Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Smells Like Team Spirit [Semi-Open: PM For Permission]

"Under their breath's 'bout the same as conversational volume to my ears, kid. And, you must not've met many blind people. Lot of 'em wear sunglasses not for style, but for the fact that.. well. Don't matter what color or lack-thereof the lenses are. I, however, ain't the average blind man. I'm a Hashigaki. Surprised not a' one a' you came to that conclusion sooner." He responded slowly, brow furrowed beneath the bindings. "Takin' everything so literal must be burdensome. You should try laughin'. Lighten's the soul, it does. Even when ya don't find anythin' funny." He lifted the skinny end of his Shamisen, and two taps in the right place later a small slot opened. Out fell a fresh cigarette, which he brought to his lips and once again used the trick of chakra to light it. Almost as if he were contemplating his answers, he took a slow drag and let it sit for a moment before blowing the smoke from his nose.

"Aye. Never had sight of 'em to begin with, go figure." To Suika he answered a little more directly, his expression solemn. "They were my little mice. Blind as I am but with hearing that ain't quite as good. Was teaching them to sing, accompanying my music, yeah?" He lifted the Shamisen fractionally. "Had these neat little rhyming bits, with some jazzy little numbers to go with it. Talented." He took a moment between the story to take a drag. "But, well. A pig got involved, and then there was a cat. One by one the mice got lost." He shrugged. "Never did find out what happened. Damn pig was a hero, though."

As Siu began, a slow smirk formed on the unoccupied side of his mouth. and as the girl became stern in her demeanor it formed into a half grin. At her command, he only bowed his head forward fractionally, his expression entertained.

"Yes, ma'am. Won't happen again." The grin didn't leave his face as he raised a hand, clearing his throat.

"Now. There's something I want you all to learn. Never trust a bum." From behind the group, the disheveled man that had taken the hat and wandered off turned, one hand falling down and swinging out, then back. If they looked in time they'd see three kunai primed for throwing between his fingers. Pao snapped his own, and the hat gripped in the man's other hand suddenly ignited, exploding notes mixed with the paper cash detonating in a blast that was controlled, kunai clattering to the floor as the 'bum' was knocked sideways onto his ass, crumpled and still. Like Eishi, he he one arm less than he did a moment ago. As civilians screamed and fled in directions they felt were safe, Pao's tone remained calm.

"And always double check anything made of paper. Especially mache."

[MFT For the week of 1/1-1/7/2018]
"Baah! You ain't any fun," I commented at the older man before dismissing him. It seemed he was set on not reacting to my provocations even when I laid it on thick. I got next to nothing out of him besides a few dark looks. Overall he seemed a bit thick in the skull, but I'd work on him slowly.

It didn't take long after that to already feel somewhat bored of the meeting at this point. It had a tendency to manifest itself as a slight tingling in the back of my spine and I was definitely feeling it now. The five of us, including the now dead bum, had been standing around doing nothing but rotting in the sun. After another moment of contemplation before I looked over to the other two genins and spoke in a mild tone,

“You guys want to get something to eat or go get into a street fight? You know, do some hood rat stuff,” It was a nonchalant enough question and comment I figured. I could only hope neither of my two teammates wasn't too weak-willed to be above beating up some weaklings for sport as unassuming children. If that didn’t suit their fancy, getting food was never a bad idea. Maybe we could even get our new team leader to pay for our meal if he came along.

Either way, I’d see what everyone else was thinking before I decided on any course of action. Not like I really needed to be anywhere.
A Hashigaki? That definitely rang a bell (no pun intended). Since her time in Cloud, Suika has spent hours catching herself up to the shinobi world and all associated with it. When she studied various shinobi clans that possessed a kekkei genkai and alike traits, she recalled a specific clan that lacked sight, but possessed inhuman hearing. She didn't remember too much else, but she was to find out the extent of his capabilities soon enough. The kunoichi, with a subtle look of wonder, was definitely intrigued.

The Jounin's jokes aside, which he had a lot of, she tried to interpret his story of his former fallen team. After a few seconds of digesting it, she was definitely sure of one thing. “Yup. I have no clue what the hell he's talking about.” She was sure there was a point that lied somewhere in that muddled answer... maybe. Perhaps he didn't want to talk about it. Before she could follow up for clarification, her otherworldly senses tingled as she felt imminent danger behind her. In that instant, their team leader, Pao, pointed out the disheveled man he previously donated a hat to. She shifted her attention back and witnessed the stranger with three primed kunai. She instinctively positioned herself slightly in front of Siu. Before he could aim the projectiles at the group, the hat he gripped exploded. Alongside this was the deranged man's arm. Blood splattered as a commotion stirred in the plaza. Unlike the crowd around them, Suika's face slanted. Their leader's theatrics was unreal.

The one-armed Genin, Eishi, also seemed unimpressed as he suggested a new activity for the group to do. He was right, though – what was the further purpose of this meeting? She wasn't rushed for time, but she grew impatient with the riddles, sarcasm, and explosions. Suika didn't reveal this in her body language or expression; she kept it cool and collected. “Lesson noted. Is there anything else you wanted to accomplish with this meeting, Pao-san?” She winced as a woman near her shrieked frantically. This was a mess. “Also, should we clean this up or skedaddle?” Her final question almost posed humor, but she was quite serious. The bum prompted this situation and, in some ways, probably deserved this. She wasn't too sure how other governing shinobi would feel about their loud approach. If fleeing was their best option, she was definitely down for it.
"Now. There's something I want you all to learn. Never trust a bum."
The young girl blinked a few times in confusion, before noticing Suika suddenly move into position. Before Siu had enough time to fully assess the entire situation, however, a sudden explosion caused her to noticeably flinch.

Her eyes widened in shock as the aftermath of blood, a missing limb laid out across the ground, and the greatly alarmed and panicking screams of retreating citizens could be witnessed. Completely dumbfounded from the suddenly unexpected disaster, the young Genin might have actually convicted her sensei of committing some sort of sadistic crime, had she not heard the sound of kunai clattering on the ground after the explosion; no true bum who couldn't even afford a decent meal would be carrying around deadly weapons like that.

Gazing at the catastrophe in awe, the young kunoichi was quite unsure how she should react to the current situation.

“You guys want to get something to eat or go get into a street fight? You know, do some hood rat stuff,” Siu immediately turned her head after the statement, in order to switch her attention back to the younger male shinobi, whom surprising seemed almost entirely unfazed by the disastrous event

Suika's further inquiry would earn an agreeing head nod from Siu. "Yes..." She plainly replied, still rather startled from the event. "Wouldn't it be right to maybe...clean up and possibly treat him in a hospital?" She had no idea whom the attacker was, nor why exactly he'd attempted to attack the group, neither whether he truly deserved mercy or not; However, she pondered whether it would be more righteous to treat the man before questioning him, or continue to allow him bleed out to death on the street.

Suddenly, the kunoichi's stomach made an audible growl, causing her to noticeably blush. Really, at a time like this? There was a man missing a limb and bleeding in the street, and she was...hungry? Had she really become 'that' insensitive during her time in the shinobi world?

[OOC: Topic Left Unless Stopped]
"You can bother, but I'm starvin'," I stated as I shrugged my shoulders indifference. If I pretended the body wasn't there, then it wasn't my problem. At some point, someone will move it and I just didn't want it to be me. He probably already shat himself as it were and I didn't want to be put into a position where I was expected to save him if my medical knowledge came into question. Sounded tedious and he did attack us if my memory was correct. I hadn't been paying attention at the time so I'd go with that excuse.

"Follow me to flavortown if you know what's good for ya," I stated as I began walking off. It was nice to meet my team, I already knew the majority of them and Pao seemed alright. I guess time would tell. If they decided to come get some food with me, I might even be the good guy and pay the meal. It was unlikely, but there was still a chance if I was still in a good mood.


Current Ninpocho Time:
