Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Contract Search Shu-Shi Go On An Adventure! [Dual Contract Search]

Apr 19, 2021
OOC Rank
Luminous beams of light pierced through the partially cloudy sky. Bubbly odd shapes of fluffy clouds slowly crawled across the vast azure-ocean sky. Birds chirped in the distance giving a warm and inviting setting. A fox darted from underneath a bush and took one quick look at Shishiwakamaru at ran off with haste. Seems Shi wasn't in tune with nature, oh well. What exactly what Shi doing way out here anyway? Why, for special training of course! Shusuke had agreed to train with Shishi, but they needed a safe space to do so as casting high level ninjutsu and the like would be frowned upon with the village limits. Or at least a couple of young spritely kids potentially missing their mark and destroying something. No, doing it out here was a far superior option.

Seeing that he was alone, Shusuke having yet to arrive, Shi would take this opportunity to bust out his favorite puppet. Light blue hues formed at his fingertips that quickly attached to his advanced puppet. Shishi wasn't the type to call out an attack before initiating it, so cliché. Within moments his puppet opened up a small hole that shot out a highly pressurized burst of steam. The bush he aimed it at instantly was shredded upon impact. "Hmm, not bad..." He said to himself, unaware of anyone else being near him. Though he had a knack for sensing chakra he was too focused on what he was doing to notice Shusuke sneaking up behind him. What a pity.

[OOC - WC: 253/1,500]
Shusuke was roaming the Greater Fire Country looking for his friend Shishiwakamaru. Apparently he was wanting to work on Ninjutsu, which if you asked Shusuke it was a waste of time. They were both Taijutsuists, at least for the most part. It wasn’t until he heard the his of steam did he realize that the young puppeteer was close by. He recently learned a fun trick and was excited to try it out against his observant friend.

Raising his hands into a single hand seal he masked his location with his Presence Erase Jutsu. With his adept skills in Genjutsu, he was able to mask the tells that would normally give him away to the young Nara. With a grin Shusuke slowly approached the puppet user. ’Playing with toys again?’[/b] He thought to himself. If Shishiwakamaru wanted Ninjutsu he could have it.

Standing in Shishiwakamaru’s blind spot, Shusuke would weave a series of hand seals before slowly pulling his hands apart. ”Storm Release: Fissure Slash!” As he yelled out the name of this jutsu a large curvature of electrical energy pulsates between his palms. As Shusuke pushed his hands together the beam of laser like energy began to bend before snapping out of his hands like a boomerang circling quickly as it cut through the air. As the blade struck the target it left a solid cut into the wood, nearly as deep as if he were using a blades weapon.

”Last time I checked, Puppetry is more inline with Taijutsu than Ninjutsu. Sure you have your chakra threads, but after connection it’s all in the movement yea? Don’t have to focus on converting chakra into a jutsu to use your toys now do ya?” He grinned with some snark at his friend.

”Storm Release: Fissure Slash!” Young Shi's soul nearly left his body as he jumped two feet into the air. He had never been so scared in his life, or at least that's how it felt in this moment. The jutsu left a deep and nasty cut into a tree trunk near Shishiwakamaru. Most impressive, Shi wondered if he could do the same someday. Hopefully sooner than later as that was the main purpose of coming out here. ”Last time I checked, Puppetry is more inline with Taijutsu than Ninjutsu. Sure you have your chakra threads, but after connection it’s all in the movement yea? Don’t have to focus on converting chakra into a jutsu to use your toys now do ya?” Shu grinned with some snark at his friend. Shi would make a mocking face and half-assed repeated what he said in a mocking tone. Quickly forming a smile to show he was just playing he would respond. "True as that may be, I feel like we need to expand our horizons a bit. I've noticed that my puppets just aren't as strong as ninjutsu. I feel the need to practice it more in order to best protect you and Haniki, ya know?" Relying solely on one type of attack seemed limiting to Shi, surely they could broaden their scope of skills for this purpose, right?

Looking at the damage Shusuke had done to the tree Shi's interest was piqued. Could he do the same, he wondered? "How did you do that anyway? I've never seen ninjutsu like that before. Was that electricity??" Shi's own repertoire felt very limited after seeing such an advanced technique. But he would not lose hope so easily, he was sure of himself that if he put his mind to it, he could do anything. After all he was a Nara, they were known for being highly intelligent. Though Shi wasn't as sure of himself to consider himself an intellectual by any means. "So... you gonna teach me any of your tricks or what?" Shishi was eager to start practicing. He needed to become the very best like no one ever was. To protect them all was his cause and goal, his ninja way if you will.

[OOC - WC: 624/1,500]
"No, I get that. Ninjutsu is pretty destructive." He looks at his hands for a moment. "You know, for the most part my Ninjutsu isn't very strong, like I know the basics of course. That field day class with Daiji-sensei helped me get the grasps on the basics, but it was when we thought we were under attack that I truly got a grasp on this technique. It feels like Lightning Style, but it has that sharpness I feel when i practice Wind Style. I think it is a Kekkei Genkai, an Advanced Element. The energy starts like lightning but isn't as sporadic or raw. It has fine line precisions and is just as reliable to hit their target as my illusions, which for a Yamanaka you know is pretty reliable." He chuckled slightly.

"I know puppetry is up your alley, but what else do you have access to? While I think finding a skill to focus on is important, variety can also be the difference between life and death. Let's say we find ourselves in a location without any gear on us and your summoning scrolls are taken away. Haniki has her monstrous strength and her Lightning Style; I have my Genjutsu and my Storm Release... What could you do in this situation Shishi-kun?" He didn't want it to come across as insulting or accusatory, but it was a valid question. If Shishiwakamaru find himself without his puppets, could he stand on his own? Shusuke knew he had a quick wit, as shown in their classes together, but could he defend himself?

"Don't get me wrong I think you'll be a top tier Puppet Master, but do you have any back up plans or tricks hidden up your sleeves? I know you were thinking about studying Medical Ninjutsu, but is that enough to defend yourself if we get separated?" Though it could sound like a lecture coming from Shusuke, he truly was interested to learn more about his partner. While he had no intention leaving Shishiwakamaru alone in a dangers situation he couldn't guarantee it will never happen.

MFT: 347
"Kekkei Genkai, I've read about that. Seems pretty advanced, I'm impressed you've learned one! I wonder if it's the same as my Nara shadows." Shishiwakamaru placed a finger on his chin as he thought it over. "I know puppetry is up your alley, but what else do you have access to? While I think finding a skill to focus on is important, variety can also be the difference between life and death. Let's say we find ourselves in a location without any gear on us and your summoning scrolls are taken away. Haniki has her monstrous strength and her Lightning Style; I have my Genjutsu and my Storm Release... What could you do in this situation Shishi-kun?" Shi thought about it for a moment before coming to a conclusion. He knew exactly what he could do, he had been practicing what might amount to a Kekkei Genkai. "Well... I've been practicing ninjutsu on my own, try this on for size..." Shi said, a hint of cockyness about his attitude. "Don't get me wrong I think you'll be a top tier Puppet Master, but do you have any back up plans or tricks hidden up your sleeves? I know you were thinking about studying Medical Ninjutsu, but is that enough to defend yourself if we get separated?" Shusuke cut him off mid sentence, but Shishi didn't mind. He would finish up his thought; "I indeed have a few tricks, I think I have a kekkei genkai, like you. Here, watch this."

Forming a small series of handseals Shi then let loose a plume of dark, black flames towards a nearby bush. Choosing one that wasn't near a tree so as not to start a fire. [Dragon Fire - Converted to Shadow - Special action Mythical Wildfire] The bush was immediately consumed in the ebony-esk flames. Leaving nothing but the charred remains of smoldering twigs. He had not mastered this technique as of yet, more practice was needed. But he felt satisfied with the results thus far. "Whew... Whadda think about that? I've also been practicing my nara techniques as well. While I'm nowhere near mastering them, I firmly believe I'm on my way." Shi would then form another small series of handseals and released a downpour of rain to put out the smoldering bush, just to be extra sure there would be no spreading of fire. [Rain Dance] Turning back to Shusuke he would continue; "So, Shu, what's the verdict. Am I qualified enough for you?" Shishi crossed his arms in a 'I did a good job' kind of way.

[OOC - WC: 1,052/1,500]
Shusuke's eyes grow wide as he saw his friend produce a spray of black flames, something he had never seen before. "You can use a Black Flame Style? What was that? I can use fire but my flames are all red an- let me just show you." He stopped speaking before making a series of hand seals before exhaling into a slip between his fingers. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu! A burst of fire came forth, standing at a yard radius before launching at the scorched target that Shishiwakamaru attacked moments before. The flames were what you would expect of a traditional fire. The flames are almost immediately extinguished as the rain continued. "That is the only kind of flames I can produce. No where near as powerful as the ones you just used. So yes, I guess that passes" He halfway chuckled.

He let out a sigh for a moment. "Ninjutsu is definitely my weakest kind of Jutsu. With the exception of my Storm Release, everything else is the basics they taught in the academy. My strongest techniques are Genjutsu, which I am sure you aren't surprised." A couple of handseals were made before three more Shususkes appeared standing around Shishiwakamaru. Speaking in unison the spoke. "Instead of just one Illusory Clone, I can make three now." As soon as he finished speaking the clones faded from existence. Raising his hands in a fighting stance and punched a couple of times as if shadow boxing. "My plan is to just be like Haniki and punch my way out of a bad situation if I have to. I think my hand-to-hand Taijutsu is nearly as proficient as my Genjutsu... My accuracy for kunai though..." He chuckled at that last bit. His Ranged Taijutsu was a joke if he was honest. He trusted his Ninjutsu more than he trusted his ability to hit a target with a shuriken.

A grin came to his face again before looking over to Shishiwakamaru. "I've gotten to the point where I can strike a target about eight times in a matter of a couple of seconds. As I am sure you can recall from our spar at the academy." An arrogant tone was in his voice recalling the sparring match.

"Instead of just one Illusory Clone, I can make three now." Shishiwakamaru would stare in awe at the trifecta of Shusukes, stopping only to reach out and try to touch one. But before he could they would poof from existence. With an offensive stance Shu would shadow box a handful of times. "My plan is to just be like Haniki and punch my way out of a bad situation if I have to. I think my hand-to-hand Taijutsu is nearly as proficient as my Genjutsu... My accuracy for kunai though..." Shi would laugh with him as he knew eaxtly what he meant. The few times he's seen Shusuke train he would hit the mark maybe 3 or 4 times out of 10. This, however, is where Shishiwakamaru shined. His ranged taijutsu was on point, right up there with his puppetry skills.

A sly grin quickly formed across Shu's face as he brought up their friendly spar from a few weeks ago. "I've gotten to the point where I can strike a target about eight times in a matter of a couple of seconds. As I am sure you can recall from our spar at the academy." A conceited color could be felt in his voice. Shusuke rolled his eyes in an emphatical fashion. "Oh please... You got lucky and you know it." He jested, a playful tone about himself. "When we get stronger we're gonna do that again and know for sure how superior I am to you, you trixy Yamanaka you." Shishiwakamaru scowled as he remembered the plethora of genjutsu he was placed under. If there were ever a truer statement he wouldn't know it, but Shi definitely needed to work on his genjutsu defense. Versus Shusuke here he was simply no match.

Suddenly a twig snapped in the distance causing Shi's hair to stand up straight, eyes widening in fear. Spinning around quickly he would scan the area looking for any signs of life. He had a knack for picking up chakra signatures, even if he was still a novice at it. [Tracker] Having never been in a real fight, as opposed to Shusuke, Shi was still quick to panic. "S-shu... I don't think we're alone. What should we do?" The real victor had been decided in this moment. Though Shi might have been moderately skilled and possessed a higher intelligence than most due to his Nara bloodline, he lacked the real experience that Shusuke had. This made Shusuke the better in terms of leadership qualities, deep down Shi knew it to be true. Shi slowly reached into his bag, grasping his puppet scroll in preparation for whatever might be coming their way. If they were to be assaulted they would no doubt go down fighting.

[OOC - Word Count: 1,509/1,500]
"Hey you know that there was-" His voice instantly stopped as he noticed that Shishiwakamaru tensed up. Remembering the spar that they had reminded Shusuke of both his strengths and his weaknesses. As a Genjutsu user he was truly a fragile long distance fighter, not built for direct confrontation. He preferred the shadows and moving in them to help conceal his location, but where they were currently, they were almost out in the open. He hadn't taken the time to fully take in the surroundings, but after his situation with the bandit captain, he had some skills and knew what to do if he was being targeted by a larger and more powerful enemy, though he was afraid he wouldn't be able to assist Shishiwakamaru in the same way. Raising two fingers in the half Ram seal to halp him calm his chakra. The Yamanaka had the ability to send out illusory chakra to cause any who would look at them to not be able to see them. Presence Erase.

Quickly shifting to a back to back position with his team member he quickly placed his index finger onto his thumb. Yamanaka Style: Third Eye Blind. A telepathic communication jutsu that allowed the Yamanaka Clan to be such intelligence gathering shinobi. Chakra Sense, a Jutsu that nearly all Yamanaka learn at a young age allowed the boy to scan the surroundings with caution. `Keep an eye out for movement. I will expand out with my Chakra Sense and see if we are alone. I need you to be my eyes while I do this as I will lose access to my sight to help me focus further out` If Shishiwakamaru accepted this request he would close his eyes and begin the Yamanaka Style: Third Eye Awakened. This technique was an expansion of his Yamanka Style: Third Eye Blind, but allowed him to share vision and imagery as well.

Placing his hands into the Bird seal, his sight went beyond his own body as he began to see the sparks of chakra that filled all living things. Every insect and plant had a connection of physical and spiritual energy that fused together to form chakra. This was what he was seeing. Normally the small specks of blue chakra were neglible, but he kept his mind open to anything growing or moving quickly. He wanted to make sure they weren't going to be ambushed. Everything he saw he would pass to his teammate Shishiwakamaru.

A spark of red chakra.

Something strange and out of the ordinary. Shususke and Shishiwakamary were not alone. Locking in on the target Shusuke opened his eyes and quickly shifted his body between the outsider and his Nara friend. `Can you cover me? I can take the front lines.` Shusuke grabbed a series of bladed chains out of thin air as the storm born redied himself for the worst possible outcome. A slight grin came to his face. With the cover of Shishiwakamary, the young Yamanaka knew that they could accomplish anything.

[wc: 1509/1500]

Current Ninpocho Time:
