Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Shocking Revelations [Private]

Oct 23, 2012
Jae was going through the records within the medical offices that needed to be filed, organizing and taking little peeks even though he knew he wasn't supposed to. He'd never spread information around, that goes against the oath he took when becoming a doctor, but it was always interesting to look through case files and understand what was done to solve the issues and the patient's health after. Sometimes he'd come across cases of unsolved illnesses and would formulate some ideas for solutions, only to realize those ideas were already tested and produced no results. He'd sigh and continue his filing.

There were some files that piqued his interest, mostly files on shinobi within the village, but young ones. He noticed frequent visits to the hospital during their academy and genin lives, which was weird, most people wouldn't be facing dangerous situations until they were at least chuunin so they shouldn't be having so many visits, and not with so many bruises and broken bones. Maybe they were fighting each other, kids can be rambunctious, especially those with shinobi training wanting to train even more with their peers. Jae then came across one for a teenage boy, the case file said deceased and went to explain he was killed for being a traitor. Jae thought back to the death of that boy who attempted to run from the village. Jae was conflicted, if you become a shinobi your first loyalty is to the village, but is a swift death right? Why not prison? Jae shrugged, he wasn't in a position to judge, so he continued to file.
The Medcial Sennin strolls through the hallways of the Konohagakure Byoin, for once without a purpose. her digits trail against the ivory walls. Each footstep echos, a majority of the patients were about in the gardens indulging in the brilliant radiant rays, a fair bit of warmth on the flesh did wonders to ones recovering mentality. Passing by the filing offices, she takes notice of a forestry hue individual; initially the kunoichi chooses to ignore the notion as it was nothing out of the ordinary.

Eerily the rustling, rather it would extremely rude to describe the sound, Jaehyun had always showcased studious tendencies and it wouldn't be out of the question to chalk his task up to further sponging as much possible information. Pivoting about on her heel, Mikasa peers through the minor gap between the door frame and actual door itself, oceanic hues narrow - mimicking a curious feline. Naturally, she presses forward as silently as possible in order to not distract the young medical nin and hopefully not frightening him in the process. Settling down in the nearest chair, she observes his delicate movements, each file seemed to be handled with great care; however there appeared to an item on the young mans mind. Normally, the young medical shinobi was bubbly and eager to learn, yet his normal vibrant aura diminished.

Resting her chin on the rear of palm, remains silent. Their definitely was an item amiss, outstretching her sole leather gloved hand, she delicately taps the young medical nin on the shoulder; in hopes, once more, of not startling. "Not so bubbly today, perhaps you are tired?" she inquires, breaking her silence with a faint frown on her features. Similar to Jaehyun, Mikasa normally didn't appear gloomy. Withdrawing her hand, she awaits for their looming sure to be conversation.

Jae was lost in his own world, after contemplating all the injuries and deaths students have endured he no longer wanted to think about it, preferring the methodical process of filing all the files into their proper place. He wasn't quite aware of his surroundings, he got this way when his focus was set on one thing or one task so he didn't realize that Mikasa was sneaking up on him. It wasn't really sneaking, she wasn't attempting to, but with his lack of spatial awareness it wouldn't be hard to sneak up on him.

The moment he felt his shoulder being tapped he jumped, slipping from his seating position and falling to the ground. He attempted to reach for something to steady himself but grabbed a handful of papers and sent a bunch of files flying. "Oh no oh no..." Jae began to frantically collect the files, looking through each for the names to get them within the correct folders. He looked up and realized who it was that scared him. The moment he locked eyes with Mikasa his face went red. The medical sennin just watched him get scared and fumble every paper within reach. "Oh uh... H-hi Mikasa... uh Sama. Sorry about the mess."

He continued getting all the files correct at an even faster pace now that he knew who was watching. He thought back on the question she asked, he wanted to talk about it but wasn't sure if it would be appropriate to ask. He took a deep breath and took out the files in question. "I was just looking through some of these files and... why are there so many student injuries and deaths happening?" He laid out some of the files in question that mentioned students being admitted into the hospital following a terrible beating, or reports of a student being killed.
Regardless of her better efforts to not spook the Medical Shinobi, Mikasa scrambles alongside the midori moss hair male to gather the scattered documents. Hesitantly an apologetic smile is aimed towards the underling, "Apologies, wasn't my intentions to cause startle." the kunoichi mumbles faintly. In the past few weeks her genetic heritage was beginning to spiral, normally being a labeled Empathetic had allowed her to project emotions to encourage positive behavior; however it was now beginning to cause the Sennin to reflect similar moods to those she was speaking directly towards.

Collecting herself, her natural radiant enthusiasm surfaces as she finds a respective seat to properly converse with the young man once more. The opening line was a tricky situation, as a higher up of Konohagakure she truly wished to stronghold her fellow colleagues, yet there wasn't a single word she could utter in their defense. Leaning forward she locks her robin egg blue optics against Jaehyun's, "There are moments in our lives where we fail to support individuality and are unable to guide done others down a balanced path." she begins in a sincere tone, "There will always be those with darker ambitions versus those who are overzealous with righteousness and justice. I am a firm believer there is no such choice as a correct one, merely which is more appropriate to utilize in the moment." she summerizes her ideology.

The inquiry wasn't directly answered, however it would begin to shed some light, "This isn't to pardon the actions taken place, but to serve as indicator on future situations to be assessed from a different angle." a wisp escapes her pursed lips, a brief silence, "What I mean to say, Jaehyun-san, is that we can only hope those who act irrationally to understand the severity of their actions and if they are unable then we will act as their eyes. No one is above being judged." A bit cryptic, but it was difficult to muse her distaste aloud.​
As Jae placed the files back to their proper spots he couldn't match eyes with the sennin, after such a ridiculous display. It was especially embarrassing considering she had no intention of scaring him. He caught a glimpse of her facial expression, she seemed to be troubled by something but Jae couldn't quite put it into words. He wasn't exceptionally close to the medical sennin, she taught him a little bit about his expansive chakra and helped him with his ever changing chakra nature, but they never really talked.

After he placed the last file in its spot he began to regret asking for Mikasa's opinion. Not that he didn't trust her, but she was a sennin, she reports directly to those in charge. Noticing that Mikasa took a seat he followed suit, though there wasn't a lot of room in this area seeing as it was mostly for files but there was the desk that he was finally able to clear off. He sat with his arms on the table, hands together with his thumbs fidgeting. He was nervous. He openly questioned the authority of the village to one of those in charge. He was ready to be berated, told he needed to mind his business, informed of his place within the village and told to stay there. His mind raced with the many different punishments he'd receive if this was taken as an act of treason. Demotion? Humiliation? Would he be killed?

As these thoughts raced through his head he squeezed his eyes shut, until he heard Mikasa reply. Her soft tone never changing, calming, something that many within the village lacked. His question was left unanswered, however, but he could understand why. She wasn't defending these actions, and at the same time not blaming the victims. Though he could see why she answered in this manner it still left Jae yearning for the truth. "I mean I understand why some of these incidents occur." He paused for a moment. Did he really understand? It was all conjecture at this point, he was making assumptions based off of little observation.

"I witnessed one of these incidents. I don't know who it was in some of these files, but when I was still an academy student I saw someone try to leave the village." He sighed. Again, not knowing all the details made him frustrated, he didn't like just being told one sided stories. "He was stopped, he couldn't have been much older than I am now. He didn't have a headband, he might have abandoned it, but he also could have still been an academy student." It was highly rare for people Jae's age to still be academy students, but maybe they were flunkies and never improved. There were stories, however, of another shinobi who was a bit of a troublemaker who was made chuunin and subsequently demoted all the way back to academy student. Its possible this was the case as well.

"He was stopped by the Hokage and his wife... They annihilated him." His hands began to shake. Not out of fear of their strength, but their ruthlessness and seeming disregard for human life. "The fight was less than ten seconds, and it was clear they weren't holding back. He was one kid, clearly the hokage could have taken him himself. It was like they were sending a message... one I'm not so sure I want to be a part of." He looked up, struggling to maintain eye contact with his sennin.
The gentle moss hair medical shinobi had witnessed a frightening perspective of Konohagakure that warranted any individual to worry, Mikasa found herself unsure of how to initially reply. To defend the course of action taken was laughable, "I believe you are correct, the intention behind the meaning was crystal clear when there was far more alternatives to choose from." the Sennin murmurs, struggling to make proper eye contact with the young mans wandering gaze. Faintly her digits extend outwards to pat his hand, "Do not fear, proper action is being taken to ensure we do not have another blunder of that caliber." Mikasa begins to explain.

Inhaling lightly, a much needed breath of air is taken, "Jaeyhun-san, I assure you that I will not allow another similar event to occur. I stake my reputation as Sennin on it, for if I can not ensure the well being of the younger generations then I do not deserve to aid in leading." the kunoichi comments, sincere with her words. "Also, while I may not approve of the Hokage's actions, it is evident has taken steps to further better himself to lead our village. However, concerning whether or not he will be successful is another story entirely, but that is why the Sennin will do what is required for our people to prosper." the later portion of her words a bit ambiguous.

Leaning back in the chair, the medical kunoichi's arms cross over one another, she was certain the lad would have more to speak on and Mikasa gladly welcomed the notion. "Is there more than is bothering you, Jaeyhun-san? You can speak to me in whichever tone or manner you wish. Allow me to hear what plagues you further, for we both are fully aware of holding in emotions." the Sennin whispers.​
Jae sighed as he placed the last of the files away. He wasn't sure where to go with the conversation. It wasn't so much that he didn't get the answer he wanted, but it was the one he expected. He wasn't attempting to incite a revolution, but he got the reassurance that he needed that this village wasn't going to continue as it was. He didn't have much else to say about this topic, and he kind of left the conversation hang for an awkward moment, looking at his sennin attempting to gauge her impression of him. As much as he enjoys researching he hasn't been doing it as much recently, he should get back on that, with so many things to learn he doesn't have time to be worrying about these sort of topics.

Now that he was done filing all these records there was no need for them to be stuck in this cramped room. "Thanks for talking with me, Mikasa-sama, it's made me feel better." He got up and stacked the boxes inside one another to reduce the space and placed them to the side. "I have some patients I need to check up on, maybe we could do this again?" He gave her a shy smile and began walking away before realizing how the question, which sounded nice in his head, actually sounded when spoken. He turned back around, hoping to catch Mikasa before she left. "Not like a date or anything but like just talking and like... yeah, you know what I mean... bye!"

Moss hair bobbles to and fro as the youngster scurries off to attend to his duties, leaving the Medical Sennin to her own devices. Inquiries were unable to be addressed and she was uncertain of any similar situations that may occur in the future; regarding her capability of preventing them. Balling her left hand, nails seep into the flesh of her palm, a faint trickle of crimson flushes to the surface. Frail smiles were faltering, her words beginning to lose meaning and a single individual at the center of the devastating phenomenon was beginning to demand her complete attention.

Not wishing to prolong her duties for the day, Mikasa presses forward, sliding her left hand into a deep coat pocket, not wishing to cause a scene. A level head was far more becoming of her - platinum locks sway as the kunoichi glides down the corridors. The Sennin's encounter with Jaeyhun was a much needed reminder and eye opener; hopefully this wouldn't be their last earnest conversation between the pair.

[OOC: Topic Left]​

Current Ninpocho Time:
