Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Silencio por favor!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Rather annoyed that Kaji had exactly been around in a few hours to check on him, Umashi made a mental note in his head to remind the guard of the Kage just what guarding the Kage meant. Settling into a nighttime routine, Umashi yawned before turning out the lights and lulled himself into a slumber while thinking of all the things that still needed to be done back home. Before long he was snoring and clearly enjoying his sleep. While a loud sleeper, Umashi wasn’t exactly a light sleeper which most probably didn’t know, especially the one who’s hand reached out to draw the blade in its hand towards the Hokage’s neck. It was the slight creaking on the floorboards that instantly caused Umashi to stop snoring and lazily open his eyes.

While not one with perfect night vision, Umashi had vision enough to notice the difference between the shadow of a assorted things in his room and that which was clearly the body of someone who wasn’t a piece of furniture. Without so much as a thought, Umashi closed his eyes again as the assassin stopped just barely confused enough question if the Hokage was back to sleep again. Releasing chakra in a controlled burst outwards, Umashi threw off the covers on the bed and leaped into action as he instantly targeted the blade and smacked it away. Landing on his feet in the middle of the room, he sized up the opposition and counted two assassins but he couldn’t be sure that there weren’t more.

An inside job of Kumo’s or was it simply some political right winger trying to cause an incident. Assuming a defensive stance, didn’t care to ask any questions as he noticed that he hadn’t equipped his left arm in all the commotion. Cursing to himself he didn’t have time to think about grabbing it from the side of his bed before he was assaulted with a flurry of punches and kicks. Attempting to parry them with his left bicep cursed himself again as an attempted strike was made at the area where his left forearm should have been. If his assailants weren’t aware of his disability then he was going to use this to his advantage. Locking upper arm to upper arm with the taijutsu assassin he spin and twisted as he tripped the fighter and forced him to the small fur rug beside the bed.

With a deft lacing of chakra around his foot, Umashi stomped down hard on the assailants back. Not allowing him time to breathe though, Umashi caught the tell-tale crackling of lightning chakra before he tried to grab and reverse a chidori strike aimed at his heart. Crying out as his hand was paralyzed from the innate lightning chakra nature, Umashi lashed out with more gravitational chakra attack of his own and raised the man high above his head and he forced him to the ceiling. Planting him there, Umashi spoke to both of them.
“Who sent you?” However before he could get an answer, a third assailant rushed his mid-section and tackled him to the floor, releasing his two captives.

Rolling to his feet, Umashi landed by his prosthetic and reached out to equip it as he sized up the triple threat that was before him. The now three assassins had managed to get to their feet and were quickly conversing between each other in an undertone that he couldn’t understand. Before he could formulate a plan, they melted into the shadows. Disappearing from view, one after another they appeared again, quickly closing in on the space that had been created between them. Timing his strike Umashi reached out with his prosthetic left arm and grabbed one seemingly out of thin air by the throat.
Locking the man into place via kinetic chakra, Umashi spun around the assassin and used the assassin as a weapon against his own allies as Umashi used the body to absorb the blow of an incoming attack. Sending chakra into his right hand, Umashi created a small but efficient barrier and blocked another elemental strike at him. Warding off attack after attack, Umashi found himself fighting against a tide of shadows that never seemed to end. Spinning and dodging attacks, for every assassin that he seemed to put down, two more would pop up in the same place. The darkness seemed to grow to a suffocating degree as soon Umashi found that he could make out no light and was only fighting by the sheer willpower of moving against a growing tide.

OOC: Entered


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Feeling as though he could barely breathe, Umashi tried to take one more breath as he gasped loudly and woke up again with a start. Had he been asleep? Catching the sliver of light from something metallic approaching him, Umashi instinctively reached out with his left upper arm and strangely enough materialized an arm out of pure chakra. Grabbing the blade by the sharp end, the room was bathed in light as Umashi saw that the room was full of cloaked assassins. Not pausing to stop and think about how this had happened, Umashi rushed the first assassin as he struck him clearly in the chest. In a dispersing of dark chakra, the assassin was no more.

Quickly moving from foe to foe, Umashi found that the flow of chakra was far easier to manipulate than before. Had his visits to the local Colosseum been working off? Whatever the case, it was only when Umashi was getting the upper hand on the would-be assassins that he noticed that things were starting to slow down, as if the world itself was drawing to a crawl. Was he caught in a genjutsu of some sort? Umashi got his answer when he found himself waking up a third time to an assassin ready to strike, only this time he saw the scarlet covered eyes of the Uchiha through the slits of the masked face. This time not wasting time with thinking about the how, Umashi threw off the covers and tried to mask his field of view by fighting by feeling instead of by sight.

It didn’t work however as soon he found himself fending off more and more foes and this time his arm didn’t glow as much to provide him enough light to at least make out just how many he was fending off. Over and over he tried to defeat the assassins and over and over he was caught in the trap of their genjutsu. It was as if he was perpetually stuck in a sickening loop that would never end. It was only on the fifth chance that he finally stopped trying to fight the initial attack that he noticed that he more felt the attack coming than he had originally registered.

Much like one might regard a sixth sense of some sort, there was an innate heaviness in the air as Umashi felt the assassin’s blade moving through the air. Forcing himself not to open his eyes, Umashi shifted just far enough to the right in his bed that he heard the blade sinking into his pillow and then dissipate into its base elemental form. Feeling more so than fighting, Umashi managed to dodge more attacks than he took. Ultimately he seemed to be doing quite well against the assassins, as he stumbled through a new fighting style in that he welcomed their chakra created blades because they gave away their positions.

Flying through hand seals, Umashi found that not only were his chakra attacks boosted but that he was able to initiate his attacks with barely any hand seals at all. He merely thought of the attack and with the movement of a finger or two, he was ushering kinetic and gravity attacks with ease. Making his way towards the edge of the spacious room, Umashi fought his way towards the window and opening just one eye to see if he was close, he attempted to run and jump out of the window. It proved to be a grave mistake however, as in the precious few seconds of insight, Umashi caught just the barest reflection of the Uchiha’s eye and suddenly he found himself in his bed again.

Having so repeatedly lived out the nightmarish genjutsu, Umashi was quite frankly tired of fighting, and in his anger at being locked in the state that he was in, he reached out with his amputated left arm and with the materialization of a physical prosthetic made out of pure chakra, Umashi mapped out the chakra signatures in the room and lashed out at each and everyone that he could sense in the room. Feeling the lightening of the chakra pressure in the room, Umashi dared to open his eyes as he found that instead of assassins, all the room had to offer were the normal things that he expected to find in them. Only now there were also piles of dirt in various places. Looking at the materialized chakra arm that he now sported, Umashi steadied his quickly beating heart as the arm slowly started to fade into nothingness. With only a day left until he was to see the Raikage, obviously somebody didn’t want him meeting with the man. Having lived through many an attempt at his life, Umashi wouldn’t sound the alarms since his foe clearly left little a trace in the wake of the sharingan and earthen clone remnants. He’d discuss things with Kaji after he’d tried to rest for the rest of the night.

OOC: Exited Thread

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
