have. While many Santaru gain their Storm Orbs through just casting, these warriors have found the means by how they are created and focus their combat style to produce as many “blessings” as possible form their Lord. It is the only sign of difference before a fight starts as to what kind of Santaru an opponent faces, as the Inazuma literally glow with the amount of orbs that surround them.
[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] The user generates 1/2/3 Storm Orbs. For the next 10 seconds, the user has no limit to how many Storm Orbs they may have. At the end of [I]Storm Capacitor's[/I] duration any extra Storm Orbs above the user’s maximum are lost.
[B]Cost[/B]: 2.5 AP, 800 CP
[*]This technique has a 10 second cooldown after use.
[*]While [I]Rider of the Storm[/I] is active, this generates 4/5/6 Storm Orbs instead.
[U][B]Lightning Spear - [I]Storm Ninjutsu[/I][/B][/U]
The Inazuma have a secret technique that is so overwhelmingly powerful that originally, only the head of the sacred order was allowed to use it. Created by their savoir Raiden and then mastered by the first order head Thunder God Ichi, this attack turns their stormy weapon into a chakra bomb fueled by the power of the heavens in the shape of a spear, which is then hurled towards the enemy at unimaginable speeds. The resulting explosion has been known to erase entire mountain sections when thrown by the most powerful of Santaru.
[B]Rank 1/2/3: [/B]The user launches an attack using their [I]Sword of Storms[/I] dealing 4000/4500/5000 damage at +1/+2/+3 Accuracy.
[B]Special Action[/B] - [I]Dragonkiller[/I]: The user may consume up to 10 Storm Orbs while casting this technique. Each Storm Orb consumed this way grants a +5% damage bonus to [I]Lightning Spear[/I]. If 5 or more Storm Orbs are consumed, the [I]Dragonkiller[/I] ignores DR.
[B]Cost:[/B] 3 AP; 3000 CP
[*]Requires [I]Sword of Storms[/I] to be active and equipped.
[*]This technique can only receive damage buffs by using the special action. No other buffs can be applied.