Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Setsumon Rozan => Yukata Souji

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Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Setsumon Rozan
Old Village/Missing: Kirigakure (R.I.P.)
OCR Type: Free - Full Transfer/Rebirth
Last Known Where-abouts: Iwakgakure (iNPC)
Old IC Rank: Jounin Commander (Special Jounin)

New Character Name: Yukata Souji
Preferred Username: Yukata Souji
New Village: Iwagakure
New BL/CA: Shadow Boxer
Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
[u]Yukata's Diligence[/u]
[b]HP:[/b] (60+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP:[/b] (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu Option 
[i]High:[/i] Genjutsu Difficulty
[i]Average:[/i] Ninjutsu Accuracy, Evasion, Genjutsu Save
[i]Low:[/i] Ranged Accuracy, Melee Accuracy
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: ANBU
IC Rank: ANBU ^_^

Character Age: 23
Gender: Male
Character's Physical Description: Strong, Souji was raised to always value his physical abilities along with his strong mind. Both together would make him strong. His body matches the effort ha has placed into making it efficient and flexible. Being an ANBU he would have to display alot more than just being able to simply punch someone in the face. So his muscles were more lean than bulging. His stature built upon six feet of 'perfection' or so he was told before. His aqua eyes and black hair are only indications of his bloodline. They werent special, but their practices were.
Character's Mental Description: Souji is defined as Calm, concise, and always meticulous over how he did things and how he saw things that needed to be done. He is a very strong minded individual, but he is and was raised to always respect authority. His mind, beautiful in the things he speaks and thinks. His words often portray... a deep sense of self and country worth. He is very versed in the ways of his country, not so much book smart as he is just purely knowledgeable. Prideful in his family and his countrymen, Souji finds himself often leaning on the ways of the 'Gods' to guide him... but in the shadows how
Character History:​


Souji was born to the Yukata Family, esteemed for their prowess as Strategists and Genjutsu specialists. From a young age, Souji was often mistaken for that of an Uchiha, because of his looks and ability to adapt and react fluently like them. However, he was raised to know the ways of 'Shadow Touch'. A practice made by his family that practiced healing techniques through simple touch causing neural changes which could cause anything from ultimate euphoria to the very bones in a victims body succumbing to breaking, fracturing, and much more. Literally where the Yukata gain their abilities from. The Art of Shadow Touch comes from the inscriptions of 'eyes' on the palms tattooed with invisible chakra ink and only active when the Yukata Family member channels chakra into it. The hands themselves would (without the 'Seal') be erratic with energy unable to contain it the amount of illusionary and metaphysical damage it could cause. So, in all aspects this cuts the Yukata power, but allows them to channel it for better and more controlled effects.

Entering the Academy at the age of eight, Souji rose in the ranks quickly. He was not the smartest, but he was always efficient. Knowing not just easier ways to do things, but accepting many of the ideals presented to him with relative ease. There were many concepts that others his age did not. However, he was not smart in a since of books. He just had an intellect that was far above one of his normal age. Coming from a family that was built around Shamanism and the medical arts... Souji sis study there at the age of nine for such. Taking a class with an aolder boy by the name of Keita. Souji watched this boy... Watched him closely. So close that he tried very hard to become the boy's friend. He was intrigued with how he looked at the world... and it gave him a drive to do something innovative that was out of the norm in terms of his family.

So after Keita left... Souji took the next year preparing for an early final, where as his classmates were working towards just getting to the next level. He was trying to get out.... there wasn't and still isn't much to say about Souji's Genin exam... his proctor took the boy at night and sent him on a silent mission for three days. So it was said that Souji passed his Genin Exam at the age of Ten, thereafter he moved through life with much mediocrity....

Or so his profile reads...

After silently acing his Genin exam, he would take his Rite of passage into contendership there he would stay for five years honing his skills and learning the ways of absolute stealth while maintaining hand to hand combat. His power and skill did exceed and meet Family expectation but it wasn't his skill they had been worried about. It was his age. He excelled quickly and did even more than many expected of him but he did things too quickly. Though it had been three long years that he had been training when he met and Kono Haruka. She was no stranger to him maybe him to her but she was the daughter to the Earth Daimyo. The Highest voice of authority in terms of politics in Earth Country. And she was not privileged, yes she was rich but, she worked hard. And shortly after they met he would consider her to be one of the only people at their age that could keep up with one another. Her power and his abilities... Amazing. She joined the ranks of the elites the ones who were guardians to Iwagakure. Together they were unstoppable... along with the others apart of their team. More so... her team. She always seemed to best him. She was born with a natural talent. It exceeded his own and no amount of training could clear the gap between them. Souji made up his mind that he would do anything to overcome his rival so that she would recognize him. Though... it would come later but not in the ways Souji had and would hope them to come.

Afraid, Yukata Family members purposely held the boy back increasing his studies and ensuring he had all the knowledge he needed before he moved forward. They were afraid that, even thought the God's and the selection of Darkness had chosen him that he was still too young and could grow corrupt if he was not ushered into it correctly. So he would have to wait...Five long years.Then after the training and reformatting of his mind and spirit, for the detailed duties he would work with the Guardians of Iwagakure. There were many things that stood in his way. He was not as strong as the rest, physically he was average at best. Though, without that... he was one of the smartest tacticians that blossomed from the Yukata Family. He lived a normal life outside of the cloth of his Spy life, it was wonderful for him to encounter so many things... it enlightened his senses. However, struggle would surely happen from time to time as the man who he had long sense called 'Father' would come down with an illness.

The very man that put his faith in his son, the son that 'Never failed him' as opposed to his fallen siblings before him. Souji took the burden of his father's death at the age of sixteen in utter silence. Something that he would never speak about to his family, the pain of losing the only person that made life make sense for so long. It hurt him so, but in that despair he found ambition to not fail. His pride growing tenfold he would be brought up to a level he had dreamt of becoming. A full fledged Guardian, his mission intake increased to a point where he would be given three to four missions at once through River and Rain countries recovering documents and assassinating ministers of upbringings that looked to harm the state of Iwagakure.

There was even a time, just five years prior to this writing, when Souji was taken prisoner and was forcefully beaten and kept from the outside world for four months. Where when the men and women at home thought he would never return, he found a way to both not give the information that his kidnappers wanted and also was able to exceed his mental state into allowing him to cast his expertise of Shadow Ninjutsu as if he were a Nara but without any sort of use of handseals, but with sheer will and force of his mind.

From that point on, he honed his ability to bend Shadow Jutsu with his mind, and fully without any mental strain. He had saved his own life that day... though, his wounds almost overtook him he was able to take himself to the threshold of the Iwagakurian checkpoint for travel. There he would find the woman... or rather she would find him. Haruka. She was able to nurse him back to health but in doing so he found himself being more determined to help her than ever. She had saved his life and now he was eternally in her debt. She took care of Souji as she would come visit him in the state of clinics of Iwagakure to check on him from time to time. Haruka had become one of his best friends in this time. Not only was she a teammate and a rival but, she had become someone that he would protect at a level that rivaled his loyalty to Iwagakure. Subtly she taught him something... It was that love came in many different forms and could be portrayed many different ways. It was not always logical and often could be staring you right in the face and if you were too oblivious to notice, then you could miss out on the best thing that could ever happen to you.

...Enough of that...

There was a particular mission he would join, something that changed his life when he was twenty-one years old. He was camped just outside the boarder of grass country with a fellow comrade of the Unit he had been assigned to. They were to gather information on a priest coming from Grass and heading into the Forest Nation. He had information dealing with an antidote to an illness that could not be healed with the normal shamanism they practiced. Early in the morning, as he would be the one on watch, Souji found himself looking onward at the coming caravan holding the person of interest... so acting upon his instinct using his ???? to track the location of the man as he and his assisting comrade trailed the man for a few miles.

It was simple. Souji would infiltrate the man's mind and take the information needed and anything else that would be of use to his country. Everything seemed to be going well enough as they obtained the information, killed the target and all known witnesses and disposed of the evidence. Though, nothing was ever that easy. In fact it was too easy. Only to find out there was a Hashigaki blood member in the region. A subtle tune that seemed to overtake them without even them knowing. Souji's mind was taken into a perfect world...where everything went correct and nothing wrong... and as soon as he realized it he woke up moments before he would be behead. His comrade wasn't so lucky, and without a flinch he would double himself and appear in the shadows not far from where his life would have met its end.

The priest was also a sage and had scoped them out before crossing them. It was an odd occurrence that he had not planned for but improvisation was something that he also prided himself upon. Souji knew that he could come out on top and with the shadows working to his favor. Quickly and promptly he'd check his senses once again trying to cancel any jutsu that had been cast upon him before acting further. He was having a mental combat with the man that had killed his partner. Or rather, had caused his partner and him to be knee deep in the crap that he was in right now, and placed his friend in the 'next realm'. This was not good, but in everything that he had learned up to this point, he would not give up until his final breath. There was entirely too much riding on his success. In his own mind at least, as if his little mission here would stir the very foundation of Iwagakure if he failed it. In a way he was right... because every woman and man were apart of one big puzzle piece. One part of the whole, like as if he failed, the dominoes would all begin to fall and everything after his failure would lead to the down fall of his beloved Nation.

No, he wouldn't let that happen... and with everything in him he would complete what he had set out to do... and this was no different. A cake walk compared to life's woes that it had given to him so far... right? So, he enacted his plan... weaving handseals he would cover the playing field in darkness as if a void of darkness took the field by storm and with it he would find himself pulling a blade from a hilt hidden under his sleeve and decimating all that he came into contact with. Until his jutsu was over and he stood face to face with the blind priest... the Hashigaki. Unaffected by the darkness that had been taking the lives of the men that were supposed to protect him. Though, this did not phase him. This was a mere... hump in his plans. ”You think, this will stop my plans...boy?” shaking his head he did not give any words... it was not the time to speak anyways, so his blade in hand he'd begin trying to pick and choose his spots. Attempting to strike the man in a vital spot, but as if some masterful artistry Souji would be silently schooled by the man.

It was bad. The worst form Souji had ever been in. He was desperate unleashing everything physically that he could dish out and forgetting his training. Something that he would never happen again after this. ”Hm, you're quite good. Though, just the sound of my voice could kill yo-” cut off by Souji's throwing of the blade causing and catching the man's shoulder but it was the biggest opening he could give Souji. His bare hand would find its way to the man's forehead clenching with all his might upon him trying to destroy his mind while taking any and all information that he could get but almost simultaneously... the Yukata boy would find his stomach being filled with chakra almost as if he were going to explode. As he drained the man of his life and information, Souji would be filled with chakra... dark chakra... something that he could not help but something he would surely take with him and would live with him forever... ”...Good Catch boy... But now you and I... will never part.”, ”Shut it, and die.”, finally getting the last of everything he'd intensify the amount of chakra going through him to the man frying his brain with raw chakra and leaving him in a perpetual slumber until he died of malnutrition.

Little did Souji know, the man's words would ring truthful. The energy he felt filling his insides... was a small seal. Evil chakra. Something that he had fought against before and it was nothing that he felt he couldnt handle. Morality sealing would stop the spreading through his body until he would be able to see a shaman about it. And even though he would eventually have it removed... there was something that always stuck with him. The power of his mind grew when he felt the energy surging within him... so in silence he would conjure those dark arts once again... but this time for himself. Altering his chakra... but enhancing his mental ability. Making him much more deadly... and controlling it with a seal of his own... he was able to fight against the adverse effects of the dark magic. For a while... but there were times he would have to take himself away from the village on missions to use the energy for good rather than evil...

Recently however, Haruka's mother could not uphold her position as the Daimyo falling ill so Haruka, One of Souji's best friends, would take the mantle allowing her mother to rest easily. A nation ruled by Haruka? Geez what else could go wrong right? Nah, Haruka seemed to be destined to take it. Like all her life she was preparing for it maybe she was but only time would tell. He would stay by her side and support her as best as he could. He would make her proud just like he would with the ANBU Sennin and Tsuchikage. He would do it all even if it meant using a power so unholy that he would find himself corrupting slowly... a power that was gained simply because of curiosity and greed for power.

Everything seemed to be going well... and he was beginning to let his guard down. Maybe there was something more in this life... but he wouldn't get too deep into the thought. It was time to present Iwagakure to the rest of the world. And the dawning of the First Tsuchikage, Inu Endo would rise. Souji... would also rise, because it was time for him to make his mark on the nation. He would be noticed, and even if he never rose to become the Tsuchikage, or even a Sennin, he would make those that died to get him here, who took pride in him and who had saved his life... he would make them all proud.

Together, Souji his Shadow Genjutsu and the powers of the serpentine he would make his mark.

Clan Request: None

Death/Retirement Thread:
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: Stone Council, Mist Council

Old Stats: Agility: 600/600
Stamina: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 400/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
Power Level: 3400
Old OOC Rank: S Rank
Stat Cut: None
New Stats:
Agility: 600/600
Stamina: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 400/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
Power Level: 3400
New OOC Rank: S Rank

Justu Mastery Swaps:
E Ranks Switching: 4
D Ranks Switching: 5
C Ranks Switching: 22
B Ranks Switching: 22
A Ranks Switching: 18
S Rank Switching: 1
Total Refund: 73,110

Stone Bullet (Mastered) [E Rank] => Wasteful (Audial Genjutsu) E Rank
Gravel Shift (Mastered) [E Rank] => Favoritism (Audial Genjutsu) E Rank
Earth Flow River (Mastered) [D Rank] => Double Vision (Visual Genjutsu) D Rank
Sinkhole Fist (Mastered) [D Rank] => Amnesia (Will Genjutsu) D Rank
Mud Clone (Mastered) [D rank] => Basic Clone (Visual Genjutsu) D Rank
Inner Earth Reflection Lure (Mastered) [C Rank] => Deaf (Audial Genjutsu) C Rank
Earth Flow Wave (Mastered) [C Rank] => Verse of Darkness (Visual Genjutsu) C Rank
Rock Golem (Mastered) [C Rank] => Mist of Deceit (Kinetic Genjutsu) C Rank
Bedrock Coffin (Mastered) [C Rank] => Cripple (Kinetic Genjutsu) C Rank
Earthen Coating (Mastered) [B Rank] => Slowed Perception (Will Genjutsu) B Rank
Weighted Rock Technique (Mastered) [B Rank] => Phoenix Embrace (Kinetic Genjutsu) B Rank
Earth Spiker (Mastered) [B Rank] => Havoc of the Doomed Mind (Will Genjutsu) B Rank
Antlion Sinkhole (Mastered) [B Rank] => Betrayal (Will Genjutsu) B Rank
Fist of Gaia (Mastered) [A Rank] => The Reaper's Gaze (Visual Genjutsu) A Rank
Earthen Magnitude (Mastered) [A Rank] => Invisibility (Visual Genjutsu) A Rank
Earth Slide Wall (Mastered) [A Rank] => Mental Kombat (Will Genjutsu) A Rank
Petrification (Mastered) [A Rank] => Night (Visual Genjutsu) A Rank

Kinesis Jutsu:
Force Blast (Mastered) [C Rank] => Paranoia (Will Genjutsu) C Rank
Force Guard (Mastered) [C Rank] => Rally Spirit (Kinetic Genjutsu) C Rank
Psionic Assault (Mastered) [C Rank] => Heaven's Anthem (Audial Genjutsu) B Rank
Reflection (Mastered) [B Rank] => Serene Optics (Visual Genjutsu) B Rank
Redirection (Mastered) [A Rank] => Invulnerability (Kinetic Genjutsu) A Rank

Vine Tangle (Mastered) [C Rank] => Black Eruption (Shadow Jutsu) C Rank
Armor of Thorns (Mastered) [C Rank] => Midnight Strike (Shadow Jutsu) C Rank
Ingrain (Mastered) [C Rank] => Specter Shade (Shadow Jutsu) C Rank
Wood Hammer (Mastered) [C Rank] -> Dark Displacement (Shadow Jutsu) C Rank
Piercing Timber (Mastered) [B Rank] -> Underworld Prison (Shadow Jutsu) B Rank
Pit of Crimson Tears (Mastered) [B Rank] -> Shadow Punishment (Shadow Jutsu) B Rank
Evergreen Thicket (Mastered) [B Rank] ->Black Moon Fang (Shadow Jutsu) B Rank
Glow Moss (Mastered) [B Rank] -> Ebony Nightmare (Shadow Jutsu) B Rank
Frenzy Plant (Mastered) [A Rank] -> Shadow Summoning (Shadow Jutsu) A Rank
Sleeping Forest (Mastered) [A Rank] -> Shadow Garb (Shadow Jutsu) A Rank
Wrath Of Nature (Mastered) [A Rank] -> Darkness Falls (Shadow Jutsu) A Rank
Grand Gaia Impalement (Mastered) [A Rank] -> Absolute Void (Shadow Jutsu) A Rank

Sand Stars (Mastered) [C Rank] => Blast Rush - Bludgeoning Jutsu
Desert Deflection (Mastered) [C Rank] =>Carpe Diem - Bludgeoning Jutsu
Sand Missle (Mastered) [B Rank] => Precise Interruption - Bludgeoning Jutsu
Sand Coffin (Mastered) [B Rank] => Nostalgia Strike - Bludgeoning Jutsu
Sand Tsunami (Mastered) [A Rank] => Rejected Assault - Bludgeoning Jutsu
Terror of The Dunes (Mastered) [A Rank] => Pillar of Four Dragons - Bludgeoning Jutsu

Molten Mantle (Mastered) [C Rank] => Bunt - Bludgeoning Jutsu
Molten Cloak (Mastered) [C Rank] => Dynamic Charge - Bludgeoning Jutsu
Volcanic Sinkhole (Mastered) [B Rank] => Joint Lock - Bludgeoning Jutsu
Ashfall Tendrils (Mastered) [B Rank] => Unbound - Buffing Taijutsu
Vulcan Eruption (Mastered) [A Rank] => Insatiable Hunger - Buffing Taijutsu

Transformation - E Rank (Mastered) => Keeping
Body Switch - E Rank (Mastered) => Keeping
Basic Summoning - E Rank (Mastered) => Keeping
Crystal Eye - D Rank (Mastered) => Contract Summoning (Mastered)
Cancel - D Rank (Mastered) => Keeping
Jutsu Sealing - C Rank (Mastered) => Dynamic Art - Buffing Taijutsu
Stunt Double - C Rank (Mastered) => Keeping
Elemental Clone - C Rank (Mastered) => Keeping
Energy Transfer - B Rank (Mastered) => Keeping
Leech Seal - B Rank (Mastered) => Keeping
Chakra Blast - B Rank (Mastered) => Cover - Buffing Taijutsu
Rasengan - B Rank (Mastered) => Counter Strike - Buffing Taijutsu
Perfected Rasengan - A Rank (Mastered) => Limit Break - Buffing Taijutsu
Morality Sealing - A Rank (Mastered) => Keeping
Gate of Enma - A Rank (Mastered) => Fist of Sin - Unarmed Jutsu

Steel Clone (Mastered) [C Rank] => Active Camo
Mercury Poisoning (Mastered) [C Rank] => ANBU Jutsu
Quality Break (Mastered) [C rank] => ANBU Jutsu
Reinforced Wall (Mastered) [C Rank] => ANBU Jutsu
Iron Breakout (Mastered) [B Rank] => Shadow Servant - B Rank ANBU Jutsu
Burdening Touch (Mastered) [B Rank] => Destroy Presence - B Rank ANBU Jutsu
Silver Flash (Mastered) [A Rank] => Flock of Shadows - A Rank ANBU Jutsu

Thrust - E Rank (Mastered) -> Low Sweep - Unarmed Jutsu
Multi-Impale - E Rank (Mastered) -> Janken - Unarmed Jutsu
Impaling Counter - D Rank (Mastered) -> Spinning Wind - Unarmed Jutsu
Iron Point Prison - C Rank (Mastered) -> Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku - Unarmed Jutsu
Feint Spike - C Rank (Mastered) -> Dragon Assault - Unarmed Jutsu
Million Stabs - B Rank (Mastered) -> Seismic Toss - Unarmed Jutsu
Blood Letter - B Rank (Mastered) -> Shadow Step - Unarmed Jutsu
Piercing Pin Holder - A Rank (Mastered) -> Dance of the Waxing Moon - Unarmed Jutsu

Critical Exposure (Mastered) => Keeping
Snapshot (Mastered) => Keeping
Chakra Sense (Mastered) => Keeping
Mental Infiltration (Mastered) => Keeping

Demonic Cloak Alpha (Mastered) - C rank => Partial Transformation - Abomination Jutsu
Demonic Burst (Mastered) - C Rank => Accursed Protection - Abomination Jutsu
Demonic Howl (Mastered) - B Rank => Corrupt Regeneration - Abomination Jutsu
Destructive Shield (Mastered) - B Rank => Malevolent Annihilation - Abomination Jutsu
Demonic Cloak Omega (Mastered) - B Rank => Vile Mutation - Abomination Jutsu
Menacing Blast (Mastered) - A Rank => Eagle Drop - Unarmed Jutsu
Demon's Edict (Mastered) - A Rank => Falcon Punch - Unarmed Jutsu
Poisonous Chakra (Mastered) - S Rank => Vile Mutation - Abomination Jutsu</B>

Name of any Contract you currently own: Feline => Snake
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own: Spending 150 Advanced Shop points to Buy Hell Seal
Name of Kinjutsu you own: Jinchuriki => Abomination
Still actively roleplaying in any other threads? None.​


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
Re: Setsumon Rozan =&gt; Yukata Souji [WiP]

I am quite alright with being involved in Souji's history. ^^


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Admin Approval and Rank Banner given.
Name changed to Yukata Souji


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Sorry for the dillay on the refund update. Yen given to make up for the missing 10% refund that you should have gotten.
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
