Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Silence.

Akira Kazan

Well-Known Ninja
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
While both the Raikage and the Anbu Sennin had appeared before him to accept his challenge, things had not gone as planned. Kazan made an agreement that no matter how the event turned out, he'd willingly submit and be taken into custody. By all accounts, this was fine by him as he had already accomplished what he set out to do. He had hoped to grab the attention of even just one of them, though by sheer luck both were eager. He had misjudged them both by assuming they would simply through a few waves of Anbu his way to subdue him.

As he stood there waiting, something else happened and for one reason or another, Kazan felt it was better to just resign himself to custody. Dropping his axe to the ground, he raised his hands into the air in a sign of surrender. Swiftly, he would be apprehended by a group of what appeared to be masked Shinobi; Anbu? Closing his eyes, he let himself be peacefully arrested. After his arrest, a few days would pass as he waited to be properly questioned. Everything he had owned had been confiscated, his person searched, and he imprisoned. Everything they would do to a normal prisoner, obviously was done to him. Kazan didn't mind, as he knew these were just the consequence of his actions. He publicly insulted and challenged the villages leadership.

What else could anyone expect to happen? While he waited to be questioned, he sort of just went through the motions and stayed in silence. Kazan didn't care for the other inmates, so there was no point in wasting time with them. But, he was getting a little impatient. Would they every question him?

Wc: 250+
Yuna was in her usual ANBU attire fit with the plain white mask. For Kazan's arrest, he had been more quiet than expected. Today, the Sennin checked in on him as she walked up to his cell. Why was he here? Well it would have to be because of his idea to call out her and the Raikage out for a fight, but moreso it would have been the case with not going through the proper channels and making a spectacle of it all.

As Yuna approached the cell, Kazan would be able to tell that while she is in her anbu attire, she is indeed the same ANBU Sennin he had talked to earlier with her stature and height. Even going down to the detail of not making any type of sound as she approached. That is, until she spoke, "Akira Kazan. Your time is up. You're free to go. And might I suggest if you ever want to get the attention of us Sennin or Raikage, please do take the time to go through the proper channels that are set in place. We are busy people but we can often find time given the chance."

She would unlock his cell and with a snap of her fingers, the chakra restraining collar that was around Kazan's neck had powered off as guards would come over to take the device off of the Jounin. "I understand that jail life is far from a sanctuary, but I trust that you know that nobody here gets special treatment. But now that time has been served for you, you're a free man again."
The Anbu Sennin themselves had not only decided to pay him a visit, but to actually free him. A look of bewilderment would briefly cross his face, before he had to hide a slight smirk. He didn't really understand what was going on, but even though the Sennin was lecturing him, he'd stay silent and nod in recognition. Next thing he knew, the Chakra restraining collar around his neck would shut off as other guards approached him to remove it. He could once again feel the surge of power race through his body. Raising his hands, with the palms faced upwards, he looked down at them.

"To think we have technology like this...." He stated as he glanced back towards the Sennin Abyss. She had mentioned that not everyone got special treatment, and that the prison wasn't a sanctuary before restating the fact that he was a freeman once more. As his eyes blinked, the overwhelming surge of power coursing throughout him now began to swell directly into his optic nerve. Without warning, his Sharingan would activate as his glance shifted to the prisoners in the other cells. Much like them, he had committed a crime, but unlike them he hurt no one in the process and willingly surrendered.

If he had it his way, he'd burn all of the lesser criminals to ashes, while forcibly subjugating the stronger more useful ones to villages once again. However, this was something beyond him. Kazan was no dictator, nor villain of any kind. Perhaps these thoughts were simply remnants of the draconic power that swelled within him? Those collars had blocked everything out, but now his strength was rushing back to him all at once. Taking a deep breathe, and letting out a calming sigh, his eyes reverted back to normal. This sudden rush of power returning would not overwhelm him.

With his official release, Kazan would quietly leave while being escorted out.

[Wc: 300+]
[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
