Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Self Mod D-Rank mission

Tsuyoshi Junko

Well-Known Ninja
May 5, 2013
Junko walked through the Seki District gazing upon the many kids playing and the beautiful homes that filled the district. The afternoon was quite hot and sweat seemed to drip from Junkos face. "Man it's hot! I can not wait until I get to my cool home to enjoy the presence of my brother and  air-condition." Junko had just finished a long day at the academy and he had learned a lot. "Maybe if that speech would have ended sooner I wouldn't be in this heat." Junko eyes widened as he set his eyes upon a Tall tree. The tree provided a great amount of shade that covered a empty and grassy area. 

"I'm saved! I need only a small break before continuing this fiercely hot walk." Junko quickly rushed over towards the tree. "Wow this is tall. It's perfect." Junko jumped into the tree and continued to maneuver himself until he reached a sturdy branch that could hold his body weight nicely. "This will be the spot." Junko wasn't too high and he wasn't too close to the ground. Junko laid back and was closing his eyes until his peace of mind was interrupted by two large cats climbing the tree in a fast pace. 

"What the hell. It's to hot for all that." Junko began to close his eyes again.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mr. and Mrs. Fluffy ran away into this tree. What's that in the tree? Is that one of my kittens?

Junko looked down to the base of the tree seeing a little girl and a approaching women.

"Oh sorry. I thought you was one of my kittens. Hehehe."

"Hello, how are you young man? Would you mind getting those two kittens that has ran up that tree for me. Me and my daughter would surely appreciate it! The kittens are lovely so you don't have to be scared or anything. The kitten are also up to date on shots.

Junko gathered up his strength and stood up. "I'll do this for you ladies. It's no problem at all. Junko quickly started jumping from branch to branch upwards through the tree. Junko managed to reach the cats in a matter of moments.

"Mama when I get my kittens I want to squeeze them to death!!

"I think I know why these cats was running away now. Crazy owners. These dame cats are big. I hope they don't lash out at me." "here kitty kitty kitty. Here kitty kitty kitty." Junko began to reach for the first cat and the cat seemed to go wild. The cats sharp claws managed to rip a piece of Junkos shirt as he dodged a few attacks. Junko made a mistake by stepping on a branch that was quite weak causing it to break, as it broke Junko began to fall. Junko broke his fall by falling on a more stable branch. "Ouch. Looks like this will take a bit more effort."

Junko stood up and began to form a few hand seals. "Clone Jutsu!" Junko continued up the tree while the cats were concentrated on his clone which was only a illusion. Junko dived from a top branch scooping up both cats one at a time as he dived. Junko covered the cats as he landed on his original branch and jump from there to the ground. Junko quickly handed the cats to the small girl before they began to go wild once more.

"Thank you!"

"No problem." "Time for me to go home and finish this hot walk.


Current Ninpocho Time:
