Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Mission Saving Lives With A Signature, A Couriers Mission - E-Rank Mission for Jagaimo

Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Courier HQ was bustling with life as a heated discussion broke out among the dispatchers. "Great these requisition orders need to be signed by the Medical Chief, Sennin Akku..." before the first individual could even finish getting the name out a curse was muttered by one of his comrades. "I'm not sending any of my runners there. I've heard the stories about him, find someone else." Their discussion would continue on like this between the various dispatchers, each listing their own reasoning for not wishing to send someone into the depths of the Omni Prime Medical Facility. Not that they could be blamed for their hesitation, even though the Medical Chief had been made Sennin there were more then a few unsavoury rumours floating about the Sage. Over the years many a sunan shinobi had grown up hearing stories about the Miroku Clan's leader. A boogeyman-like figure in urban folklore of Sunagakure. Like so many other monstrous threads that made up the tapestry of their countries history, he was real.

The real question was which of the stories about him were true? That was something no one wanted to find the answer to themselves. Finally after some debate among the dispatchers, a courier for the task of obtaining a signature had been decided. One by one they had gone through their list of Couriers, until finally they landed on one they were willing to sacrifice. "Send for Jagaimo, give him the mission along with his satchel." A dispatcher made there way through the HQ to where the couriers waited for their packages. Navigating the various shinobi, civilians & even the odd Sandrunner awaiting it's Courier for departure. Finally they would arrive where the Potato Courier Jagaimo would be awaiting his orders.

Tossing the satchel to Jagaimo the dispatcher would give pass on his orders. "These need to be signed by the Medical Chief & Sennin of International Affairs Miroku Akkuma. He should be located at the Omni Prime Medical Facility..." It seemed the dispatchers had gone for the courier they believed would be less likely to draw the Sages attention. This task was important, the squads out of the village needed resupplying. There was likely to be little danger & yet their was the unmistakable hint of guilt in the dispatchers eye. A look usually reserved for when they knew they were potentially sending someone to their doom. But maybe the dispatcher was just having a bad day. Whether for the right reasons or not Jagaimo had been chosen for this task. He'd have to make his way to the bustling Omni Prime Medical Facility & navigate it's corridors to locate the busy Sennin. Only the Fates knew how the decision to send Jagaimo would play out.

(Apologies on the delay, always struggle with intro posts haha. Can never seem to be quite happy with them when it comes to setting a scene/situation. xD)
Reporting for duty, bright and early, once again; Jagaimo waited patiently for his name to be called in order to collect his daily deliveries. Dressed in his usual attire, without shoes and a small short katana tucked into the right side of his belt, he stood present and awaiting his order. Unlike the many others gathered within the Village's Courier Headquarters, Jagaimo was in no hurry what so ever. Being the noobie to the delivery force, he basically got assigned tasks others preferred to have nothing to do with. Knowing this to be the truth of the matter, he showed no desire volunteer or bug anyone. That was, until one of the dispatchers approached him and tossed a satchel at him. His eyes widened, as he quickly turned his whole body in the direction flying satchel. Standing, as he normally did in a sumo stance, he raised out his arms as he watched the satchel fly past his hands and smack him in the face. "Argh!!!" He'd shout in response, as the dispatcher explained what he had to do.

Looking a little bewildered, as the task began to soak into his mind, he wondered why he was given something as important as this to do. Glancing up towards the dispatcher, Jagaimo noticed and odd gleam in his eye. Something about this was different, seeing as how they normally just barked orders at him and rushed him on his way. "Is this... a chance... to prove myself as a courier?" He pondered, as more and more questions began to pile into his mind. Suddenly, an excited smirk crossed his face as he raised one hand up to his head in salute. "Yes Captain! I'm off to the Omni Miro Kuma Facility!" He'd shout, with a goofy demeanor as he slung the satchel over his shoulder.

Not giving the dispatcher time to correct him, Jagaimo seemingly wobbled off as quickly as he possibly could. Gunning it for the buildings exit, he wondered what was so important about these papers that they needed to be signed by a Sennin. While he was curious, it was his job to simply deliver this to the facility and he assumed, give them to this guy directly.

[Word Count: 369] [Marked For Training]
[Topic/Mission Entered!]
The dispatcher almost cringed from guilt as the satchel he had thrown collided with the newly arrived & much younger courier. Jagaimo's failed catch of the satchel, which resulted in the requisition filled bag colliding with his face. An action that would have normally caused the more experienced courier to tease or scold the younger, less experienced courier. But not today, instead it only served as a reminder that whatever trial lay a head he would most likely be ill-equipped to face it. What made it even worse was that Jagaimo didn't seem to grasp the danger they were sending him into, instead he was excited & eager. No doubt looking forward to being 'entrusted' with such an important task. A pang of guilt that almost made him wince reflexively. He couldn't even bring himself to correct the youth on his failure to properly recall the name of the Omni Prime Medical Facility.

Who knew, maybe that would be the kind of thing that would amuse the Sennin? He didn't know enough about the demonic sage to truly know for sure. Watching as Jagaimo saluted him, for once the dispatcher saluted him back as he would any other shinobi he respected. No doubt a curious development for the young courier, but the dispatcher thought if the Potato Courier was going to be sacrificed. The least he could do was pay his respects to his young peer. Watching in what could only be described as a mixture of horror & guilt as Jagaimo excitedly bid him farewell before waddling away. 'Oh by Mother Suna he doesn't stand chance...' the dispatcher thought to himself as he made his way back to his desk unimpeded by anything other than the guilt of having sent a child to deal with a demon.

Jagaimo would find his journey from the Courier HQ to the Omni Prime Medical Facility uneventful. There would be no foes, accidents or even citizens in need that might deter or distract the youth from his current goals. Whether that served to fuel his confidence or erode his belief in the importance of his goal, well that was another matter. Once he had arrived at the Omni Prime Medical Facility a map would be present at the front. Giving directions between the various buildings in the massive plot of land. You see the Omni Prime Medical Facility wasn't just a Hospital, it was also a Arboretum, Asylum & Research Centre. Which of the four buildings would Jagaimo seek the Sennin out in first? Would he ask one of the numerous medical staff on their way to or from work for help? Or would he try another method to locate the Sennin who could save or condemn lives with a signature.

Word Count: 458
[Passed, random obstacle/encounter check with roll of 17. Option A: Pick a building & we go from there. Option B: Interact with a staff member & we'll go from there. Option C: Balls in your court your do something that isn't an option & we'll go from there/see what happens. ^_^ Apologies on the delay again ninja.]
As his journey continued, Jagaimo diligently made his way across the village. Eager to see accomplish his assigned task, he continued to ponder what exactly was so important about a sennin's signature. Obviously, he knew the position of authority that someone in such an esteem position would presumably have, but this guy was medical chief. Was this about medicine? or equipment? "Hmmmm." Hummed the young Potato courier, as his eyes shifted to the civilians walking the streets of the village. Stopping, just for a moment, he reached down into one of his pockets and pulled out some change.

The smell of a freshly baked potato, with a slight hint of butter, filled the air and his stomach was growling as a result. Glancing about, he noticed a food vendor and approached. After a quick verbal exchange, Jagaimo parted ways with his cash and gained not one or two, but three freshly baked potatoes wrapped in foil. Unwrapping one, he began to take small bites as he continued on his way to the "Omni Mira Kuma Facility". After some time, Jagaimo eventually arrived at his destination, only to realize he had completely mispronounced the name of the place to begin with. "ga......gahhhh Does my boss not even know the name of this place? Why did he tell me mira kumo......" He thought, wondering what that was all about earlier.

The map before him laid out the facilities grounds, and clearly showed how massive this place actually was. "One... two.... three.... four." He said aloud, as he counted the structures on the map. Closing his mouth, and breathing in deeply through his nose, he paused for a second before letting out a sigh of grief. "How the heck am I supposed to find this interracial affairs guy!" He'd shout in frustration, clearly loud enough for anyone passing by to hear. If it wasn't obvious by now, Jagaimo wasn't a good listener. Though, his frustrated shouts would probably draw attention to himself.

Looking about, he noticed what appeared to be staff members. Running up to them, the potato courier did his best to grab their attention. "Ma'am! Sir! I need help finding this Affair guy named Akkuma! He's a Medical chief... and I guess he has affairs?" He'd ask, bothering however many people it took.

OOC: Option B.

[Word Count: 379]
[250 used for training]
[129 used for Abilities]
Jagaimo journeyed towards his destination pondering the importance of both the task he had been assigned & the individual he sought. His journey was free of all obstacles except for that of his rumbling stomach, as the scent of freshly baked potato with the slightest hint of butter to it caught his attention. Fortunately for our young Courier this exchange was completed quickly & he had his freshly baked potatoes in hand! Upon arriving at the wondrous area established for the Omni Prime Medical Facility, along with it's signage a series of realizations & questions began to flood our young potato bearing Couriers mind.

It didn't take long for Jagaimo to assess the provided map & in doing so found himself understandably frustrated. His superior had given him barely any information about this task, there were four entire buildings to check! How was he to find one man among all of this?! His frustration began to boil up making the young Jagaimo flustered & in turn he misspoke the title of the Sennin. It had seemed that his superior wasn't the only one to have made a mistake today. While his frustration drew the odd glance from the stray passer-by it did no more than that. Being outside the Omni Prime Medical Facility people made their assumptions & some semblance of privacy was given.

Eventually even in his frustration Jagaimo realized a staff member might be able to direct him towards the Medical Chief he sought. He approached a small group of individuals clearly dressed for work. After a brief effort he managed to get the attention of one Okasama Hira, a kunoichi of the Medical branch who just so happened to be returning with her squamates from a sensitive mission for their Sennin. She gave a little giggle at the young shinobi's words. "While I'm sure such rumours are the least of his concern, it is probably best you leave such things unsaid publicly." Hira would say with another chuckle before motioning for Jagaimo to join her & the two shinobi accompanying her.

Each had various ninja scrolls attached to their attire in some form, along with the village insignia. Perhaps their medical implements were stored away within the scrolls? It was a much easier form of transporting things than having to lug them around. "I'm Hira, my friends are Sato & Hebi. We're actually on our way to see the old demon...I mean Lord Akkuma now." She introduced herself, along with her squadmates, for a moment letting her familiarity with Sage get the best of her. Sato gave a silent nod of indifference at his introduction from under his ashen coloured hair. While Hebi gave a friendly flash of a grin & waved to the little courier. A question popped into his mind that he blurted out. "What's a little guy like you want the big fella for anyways?" However moments after the curiosity fuelled question left his lips, Hira struck him with annoyance.

"It's none of our business Hebi!" her words of chastisement accompanied the strike against her companion. Hebi rubbed the top of his head while uttering a quick apology. "Ow...fine, I'm sorry haha." he would say not wanting to incur anymore wrath from his squad leader & childhood friend. After some brisk walking while they conversed they would arrive at a set of elevators. Pressing the button to call the elevator the small group of shinobi would await it. Meanwhile Hira prepared herself for any more possible delightful misunderstandings that may be caused by the young shinobi. "You ever been into the labs before Jagaimo?" Another question from Hebi this time he had his arms up in a overtly dramatized & theatrical combat stance. Gaze locked on Hira as he awaited an answer from Jagaimo. Hira unable but to help giggle at the foolishness of her comrade.

Yet despite their warm banter there was something ominous about the way Hebi had asked if Jagaimo had been to the labs before. Was it that sense of unsaid warning that coated his words? Or was it the mischievous glee that burned in his eyes? Would Jagaimo be bold enough to find out & enter the elevator when it arrived or would he seek another route to the Medical Chief away from these peculiar characters. Here in the halls of the Omni Prime Medical Facility, where the air was filled with the overpowering scent of disinfectant. Stood our little courier, had he found the key quickest route to his objective or was he one his way to becoming a project? Only the Fates knew, but two things were for sure Jagaimo had a signature to get & potatoes to finish eating!

Word Count: 781
Option A: Take the Elevator down to the labs with Hira, Sato & Hebi
Option B: Take the Stairs
To Jagaimo, it seemed like hours had passed since he started asking those around him for help, while unintentionally painting a bad picture of the Sennin. In truth, it was but a few seconds or a couple minutes, tops, until someone stepped forward and said their piece. Jagaimo listened, attentively, for the first time in what would be quite a while. Things like this were usually to much for him to both with; he basically just wanted to fulfil his duties and go about his own business. Still, as this young woman squashed his statements, she also introduced herself and her friends. "Hiro, Sato, and Hibi." He thought, as he noticed their specifics quirks.

Sato silently nodded, as to where Hibi grinned, waved, and suddenly asked a question. Although Jagaimo would immediately reply to him, of course after Hebi's intervention, the young Potato courier would be rather indirect and difficult in his response. "Something about one of his interracial affairs, I think. I don't know really I was just told to go see him." After answering and realizing that they were headed exactly where he needed to, of course he'd follow behind them.

Upon arriving to a set of elevators, he remained silent until one of the others spoke to him once again. The same fella who had asked him a question earlier was now asking another, and somehow knew his name. At first, it didn't dawn of Jagaimo and so he went to respond. "I had....... wait." He stopped himself, realizing exactly what he had been asked. Somewhere in the question, the man mentioned Jagaimo's name and not once did Jagaimo recall giving his name. "How do you know my name?" He stated, as he began to awkwardly stare at the man in response.

Right now was an interesting turn of events. As a courier, he hadn't quite yet made a name for himself, nor as a Ninja, but Jagaimo sure as shit was ready to drop some smoke bombs and nut tap someone. As his eyes squinted, he lowered right hand down into his pocket only discreetly grabbed ahold of a single small smoke bomb, now concealed tightly within his clenched hand. "Cause......." He said, as he waited for a proper response.

At this point, if they acted strange or attempted to touch him, he'd drop the smoke bomb, attempt to hit Hebi with an "Uncalled For shot [Mastered]" and run for it. He really didn't feel like having to deal with any nonsense today. His boss had just trusted him with an important job and somehow, strangers knew his name and were ready to take him exactly where he needed to be. It just didn't seem right, or at the very least they could've offered him some candy.

[WC: 457]
[250 for Training] [200 for dojo]
What had felt like an eternity for our young Potato Courier passed until he received the necessary guidance from some medical shinobi passing by. Whether by pure luck or fate it so happened that the trio of shinobi happened to work directly under the Sennin & were on their way to hand in a report directly to him. After some introductions from the group they revealed that they were on their way to see him, offering for Jagaimo to accompany them along the way. As they journeyed into the Omni Prime Medical Facility they would make their way to an elevator that would enable them to access the depths of the Genetics Departments Labs.

While waiting for the elevator further discussion was had among the group of shinobi. Unfortunately one of the shinobi raised caused concern to grow within our young courier as they revealed they knew who he was with their inquiry. While most might think little of this, Jagaimo was alert for any threat to himself & the mission at hand. He knew that his reputation had not warranted them already knowing who he was or so he assumed & with him sure he had not met the trio before it was possible they were after the package he had been tasked with delivering. Had they been made aware of his identity as the courier who would be tasked with this mission?

Was it paranoia or diligence that fuelled our young potato courier this day? An awkward smile flashed upon Hebi's face as he ran his right hand through his hair, he had messed up it seemed. Meanwhile a sigh would escape his companion Sota's form, while Hira seemed a mixture of amused & impressed. "Haha caught out by a offence Jagaimo. Akkuma won't be happy with that slip up Hebi, you'll need to tell him how ya know his name now." While she still had a warm demeanour her presence of authority over her peers was apparent. This time it would be Hebi who would sigh. "I really gotta be careful I guess." He'd say back over his shoulders casually. If they were intending to harm Jagaimo they were rather relaxed about being caught by their target, then again the power difference in chakra alone was easy to feel in their presence.

"You were on our list...we work for Akkuma in the Genetics Department. Our job is to monitor & assess if prudent individuals who may have Kekkei Genkei or other unique genetic gifts. We were aware of you but haven't assessed you yet, that's how I know who you are Fukuro Jagaimo." Hebi revealed in short how he & his companions knew of the young Courier. Whether or not he believed them though well, we would find that out soon enough. There were a myriad of reasons as to why the village would want to monitor those it might believe to have dormant abilities within them. What those motivations might be, given the individual behind the orders could be speculated on. Was it to gather material to research on? No doubt the thought of Akkuma orchestrating the abduction of Sunans in the night is what many might think of initially.

In the rare situation such tactics had been needed, but in most circumstances it resulted in physicals, psych tests & a strict regiment of exercises that pushed the one to the limit. Both physically & mentally, this was done only if it was deemed an individuals 'activation' posed a significant risk to the populace. After all there were times when the activation of such gifts resulted in great tragedy. This program was aim effort to minimize such incidents, while also helping those who may not have the familial or clan support to help guide them through these changes. An electronic bell-like tone would signal the arrival of the elevator.

Sato walked passed Hira into the elevator & leaned against it's back wall. Seemingly uninterested in his peers mistake or his efforts to remedy it. Unlike his companion Hira, Sato seemed to have little concern for the rectifying of this matter. Than again he hadn't been the one to make the mistake. Hira's gaze would move from Hebi to Jagaimo before she moved over to stand beside her peer. "Look I know that was probably a bit disconcerting being a courier. Well that & Hebi gives off creep vibes..." she was interrupted briefly by an objective "Oi! Am no.." from Hebi however that was all he could get out as a sharp elbow was planted firmly into his ribs from Hira.

She would give the potato courier a broad grin. "So you gonna join us heading to Akkuma or is Hebi here gonna get the creep treatment?" Her words made no effort to hide her amusement, it seemed either way Hira cared little what Jagaimo chose to do. Meanwhile beside her an exasperated & slightly defeated Hebi stood there. He felt like he had given a concise explanation as to why he was aware of Jagaimo, but he admittedly had forgotten how jumpy couriers could be. What would our little friend do? The fates gaze lingered upon our young potato friend, which path forward would he take? One through smoke & a confused flurry of limbs or into the very depths of the hospital with the shinobi who had just admitted he was on some sort of list.

Word Count: 902
[If Jagaimo is still not convinced/getting creep vibes we shall continue with the Uncalled for Shot & Pocket Smoke Bomb xD]
[If Jagaimo is convinced he can enter the elevator with the trio where they shall descend to meet Akkuma in the Genetics Labs]
As he prepared himself, the woman of the group decided to interrupt and speak up. She had an immediate answer as to why they knew his name, but his mind was already made up. This sly dude was about to be in a world of hurt, though at least now Jagaimo felt a little more comfortable with the situation. Letting go of the previously clinched smoke bomb, and withdrawing his hand from his pocket, he immediately balled both hands into fist. At this point, the woman speaking about how her friend was a creep.

As he stared directly at 'Hebi', he cleared his throat and finished his statement. "I don't know you!" With that, he attempted to quickly deliver an "Uncalled for Shot" to Hebi's pelvic region. After which, he'd turn his focus back to the woman and the other. Her question was rather or not he was going to join them, after what seemed like a complicated explanation to Jagaimo. At this point, they were in a public medical facility. The lower or upper floors belonged to the village, and seemingly enough everything seemed to make sense. For some reason though, he still felt a little unsure of everything going on.

Raising one fist up to his mouth, he'd quickly 'blow' on it as if he were blowing off steam from a freshly baked potato. "Why didn't you tell me that earlier?" He'd say as he glanced over towards the woman in the group. "Does the affairs guy know he's gonna play ground weirdo working for him?" Asked Jagaimo, before turning to the elevator. Once the elevator arrived, he would carelessly enter it. Maybe this wasn't the best decision, but a tight space with a member of the Akamichi clan seemed like a disaster waiting to happen. "What are genetics and kaykay genkai?" He'd ask them, while waiting to see what would happen next.

[wc: 250+] [Marked for Training]
[OOC: I'm sorry, my heads all cloudy and foggy today]
[Second option]

Current Ninpocho Time:
