Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Skyrim's Horses Can Climb Sheer Cliffs! (Contract Search)

Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Since the dawn of time war had existed. And while there was an adage that it never changes, war had indeed evolved ever since man first learned how to brain his fellow man with a heavy rock. Weapons came to the fore, sticks and stone and stabbing and throwing. Metal rose to meet it, rock and wood falling to the wayside as bronze and then iron proved superior. Armor responded, attempting to protect man from man. It often did not do the job. No matter what method was invented to save a life, violence always found a way. War existed, and it evolved. And now, Maki was faced with one such evolution.

He could level a building with a mere whistle. He could summon his own ties to the ethereal realm and use them to attack his enemies with damage that left the mind a broken mess. But he lacked versatility, and he knew this. If his persona was removed, he would find himself in fire straights. If he had a sore throat, he might just be up the creek without a paddle. He needed something to give him more an edge, to allow him to protect his new home, to put him on top. Takeshi, of all people, had shown him the way. Sort of.

During their fight, Maki had batted aside every blow as if it wasn’t even there. He’d confused and disoriented not only Takeshi, but also Rin. But that one thing summoned, it had hit him. And while the blow lacked true power, Maki had little doubt that if Takeshi had somehow not fallen it would have proven to be an issue to let that thing remain. He knew what it was, he’d run across people before who held them. The companions who could be summoned in a fight. The friends who could aid you when you needed it.

Maki had few people he would call friend. Fewer still he trusted to protect him. He’d been raised as a social outcast, the mute child who saw people that weren’t there and ran away at the first sign of a fight. He believed in the other shinobi to keep him safe, and decided to go into healing as it seemed to suit his demeanor best. Looking back, Maki would likely spit on the face of the child he’d been. The night the Daimyo and his samurai attacked, the night they killed his mother before his very eyes, he lost that innocent; his trust in others to act right or defend their fellow man was killed even as his mother’s spirit was absorbed into his body.

But he was here now looking for just such a thing. And not just any animal would suit him. He wore the armor of the samurai he’d taken his vengeance upon. He used their weapon, the katana, against them. He wished to bring them despair and destroy their morale. A man in their armor, with their weapons, bringing them down like the dogs they were. Nothing less than their own symbol would do. He would find himself a steed, a mount worthy of carrying him into battle that he could strike that fear into their hearts once more.

It was early when he rose from his bed, his eyes moving along the sleeping form of his wife. That was a situation that would need resolving one day also, but not this day. Quiet as he could, Maki put on his clothes for the day. A black shirt, form fitting and tight to him as if a second skin. Matching pants, not as tight but not so loose as to be an issue in a fight. Over this was the red jacket that ended only just under his armpits, barely hitting the middle of his torso. It was adorned with several Konoha symbols. He had matching red han kote to protect his forearms and the back of his hands, and black gloves over said hands. Red haidate and suneate covered his thighs and shins, respectively, while his black combat boots kept his feet safe. At his side were two katanas, one had a parrying ring in the hilt.

He looked every inch the samurai he liked to slay. Thankfully none had made the mistake of accusing him of being such, recently. The last to had learned the hard way that Maki detested those people, those noble samurai, with every fiber of his soul.

He left the clan house before the sun rose, the air crisp and chill on his skin as the dew was beginning to form. He left Konoha, and as the sun broke over the horizon, he found himself in the fields of Fire Country. Horses preferred pastures, and he had found one. Maki begins walking along the grass field, letting his senses extend and focus, letting himself enjoy the day. It was a beautiful one, and hopefully would become more so.

(using my Discovery of Contract of You Choice card to get Ungulate, feel free to work with the anti-samurai angle, for the record.)
Usually, there was an unknown group of horses, they were a big family... Yet these weren't the typical kind of horses. They were in all kind of sizes, colors... But there was always one thing they had in common. Their manes and their tail would show as if there was a ghostly fire on them. They had been in many, many kinds of colors. But there had only been a single green one, a sign that, that one had been the leader of the group. All the others in the group had blue, red or yellow...

They usually had been running on the fields, but lately, those numbers had strongly set back until there wasn't one spotted already for a while.

Yet as it was an early morning right now... A single young one... had been darting around the place, trying to get towards other groups. It wasn't old enough to be an adult creature, but it wasn't a baby either. The build had something in between.
The fur of the creature was almost a majestic blue that overlayed into a light ivory white. Yet there were done brownish spots on her fur. The manes were having this rich blue hue and were aiming upwards, times it almost showed like there was a real fire coating the creature.
It was more than clear that this wasn't the typical kind of horse... Also by how different it was and thus soon cast out by the other leader of that horse group, leaving him to walk alone.

The water was steaming off her as the daw was holding a little effect. Slowly it was running around, doing crazy and as she was running around, sprinting gallop... She didn't take much note of where she ran. Over a hill and down and almost straight across something strange. A thing walking on two legs, a strange color all together... And with that moment of panic, it stopped in a slipping manner. Falling down and soon feeling ashamed... But there was soon steam following as it stood back up again, throwing its head back up and eying the other. Limping for a few moments and almost daring him to play with her.

ooc note: Sorry that it took me this long :) If there are and questions please PM me on Ninpocho or discord (Incognito Hoots)
And just like that, a horse appeared. One with flames for a mane, no less. Blue ghost fire, it seemed, came off the creature where a normal mane would be. Maki freezes as the thing nearly runs into him, bracing himself and hoping for the best outcome to that, for there was no time to dodge.

Instead, it stopped and went to the ground. Slid around him in its panic, and got up and limped a bit. Maki raises his hands, not sure if the horse understood the universal sign for “I mean no harm” and slowly reaches into his jacket, coming free with a bright red apple in hand. ”Easy there. I’m not gonna hurt you, but you’re limping. Let me see if I can help yeah?” He sets the apple down between them and forms a few handseals.

A barrier forms around them, but instead of a trap it begins to flood the horse with healing energies, a pristine aura of health and protection and calming. ”Let me know when you’re feeling better, yeah?” He had to hope it wouldn't panic more at the barrier, but it wasn't exactly trapping the thing in. He or it could leave at any point without issue, but nothing was really getting in without breaking through, which might be seen as an issue if this thing had friends. He had to hope for the best here. After a moment, eaten or not, a carrot would be laid on the ground where the apple was. It seemed he came prepared to treat the thing and spoil it a bit.
The small horse had the time of its life, that was until a strange being on two legs was standing there. In a panic, she had tried to shift out of its way, but this was done in a panic and with a barely dodged movement. They had almost been in a collide with each other. It took only a moment to regain her breath or she had been back up and standing, limping a little. She shook her head on which her game manes danced along with. There was steam coming from her also as if the dew drops were instantly forced into a Devaporation state. There was a sight of steam coming from her. Slowly she started to invite the other to play et it didn't help that she couldn't place her weight on a hoover. It was sprained by their sudden meeting. As the strange creature raised its hands there was a split second of panic rushing through her head it had moved! Was a single thought that ran through her mind as she threw her head backward and lifting her front hooves off the ground. The tunes the male let were even stranger and she placed her ears back towards her neck. The barrier was strange but she didn't dare to move out. She had the idea of what had been happening to her friends. She started to shudder and had her head low. Clearly had something been on the mind of this female baby horse.

However as nothing strange had been happening she started to look around, her ears perking in all kind of directions. It was looking surprised as nothing bad had been happening... She started to look around and eventually even let out a breeze. It was only that moment that she saw the apple laying on the ground, carefully it walked. Making sure she didn't place her full weight on the leg... Slowly she started to take sniffs of the apple and when she took it in her teeth she soon walked a bit back towards the end of the barrier where she lay down and ate the apple. In her mind she had been playing a daring game, if the strange creature came she had to sprint around in this strange couple!

Normally they had been moving in groups, but not in this case. None of the other animals came to the aid of this horse. Slowly she stood up and looked like she walked normally again. On which she started to look towards her hoof. It was strange that it wasn't hurting it anymore and the next moment she had been thinking it was because of this creature and this stranger barrier... It was only that moment that she finally started to show curiosity... She let the carrot for what it was since she murdered that apple already... Slowly she got closer to the male and started to check him out, but was careful to not touch him as she knew her coat could hurt anyone that came to close. If the other did make an attempt to touch her she would try to dodge that as he had been that nice, but if she were too late if he had tried then the other would have an idea of a burned part.

After she had been checking out the male she had been wandering around in the barrier and slowly checked if she could get out... but instead of leaving this thing, she started to try to let him play with her. Run circles around him, trying to dare him by going towards him, then away, do a bit crazy and return. She even made a small bow towards him. Yet at one moment her ears shifted backwards and she looked back to see nothing on these hills. She then looked to the male and held her head low for just a second and dartling walking towards the hill... almost as if she had been trying to tell him to follow now... Strange horsy.
Well, the horse certainly was proving to be playful once it got over what seemed to be a moment of panic and suspicion. At first, and he couldn’t blame it, the thing, he couldn’t tell at a glance if it was a filly or a colt, seemed to move to the other side of the barrier but made no move to leave just yet. Maki stepped back to the opposite side, giving her room as she began paying more attention. Sure enough, she began to calm down and even noticed the food he laid out for her and took an interest in the apple. Maki makes no move as she eyes it, waiting for her to grab it.

Sure enough, her blue flame mane flowed with her movements as she hobbled to the apple and lifted it, before scurrying, if a horse can ever be described to do such, back to her side of the barrier and began to chomp away. Many might begin to get impatient, and a foolish man might have tried to catch the poor thing right then and there. Maki was neither impatient nor foolish on this day, letting the horse have its head and get used to him being near.

Trust was a funny thing. Some people trusted at first glance, pledging themselves to a cause or a person without ever studying the full picture before them. These people tended to burn in the world like a brushfire. Hot and bright and over all too soon. Trust could be betrayed and those too trusting often found themselves dead from a knife in their back before they could appreciate reality. Opposite that was the cynic who could trust none. These people might live long lives, but paranoia and loneliness would mar their existence for all their days. For Maki, the middle road was best. He was, by nature, cynical of other people. But his trust could be earned, through deed and word. And once you had that trust, it was hard to lose it.

He could imagine this horse to be the same, for her grabbing the apple had been nothing more than a way to see if he could be trusted, he felt, due to her not bothering with the carrot. To see if he would try to harm her as she neared, perhaps. And indeed, as she turned with the apple, he could tell at last that it was a she. Maki watches her eat the apple and gives a smile. As she stands and begins to move, he could see the surprise in her look that her hoof was once more recovered. He drops the barrier once she begins to play with him, running to and fro and in circles. Maki would not try to touch her physically, but indeed did give a few small whistles to caress her with a breeze at time she passed.

And then she bowed her head, and ran off, looking back and running once more. He knew what that look was. Maki leans over to pick up the carrot, pocketing it before he begins to follow the filly to see what kind of game she would be up to. She was, indeed, a beautiful animal.
The mane continued to flutter around as the hooves gently left their mark on the ground as her eyes came around to focus on the man that she had just met. Though the leg was now healed, that did improve the situation. Its eyes darting around constantly looking out, though settled slightly it was clear that nerves where on display. The horse moved up a slow slope, it seemed that while the green grass around them the mound gradually inclined upwards, to what purpose or what point was still unclear. Standing still the eyes fixing onto a point in the distance, the sky line showing the black smoke that was soon looming.

At first glance if the man could make it out, it seemed that tents where in a distance away, with fires around them to keep those inside warm. Though this was just for the group that had come, the intention that had come with them was something so much darker, something that oozed with pure hate and something that would have been unexpected for most people. The horse stood on the top of the mound the fields that kept the gap between the two of them, while the distance noise of voices would be heard shouting around and the noise of men who were struggling with something.

Not long after that would come the cry out of horses, scared cries ones that tugged at the very soul of something, the sound of ropes and nails going into the ground. The struggle between man and what would be conceive of creature was there, it was clear that this was a group of men that where selling the animals to the markets, to the traders and the stables to be trained and sold on to wealthy men who needed it, and it was clear that this group had been doing it for a while. The real thing that was needed to be understood would be where they had come from, how where they are getting these horses.

Fire country could be expected to produce horses of these breeds, it was true that the village continued to bring supplies in and out daily, making sure that people got the food required to maintain a village, making sure that medicine that was needed could be readily available that much was true. But this was not how it should be done in the land of fire, to capture and cause panic, to cause pain and injury to animals that where moments ago enjoying the freedom of the fields. Grazing the land, it was a balance around here, and that balance was being destroyed.

Glancing back to the man that had found her. She brought her neck swinging back around in the direct of the fires, of the smoke, of the struggles. It was clear that she wanted him to see, see what humans where doing. What they where capable of and to understand what damage there was to the hand by the hand that they had.
(Just a note, this began when Maki was still a Cadency GP, so I will be using the skillset he had then.)

Uphill they trudged, the horse and the man. He followed her at the pace she set, letting the horse be in the lead and keep behind and to the side so as to keep from being threatening or intimidating to the creature. If it paused, so too would he and he would stand, waiting patient and impassive until it led him once more. He was glad for the early rising to get out here, for the sky overhead was shifting tone. Still early in the day, darkening.

He couldn’t have been out here that long, could he? Maki looks up as they walk, taking a closer gaze into the blue-tinted heavens and frowning as it dawned on him that he was seeing smoke. As they crested the hill and his eyes dropped back down, the source would become quite apparently to him. A camp, and not a very small one either. Maki finally steps up to the mare’s side and crouches down, then goes prone on his belly.

He could see them a bit better now, and hear the noises carried on the breeze. Horse traders. But why were they here? A newcomer to the trading scene was likely trying to get wild stock in order to have something worth selling. Or an experienced one figured he could bolster his stock with new blood. Neither were terrible ideas if you didn’t mind enslaving the creatures, taking their free will away.

Maki hated slavers.

They were tying the horses up and anchoring them to the ground all around them. Screams carried to his ears and it took a lot to resist whistling up a tornado in the middle of that encampment. That would simply scare them more. Maki rises to his feet, his demeanor seeming to settle. But in his eyes was fury. Everything about him screamed of calm except for those eyes. ”I’m not going to ask you to get any closer unless you feel safe doing so. Just trust me here.”

With those words, the man dressed as a samurai begins a quick walk towards the camp, making no moves to hide his presence. He wanted to be seen. He wanted them to know that a man wearing the armor of the former Daimyo was heading their way. If these were greedy folk, they might mistake him for a fugitive and try to capture him for the bounty. That would be their final mistake if they tried. He hoped they would think he was simply a wandering samurai looking to buy a horse. To help cement this in place he would remove his money pouch and hold it in hand, letting any spotters get a good look at it. And at the swords at his side that one hand idly rested on the pommel of.

If they thought him a samurai and still attacked, they were the biggest of fools. It was as he approached the camp that he would begin whistling a tune. As he got into earshot it would be heard. The tune was pleasant enough, it could have simply been a song many a man sang to himself as he wandered the lands. But it had an underlying motive in that through that song chakra was laced into his voice. And that chakra was a subtle and devious technique designed to make his targets tired, less able to focus and concentrate. He would keep singing until he was close enough that he figured all he could hit with the technique had heard it, then he stops, smiling to any who could see him.

”Ho, the camp! Have you any merchandise for sell before it hits the market? My damned mount threw me from its back in battle and ran off. I’m going to need a replacement to get to Tea for this tournament I’ve been hearing about. Want to see if they’ll let a Ronin enter.”

His face was all smiles, his stance the open one of honesty. Maki had learned long ago how to handle that part of himself. But his eyes, shining a bright red, were those of a caged beast trying to break free so it could instill violence upon its captors.
It seemed that the Horse wouldn’t take the time to move, though it wasn’t expected for her to come down back to a place that she had run from, a noise that had caused fear and panic and of course the sound of what could be considered violence. She shuffled in her spot almost as if to try and give some caution to the moving man, though it was clear that she wanted to part on what happened, she wanted to help those below, though what actions the man would take where her own. It seemed that he was already on his way down as she grunted at him before shaking her main in a defiant attempt to bring him back, though she stepped back away from the camp, her eyes firmly being held onto the sight that she was seeing below.

In those few seconds as Maki approached it seemed that a few of them where being slow on their feet about the replies to the man, it seemed that some of them where almost sleeping on the job so to speak, as he allowed himself a few moments to come to terms with the fact that someone was approaching them, it seemed to take far to long to identify the threat that was coming there way, more time that he would care to admit to in fact. But that would remain silent for now, as two of the mean approached the new coming listening to his story a few of them even chuckled at the idea of something else trying to complete into the tournament, it was something that they would normally not even give a second thought about. However from the business to boom it could help promote them to be seen as giving desirable horses to those that request them.

“We have stock, of course you need to have the right coin, so what are you looking for, did you have anything in mind. We would be glad to show you the stock that we have of course.”

“Indeed come this way we will walk you to the newest stock that we have”

It seemed that the two men would be willing to walk the stranger through the camp, threw the blacksmiths that where shoeing the horses, the trainers that allowed there whips to crack long enough that others bent and broke to the will. It was clear that they pushed them to hard, and for even a moment in time they would be torturing the animals with the fact that it seemed some of them had even been branded. As its part of a trade property, a show room for a new house, they had been marked and made ready for that. The real question now was who would be willing to pay the highest price to buy them that was the key feature here.

“Here is the stock that has been broken in, have a good look let us know if you see anything that is appealing to yourself”
They were tired, their edge definitely blunted by his preemptive strike. In the fine art of war, striking first was tantamount to victory if you have sufficient force to back it. The act of attack was itself, to him, the declaration of war. And these men weren’t even aware that they’d been attacked, judging by their responses to him. Some dozing and nodding off, a few moving slowly, shuffling about as if their minds had escaped them for the moment to go visit another land entirely. He’d not even shown his hand yet and already these men were on the defensive.

Two meet him, taking far longer to realize he was there than they normally would have. Sloppy work, but then again, he was assaulting their minds with his genjutsu. Unless there was a shinobi in this group, it wouldn’t take much to just hit the whole lot of them. But there might just be one such, or a mercenary as he used to be. Anyone trained in the shinobi arts would increase the difficulty of his rescue here a hundredfold. He had to be subtle before revealing himself, lest they do something foolish. So as the man agree to let him in, Maki smiles and motions for them to lead the way. And begins humming as they lead him through the camp.

Around him it was obvious that these men were not good at their craft. The best horses were well trained, but also loyal. And while discipline could indeed be beaten into the animals, loyalty itself would not. Breaking them in this manner was just that, breaking them. They might look fine, and they might be good enough for farm work or for riding and racing, but in battle this would not do. They would be skittish; fear of the sounds and the heat would be remembered and they would shy away. A true battle horse was a brave, unbent animal of war. No Ronin wanted a horse too cowed to be able to charge into the enemy’s lines.

”If you’ll give me a moment? I want to test responsiveness.”

He walks to the nearest one and snaps his fingers, whistling at it. Regardless of its response he would tsk and shake his head, moving to the next while muttering something about it being wrong. Here he would repeat the whistle and snap. And so on and so forth, moving down the line. Never letting it slip that each whistle was hiding something. A subtle shift of the wind of the plains. A blade of air would nip away at a random horse’s bindings each time he did so, never the one he was looking at though. Enough to snap them if enough force was applied.

Once done, Maki would look back to the men showing him their stock and shake his head. ”I need a horse capable of fighting alongside me. These ones seem to be too skittish. Is there one your men aren’t able to break? I desire a stallion so brave and brutal that it shall echo through the hills of its virility. You have such a beast?” As he spoke, his hand moved to pull back on his coat just slightly. Revealing another money pouch as an incentive to let him see such a thing.
It seemed that the man in charge frowned slightly and tutted in return to the man, he was slightly annoyed by the insult to his breeding or capturing and breaking of animals, as he allowed himself a few moments to consider the options that he had in front of him. He listened to the words that had been spoken a stern look on his face, for it seemed that would be changed into a gesture of smiles and arm movements at the sight of more coin being offered onto display he allowed his arm to slink round the man that had approached, this time becoming more that what someone would expect of a man. Coin always had a way of speaking to the dirty minded man it would seem, and this man was no exception to that stock.

“We do have some special products that may take your fancy then, but I have to warn you these ones are not calm in nature, and with the wild side of them comes a higher demand in price, though I am sure that a man like yourself could understand that much? After all you seem to have lived around the world you know that the rarer something is the higher in price that it goes for. I am sure that you can accept these fees of course! Now follow me, come on then”

His small legs started to waddle with increasing impatience as he headed around the back of all of the camps, though it seemed that the man rarely came around here, instead of the usual fields of green this place the ground gave way to the boot prints and the mud seemed to allow the man’s feet to sink in due to the own weight of his body on the ground itself. As the group walked around to the outside it was clear that they still had a lot of work to do here, but this was the area that would cause the most surprise.

“These are the stock that have never been broken, but take your look, personally I think they are a waste but sometimes I do not see the gems in the rough it takes someone else ot come and see potential other than myself. So feel free to look, I wouldn’t get to close though they all have the tendency to bite, this one nearly took one of my guys hands off”

The gesture of the arm was in the direction of one of the horses that was shackled to wooden planks, this was the state of all of them, the coats that they had stained deep red, strips of flesh missing from there sides, malnourishment had set in on a few of them and it was no surprise, they had been beaten, damaged in an attempt to allow them to finally become broken in. They where clearly damaged and had been beaten some of them muzzled to the wood unable to move each with the look of hate, anger of fear in there eyes.
Coin had a way of making men stupid. It didn’t help his mind was likely fuddled from the genjutsu earlier. All Maki had to worry about now was being caught before he could get to the wild steeds and make good on his preparations earlier. Brown eyes meet those of the owner of this place as the man ponders over taking offense to the words or simply ignoring them in favor of more money. The samurai slayer was being careful here, treading that fine line between making things simple enough to be easy, but difficult enough not to arouse suspicion and end it all early. It seemed he was, so far, threading the needle quite well with this one and dancing around him like he was standing still. Finally the man settles on the idea of more money, sliding an arm around Maki and leading him off.

The physical touch was not wanted, and nearly brought a retch. Sleazy, oily salesmen like this were as bad as anyone in his clan. They saw only as far as their wallet and didn’t care who they hurt, or even how they did so, as long as they got their cash in the end. He was mentally making notes to be sure this man’s fate was slow and loud as the other took liberties with his personal space. Maki did, however, keep a hand on his coinpurses to be sure this person didn’t attempt the old pickpocket routine on him. Indeed, it seemed to be a moot gesture as the other led him along bragging about special products that were too wild to tame. ”Indeed. Rarity begets value. And well bred power brings even more value. Lead on, good man.”

As the other leads him, Maki keeps stock of his surroundings. The greenery vanished into a stark world of browns that brought a visual shock to the Sennin. No wonder these horses were so crazy, they were likely starving from lack of grazing. The man, large as he was, was even sinking into the poor footing here and leaving Maki to wonder if he himself was somehow being fooled. But that was a moot point as he listens to man speak about unbroken horses and being a waste of time. He simply nods at the permission to inspect them and does so. He wished he hadn’t upon setting eyes on the first one.

Abuse was not a word he threw around lightly considering how he treated some of the people under him. One might say his actions towards Maru were abusive, for instance. Or his lack of empathy for the plights of two of his AiTs who were having family issues. The Fire native knew well that some level of tough love was required in order to stimulate growth. But this was not stimulating anything. This was torture of an order that was sickening to behold. These animals were being beaten, starved, and battered; and for no reason beyond someone needing to let out their anger as far as he could tell. Never was there a reason to treat them like this. His rage was rising, a taste of bile in his throat.

Thankfully, he was not facing the man as his eyes shift to red then back to brown upon his viewing. Without another word he walks to the nearest one and holds a hand out, not getting close yet but making sure his scent could be picked up on. His other hand slides into his coat and comes out with a carrot, which he gently bends over and tosses near enough for the thing to get to it for a snack if need be. ”This one looks good. Let me see if he likes me.” Maki begins reaching into his coat pockets, seemingly looking for something. This was merely done to hide the hand signs he formed in between. Finally, upon completing the jutsu he pulls out another carrot with a look of triumph on his face.

”Aha! Knew I had another….hey friend. Is that normal for these parts?” He gestures with the carrot to the funnel forming in the sky not far from the camp. A funnel that would quickly begin lowering in an all too terrifying fashion to the ground. A tornado was forming, naturally from his calling upon it. But as it touched down, an unearthly shriek would sound out. And charging out of the whirlwind would be a creature unlike anything the man had seen most likely.

Standing over twelve feet tall, it was covered in dingy plate mail that looked dented but serviceable. The entire getup was jet black and to accent this color choice was the black smoke pouring out of the joints. Its mere presence seemed to darken the sunlight above, though that could also be the clouds forming the tornado. Once more that unholy shriek sounds out, the creature itself making it. And as it does so, blades of pure wind begin slicing at the bonds of the animals around Maki, and some slicing Maki himself.

His blood flies through the air as he gives a shout and crumples to the ground, feigning a grave injury. His persona, meanwhile, wastes no time in continuing its assault; storming into the camp and screaming furious winds about. The horses, with hope, would panic. Those whose bonds were weakened by Maki earlier, also with hope, would break free and flee in terror. Any who did not, it would work to free itself with it’s screaming rage.

And should any people be foolish enough to attack, it would call down the very rage of the skies above on them.


Made a tornado and my persona to scare horses into hopefully breaking free.
Had persona attack Maki and Maki feign injury to draw attention away from himself.
It seemed that the confusion around camp was almost instantaneous in nature as the animals tried to calm themselves down but the horses where already bolting and jumping at the sight of the wind that had managed to form in front of them. Though the horses jumped around, it was clear that there was panic from the men in the camp as well, they had managed to quickly grab the tents and try and hold them down. Some of them running inside for cover or jumping under the wagons that where around them in a ditch effort to at least find something to keep themselves down from.

The fat man that was with them tried to shout out to his men, tried to at least get some order back in control but with the man going down it was clear that they were feeling that this was a natural wrath that they had to try and protect themselves from.

“Don’t just stand there, get the horses, you stop running away and help this man. I said listen to me damn it, your all pathetic cowards, stop running away and do your jobs that you are paid for. This is what I pay you for now earn your money”

It seemed that all the yelling he was doing would do him no good as his men legged it leaving him alone, though the sight of the wind coming towards him finally set in and he pondered staying or running. Every person can say that they have had this experience once in their life, it was a fight of flight emotion that wracked at every bone and join in his body as he tried not to think to hard on the matter. Even with the current carnage that was taking place he tried to hold himself steady and keep in control of everything around him.

The men that where listening to him started to dig the tents in deeper into the ground, others from the fields keeping patrol rushed to help with the camp not wanting to see their own belongings getting torn away with the wind. The distraction seemed to be doing the trick as the man continued to move his head around as he tried to see what everyone was doing, stumbling words towards Maki.

“Can………can you hear me……are….you…….are you still alive”

Though at that point the sound of rope snapping could be heard as the horses where tugging hard enough now to brake the restrains that had already been damaged. The sounds of horses being freed echoed into the air as they bolted instantly away. Towards the hill where a lone horse could be stood staring. She had never left not even once considered leaving her kind. They where running fast as the sounds of more hooves joining the sprint escalated up. It was almost a defining noise as most of the stock had managed to make a bolt for it now in the complete confusion. The man stumbling around like a lost boy at school at this point as he watched his money making a run for it.

Current Ninpocho Time:
