Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Seeking Oblivion


New Member
May 7, 2023
OOC Rank
There are many alleyways in Kumogakure, some of which have seen life and death battles of which the victors are never celebrated. This was one such alleyway, however the battles fought here weren't simply not celebrated, they were typically not even noticed. The kinds of battles that took place between a drunk and the last drops of his bottle, between a penniless beggar and the addiction she waged war against, between desperation and hope... Kaiden was locked in just such a battle. However, rather than the typical fare that was all too common amongst the poor and destitute, the unknowing ghost walker battled with his own psyche. Seeing his daughter again that day had been one thing... He had thought it a simple memory made vivid by his pain-addled mind.

These days, his daughter's voice was always playing in the back of his mind, Runa spouting the cheerful and childlike jubilations she had when she was simply that bright-eyed youth that took after her feisty and upbeat mother. As he'd grieved, that voice was already there. But now... these days it felt loud. Like he could actually hear her. Like even if he thought of other things, took his mind away, she demanded to be heard. It wasn't just when he was thinking of her, which itself was a commonplace occurrence. And not only had his mad visions increased in their frequency, they had also become far more vivid. "Are you really gonna spend all night drinking yourself to death Daddy?" The dainty female voice called out. It had a sadness of its own that somewhat matched the dark-haired man's sullen demeanor. Kaiden pawed at his ears, his dirty fingers weaving through the hair at the sides of his vision-filled head, which he shook now before drunkenly mumbling to himself without a care for who overheard. "Just let me rest... I can't do this... It's too much to hear you every day..." The man said, his voice coming out in pained stoicism. The alcohol had been more effective than just trying to put things out of his mind. Instinctively, he covered up his daughter's "response" in his insane mind with another deep swig of the foul-tasting and burning liquid that might as well have been paint thinner.

However, Runa couldn't be ignored. At least not everything she said. "...rts me to see you like this Daddy. You used to be so strong-willed and positive! Why can't you do what Momma used to say? Remember? 'Happiness is a choice. You just gotta wake up and put a smile on like you do your clothes in the morning!' Remember Daddy?" Runa had mimicked her mother Akari's sayings often, even sharing their straightforward and no-nonsense tone, but with her own cheery and upbeat voice mixed in. Truth be told, they were words that Kaiden thought about more than he was willing to admit... especially considering how often he failed to heed them recently. But tonight, with his grief seething and bubbling after nearly a week of constant reminders of his pain, pain that the cheap swill he'd gotten each night after work barely masked, he simply couldn't take it anymore. "I CAN'T RUNA!" The man exclaimed into the bar, drawing the attention of many of its regulars as well as a sigh from the bartender himself. "Because you're gone! Because your mother's gone! Because... I'm gone too... So just get out of my head! Let me forget!" Runa looked at her father with ethereal tears forming in in her eyes, her lips downturned into a deep frown, the kind only a pure-hearted child could manage. Then the bartender approached, walking directly through her and dispersing her ghostly form into a blueish cyan mist, her crying eyes burned into Kaiden's memory again and causing his sweating brow to furrow at the barkeep.

The bartender was a portly man with a thick moustache. He was as rough around the edges as the alley his little establishment resided in, but that roughness belied the fact that he actually seemed to care about his regulars. "Yer done for the night. Get out of here and don't even start to argue or I'll tell those cop buddies of yours how much of a pathetic drunk you are." He'd said. It was clear that the man had little patience for the state this particular regular was in, and that perhaps Kaiden had been a bit too insistent in recent days that he be able to drink himself to true oblivion. "Yeah..." Was all the man could muster as he stumbled toward the door. "And get someone to take care of you or somethin'! You're starting to smell!" The barkeep added as Kaiden leaned into the door, swinging it open to the alleyway and stepping out into the rain. He barely got ten or fifteen feet down the corridor as he slumped against the wall, sliding down it as he gripped at his head with grasping fingers, like he was trying to pull the memory of his daughter's crying eyes from his mind with his bare hands.

However, much to his chagrin, that focus on her former visage only caused her to appear once more. Runa looked like she had wanted to say something, but her lip quivered and her voice was cut off by sobs as she stared down at the pitiful man who used to be her strong and loving father. Kaiden didn't realize it at the time, but the sight of him was at times just as painful for his daughter as her ghostly form was to him. But at least she could see the difference between real and fake, between illusion and something more real, if not more tangible. So instead of chide him more, she let him rest like he'd asked, crying softly as she watched the man sink his eyes into his palms as he sat against the wall of the puddle-covered alleyway... A pitiful man indeed...

[MFT .|. 989 Words]
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Yuki Michiko

New Member
May 6, 2023
OOC Rank
Michiko decided that she wanted to stroll through the entertainment district tonight, taking in the sights and sounds. Living on the streets, she quickly learned how to fend for herself, so she wasn't the least bit concerned about being attacked. Besides, she has made friends with many of the other street dwellers, and spots familiar faces as she skips along the street. Humming a tune that she heard floating out of a theater that she had passed. It was a bright and cheery tune, and fit her mood perfectly. She had a wonderful day at the academy, had made a new friend, and was flying high on cloud nine. Nothing could possibly bring her back down!

Jumping from puddle to puddle, marveling at the water splashing up over her legs, Michiko laughs as the spray from the rain and the puddles tickles her bare legs. She loved whenever it rained, it was like the sky was washing away all the bad things and promising that everything would be alright when the storm was over. The sun would shine, plants would be freshly watered, and she could find a sunny patch to lay in and dry off herself and her clothes. In her reverie, she almost didn't notice the figure leaning against the wall in an alleyway that she passed by. Glancing over out of the corner of her eye, she skips backwards and pauses. Michiko hated to see anyone feeling sad, even if they were a stranger.

Slowly approaching, she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a somewhat damp handkerchief. "Excuse me sir, are you alright? I couldn't help but notice you looked a little sad! May I ask you what's wrong? It's a wonderful day out, this rain is really refreshing, and you're alive! I feel like those are all reasons to celebrate. Unless, of course, something bad happened today, in which case I apologize. But just remember that bad days are only temporary, the sun will always make an appearance one way or another. If you need somewhere to stay, I know of a few different safe spaces throughout the district. I'm sure we could find somewhere for you to dry off and get some food. I don't have a lot of money, but I don't mind sharing! I haven't had dinner yet either. Perhaps we could split a meal and you can tell me all about yourself, and then we can be friends! I find that getting things off your chest and sharing the burden with others takes a large weight off your shoulders! It allows whoever you share with to carry a piece of it along with you, and once you unburden enough, it's almost like you're floating through the world again!"

As she finishes her tirade, Michiko kneels down and gives a large smile to Kaiden. Extending the handkerchief, she just sits there expectantly and awaits his answer to her questions. She's often been told that her mouth runs faster than a river, but she always thought that was part of her charm.

[MFT: 507]


New Member
May 7, 2023
OOC Rank
The bedraggled man could hear the puddles splash as the cheerful child approached the spot where he leaned against the alleyway wall. He'd been ignored by every other passerby that had come along. Likely they'd assumed he was another pathetic drunk not worthy of their attention. After all, he was. However, this girl was different, and rather than turn her attention away from the pitiful indentured policeman, she looked down at him and let loose a string of kind words that to the man's alcohol-addled mind seemed as if it continued on forever. He didn't catch all of it, but bits and pieces of what the girl had said stuck in his mind, and he turned his gaze upwards to see what this odd girl looked like. As he lifted his eyes from his hands he could see Runa's ethereal form tilting her head to the side as she regarded Michiko. Kaiden's ghostly daughter then proceeded to walk around the girl in a circle, then angled her upper body towards her with her legs straight and her hands behind her back, as if inspecting her. "I like this one Daddy! If she could see me, we'd be friends for sure!" Runa said with her characteristic innocent amiability. Hearing her speak as though she was still here was too much for Kaiden, who was sure his grief-stricken and insane mind was out to torture him in the most awful way it could imagine. To him, he deserved no less.

Despite his welling emotions, he controlled the rage he wanted to react with. For him, on a night like this one, this may as well have been cordial. "No... I'm not alright. And sometimes being alive isn't something to celebrate..." The scarred and weathered man said gruffly, his piercing cornflower eyes looking up at the girl. In the dim light that cascaded from the neon signs, they almost seemed to have a hint of a glow to them. "I have a home. And a meal isn't going to fix what I've got. So just... leave me alone."

Runa's jaw dropped and her brow furrowed as she quickly retorted in a tone of indignant anger. "Daddy!! Don't you dare be mean to this little girl! She doesn't deserve that! You have too few people who look out for you and you're gonna snap at the first person who's treated you nice in weeks?! Don't make me bring out the big guns!" She threatened, that final statement exactly like one her mother used to say. "If you don't shape up and be nice, I'm gonna scream every time you start to drift off to sleep! You apologize right now!" Her mother's 'big guns' were scarier than Runa's, but the prospect of being haunted by her high pitched voice all night, the idea of not being able to escape to blissful sleep, especially given Kaiden's condition, was enough to warrant heeding her warning. "Wait wait..." Kaiden said, relenting. "I'm sorry. Didn't mean to lash out at you. What happened to me isn't your fault... It's mine." He continued, fully unaware that this child was training at the shinobi academy.

"I'm Kaiden..." The man said, pressing off his knee to slowly stumble to his feet with a grunt brought on by his inebriation. Once fully standing up, Michiko would realize just how large the grief-stricken ghostwalker truly was. Standing nearly six and a half feet tall with the broad shoulders and brawny physique of a lifelong soldier, he would've been an intimidating sight to just about any normal child, and that wasn't even mentioning the downtrodden and dirty state that he was in. Through his half-unbuttoned shirt, Michiko would've been able to see the scars of countless battles littered across his torso. "You're right anyway. I gotta clean myself up and get out of here... And a meal to take tomorrow's hangover away doesn't sound all bad." The man's words didn't come out with the kindness he'd intended, and in his drunken state he didn't hide topics from the child that he might normally have if he had been sober, but he'd tried.

"Happy?" He asked under his breath, his gaze averting from Michiko into the thin air beside her. "No! You could still have been nicer... But that's a start." His daughter said, donning a self-satisfied smile as she chastised her father as though their roles had been reversed. Maybe, in these dark times for the former mercenary, they actually had.

[MFT .|. 742 Words]
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Yuki Michiko

New Member
May 6, 2023
OOC Rank
Michiko gasps as Kaiden looks up at her; his eyes were beautiful and for a moment it almost seemed as if they were glowing. But as she blinks the glow would disappear and she assures herself that she had just imagined it. A trick of the light. In his eyes, she sees a deep sadness that makes her heart ache. She hated to see people suffering, which is what drew her to the man in the first place. She hadn't seen him around before, so he was either new to the streets or was simply taking a break in the alley on his way home. Either way, her smile didn't once falter at his gruff words. As he tells her to go away, Michiko simply shrugs and turns to leave. If he wanted solitude, it was not her place to intrude. She understood that better than anyone; shortly after her parents had died, she drew within herself before realizing that she still had a life to live and would use that to honor her parents in the only way she knew how: protecting those that were unable to defend themselves.

As she started to walk away towards the mouth of the alley, she heard his voice softly call out to her again. Turning around, she fixed her dazzling smile on him again and shrugged off his apology. "You have nothing to apologize for. I'm often sticking my nose into places that it doesn't belong, so perhaps I should be the one apologizing to you. I just thought that you looked rather lonely here against the wall and might like some company, if only temporarily."

As he stands, Michiko's eyes go up and up and up, taking in the full height of Kaiden. Her eyes widen as they take in the scars across his torso, but that is the only indication of her surprise. Bouncing slightly, she glances over her shoulder towards the bustling street behind her. "Nice to meetcha Kaiden! My name is Yuki Michiko. What would you like to eat? There's a variety of restaurants around here, or we could head to a quieter part of town if you would like. I know of a really good little ramen shop on the outskirts of this district, if you would like something warm and filling without too many people around. We can get a table in the back, so that people passing by don't see us. It's about as close to anonymity as you can get when it comes to the Susukino District. With a small giggle, Michiko takes a few steps towards the end of the alley, glancing both ways before looking back over her shoulder to make sure that he was following along. She hears him ask a question but doesn't quite catch what he said, and tilts her head slightly, waiting for him to speak up so that she could answer.

Mizuchi Kayda

New Member
May 5, 2023
Cue cheesy 80s music

A large line of homeless people and beggars were all lined up to get food. One of the homeless children who were in all rags and tatters was getting a meal of something terrible looking. In fact it wasn't even a meal at all but it was just some dead frog that was on a plate. The child scrunched up his nose before walking up to an alley. That was when Hyun-Ki popped out of the alley, clean, practically glowing like an angel in which the child gasped in awe at the sight of the child celebrity.

"Oh. My. God! It's Go-Go!" the child screamed.

Cue Best Of The Best by Hyun-Ki

Pulling down his cool diamond studded sunglasses, Hyun smirked looking at the homeless child. "Jeez, bud your smelling kinda ripe! Here, try this."

When he said that, there was a dramatic slow motion toss of a body spray labeled Clouds Sunshine. The child caught the spray then with all the newfounded confidence in the world, the homeless child would spray himself with the body spray. It was that moment that the child began to transform into something… marvelous.

His tattered clothing became a suit. The dirt on his face vanished with glittery sparkles, the child features vanishing and before the popstars eyes. He bore witness to the power of Cloud's Sunshines body spray as it turned a weak frail homeless boy into a rich, strong jaw, muscular man who would proceed to give poses showing off his kumogakure mythos muscles. It was then that the man would flex so hard that all the frogs that the homeless people had turned into a large turkey and they all ended up having a big feast. It was then Hyun presented the body spray to seemingly no one before saying the last line. "Cloud's Sunshines, get it now, become the best."


Dead by Daylight.jpeg
Hyun dropped his act then yelled. "Where's my Boba!"

All the actors in the commercial scattered, going their separate ways after the filming was done. Hyun was pushing past busy bodies of the film crew so he could find his bodyguard who had his boba. The director praised everyone for a good job as Hyun grabbed his drink, took one sip then spat it out! "Ewwww what are these little things at the bottom of the thing! They look like bunny turds!"

"Hyun…. It's a fucking Boba!" said the bodyguard who was already getting a headache having to deal with the child's constant attitude.

"Pft. Don't like it, bring me one without bunny turds." he said before tossing it at one of the homeless actors. Security had to hold the actors back from harming the child celebrity who didn't even seem to notice the commotion going on behind him. Walking to his chair, the popstar went to get his trusty baseball bat before following his bodyguard to get him another boba. They were on break so they had enough time to get another drink before heading back to do another take for the commercial. Sliding his facemask over his mouth, Hyun along with his bodyguard began walking through the wilds of the Sordid Ave. One thing that was advised for people to do was not to walk these alleys alone. A lot of shady things happened around here but after the whole war thing ended, things at the very least were sorta better. Not that much better but at the very least it was sorta better.

As they walked, Hyun twirled his baseball bat then swung it at a trash can which made a satisfying crashing sound as it knocked over. A weird feeling came over Hyun as he twirled his bat. Looking at the built in blade in the bat, the blade is unfortunately clean… too clean… While Hyun pondered at this weird feeling that he was having he witnessed some small girl talking to some gruff looking old dude. The young popstar along with his bodyguard would approach the two before putting on his cheerful persona. "Yo-yo-yo-yoooooo!~ Wazzzzzzup you two, you guys know of any good spots to get a boba around here?" he said, fixing his hair and throwing his baseball bat over his shoulder. "My ol' muscle friend here got me one without bunny turds in in and we are filming a commercial up the block there. You guys seem like locals and know your way around this… ahem .. Place."


New Member
May 7, 2023
OOC Rank
Kaiden couldn't help but be a bit taken aback. The girl who'd expressed pity for his sad state exuded kindness even as he sourly lashed out at her in unwarranted anger. There was an empathy to Michiko, one that Kaiden would normally have sensed had he not been so drunk. However, unlike her father, Runa did pick up on it. It brought a slight smile to her face, but she also held a sadness in her eyes. After all, she was going to miss all of what this girl would experience in the coming years: growing up, finding yourself, and maybe, if the pitiful man was lucky, spending some time with her father. When Michiko asked what he'd said under his breath, Kaiden replied quickly and with a bite in his tone that he didn't truly intend. "Nothing." He barked, then repeated it more softly, catching himself. "Nothing..." The word was a lie. One of many that he told himself these days. In truth, to him, Runa was everything.

As Michiko proceeded to introduce herself and suggest a place to eat, he nodded and muttered in reply. "Likewise..." His sullen tone revealing just how out-of-place and undeserving of kindness he felt. "Lead on then." He added, dragging his inebriated self down the alleyway and back toward the lit streets of Kumogakure. Strangely though, it wasn't just light that emanated from the avenue, but music. 'Cheesy music...' The man thought, however his wispy translucent blue daughter immediately began dancing and donned a bright and cheery smile that contrasted so heavily with his dour attitude it would've looked comical. Except, of course, that no one else had been able to see it. Normally such a display would've made the man cringe, but seeing that jubilant expression on his lost daughter's face actually made the corner of the man's lips curl into a slight smile, one of the first genuine ones he'd worn in days.

The music seemed to cut off as abruptly as it had started, certainly not playing long enough to have been a full song, which caused Runa to slump in dissatisfaction. "I was just getting into it!" She protested, which caused the slight smile on Kaiden's face to extend to even a slight chuckle, which would only have served to make him look just as crazy as he believed himself to be. He didn't care. Following the abrupt end to the music, the pair was approached by a flashy young man with all the telltale signs of being a probable shinobi. The face mask, the lithe and muscled physique for his age, the air of self-importance. It wiped the smile from the man's face. "Find it yourself." He said with a tone that contained both strength and disdain, straightening his back and looking down at Hyun-Ki from his massive frame, paying no mind to the puffed up bodyguard the boy seemed to travel with. Without another word, he pushed by the boy, knocking into his shoulder as he muscled his way out of the alley and into the light of the sordid streets.

[MFT .|. 512 Words]

Yuki Michiko

New Member
May 6, 2023
OOC Rank
Michiko smiles at Kaiden, despite him snapping at her. She could tell that he was having a really rough day, at the very least, and couldn't hold it against him. While she had never had a bad day in her life, she understood that others didn't share the same upbeat personality that she had. As she skipped down the street, Kaiden in tow, she heard a familiar tune and began to hum along and shimmy to the song. She figured it was just pouring out of one of the buildings that they were passing by, and her eyes widened in surprise when they stumbled into Go-Go himself. Iko's jaw drops, and she simply stares at him for a moment, completely awestruck to be in the presence of a celebrity.

Kaiden's tone snaps her back to reality, and she turns to him and gives him an admonishing look. "Of course we'd be happy to show you the way! Forgive him, he's having a bad day. I know a FANTASTIC boba place right around the corner, it's a little ma and pa shop! They even have food there, and we were going to get something to eat, so maybe we could go there and get something to eat, Kaiden? Oh! Forgive me. His name is Kaiden and I'm Yuki Michiko! It's a pleasure to meet you! I love that song, and the Cloud's Sunshine is one of my favorite scents! I didn't know that you were from around here! What brings you to this area of town, it's not normally a good area to be in at night. Are you certain that you're going to be safe wandering around here by yourself? Of course, you have a bodyguard. But still, you can never be too safe around these parts! I know a lot of the street walkers around here, and most of them are really kind and will help you with directions, but there's also plenty of thieves and other bad types around as well. I feel bad for them, that they have to resort to things such as that. I wish that everyone could just come together and enjoy a meal like they do in your commercials!"

Michiko beams at Hyun-Ki, the torrent of words pouring out of her mouth as she clutches her hands to her chest. She steps around Hyun, pointing vaguely down the street to indicate the direction of the shop that she had mentioned. If Hyun or Kaiden don't stop her, she would continue talking about everything and nothing along the walk, addressing Hyun's bodyguard as well. What's your favorite color, do you like to dance in the rain, nonsensical questions about their likes and dislikes.

[MFT: 447]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
