Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Shinobi 101: Back to the Basics [Class]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
It had been awhile since I last stepped foot onto these grounds and had taught a class filled with bright-minded individuals that would eventually become the next generation of shinobi and guard over our village when we were incapable of doing so. In all honesty, it had been at least half a year or longer since I actually did teach someone here through classes or tutoring sessions. However, I believed that I was still capable of performing the job that was set forth in front of me and I would find out soon enough if this was truly the case or if I had made a grave mistake in returning here. After all, it would be the first time that I would be in front of a class in my current form and hopefully the children would still show me the same respect as the ones that came before them. Only time would tell though!

As I sat in my office, the time was quickly approaching nine in the morning and the students were likely going to begin to file into the room designated for them on the second floor if they haven't already. In any case, the room would be open with big lettering on the whiteboard that read "Shinobi 101: Back to the Basics", a course that I had taught numerous times. However, I would not be in the room quite yet as I preferred the students to make their way into their classroom and be situated as they saw fit before an adult like myself decided to truly dictate what happened. Besides, it allowed them to engage in small talk with one another and maybe make a friend or two which was fantastic to have at their age as they were still developing physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically!

In the classroom aside from the whiteboard, there was a desk in front where the lecturer would decide to sit during examinations or to simply teach. However, most people in the village that taught decided to stand when lecturing as it helped keep people awake and engaged. In addition, there were three rows of seats that the students were allowed to sit in and two large windows that gave a clear view of the training grounds below where the students would practice their combative skills against one another or against training dummies. Aside from that, there was a clock in the back of the room that was fully functional and a closet that students were capable of using if the weather outside was less than stellar, which was not a problem today, as the sun had already showed itself and was coming into the classroom.

Soon, I would make my way to the room, but there was still ten or so minutes before class began. Thus, it was time to wait a little while longer before heading over and beginning my day and theirs with the essential basics of being a shinobi. I could only hope that they were prepared for what they would be learning and would be engaged like my first class had been that contained Miroku Riyota and Aikayume, two great students who grew into amazing shinobi in their own rights.
OOC: I have a few things to mention before we begin.
  • Anyone interested has till the end of the day Friday forum time to make their initial post. After that, I will post as soon as I can.
  • I would like to have 72 hours from my posts, which is also 3 days, for you all to post. This is only to keep the thread going at a relatively decent pace so you aren't all sitting in one thread for weeks at a time. This will begin after my second post in the thread.
  • I will do a three strike system. If you fail to post three times by the time limit, you will be kicked out of the thread unless you let me know prior to the time limit being reached. I am willing to work with people's schedules and am not trying to fail or jeopardize anyone.
  • I do not mind either way if you all want to do a post order or not between yourselves. I would advise posting when you can though as waiting around for others could drag the thread on.
  • If I come up with any other things, I will let you know!
  • Most importantly, have fun and good luck! ^^

Fuyuko Jun

New Member
Dec 9, 2017
I sigh as i walk throug the academy halls. I really didn't want to go to a class and be surrounded by other people. My personal training was progressing fairly well but my brotger was adament that i had to join the academy in order to be a real ninja. I found the room that my class was to be taught in. After looking around i picked a seat in the front row next to the window. At least nature can keep me occupied if class gets boring.

Mitsunari Akagi

New Member
Nov 1, 2017
Tightening his collar in his room, Akagi would loosen the tie around his neck, throwing it into the floor next to his training equipment. Stretching his arms and legs as the light peered in through his window he would place his hands at his side letting out a long breath. Akagi was swearing a white button-up with khaki pants, complemented by close-toed shoes, which were rather uncomfortable for him. This ensemble was put together by his father who had become quite the mystery to Akagi, originally he thought of him as a regular father who played a insignificant role in the community. However, as of late he came to question this assumption as more and more signs hinted at something bigger. Quickly dismissing the idea as he shakes his head. Is this all really neccessary? he thought to himself as he buttoned up the lowermost piece of his git up. Reaching for his bandage wraps, he felt a light roll. Akagi usually switched Miu's wraps out every month, but he had been getting into a few scuffles as of late and was re-wrapping quite alot. Taking his fingers and individually wrapping them, dragging the rest of the roll up his left arm and back down till it was completely covered.

Perusing through his own home Akagi was in search for any kind of mirror just to make sure he didn't look like a total imbecile. Mainly because the girls he usually met around town commented on him in a negative manner. After a short stint of searching he quickly realized that he had plenty of time, and searching for a mirror to check his appearance wasn't a good use of it. Walking back to his room from wherever in the house he left off, Akagi grabbed the hilt of his sword off his dresser and began to slowly draw it. Akagi's eyes had used to be deep blue colored but ever since he unlocked his strange, "capabillity" his eyes had taken a iridescent shine of blue and very vague violet. Closing the sword and rubbing his eyes Akagi looked out the window and knew by the sun it was time to make his way to the class his father enrolled him for. Looking at the tie in the floor, Akagi disregarded it and warped outside of his home from the window seal. His feet firmly planted on the sandy surface of the residency street gave a sense of security to Akagi, and mainly freedom. Having recently discovered his ability to bend reality to an extent, he had begun to feel more at home with it, slowly progressing in his ability to control and hone it. Placing his hands in his pockets Akagi began to walk through the early morning residency crowd which was mainly filled with other civilians and sprinkled with merchants. Passing through the crowd that had been funnelling toward the center of the residency Akagi let out a drawn out yawn as his eyes watered slightly, wiping the sleep from them. Looking up he began making his way once again toward the Academy.

Taking the time to get to the Academy from where Akagi lived wasn't an excruciatingly long walk. Arriving to the doors of the Academy as planned and on time for once. Thinking back to the bandages as Akagi searched the halls for his classroom made him consider going back to Soon's Haven early and getting more wraps, with the secondary intention of rekindling his relationship with Miu. The echo of his footsteps throughout the hallways brought Akagi out of his head and into the present as he found the classroom he was searching for. Not hearing any sound come from the inside Akagi assumed he was early and opened the door at a normal pace, Akagi stepped inside and saw a girl around his age with pale blonde hair. Warmly smiling as he always does Akagi whether or not he was comfortable always looked as such. Walking in and noticing the tidy classroom that had been organized for its first day with the words, Shinobi 101: Back to the Basics, marked on the whiteboard which had a desk and chair in front of it. Akagi thought it would be a good idea to sit next to someone he didn't know but quickly dismissed it as every girl he had met in the village tended to dislike him. Moving past the girl and to the second row, the desk closest to the window, Akagi sat down and relaxed, crossing his hands and placing his chin ontop of them Akagi perused the training grounds as he awaited the class to start while thoughts drifted in his head.

I wonder if anyone I know will be here...Time will tell...

Karasu Mika

New Member
Dec 2, 2017
”Mi-chan, wake up!” Natsuki Karasu called out to her sleeping daughter as she was readying breakfast and lunch for the young girl. Grabbing three eggs out of the fridge, Natsuki set them down at the counter, reaching for the shiny black pan she had bought a few days ago. It was clean, clearly reflecting the woman’s reflection. The mother smiled at her reflection before setting the pan down and turning up the heat. As she placed oil into the pan, there were a few sizzles, flickering from the pan to lightly touch the woman’s bare arms. A white apron wrapped around her waist and the blue fabric of the nightgown; it wasn’t just blue and had a few sunflowers decorating the dress. The sizzles that lightly reached out to touch the womans arm didn’t hurt too much, although it did sting a bit. Natsuki hovered her hand over the pan, checking to see if it was warm enough. Pleased with the results, she grabbed an eggg and cracked it open before the pan.

Mika had been sleeping, although the sound of her mother woke her up quickly. ”Mi-chan, wake up!” Mika knew well enough that her mother didn’t do well with slackers. Her mother was gentle and kind with her daughter, but even then, there were things that irritated her. Sighing, the 9-year-old girl pushed off the yellow covers off herself. Hopping out of bed, Mika rubbed her eyes, a yawn settling in. Walking over to her stool, where she had kept the outfit for the Academy, chosen by her father, she grabbed her clothes. Giving the small pile a lazy look, the girl made her way over to the shower. She had her very own, but her parents weren’t able to purhase a bathtub. Turning on the water, Mika let out a relaxed breath, closing her eyes. The water was cold, to wake her up, but it didn’t bother her. Grabbing the shampoo and applying some onto her black hair, she began spreading the substance. After a few minutes, she let her hair wash in the cold water and shaked her head. Not even giving a glance towards the conditioner, Mika turned off the water and stepped out. Shivering slightly, the girl grabbed for her towel and draped it over her body. Grabbing another towel, a smaller one, she covered her hair, which had water dripping softly onto her floor.

Stepping back into her room, the young girl could smell the scent of breakfast in the air. Her mother was making eggs, again. With a soft sigh, the girl began quickly drying herself and puttin gon the clothes. The upper clothing was consisted of a gray shirt and a dark blue jacket, which had the symbol of the Karasu clan sewn into the back. There was a thin belt that would be wrapped around her waist, a hidden kunai attached to it. There was also her black pants and the usual blue Ninja sandels. Her father, using his own money, had bought a nice looking brown belt with two pouches attached to it. In one pouch were extra kunai, and the other one held her med kit, her signal flare, a notepad and pen. It was a very nice looking pouch, with its gold-like designs of a woman with flowing blonde hair. Then, there were bandage wrappings that held a shuriken container.


Natsuki had been putting the last egg onto the clean plate when her daughter appeared, fully dressed in her outfit and with her hair mostly dry. The woman smiled at her daughter, saying, ”Oh, Mi-chan! Here is your breakfast!” The woman places the plate onto the table, while her daughter walks over to the sink, washing her hands. ”I hope you enjoy your eggs, Mi-chan!” The woman smiles before setting off to get her daughter’s lunch ready. Washing her hands, she dries them with a towel and opens the fridge. There’s some dango that the woman had made last night and she takes them out, placing them into the bento box. It is a bit large with a blue background and smiling clouds. Placing all the food into the bento, the mother smiles, an hands the box out to her daughter, already finished with the breakfast and ready to leave. ”Good luck, Mika!” Her daughter briefly pauses, seeming to be surprised for the woman to use her daughter’s complete first name. ”Thanks, kaa-chan!”

The Academy isn’t too far from the girl’s house, but it takes more than a few minutes to get to the building and find her way to the classroom. Walking into the room, the girl looks at the inhabitants. There were few people and Mika smiled, happy to know that not many students were here right now. The girl looks up towards the board, seeing the words,

Shinobi 101: Back to the Basics

There was an empty chair next to the desk near the whiteboard, basically screaming, “No teacher here!” The girl looks closely at the inhabitants. Her gaze settles on the last person, an older student with blonde hair. Going to the seat opposite of the students, Mika sits down and waits.

I wonder who the teacher is...

[Word Count: 865]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
With a kick in his step the young Kes'hoshi would make his way through the academy. He was here rather early today practicing his clan's techniques in the dojo, which if you went in there you would see shards of crystals sticking to most of the surfaces. With a grin on his face they crystal-eyed boy was walking down the well light hallway which caused the specks of crystals that have formed in his skin to shimmer ever so softly. This crystal callous that covered his body would feel like shards of broken glass if ever pressed against but Hoseki had grown to not even notice them. His Kesshogan Doujutsu was almost always active giving his eyes the distinct appearance to be made of crystals. His pupils became slit like a cat's and he was able to sense even the smallest change around him. This enhanced vision was capable of allowing him to see particles one hundred smaller than the naked eye could. He often used this to track the movement in the air caused by his targets attempting to hide, but like a wild cat he was always able to pounce into action.

Finding way to the class room the boy would walk in, noticing there was no teacher yet, before letting out a smile and a chuckle. "I guess we beat the geezer to the classroom."<i></i> As he spoke he made his way around to sit in a seat in about the middle of the class and as he did the sand that in the room would come to flow to him. Swirling on top of his desk the grains of quartz and earth would condense to form a small house cat made of pure crystal. Reaching out and petting the crystal companion it would let out a soft purr just like a real cat. If anyone had seen a creation jutsu before they would notice that this one was far more lifelike and moved more like a true animal than some creation. Looking around the boy didn't really recognize anyone to the point of knowing their names but could recall a few faces from around the room.

Yuuki was making her way through the village as she was heading to class. Her long blonde hair was flowing through the wind. Her white top was accompanied by a red scarf which she wore around her neck. Her denim pants seemed to vanish within her tall military grade boots. She was almost always ready for combat even if she never appeared to be. Her left wrist was marked with a curious seal that many in the academy knew would summon her powerful bow. She was known as the Hawkeye of her class and her uncanny accuracy was by far unmatched by most. She knew of this skill and she used it in her advantage. Having very basic chakra control he wasn't much in the ways of Ninjutsu or Genjutsu but she tends to make it out just fine thanks to this weapon.

Finally making it to the academy her heels would make a pronounced click as she walked down the hallways towards the classroom. up the stairs and down the hall she could sense a few within the room but no one of much caliber. Pushing the door open she instantly held herself as if she was better than the rest of the students in her class. Taking the seat in the front middle she would sweep her hair with a single hand in an almost picturesque was to move it before sitting down for her class to begin.

Karasu Mika

New Member
Dec 2, 2017

Taking out her notepad out of her pouch, Mika set her bento box down on the table front of her. The bento let out a soft clink! sound as it hit the flate wooden object. Mika didn’t know what was inside there, but had the suspicion that it was the usual food she would get before she applied for the Academy. The notepad and her pen out, she set the objects down next to the bento, and reached for the blue-background-with-clouds bento. Opening the top part ajar, she peeked inside, squinting to see the contents in the darkness inside the bento. Inside was a large mountain-like figure, most likely rice, with smaller peices surrounding it or laying on the rice. Most likely a type of meat. There was also a cylinder-like object in the other half of the bento, kept safe from the rice and meat by a thin, white wall. There was something on the top of the cylinder and Mika had no doubt that it was green tea. The tasty substance would help the young girl when she was feeling tense or nervous, soothing her nerves and calming her down. Next to the container was some dango. Dango! Taking her finger out from under the covering of the bento, Mika let the top close itself onto the box, even though she couldn’t wait to eat the treat.

Sighing, the girl let go of the bento entirely, her attention on a young boy, looking to be around her age, who had just entered the room. Pale, the girl thought as she set her eyes upon the boy. The older boy had white hair, as if a cloud were sitting on his head, and had a paler complexion than the palest person that the girl had seen. Her eyes widening slightly, the girl stared surprised as the boy smiled, chucking as he said out loud, ”I guess we beat the geezer to the classroom.” He seemed somewhat rude, but the young girl didn’t feel any dislike towards him. She felt nothing towards him, except the feeling of neutrality. Her eyes drifted to his eyes, which were the color blue, that seemed a bit unnerving to the 9-year-old. His pupils were like a cats’, but he wasn’t a cat and Mika could only assume that this feature was because of the clan the boy was from. The boy was wearing a light short-sleeved shirt, very much like the color of his hair, over a darker blue long-sleeved sweater. He wore simple gray-blue shorts and purple-ish shoes instead of the usual Ninja shoes. He was a strange boy, the girl decided.

What happened next surprised the girl. The boy sat down at a seat that was almost in the middle of the room, and suddenly, bits of sand began flowing towards him and creating a crystal cat on the boy’s desk. It was very much life-like, even letting out a convincing purr as the boy pet the feline. It even had the movements of a real cat. The girl looked away as the boy began to look around the room, probably determining which students he knew and which students he didn’t know. The girl was about to call out towards the boy when she heard a conspicuous click, alarming her. She could slightly feel the student’s chakra as they came closer to the room, more clicks following behind. A student, looking to be much older than Mika, walked in, a superiority aura surrounding the girl. The older girl sat down in a seat in the middle of the front, sweeping her blond hair with a single hand.

Mika began analyzing the girl, as her father had told her to do so if she was going to become a Ninja. With blonde hair and a paler complexion than the young girl, the newcomer was definitely attractive. She had a pretty face, from where Mika could see, but the things that stood out the most were the girl’s prominent ears and the clothing she was wearing. The blond girl wore a white top which stopped at a few inches above her blue denim pants. The top was sleeve-less, revealing too much skin for the young girl’s comfort. Remembering Shin, the boy that her mother would sometimes leave her with when Mika was younger, the boy sometimes wore such revealing clothes as well. But that didn’t matter. That girl wasn’t Shin.

[Word Count: 736]

Shigetoshi Shingo

New Member
Dec 13, 2017
It was no surprise, really.

The other children that flocked into the room with bright smiles, lips always on the brink of expelling some new tale or fancy to their peers. Eyes still gleaming and confined on each-other's personages...

No, it really was no surprise that not a single soul had noticed his dirt and sand-stained presence near the back corner of the room, in the third row, furthest from the window and as deep into the shadows that the room could provide. The dirty cloak was both a means of blending in and standing out, after all.

Peering out from the top of a folded scarf worn around his shoulders and draping over his back in a sort of half-cape, two lifeless eyes burned holes in the door as students filed in. His hair hid most of his features as it fell around his face and down his back in waves and half curls. There was the hint of beauty in its color, marred only by its filth- but it did not hide his eyes, granting a sort of quiet intensity to any whom did manage to discover him there.

Without a peep, Shingo moved his feet slightly to alleviate his anxiety and refocus his attention elsewhere before someone took offense to his stare. Confrontation was not at all what the young and frail child needed at this time. He'd arrived too early, eager to leave his parents and gaze into a world as of yet unknown to him. He was a street urchin, a vagrant, a cast off that had somehow lucked his way into the chance (and only the chance) of a better life. He could not ruin it, could not do something to cause alarm or form malcontent before he'd even the chance to taste something new.

So, of course, it was best to play it quiet and adapt as needed. No need to stand out. No need to be lazy, either. Just float along...don't get noticed and don't get left behind. Don't stare.


It was only as he moved to cover his mouth that he noticed his folly. He'd coughed. He'd brought attention to himself.

Shingo froze up, staring blankly ahead and holding his breath in anticipation of the moment passing.

(Word Count : 380)

Senju Sakyuma

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
Sakyuma woke early, and looking outside it was a beautiful day. The sun shone brightly, casting shadows on the rest of the area. His books cast upon his desk, with a bunch of papers looking at trade. He showered, brushed his teeth and sat at the desk annoyed with all the work. He looked out the window and saw one kid running upon the rooftops to get to class. Then another, and he realized that might be the best place for him to be. This being the turning point, he wondered if he could try, but his father, all he wants him to do is study. No no more, he thought to himself, he's gotta go.

Sakyuma saw the other kids heading to the academy, and as they walked away, the envy of not being able to do the same finally rose above his protective chains. He stood up, and even though it was not the night time, he took his usual training gear and stuffed it in his backpack. "Bye Mother, Father, I am off to the library!" He yelled as he left the house. However soon as he'd get out of the Housing district, he would duck into a corner and switch clothes. He put on his night outfit, and while he didn't know anyone proceeded to go to school. "What am I doing? My father is going to kill me. Still I have to know what it is like." He proceeded to follow the rest of the kids, and when he entered the room, he was the only one confused.

The other kids went in took their seats, or started talking to each other. Coming from an entirely different situation he was not in the same level of readiness. The seats were unassigned it seemed as some were also wondering where to sit. He knew he had to keep a low profile so cloaked up, he fled to the back and sat down.


wc: 326


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Turning my gaze from the papers in front of me, I would notice that I had roughly five minutes before my class would begin. With a smirk on my face, I would rise from my seat in my office and proceed to head towards the classroom after I adjusted myself to guarantee that there would be no wardrobe malfunctions today. In all honesty, I hadn't had one before, but I did not need one to happen today especially with not knowing the class size nor the age of the students. If they were of a younger age, I could get away with it since they didn't know better, but if they were approaching their teenage years, they would likely have a snide remark about it that would have my face beet-red in embarrassment. In any case, I didn't have time to think about this in excessive details because there were students waiting for me and I had a mission to accomplish which is teaching them everything that I could so they were capable of surviving in this world which was getting more chaotic every passing day due to a multitude of reasons. These reasons included the uncertainty of what the Daimyo was going to do against the village, the corruption that was running rampant in the Red Light District, and the tensions that slowly were building up between family members of various clans associated with the Byakko Clan which included me.

However before I could continue thinking internally about a multitude of things, I was standing in front of the door to the classroom and I would simply turn the knob and enter the room with no shenanigans ensuing fortunately. As the door closed behind me, I would look over all of the children that the village would eventually put their faith and future into their hands. They all were so young compared to me and so innocent still as they likely had not had to deal with the harsh realities of the world that we lived in just yet. Unfortunately, they would need to learn about the real world sooner than later because it was nice to have a forewarning before one was simply slapped in the face with it and forced to figure out how to handle it. This was not in my lesson plan today however, but in the future, they would have a nice, lovely conversation about the world that they lived in with either I or someone else who had earned the right to teach the future generations of the village.

But for now, it was ideal to introduce myself to them and then get all the introductions out of the way from them. Moving from the door to the desk in front, I would sit on this object with my legs crossed in front of me as I emitted a warm, welcoming smile to them as I began my introduction. "Good morning, Class! I am Byakko Kyuji, a Medical Chief of our village and your instructor for today's class. I hope you all came prepared to learn because I have a lot to tell you all. But before we begin, I would like you all to introduce yourselves and tell your peers and me why you want to become a shinobi. Who wants to go first?"
OOC: A few things once again
  • I apologize for the wait. I was dealing with some personal things, but I should be good now.
  • You all will have till this time next week to post so you can enjoy your holidays and spend time with your families and friends ^^
  • As a reminder, you will need 5 posts and 1500 words to qualify for the rewards of the class for training purposes. You will not need to worry about the posts as the thread will be longer than 5 posts.
  • Again, no posting order is needed for me.
  • If you want a physical description of my character, see HERE.

Mitsunari Akagi

New Member
Nov 1, 2017
Students filed into the classroom as Akagi sat looking out the window, awaiting his teacher's arrival. Akagi sat in a relaxed position, crossing his arms stretching out his legs. Rolling his eyes to the door, as a young black hair walked in. Akagi saw her cast a smile across her face, returning a comforting nod, just enough to acknowledge her. The girl would move to the opposite side of the room to Akagi and the other girl in the room. Sitting down and Akagi could only assume was just starting since she was so young. Man, its taking that teacher forever to get here... Akagi would thinking as he would start to manipulate a warping energy off his hand, making it dance like a fire. Hearing steps up to the door, Akagi sat back up straight in hopes of it being the teacher.

From the steps, a familiar boy with white hair had walked into the classroom. Hoseki, Akagi would quietly mutter in his mind as he nodded to the boy as he took his seat. Which brought about the second student after Hoseki entering. Akagi's eyes rolled back to the door to see another familiar face. Ren... Yawning as she walked in with a prep in her step, Akagi would stretch his arms into the air before playing with his energy once again, poking and prodding as it rose off his skin. Still waiting for the teacher to arrive, Akagi saw another student enter wearing attire that had been worn and dirtied, Akagi thinking nothing less of the student would watch as he entered seemed to have been quite confused and anxious. Akagi thought little of it, rolling his eyes to the door once again to see yet another boy who seemed distraught. Akagi laughed under his breath as the students who had arrived at likely their first class reacted to unassigned seating.

Slowly the door handle would turn, as Akagi would hold his breath awaiting the entrance. Walking in a older blonde woman, Akagi paying no mind to her attire, focused in on what she had to say as she walked to the center of the room. Sitting down on the desk that had been at the front of the room, crossing her legs, warmly saying, "Good morning, Class! I am Byakko Kyuji, a Medical Chief of our village and your instructor for today's class. I hope you all came prepared to learn because I have a lot to tell you all. But before we begin, I would like you all to introduce yourselves and tell your peers and me why you want to become a shinobi. Who wants to go first?" Akagi choked up a bit before gulping and standing up briefly raising his hand to his face Akagi would gesture what could be assumed as a, "Ill go". Akagi lowered his hand clearing his throat, "I'll go..." Akagi would straighten his back addressing the teacher and class, "Name's Mitsunari Akagi, most just call me Akagi. As for why I want to become a shinobi?" Akagi pausing briefly before speaking once again, "It's because I want to be able to protect others, and I know that is a bit cheesy of a response but its what I genuinely wish to accomplish." Sitting back down thinking to himself, I know its generic but I want to follow in the footsteps of those who have protected others. Sitting down and awaiting the next person to speak Akagi would watch the teachers reaction to other students answers, out of curiosity.

(OOC: Post is lack luster but I wanted to churn it out to get the ball rolling, will have a 10x better post next time.)

Karasu Mika

New Member
Dec 2, 2017
Mika watched as students began flocking into the classrooms. The eyes of the younger students were filled with excitement, laughing and talking with their friends. Friends... Her gray eyes flitted away from the crowd of students and towards the students that were already sitting in their seats. As she watched the other students, she suddenly heard a cough, coming from the direction of behind her. Turning her head, not able to control her curiosity, she spotted a young child, around her age, sitting near the back corner. They were suited away from the windows and were wearing dark-clothing, matted with dirt and sand. Mika wasn’t able to distinguish their gender from here, and couldn’t guess it through the sound and volume of their cough. It was a quick and sharp cough, one that most people would ignore in favor of other things. Others who were curious would give some attention to the cough.

Turning away from the student, the young girl turned to look at the front of the classroom. It was about five to six minutes since the girl had come into the classroom and was displeased to see that many students had come about into the room. Her interest was piqued when a child, one taller than her, appeared with a dark hood over their head, covering most of their face. They seemed to look around the classroom for a short moment before going—rushing—to the back of the classroom. The two students, the one who was coughed and one with the cloak, were very much alike, although the cloaked person seemed to wear better clothing.

It was at that moment that a pretty woman, with short blond hair and a light complexion, walked in calmly. The woman, who was most likely the teacher, looked over the students. She walked over to the desk, sitting down onto it with her legs crossed, giving a friendly smile. There were a few whispers, but the voice of the woman diminished them. ”Good morning, Class! I am Byakko Kyuji, a Medical Chief of our village and your instructor for today’s class. I hope you all came prepared to learn because I have a lot to tell you all. But before we begin, I would like you all to introduce yourselves and tell your peers and me why you want to become a shinobi. Who wants to go first?” Mika let out a soft groan, like some of the students, although hers was quieter than most. She didn’t want to introduce herself, even if she was interested in the names of the students.


The blond boy—somewhat attractive, Mika stated with a light blush—stood up, his hand going up to cover his face. He lowered his hand as he cleared his throat, speaking, ”I’ll go...” There was a very short pause as the boy straightened his back, speaking louder, ”Name’s Mitsunari Akagi, most just call me Akagi. As for why I want to become a shinobi?" The girl cringed slighty at the last sentence as the silence stretched on for longer. "It's because I want to be able to protect others, and I know that is a bit cheesy of a response but its what I genuinely wish to accomplish." Mika gave a soft smile at what the boy had said. Shin would like him. Speaking—or rather, thinking of Shin—of Shin, where was the boy? Was he in another class? The young girl deflated at the fact that the boy was not here, but kept up a small smile, clapping along with most of the class.

[Word Count: 592]

(OOC: Not my best, but I didn’t have much ideas. I feel like I’m doing a bad job of keeping my character’s personality consistent so I’m going to be changing her personality to best fit how I type her actions.)

Senju Sakyuma

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
Sakyuma sat there completely ignoring everyone else sitting in the class. Focused on the teacher's desk with a hint of fear in his heart, he had no idea what to expect. The other children were a bit more social commonly looking at each other with perceived emotions in their facial expressions. He imagined that each person here knew their purpose, or maybe even how to fight for some. Still, this was an intro class and just like everyone else he was here to learn and had to sit silently. He started looking around as the clock ticked, and he took notice in each person that was nearby. He took out an empty notebook from his back pack and laid in on the desk before him. His old clothes hanging out from the bag, he quickly and nervously stuffed it back inside.

Just then the teacher walked in and announced herself to the class, Sakyuma shook with nerves as an important figure in the village may know his father and that he was not supposed to be there. He completely blurred everything she said in his mind and her and everything else went out of focus and he lost concentration. The room was silent, and he took a deep breath closed his eyes and the sounds of the room started to rise up as he heard "I would like you all to introduce yourselves and tell your peers and me why you want to become a shinobi. Who wants to go first?"

Oh geez, he didn't want to go at all, the fear that his name might get around back home scared him. He had to do something to avoid it, that's it a fake name. As a few students were already standing up in front of the class proclaiming their rites and goals, he realized it was his turn. He stood up looking down so that his hood was cast a shadow over his face heard others claiming they wanted to protect. That's what he wanted to do, but after his childhood experiences, he had one more wish.

"My name is Sen-Sento Sama, I want to stop anyone who even thinks of doing wrong. I want the entire world to be a safer place...Thank you" He sat down with a heavy sigh of relaxation, his heart still beating fast. He reached three fingers into his hoodie, and gently brushed a lock of his white hair behind his ear. Now he sat as he awaited others to finish.

wc: 419

Shigetoshi Shingo

New Member
Dec 13, 2017
More people had entered the classroom and even more people seemed to file away to others with whom they shared brief recognition for. These kids probably grew up near each other, childhood friends and old rivalries from the sandbox. This was a huge disadvantage in a classroom setting and if there were group projects. No one was going to want to pair with the dirty kid and he didn't know a single child here!

Now some of those who had found their seats and had been relaxing were turning to locate the source of the cough, his cough. The curious children hadn't noticed him quiet yet, causing him to squirm down and hide even his eyes from view while he caught his breath. Peeking from behind his scarf to see if anyone was still looking at him, he accidentally made eye contact with a young black-haired girl with striking grey irises from across the room.

He had been looked at!

Embarrassing, pitiful, idiot! Why draw attention to yourself, you're going to be judged. Just shut the hel-

".....I would like you all to introduce yourselves and tell your peers and me why you want to become a shinobi. Who wants to go first?"

A distraction, good. But an introduction?! He hadn't caught the first end of the statement, he didn't even catch his teacher's name. Why was he already failing so hard, allowing himself to be distracted and do stupid things. This was exactly what he had promised to overcome and never do again. There were already students willing to introduce themselves, too- more likely than not, the creme` la creme` to turn a phrase.

Well, wasn't this a key opportunity to overcome even a minor challenge and accomplish a goal? Why not volunteer, why not speak up instead of pushing himself further into the corner and hoping he wouldn't be noticed again?

" Umm," Shingo started, climbing to slowly to his feet while brushing off (or attempting to) his scarf and letting out another soft cough," Shigetoshi Shingo....umm, reason for becoming a shinobi is so I can survive, I guess,"

With that concluded, he quickly sat back down and stared straight down at his desk. Why see everyone staring at him; he hoped there wouldn't be questions allowed. Wasn't the whole point of being a shinobi to be quiet and not noticed? Why even force these interactions at all, it seemed intent on causing discomfort and nothing else.

(OOC: 410 Words)

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Looking around the class as he continued to play with his crystalline cat the boy named Hoseki wouldn't really get a lot of details from the students, that was until their teacher arrived. Actually acknowledging the class as his peers would begin to introducing themselves the Kes'Hoshi boy would rise to his feet. Placing his thumb in the air gesturing at himself he boy would speak. "My name is Hoseki of the Crystal Craft-Kes'Hoshi Clan. Becoming a shinobi is my birthright. We were banished during the times of the First Men and lost many numbers during the Plague Wars, but I am here to prove the once proud Sunahoshi wrong and prove that our clan is worthy of recognition."<i></i> The boy's normal light aura about him seemed to dissipate as the iris of his eyes became more crystal like and his slit pupil thinned. It wasn't until his cat meowed at him that he once again calmed down, easing back on his Clan's Kesshogan Dojutsu. Actually aware of the other students Hoseki realized that Akagi was actually the kid that fought against Takuya a little while back. He was surprised to see that he was still doing okay after taking that kind of beating. Nevertheless the small crystal boy would wait and listen to see what was in store for him during this class.

Yuuki on the other hand was doing her best to keep her mouth shut about the children, and the filth in the room. Yuuki would take a stand as Hoseki would return to his seat. With a sharp smile and a confident attitude she would speak. "Good morning Kyuji-Sensei, don't you look stunning today."<i></i> She ran her fingers through her beautiful long blond hair. "My name is Ren, and I'm becoming a Shinobi because I felt like it, and because I'm better than some of the trash in here playing ninja like it is some kind of game."<i></i> She chuckled a little bit as her eyes scanned over Mika. "Being of a higher caliber I can tell who can make the cut and who can't!"<i></i> Her devilish eyes shifted to Shingo and this Sento character. With her eyes gazing back at the sense. "There are probably only two, maybe three students in this room who may actually make it to Chunin Exams, I think the rest will drop out before or right after their Genin Examinations."<i></i> With that the spoiled brat sat down with a grin on her face.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Looking around the class as he continued to play with his crystalline cat the boy named Hoseki wouldn't really get a lot of details from the students, that was until their teacher arrived. Actually acknowledging the class as his peers would begin to introducing themselves the Kes'Hoshi boy would rise to his feet. Placing his thumb in the air gesturing at himself he boy would speak. "My name is Hoseki of the Crystal Craft-Kes'Hoshi Clan. Becoming a shinobi is my birthright. We were banished during the times of the First Men and lost many numbers during the Plague Wars, but I am here to prove the once proud Sunahoshi wrong and prove that our clan is worthy of recognition."<i></i> The boy's normal light aura about him seemed to dissipate as the iris of his eyes became more crystal like and his slit pupil thinned. It wasn't until his cat meowed at him that he once again calmed down, easing back on his Clan's Kesshogan Dojutsu. Actually aware of the other students Hoseki realized that Akagi was actually the kid that fought against Takuya a little while back. He was surprised to see that he was still doing okay after taking that kind of beating. Nevertheless the small crystal boy would wait and listen to see what was in store for him during this class.

Yuuki on the other hand was doing her best to keep her mouth shut about the children, and the filth in the room. Yuuki would take a stand as Hoseki would return to his seat. With a sharp smile and a confident attitude she would speak. "Good morning Kyuji-Sensei, don't you look stunning today."<i></i> She ran her fingers through her beautiful long blond hair. "My name is Ren, and I'm becoming a Shinobi because I felt like it, and because I'm better than some of the trash in here playing ninja like it is some kind of game."<i></i> She chuckled a little bit as her eyes scanned over Mika. "Being of a higher caliber I can tell who can make the cut and who can't!"<i></i> Her devilish eyes shifted to Shingo and this Sento character. With her eyes gazing back at the sense. "There are probably only two, maybe three students in this room who may actually make it to Chunin Exams, I think the rest will drop out before or right after their Genin Examinations."<i></i> With that the spoiled brat sat down with a grin on her face.

Senju Sakyuma

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
Sakyuma heard everyone's responses, some like him were very sweet and chivalrous of great qualities for the villages, while some were extremely spoiled and snobby. He did not like that someone was outright just calling out how much higher they were than everyone else, but maybe it wasn't just all talk. Forget the people in the class around him though, the real question is what was the next task. The class seemed friendly enough minus that one girl, and each their own trying hard to become the next willing and able shinobi of the sand village, meanwhile Sakyuma just wanted to be a shinobi period.

Trying not to draw attention to himself, he listened to each person who spoke. With no comment he perked his ear to each individual wondering what all their purpose was. What if he passed all these classes, would he become a ninja? Would he tell his father? Oh god why was he even here...? Sakyuma sat back quietly and slouched a little in his chair in angst. Then he felt it, a cool breeze of competition through the air as all the students gazed at each other. There could be a battle of approval, or even for self worth. Choosing not to take part in this childish behavior, Sakyuma looked to the blond girl, his shining red eyes shimmered under his hoodie, and his head just enough in the light so his eyes could be seen, he gave her a slight wink, and then carried on with waiting on the teacher.

ooc: Sorry I wasn't on my comp, I was mobile so my post might lack quality.
wc: 256

Karasu Mika

New Member
Dec 2, 2017
After the blonde boy had finished his speech, another student stood up, talking about themselves. This ritual went on for another few minutes before the attention landed on one of the students that had caught Mika’s eye. Their hood was down, not allowing anyone to see what their apperance was like and their gender. ”My name is Sen-Sento Sama, I want to stop anyone who even thinks of doing wrong. I want the entire world to be a safer place... Thank you.” The young girl watched as the boy, as she had concluded from their voice, sat down. Mika turned her attention from him as the figure near him stood up too. It was the person who had coughed and made eye contact with the gray-eyed girl. They seemed to be nervous as they stood up. “Umm,” the person began, coughing again before continuing. “Shigetoshi Shingo....umm, reason for becoming for becoming a shinobi is so I can survive, I guess.” As the girl thought over his, concluding they were a boy as well by their voice, words, she felt disconcerted. His words unsettled her, as if he had experienced times of near-death before.

There were a few more moments of other students speaking, though Mika was not interested much, until the boy with the crystal cat spoke up. ”My name is Hoseki of the Crystal Craft-Kes’Hoshi Clan. Becoming a shinobi is my birthright. We were banished during the times of the First Men and lost many numbers during the Plague Wars, but I am here to prove the once proud Sunahoshi wrong and prove that our clan is worthy of recognition,” the boy introduced himself. Suddenly, the aura around the boy began to feel more tense and Mika felt scared of him. The crystal cat let out a meow, seeming to calm the boy. Mika let out a sigh as her attention began to move onto the next person.

The blonde girl that had ariived before stood up as the boy who had just introduced sat down. The girl gave a smile, although it was not in veiw of students sitting behind her, ”Good morning Kyuji-Sensei, don’t you look stunning today.” The woman in front of the classroom was very beautiful. The blonde girl ran her hand through her long hair before continuing her speech. ”My name is Ren, and I’m becoming a Shinobi because I felt like it, and because I’m better than some of the trash in here playing ninja like it is some kind of game.” As the blonde girl glanced over to Mika, the black-haired girl stopped herself from blurting out the words ”I’m not playing ninja!” Feeling offended by the words of the blonde girl, Mika sent a glare towards her.


The blonde girl didn’t seem to know that Mika was angry at her, and the black-haired girl sighed, standing up to prove the girl wrong. ”M-My name is Mik-Mika Karasu. I....I want to bec-become a shin-shinobi to become a Medical Ninja and help ot-others.” Feeling nervous, the girl quickly sat down, resting her head on the table and running her hand through her hair to try to calm herself down. She wished Shin were here...

[Word Count: 533]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
As I sat there with my legs crossed, I would listen to each one of these precious students' introductions and their reasoning for wanting to become a shinobi of our village. In all honesty, most of them were offering the generic, run-of-the-mill answers which wasn't exactly the most interesting, but it did serve its purpose in an introduction course. While they were in the Academy, they would likely find their true reasoning for wanting to become a soldier of this village or maybe some of them would be late-bloomers and figure it out after they graduated. It truly did not matter so long as they eventually figured out what they wanted to do in their lives and why they were going through all of these classes and examinations. Of course, it would not be right to force them to explain why they wanted to be shinobi without properly telling them why I became one in the first place. So when the last one of them that wanted to introduce them-self, I would nod at them all and simply state: "Pleasure to meet you all. My reasoning for becoming a shinobi many years ago was because it was what my family had been doing for generations in Iwagakure. Unfortunately, the hands of fate have a funny way of changing things quickly and my reasoning for being a shinobi would change after I joined our village as a medical shinobi. See before I was doing the job because I loved to help people in the medical field and it provided a means for my family to eat at night. But due to unforeseeable circumstances, my parents died when I was young which is why I ventured to the Hidden Sand where I met my beautiful wife and had two beautiful children with her. So I guess my reason changed from survival and generally helping to protecting my family and trying to protect my home which I cherish so much."

A memory from my past would float to the front of my mind as I closed my eyes momentarily and smiled. Oh, I truly missed my parents and my former home, but it was for the best that the hands of fate put me into the Hidden Sand when it did because the village needed me and I needed it. However, I needed to return to my homeland sometime in the future and see how much it had changed and if my parents' grave-markers were still around or not since they were situated outside of the mine-shaft that had been abandoned. The last time that I laid eyes on the place, there was chaos ensuing and people were dying while I fled like a coward. But, it was for the best as some of the people in the village had been trying to eliminate me from contention for the Tsuchikage position.

In any case, my eyes would reopen as I looked at the bright minds of the future, or so I hoped they were. They had a lot to learn still, but they were going to all be fine shinobi by the time that they were finished in the Academy and taking their graduation examinations. Oh, I could not wait to proctor some of them and see how much they grew since this class today since they were all relatively young still. But for now, it was time for them to learn and teach one another the ways of being a shinobi. With this, I would fold my arms over my chest and ask my students the following: "Anyone may chime in when they feel comfortable. I want three of you to tell me what Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu is. The remaining three of you who introduced yourselves, I want you to tell me what kinds of jutsu I could find under the umbrellas of Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu."
OOC: A few things once again
  • I apologize for the wait. I was dealing with some personal things, but I should be good now.
  • I would like your next posts by the end of Monday night forum time.
  • As a reminder, you will need 5 posts and 1500 words to qualify for the rewards of the class for training purposes. You will not need to worry about the posts as the thread will be longer than 5 posts.
  • Again, no posting order is needed for me.
  • Strike One for Fuyuko Jun.
  • MFT: 646 Words

Karasu Mika

New Member
Dec 2, 2017
As Mika rested her head on the wooden table, running her hand through her short hair, she quietly listened to the rest of the introductions of the students. As the last student finished speaking, they sat down, seeming to be pleased with their speech. Soon enough, the voice of the woman in the front of the classroom was finally heard. "Pleasure to meet you all. My reasoning for becoming a shinobi many years ago was because it was what my family had been doing for generations in Iwagakure. Unfortunately, the hands of fate have a funny way of changing things quickly and my reasoning for being a shinobi would change after I joined our village as a medical shinobi. See before I was doing the job because I loved to help people in the medical field and it provided a means for my family to eat at night.” The woman was similar to Mika, wanting to help others. “But due to unforeseeable circumstances, my parents died when I was young which is why I ventured to the Hidden Sand where I met my beautiful wife and had two beautiful children with her.“ Wait. What? ”So I guess my reason changed from survival and generally helping to protecting my family and trying to protect my home which I cherish so much."

Survival. That was what the boy with the name Shingo had said, Mika thought as she looked back towards the boy. Lifting her head and placing the palms of her hands against her cheeks, she squished them together as she watched the teacher. The blonde woman folded her arms together and began speaking again, "Anyone may chime in when they feel comfortable. I want three of you to tell me what Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu is. The remaining three of you who introduced yourselves, I want you to tell me what kinds of jutsu I could find under the umbrellas of Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu." Mika quickly reached for her pouch, which was resting on the floor on top of the blue-with-smiling-clouds bento. Quickly taking out the notepad, she flipped to the pages of the jutsu she was taught.

[Word Count: 357]

Mitsunari Akagi

New Member
Nov 1, 2017
Akagi had heard alot of far fetched things, however when the teacher spoke about her family and then HER wife, Akagi simply tilted his head in a moment of confusion, dismissing it quickly as he wasn't interested in poking his nose in a place it didn't belong, or his head.

Having been in the academy for a short time, Akagi had made significant progression. His physical prowess was the crim dela crim of the Academy, his smarts however, were not so stellar. Not to say Akagi was an idiot by any means, he just didn't pay too much attention, his mind always wandered until he was training his actual body. He had a basic understanding of genjutsu, ninjutsu, and a higher understanding of taijutsu. Akagi once hearing the teacher request what jutsu might be found under all three branches of the chakra tree. Akagi raising his hand after she finished speaking, "Taijutsu consists of physical contact jutsus that doesn't cost the user alot of chakra, that still packs a punch, which is why its my go to." Lowering his hand Akagi would peek around the room out of the corner of his eye.

Alot of people with the same ideologies as me. Slouching back into his chair as he glanced over the class seeing the same stuck up girl that he had met at the sparring tournament. Along with the crystal user Hoseki, Ren had a bit of a different approach to things. While Hoseki was driven by a vengeance, Ren was driven by her class, Akagi could only assume she was insecure of her own ability. Looking back to the teacher Akagi would straighten up awaiting other students answers.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
