Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Shackled by Law .|. Requesting Akira Kazan

May 7, 2023
OOC Rank
Kaiden’s shoulders heaved with every ragged breath, and the weight of the chakra-sealing manacles cut into his wrists. The Tsuchimikado escort who had brought him here stood beside him, one hand firmly gripping the chain connected to Kaiden’s cuffs, as if expecting him to break free at any moment. He would have tried, but the restraints were practically leeching any energy he had left, and the wounds that Shizue and Himeko had inflicted were far from healed. The bitter tang of copper still lingered on his tongue, thanks to the cloth gag rubbing raw at the corners of his mouth. He had never been detained like this, not since being dragged before a Judge of the Lightning Court near where he was originally discovered, when he'd first received the slave's brand that now marked his forehead. More than that, he had been forced here by shinobi so intent on dragging him away from the real threat that they didn't even recognize why he resisted. A furious spark lit in his eyes every time he recalled that kidnapper slipping into the shadows, unchallenged.

Behind him, Runa’s faint cerulean glow flickered in quiet sympathy. She hovered close, chin trembling in a mixture of concern and guilt. Kaiden wished he could tear the gag away and reassure her that none of this was her fault, that she had done everything she could. But at the same time, anger twisted in his gut. He wanted to shout accusations at the shinobi who had captured him, to demand they redirect their talents toward catching the criminal. Instead, he could only offer muffled snarls. Runa floated backward as the Tsuchimikado cleared their throat, speaking softly into the hushed office, where a figure Kaiden assumed was an authority figure stood. Unbeknownst to him, this was Akira Kazan, the newly appointed Sennin of Kumogakure's Main Branch. Kaiden dared not shift his gaze too openly, but he could see enough to know that the man with the new Main Branch Sennin title was taking a measured interest in him. The tension in the air was enough to make Runa shrink closer, trying to stay out of any direct lines of sight.

“Ex-mercenary, discovered in Kumogakure’s slums,” the Tsuchimikado explained, voice steady. They spoke with a confidence that Kaiden resented. It was the same cool, detached tone used by shinobi who could methodically break a man’s spirit while offering nothing but polite phrases, the same voices he heard in the aftermath of his wife and daughter's murder. “We first noticed a rogue spiritual chakra signature and traced it to this man: Given name, Kaiden. No family name recorded. An indentured former servant of the Tenouza who has been working as a civilian policeman. He was observed exhibiting chakra without documented training. We dispatched two genin to apprehend him due to concerns about potential illegal chakra use and unregulated techniques. Upon confrontation, we confirmed our intel. The subject resisted apprehension, displaying a unique phenomenon that may be a tethered spirit.” A subtle pause followed, as though the Tsuchimikado weighed how much to disclose. Then they bowed their head, conceding, “We've been unable to analyze the spirit with our standard methods, as it's been... uncooperative. However, we are certain it is linked to his chakra, and we suspect it could be dangerous. We felt it critical to bring him here before investigating any further.”

Runa’s glow wavered at that, and she glanced at Kaiden with a hint of anxiety. She was no danger. He knew it. She knew it. But the law of Kumogakure saw both of their presences as a wild card: a rogue chakra-user, and an unknown factor that might inconvenience their carefully balanced system and "utopian" society. Kaiden’s muscles tensed, wishing he could tear off the gag and defend her, to scream that she was a "her" not an "it". She draped tiny, translucent fingers against his shoulder, and he felt a reassuring chill radiate from her palm, a calming coolness. The Tsuchimikado continued, their tone unchanging, addressing potential questions that Kaiden could only guess were coming from the silent figure in front of them.

"The phenomenon was visible only to those with the Tsuchimikado gifts and certain heightened senses,” they said, casting a deliberate glance back at Kaiden. It was enough for him to realize they had indeed noticed Runa’s desperate attempts to protect him during that fight in the alley, though apparently her presence had not softened their decision to bring him in. “We do not yet have reason to believe that the spirit itself is malevolent at its core, but the method by which it fuses with his chakra is a breach of our village’s guidelines on spiritual interference, and the man is an unregistered chakra-user and former traitor. We could not allow him to continue unchecked.”

Kaiden let out a strangled grunt. He wanted to break in, to force them to address the fact that the true villain had escaped, that some poor child, someone else's daughter, remained in danger. Yet every time he tried to speak, the rough gag turned his words into angry, pointless noise. Runa floated into his line of sight, her oval eyes shining with concern. She whispered to him softly, "Calm down, Daddy," reminding him that drawing more hostility from these people would not help. "Of course the nine-year-old is the voice of reason here..." He wanted to be rational, but he kept replaying the moment the boulder slammed into his skull, the snap of his old spear beneath that masked girl’s strike, and then the kidnapper disappearing over the rooftops. He needed to find that bastard and bring him in. Instead, he was here, a prisoner once more to the group that ended his past life and who controlled his present.

“Considering the unknowns, we used the standard chakra-sealing cuffs as a safeguard,” the Tsuchimikado said, tugging on the chain to demonstrate. Kaiden’s arms jostled, and he scowled in protest. “He was also gagged, as it was clear he had strong objections to being detained. Our concern was that his voice might activate an unknown jutsu. We have not determined how the spirit manifested. We only know it interacts with him in some capacity, and that seemed to magnify his physical prowess during his encounter with the two genin we sent. Though, he was not a match for them, at least alone.”

Runa darted away from Kaiden, swirling around the Tsuchimikado for a moment, as if testing the boundaries of the shinobi’s awareness. Their gaze did not shift, so she peeked back at Kaiden with a confused tilt of her head. She mouthed silent words he couldn't quite decipher, probably wondering how these watchers could sense her so precisely. Kaiden felt a pang of pity for his daughter’s spirit. She had spent years drifting between being noticed and being ignored, and now she had discovered an entire clan that could pinpoint her with uncanny ease but still failed to comprehend that she was not a threat.

One of the Tsuchimikado’s subordinates stepped forward and produced a small document, presumably a record of Kaiden’s capture, which was offered to the Sennin. Kaiden’s nostrils flared. He hated feeling helpless while people scribbled down notes about him, as if he were a mere test subject. The Tsuchimikado representative described him as an ex-soldier with no clan connections, a man who had been operating on the fringes of the city for months, rumored to have had a propensity to seek out the most dangerous cases, though the truth was that he was simply given the beats that none of the other divisions or officers of the Kumogakure civilian police wanted to handle themselves. Kaiden wanted to roar that a little girl was in danger, that he had no time to dance through bureaucratic nonsense, but all he could do was dig his nails into his palms and glare at the floor. Runa hovered closer, whispering that he had to endure. "Easy, Daddy... We'll find a way."

A hush stretched across the room, broken only by the quiet crackle of a nearby lantern. Kaiden could feel the Tsuchimikado’s eyes on him, as if gauging his reaction, making calculations about what they should do next. He could not see what Kazan thought of this entire situation, yet the tension pressed down on Kaiden like a looming storm. The sense of captivity burned in his chest, a reminder of how powerless he was in this moment. Runa reached out, her ghostly hand gliding in front of his face. She gave him a small, determined nod. Kaiden inhaled shakily and forced himself to stop struggling, to stop staring daggers at the Sennin, a man who could wipe his existence away in the blink of an eye.

No, if there was going to be any chance of him getting free and continuing his search for that missing child, he would have to endure this scrutiny long enough to make them listen. For now, he had to trust that someone here would see reason, that they would eventually let him speak without restraint, that they would come to understand that he was not the danger they saw him as. And most importantly, that a very real threat still prowled somewhere in the seedy unloved underbelly of Kumogakure.

[MFT .|. 1548 Words]
For the first time ever, someone from the village's police force had brought a captured individual before Kazan. While he was the main branch Sennin, he didn't expect he'd be brought into matters such as this. Still, as he watched a man be dragged before him, in chains and a gag, he listened silently as nameless members of the village's Shinobi force began to explain the situation to him. Folding his arms across his chest, he stayed quiet as a stern look crossed his face; Kazan was both curious, but concerned. This man was supposedly an ex mercenary and tied to the Tenouza group, in one way or another. Nodding, as one of the Tsuchimikado’s subordinates stepped forward and produced a small document, Kazan took hold of it and once again focused his attention back to the prisoner before him.

"Remove his gag. I want to give him a chance to plead his case before I decided where this goes." Kazan stated, directing the Tsuchimikado's and their subordinates. "Oh, and Kaiden was it? Tell me, if you could use chakra, why didn't you come forward before hand?" He asked, wanting to know that on top of exactly what this guy was doing that caused him to be apprehended. At the very least, the position of a Sennin was proving to be interesting as of right now anyway.

[Wc: 200+] [OOC: Short and direct, sorry.]
Kaiden worked his jaw as the cloth was peeled from his mouth, tongue testing the taste of dried blood at the corners of his lips. He didn’t raise his voice or lunge forward, but there was a simmering resentment in his eyes. “I don't know shit about chakra,” he spat, speaking to the room more than anyone in particular. “I'm just a tired cop with ghost stories. And I'm only that because a Judge willed it. So are you gonna let me do my job, or tell me what you want with me?”

Runa hovered close, wringing her tiny ghostly hands in unease. “Daddy... please don’t push too hard,” she whispered, her faint glow dimming with worry. Kaiden cut his gaze toward her, just for a moment, then drew in a careful breath. He had always managed to keep his composure in front of his daughter, alive or otherwise, and he would not shatter that restraint here. “And to answer... When I started seeing the ghosts of my past, I didn’t come forward because I’ve seen what happens to people who your kind deal with,” he said, voice low and even. “You shinobi aren't the heroes you pretend to be.” His gaze slid toward the Tsuchimikado who held his chain, then flicked back to the Sennin.

“I have no interest in your system. I only cared about that child, and you tore me away from stopping a kidnapper. I don't want to be one of you.” He exhaled with a grimace, his eyebrows furrowed as he lifted his shackled wrists in a gesture of weary frustration. “But don’t pretend this was about justice. I know better. A little girl is gone and a monster walks those streets because your little child soldiers chose me instead of him.” Kaiden was one to talk. He'd wielded his own daughter as a very literal weapon just hours prior. Runa’s voice reached his ears again, fluttering up to his shoulder to place her tiny hand there and offer soft words in an attempt to comfort her father. “We’ll find a way, Daddy.” Kaiden’s posture stiffened, acknowledging her with a barely perceptible nod before settling into a resolute silence.
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Kazan remained silent, as the man named Kaiden spoke his piece. People were known to come up with stories to save their own skin, but something about his seemed to hit home a little. Maybe it was the raw emotions attached with it? Who really knew, but Kazan wasn't someone who usually found himself in this type of position. He didn't see himself as a judge, let alone a jury, but something needed to be done about this situation. Rather or not Kaiden knew anything about Chakra was up to debate, considering he openly admitted to seeing ghost and chose not to come forward. Relaxing his arms, lowered them down to his side and glanced towards the guard who had brought him here only to give them further instructions. "Now that you've brought him to me, you all can leave. Though, he claims there's a criminal on the lose who kidnapped a child. I expect all of you to look into this immediately. Use my name to obtain any resources needed for the investigation, and stop at nothing to either find the person or disprove his claims. If you find out he's telling the truth, bring me the battered body of the criminal and proof of life in regards to the child." He'd state, clearly towards the guard before waving them off.

Once they left in pursuit of this would be criminal, Kazan would finally turn his attention back to Kaiden. Sighing, he'd raise his right hand up as purple chakra would begin to visibly radiate from it. "There's no such thing as a hero, and this isn't about justice." He'd tell Kaiden, as he began to point his hand in Kaidens direction. At this point, the purple chakra would begin to change to a lighter blue tone. "You're weak, but you were lucky enough to inherit a unique ability that could help countless people. If there's any truth in your story, then it doesn't make any sense why you wouldn't want to join our ranks. We could train you, teach you control over your gifts, and help guide you towards becoming someone capable enough to protect those that need it the most. Besides, a couple of children supposedly captured you. In a world full of elite shinobi, how can you naturally measure up without honing your skills?" He'd tell him, sharing his thoughts about the situation.

With those words, Kazan would snap his fingers; the visible light blue chakra than once surrounded his hand would ripple out, and eventually reach Kaiden himself. Though, it would do little towards affecting the man in any way, it would indeed have an effect on his chakra sapping shackles. While they wouldn't just fall off of him, their drain like effects would be neutralized and the locks of his bindings would click; almost opening, though still requiring some slight effort on Kaiden's part to remove. "I believe that it's the responsibility of the strong to protect the weak and right now, the country needs every gifted individual it can get to protect it's civilians. So, that means you have a decision to make. Will you come with me and begin training to unlock your potential, or will you waste it and rot in a cell?" He'd ask, firmly. Kazan's actions may look like he had given the young man an out, but the truth was far from it.

[wc: 500+] [250 marked for training] [250 marked for dojo]
Kaiden stood in silence, feeling the chains lose their hold as Kazan's chakra unraveled the locks. Old memories churned in his mind, images of a time when the uniform of a Cloud shinobi meant fear and loss. The senses remained. He could almost hear the screams from that night, see the ruin of his makeshift home, smell the mix of burnt wood and flesh, feel the lifeless forms of Akari and Runa in his arms, and taste his own desperate tears. The village had carved its cruelty into his soul, and every fiber of his being recoiled at the idea of relying on the very system he blamed for his suffering. Yet here he was, offered the chance to learn how to wield the strange power that had followed him in Runa’s spirit form. Part of him wanted to spit his refusal in Kazan’s face, to reject everything the man stood for. His chest tightened, and for a moment, he felt that urge to lash out. That urge died almost as soon as it formed. The power radiating from the Sennin was unmistakable, and Kaiden knew with a grim certainty that he would be outmatched if he tried. On top of that, the offer to train him, to teach him how to harness what he barely understood... it grated on the former father to admit it made sense.

His eyes flicked to the faint cerulean shimmer where Runa hovered, her delicate hands clasped in a silent plea. She had been so small when he lost her, and the bitterness he felt at Cloud’s hand had never lessened. Even so, Runa’s presence was a reminder of what he had already endured. When she spoke, her voice trembled, “Daddy… I-I think he means it. Maybe not all of them are like the ones who hurt us.” Her words stung, but he could not deny she was echoing something he had felt during the brief conversation. Kazan had shown a measure of understanding and a willingness to act on behalf of a child he did not even know. Kaiden could not reconcile that with the cruelty he remembered, but he could not entirely dismiss his pain either.

He ran a tongue over his cracked lips, tasting bitterness and the tang of dried blood. “I will never trust your people,” he said, staring at Kazan through narrowed eyes. “Not after what they took from me. But if this is what it takes to understand this... To be able to do something... Then..." He paused, the words he said next visibly difficult to utter. "I'll choose to trust you. If that means learning your ways, then so be it.” His voice wavered slightly, more from anger than fear, before he forced it steady again. “I do this for them, not for shinobi. Remember that.” Big words for a man who, despite his six and a half foot height and well-trained soldier's physique, was as good as powerless when compared to shinobi who have mastered what he didn't understand: how to use chakra. He stood there with the broken shackles still clinging to his wrists, waiting to see how the one shinobi he decided to trust would respond.

[MFT .|. 532 Words]

Current Ninpocho Time:
