Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

So you wanna be a Mednin? [Exam]

Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012
A lantern swung from her hand as gentle foot falls were the only sound of the Mednin’s passing. Shinji would not approve of her being here but earlier that day she had been given an assignment, one she was never sure she ever wanted to see but one that she was pleased had been handed to her. The further down she went the higher up the numbers counted until she reached her destination: Prisoner number 729. She didn’t know him personally or even the reasoning behind why he had slaughtered his father-in-law. What she did know is that out of all the prisoners she had screened, he seemed like the one who deserved to assist in bettering their society and the most likely to accept her offer in the face of death. Pointing to the lock, the warden that had accompanied her on the journey released the latch and bound the subject, pulling him in tow as they ascend from the darkness into the world of hope that lay above. With a wordless bow Yume would depart from the Obsidian Palace completely confident in the warden’s ability to brief the criminal on his part in her venture.


Sitting in her medical whites and a pristine lab coat, the Mednin’s attire was immaculate as was the presentation of her companion who sat at attention next to the leg of her stool in his own canine version of lab attire. Hair plaited neatly in a French braid and her bangs clipped to one side out of her face, she sat poised in front of the entrance to Omni Prime. The new facility was a standard of engineering excellence containing ample space for patients and a state of the equipment that made any mednin weak in the knees. Sterile marble provided excellent acoustics for the myriad of footfalls that surrounded the shinobi as doctors and patients alike hurried about her; but she had no place to be. Her job was to wait with a pleasant smile that was not entirely fake. As the seconds ticked by she would glance at her watch and then look up to the one on the wall. Yes, they were still in sync. Not that it mattered; she was just particular about things like that. On her lap sat a clip board and a stack of papers that she would leaf through and jot notes down on, barely able to contain her excitement. Today was an auspicious day in her mind. The day Ryuu Tama would prove himself to be either a true Mednin or simply another shinobi in the Main Branch.

[MFT; WC: 437]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The scientist had always wondered when the Sunan Medical Field would start taking him seriously. After years of submitting research and deep theories about the chakra coil it seemed that they finally wanted to officially test him and see if he stood up to scrutiny.

Tama would be lying to say he was completely confident about it.

It was already known that he was an odd duck when it came to his idea of medical science given all the experimentation he had preformed on himself and others during some of his darker days. A nervous twitch in the back of his mind continually reminded him of this and he worried that some of it would come out whenever he would begin the test and they would know instantly just how mad he could be.

Yet it wasn’t exactly stopping him either. He had awoken early the morning of the exam to bathe, dress himself in a rather nice long-sleeve button down tucked into black slacks with dark working shoes to match, and had himself set down at his dining room table that was littered with papers once again. As he noshed on a piece of grapefruit his eyes stared through a pair of reading glasses as they concentrated hard on remembering a few key notes about medical law that he hand’t really taken into consideration ever before. No doubt he would need to remember carefully that there was indeed a lot that he was used to doing that was frowned at; such as his intense human research. All his theories and ideas about the chakra coil was submitted under the prefix that all research had been done on himself and legally gathered corpses; the latter being very untrue.

You need to put down the fruit master, time is running short,” yowled the strange metallic voice of his mostly mechanical feline. FELIX - Feline Extensive Living Implement Xenolith - was probably his greatest creation. A poor half-dead cat that he had found after running off a group of terrible children that had been tormenting it was all he was. It was the first time he had tried to every bring back life to a thing that was dying, and was during the age of his life when he was playing with souls and science. It had taken him half a year to crack the code of life that would allow him to splice machine and soul to create a being that was reborn greater than it ever had been fully alive. He had asked the cat once if he ever regretted what Tama had done to him and FELIX simply laughed at the scientist.

I am highly aware of my time constraints FELIX, but there are some things they are going to make sure I know before they every trust me to handle a living being,<i></i>” he replied as he finished the last bite of fruit and removed his glasses. He folded them and placed the eyewear in his breast pocket before quickly scooting the chair back and standing up to whip a brand new lab coat off the back of said sitting appliance and hang it over his shoulders. With the speed gained from his military training he opened his door and headed out towards the new facility.

He was there in minutes and didn’t seem even the slightest bit winded by the quick traveling. It didn’t take him long to be lead into the room where the Inuzuka who had been yelling at him during the Christmas party was waiting with her token fox companion. A look that held a bit of reservation crossed his face a bit since Yume and him didn’t exactly get along since he started dating Okibi, but hopefully she would be able to put aside personal feelings to grade him professionally.

Ryuu Tama, reporting in.<i></i>”

Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012
Punctual. You’ll make a good impression yet.

A smile would alight across the woman’s lips as she stood to greet Tama. Her watch had just turned over the hour when he had stepped into the facility, adding a measure of respect to the near-empty scale the woman had for the scientist. She hated to admit it but he did know his stuff when it came to his research but his method in practice as well as his proximity to Okibi had always put the Inuzuka on edge. With a flick of her head, she turned and motioned for him to follow her as she made her way through a series of turns, stairs, and long hallways that lead them up a few floors and deeper into the hospital. As they neared their destination, he would begin to notice the signs that indicated their target: the O.R. Pushing through one door, they entered into an observation room where she would make her way to stand next to a curtained wall. Looking Tama up and down, she would begin to explain the exam.

I have no doubt in your expertise with the human body. I’ve read your thesis’s and have seen you put your healing knowledge into practice. What I’m hoping to do is to give you a challenge. Two to be exact.

Reaching up, her hand would take hold of a rope and part the curtain, giving Tama a view of what was in store for him. Three mednin surrounded a man lying on the operating table with multiple stab-wounds, bruises, fractures, and other deformities. A soft glow of their chakra could be seen to surround the man as he gasped for air in a semi-conscious delirium.

Those mednin are keeping your patient stable until you are ready to perform your exam. Your test is very straight forward: tend to you patient. However there is a catch. You will not be permitted the use of chakra for the duration of your exam. Not to bring your ethics into question but to ensure there is no chance of foul-play, a Hyuuga will block your gates and inhibit your chakra flow. You will have enough chakra to keep you alive but none to expend externally. He will also be observing you from this room as will I.

While it isn't implicitly stated in your works, I can surmise that you are comfortable with the use of humans in your experiments. It is often forgotten that while people frown upon live testing there are occasions where the subject agrees to the scenarios that are enacted upon them. Your patient falls into this exception. Any questions?

She would give him a moment and then look to the distressed patient. A pang of compassion solidified into a stone in her stomach but was quickly dispelled. She knew that while it might be perceived as inhumane, he had consented to the procedure under the stipulation that his execution would be stayed and instead he would serve out his time as a prisoner should he survive the ordeal.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
(sorry its taken so long to post, but being 26 in the real world gives me so little time to write T_T)

Tama stayed silent and attendant while Yume spoke though there was a mild feeling of surprise behind the mask that was his face when she praised him for being punctual. Walking with the same pace as his proctor he was lead to an operation room where, through and observation window, he saw the man who’s life he was going to save today. Instantly the bi-colored eyes looked at the inflected stab wounds and other body imperfections that were from a man who was on the wrong side of a good beating. Just with a single glance he knew he could heal up every wound with ease using his chakra and figured now that this exam was probably only going to take, five minutes tops, and that was only going to be due to following sanitary protocols that tended to slow down certain parts of medical procedures.

That was until Yume mentioned he wasn’t going to be allowed to use his chakra.

The scientist threw a look of flabbergasam at the Inuzuka as the Hyuuga approached him and before he could really had a chance to react he felt the strong pokes of the Gentle Fist user and felt the near always strong rush of power in his body be reduced to near nothing. Tama let out a wheeze and nearly dropped to the floor from the sudden stop of his main power. What they didn’t realize, or at least he hoped they hadn’t realized was that the Gentle Fist technique was Tama’s bane and that even this small amount could kill him if he wasn’t quick about it; it was one of the dangers of having three separate chakra coils lined over one another.

There was to be no questions asked when he knew that there was a time limit now.

Moving quickly into the small sanitation room that was between where Yume and staff would be watching at the OR itself the blonde removed his lab coat and slipped on a disposable sanitary apron and tied up his long hair into a bun before moving towards the sink to wash his hands vigorously. An aide came up to him to dry his hands and slide surgical rubber gloves on before opening the door to the room where the patient was writhing on the bed, barely being kept alive.

Picking up a paper face mask from the table full of surgical tools, slipped it over his mouth, and began to take a stronger look at the man’s injuries.

The first thing he needed to do was to stop the bleeding. Holding out his left hand he asked for a scaple and began to cut into the man’s flesh to connect some of the smaller stab wounds together so that they would heal evenly before replacing blade with a small bottle of saline. He squeezed the bottle to wash out the new longer wounds to keep any infection that had may have been packed into the wound to wash out for sure. He then pinched the flesh together before taking a hook curve needle with thick thread attached to it to begin sewing all the smaller stab wounds up so that the only blood rushing out was from his larger wounds; those he took to immediately after sewing up the altered smaller wounds. Through doing this he had managed to turn eight stab wounds into three large stitchings instead of six smaller ones and a large wound - making it far easier to take care of and heal.

Not to mention he had accidental cut the kanji for ‘strong’ into him by connecting some of the smaller wounds. Bound to work out great for his personal life if he survived the surgery long enough to get into a dance club.

The next work, that of fixing those dang dings and bumps, were next on the line. Since the bleeding had been stopped via a mix of the stitching at the healing jutsu that was being used to keep him alive the scientist took his sweet time finding the broken parts of the body - three ribs, his patella, three fingers on the left, two on the left, and a nose Tama wasn’t sure he would be able to do much for.

Through the course of about ten to fifteen minutes the scientist had managed to realign the broken ribs, temp casted the leg with the shattered knee cap until the nurses could get a proper one on there, and did the same for the fingers. That nose....that nose though was a major problem that actually required some minor surger to remove the cartilage that was but a few centimeters away from puncturing his brain. After that he requested a small sanitary metal sheet that he used to create a new nose bridge before sowing the flesh back up over it.

All things said and done the patient was now in a stable condition though he was still going to need proper casts and a seriously patient physical therapist. It was going to be at least two months before he was going to be able to bend just because of the ribs unless someone in the hospital was nice enough to actual heal the bones for him with medical jutsu.

Who knows, maybe this guy had this all coming. He was Tama’s patient after all.

After a moment spent in the sanitary room washing his hands and placing the lab coat back over his shoulders a very exhausted looking Tama came back out towards Yume.

Can you please have the Hyuuga do a reverse push to the pressure points and open them back up before I die?<i></i>”

Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012
Watching through the window, she observes the speed and technique with which he went to work repairing the mans wounds, nodding her approval at his method of extending the wounds to avoid infection. At one point when he stepped away she would catch sight of the kanji and roll her eyes. Yes, his flare seemed to be part of who he was and there was no chance that would ever change... but maybe it didn't have to. Maybe under the right circumstances his flare could be nurtured into something beautiful.

Glorious purpose, indeed, Shinji.

Her pen would scratch against the paper on a clipboard that she held clutched in her arms, noting the ease with which he set the bones and mend his wounds, particularly the powdered nose. Walking to the other side of the observation room to get a better angle, she peered through the glass and watched as he carefully removed the threatening cartilage and replaced it with a formed piece of metal. Not only was it practical in the fact that it would keep him from having airway complications in the future, it was also aesthetically pleasing.

Returning from the surgery, he would scrub down once more and emerge with an ashen complexion and a plea to have his abilities returned. With a flick of her head and a nod the Hyuuga would reverse the technique and Yume would step forward to catch the fatigued man. A sigh of exasperation would be heard but she would look down at Tama with an expression of concern, sweeping away his bangs with a gentle hand.

Are you going to be okay? Do you need to lie down?

Her voice would be soothing and calm; the practised bedside manner of a physician, while she helped him to a chair to rest in until he could get to a bed or stand on his own. Once he was comfortable and the Hyuuga had departed the observation room, her demeanour would change back to the no-nonsense attitude that Tama was used to.

You should have said something and stopped the exam. We could have found another way to produce the same task with a different way to handicap you. The mednin had the man stabilized. When you entered that room, the only one in danger of dying was you… a fact I wasn’t entirely certain on. I’m not sure whether to be excited that my hypothesis was correct, dumbfounded that you went through with it, or impressed that you succeeded.

Exiting the room she would return shortly with a couple of cups of juice, setting them on a meal tray that sat in the corner of the room and wheeling it over to Tama. Taking a seat next to him, her lecture would be over and the soft tone would return. Her green eyes would look over him and she’d offer him a little smile, like a sister would give to her brother when he’d just done something stupid. Reaching up, she would press her inner wrist to his forehead to check the temperature and texture of his skin to see if he was going into shock. Content that he just needed a moment to allow his coils to refill his body with chakra, she places a hand over his to offer comfort.

It feels good to save someone but we do no one any favours if we do so at the expense of our own lives. We only ever get to save one person that way; don’t waste it on a controlled environment.

We’ll wait as long as we must before the second portion. No rush.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Oh goodness thank you,</B><i></i>” The scientist said with a large sigh of relief as he felt his chakra flowing correctly again. The feeling was almost as intense and wonderful as an orgasm, causing his legs to quiver and his rear to find seating fast as the color in his face slowly began to return.

He was so lost in the feeling of returning to normal that when he felt Yume’s wrist against his forehead the scientist jumped a little and squeaked. His hand bumped the table beside him almost knocking over the juices and spilling a little out of one glass but fortunately his reflexes were back up to par enough to grab the little plastic cups. Raising them both to his lips to sip at them gently but quickly he downed both of them before finaly replying,

You’ll have to forgive me Yume, I’m just so used to risking my life in my own personal research that, really, doing it this way felt like more of a challenge. Besides that I have certain secrets about my body I’d rather people not know unless absolutely necessary - and no I didn’t see my possible death as a reason to explain. I knew I would be able to tape the patient back up before my own flame died out...still you’re very right. I can see its going to take some time getting used to the ideals of the medical field.<i></i>

He gave Yume the goofy grin that could only be bequeathed by an annoying little brother before saying,
<B>Okay, I think I’m ready now.

[eeeeh, short post is short D:]

Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012

Rising to her feet, her hands would clap together with glee. Striding over to the observation window, she beckons for Tama to follow her. Brushing a stray piece of hair from in front of her face, she would keep her eyes focused on Prisoner 729 as she explained the next part of the exam.

This part of the exam you will have full use of your chakra, so feel free to adequately heal the wounds that you had to rush through due to your… dilemma with the first half of the exam. I want to see you in action. Remember, you are acting as a mednin, not a scientist. Proceed.

[[I see your short post, and raise you... a really crappy, short post!]]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The scientist nodded to Yume with a smirk on his face that said, ‘you just have no idea’.

Tama moved towards the room’s door and opened it to walk into the small half room that was between this and the place where the prisoner was bleeding to death. The scientist removed his lab coat and placed it on the hook in there before quickly washing his hands vigorously. Once they had been cleaned and dried he nodded to the attendant inside to open the next door which lead him into the room with the man that was near his deathbed in the corner.

With a quick walk towards the man Tama raised his hands together to maneuver through a series of seals before holding his hands out towards the patient. A green glow erupted from the scientist’s hands creating a barrier around the man, a field if you will, that immediately began repairing some of the minor damage. This would at least stabilize the patient long enough for him to conduct actual healing.

Moving into the barrier Tama grabbed the man by his leg and arm and gently pulled him away from the corner to lay on his back. Creating a half seal with one hand the blond drew healing energy from his first coil and stuck the hand into the deepest of the wounds. The man who was all but unconscious from the pain tried to sit up with the scientist’s hand sticking inside of his gut with a cry of pain. Tama used his spar hand to easily hold down the prisoner as he spoke gentle words of comfort. Slowly he began to remove the hand from inside of the man, and as he did the wound healed. Once his hand had been fully extracted the place where the wound was, was replaced by a smoking scar.

The rest of the wounds Tama treated with a traditional style save for a slight alternation to that method - he used his own life force to heal the injuries instead of draining them from the man’s own chakra pool as healing techniques were want to do. Once he had finished the convict sat straight up with frightened eyes as he looked at the man who healed him. His hands moved down to pat at his chest and stomach where there had been nothing be bloody gaping holes. A nervous laugh bubbled from the man’s mouth as he sat there stroking the scars of wounds that should of killed him. While distracted by his own mirth the scientist was able to stand up and slip back into the mid room where he washed his hands and face before placing back on his lab coat.

Walking back up to Yume he looked a little drained but still more than eager to continue to prove himself to the medical field.

Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012
The scene that unravelled was near to what Yume was expecting as she observed through skeptical eyes. The barrier was rather effective in eliminating any harmful bacterium and patching up the small scrapes that an academy student would fix with a band-aid; it was resourceful and in good practice. It was what happened next that brought the Mednin to her feet with a mixture of exasperation and clinical interest.

The examinee’s fingers delved deep into the prisoner’s side, eliciting the reaction that one would expect when another person’s digits made direct contact with your spleen. His face was ashen white and his wordless screams caught in his throat before the pain overtook him and he passed out cold. Moments later the convulsions started. The whites of his eyes were visible as his shoulders arched up, rising him onto the crown of his head and back down as his body shook. Flecks of blood and spittle marred his lips before a pinkish foam spilled from his maw like a rabid dog. Hitting her headset, Yume summoned the Hyuuga back into the room to consult his expertise.

Is he using his own chakra or pulling the patients out?

His own, Ma’am. Why?

I was curious as to whether his lack of shinobi training caused the reaction or if it was the strength of foreign chakra. Thank you.

With a polite bow, the Hyuuga dismissed himself, not wanting to witness the gory scene unfold. The sight of a blood in battle was one thing but watching Yume’s passive reaction to such carnage was a little unnerving. The mednin gave no response to indicate that she noticed his revulsion, instead just shaking her head and making a few notes. Her eyes returned to observing the view with an inexpressive neutrality. How would Tama react to these new developments?

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The healing process, no matter how carefully managed, still appeared to be too powerful for normal people. Swearing out loud the scientist removed his bloody hand and placed it on the man’s head for a second to force his chakra to overlay the prisoner’s and tweak it so that it would calm him. Genjutsu, as far as Tama was concerned, had far more applications in scenarios such as this than on the battlefield. Once the patient had been calmed down again the blond went back to the wound quickly for he knew that he didn’t have much time.

The insertion of his chakra in the attempt to use it to heal the man looked like it threw him into a form of shock. Tama was able to trick his patient’s mind into believing that he was okay and in all reality this was just a bad dream but he doubt it would last long. His eyes looked around and about trying to figure out a way that he could heal the man’s wounds without outright draining him like a vampire. His eyes kept catching the amount of blood on the floor around them and only one idea kept repeatedly beating itself against his brain.

Quickly Tama moved his body in and upright position and scooted away before taking his index and middle finger of the left hand and shoving it into the pooled blood. With the speed of a practiced master the scientist went about drawing out a large seal with the man’s own blood. Using a connector to the seal via a small circle drawn by itself and a little bit away from the man the blond connected his hands into a seal and rotated through four more symbols before slapping his hand against the circle drawn before him. He activated the seal on the floor which would start to make the blood that it was drawn with move in a circle. The blood would then lift up and slowly make its way back into the man’s body via a filtration system that was set up by chakra. Generally it would appear that Tama was cleaning the blood and reinserting it into the body via osmosis before forming a half seal with his spare hand to cause his chakra to slowly move over the wounds to guide the man’s body into healing them faster with his own strength that was pumped back into him.

Hopefully this would at least stabilize the poor guy.

Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012
For the first time in the entire exam, Yume looked impressed. She was a Genjutsu user herself and to see it applied in such a medical fashion pleased her greatly. It seemed that the young scientist was going to be cut out for the delicate and mundane world of medicine after all… that is until the theatrics started. Her expression declined rapidly towards a facepalm the more accomplished Tama looked. It seemed there would always be something that he did that would infuriate her.

Due to the illusion the man was experiencing, he would simply lay there with a euphoric smile on his face as Tama worked around him. The way his eyes danced across the ceiling one could imagine that he was watching butterflies dance or a midsummer party of pixies; in reality he was seeing colourful spots burst across his vision which to his addled mind was no great issue. He skin began to take on a yellowing pallor and his sclera became tallow and bloodshot. The filtration jutsu was working in that the man’s pulse was becoming stable the more blood was returned to his vascular system however there were complications that arose because of it. His breathing was becoming raspy and short, as if it was a struggle to even fill his lungs. Still the patient's face showed no signs of discomfort and continued to smile into space.

It was certainly an eventful exam for the Inuzuaka to observe. The last one she had participated in had been her own and she became quite cross with Oba for tricking her with a Genjutsu and had even considered leaving the medical field all together; she refused to work with or for people who could not be up-front in their dealings with their colleagues. She vowed then that the exams she handed out would be very real. Life and death were not illusions and mednin needed to know that people could die if they’re not careful. Pouring herself a cup of orange juice, she crosses one arm over to rest on the other as she lifts it to her lips to hide her smile. This was indeed more entertaining that an illusion would have been.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Tama sat on the back of his legs slightly dumbfounded with a look of ever expressant annoyance scrawling into his forehead.
Why the hell wouldn’t this idiot heal?
The blonde raised a bloody hand up to his chin and tilted his head a little to the side to consider his options as jaundice began to set. He knew if the blood was causing his body to infect itself then the liver had shut down or was in the process of it. At least he had managed to get the blood flowing out of him to slow down to normal paces but he doubt that it was going to help much if he died of liver failure. Tilting his upper lip to the side in thought for a minute caused him to let out a loud sigh and move over towards the other side of the man where his liver would be located on.

Kneeling down beside him Tama pushed at the flesh around the area he would be cutting into, a little disgusted by how fast the body was starting to break down on the surface; seriously what kind of addict was this dude?
Channeling a small amount of chakra into the tips of his fingers he focused an edge into it and sliced into the flesh of the dying man. The blonde reeled his head back when the smell struck his nose but the medical wannabe decided to power through the stench and reach his hand gently into the body until he grasped the liver; his other hand remained on the man’s flesh to keep his chakra jumbled up and the genjutsu active.
The Ryuu’s fingertips felt around the liver until he reached the hardness where the flesh was either starting to die or dead already. Closing his eyes and deciding to stop dicking around since non of his forbidden healing jutsus worked; probably because they were forbidden for a reason.
Layered inside of him were three separate chakra coils that each represented a separate part of his power. The artificial one that was surgically implanted in side of him was the source of his strength, the stolen one was the source of his healing techniques, and the last was one that was taken and returned to his body. Of the three he owned, only one remained active.
He forced the other two into complete silence and relied only on the chakra given to him by the coil that had been use to preform the surgery that gave him his artificial one. The energy used by his chakra turned into a soft blue color that fed into the genjutsu technique he was using. Focusing sharp chakra into his fingertips again he cut out the bad piece of liver and removed it from his body. He then cut the incision a little further up and down until he came across some muscle tissue that wasn’t infected by the bad blood yet. With his fingertips he gently cut out a piece of meat the exact size of the death he had removed and gently pushed his hand back into the hole until he reached the liver. With the fresh muscle from his body being placed into the center of the liver he then switched his chakra in his fingertips to that of the genjutsu he was using to try and get his body to believe that his liver was being repaired, trying to get it to accept it and acclimate it into liver tissue as he removed the hand from his leg and formed it into a half seal. Gentle trickles of healing chakra from his body would begin to pour in while the genjutsu suggested to the body that the flesh heal faster with outside help. Sweat beaded down Tama’s face but he kept moving his head around so that the sweat wouldn’t drip on his patient.

Should indeed the liver begin to heal and filter the blood once again properly he would go to start to remove his hand from the wound while knitting bits and pieces of the flesh together so that it would heal up on its own. Once his hand was removed the hole was reduced to at least two-thirds of what it had been but it wasn’t fully stitched back together until he had closed up the hole where he did the flesh graph from. His healing then turn to stitching up the major wounds that would cause all his work with the liver to be moot. The blonde then placed a hand on the man’s forehead to check for temp before using the genjutsu to check on the status of his kidneys and other major organs. He turned his head up to the window where Yume was watching through with tired eyes and asked,
Can I get some plasma? Pretty sure this guy has almost non left and unfortunately I don’t have a spell to magically create more of it.<i></i>”

Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012
Yume wasn’t entirely certain what change had taken place but she observed his chakra colour change and noted that the next procedure didn’t seem to have the same repercussions. Bits of necrotized flesh were pulled from the incision that had been expertly created with a chakra scalpel. Taking a moment, she scratched on her note pad her assessment of his surgical skills: Excellent. The evidence of the man not reacting poorly to the operation was enough to prove to her that Tama was controlling the use of his chakra in a manner that was fitting a medical professional. She did her best to keep her expression neutral as she nodded to one of the nurses who had been waiting to assist. With in 5 seconds, a rather fit looking man with auburn-blonde hair, glasses, and a dashing goatee made his entrance with an IV kit and a bag of plasma. His uniform was stitched with cursive letters revealing his assistants name to be Sutiba. He handed the items over to Tama with a bow and stepped back but remained in the room if the examinee requested anything else.

The addition of plasma into his system as well as his open wounds being patched would give the patient a true calm once the Genjutsu was released. There would be minimal pain when he breathed deep but that would clear soon enough as any residual bruising dissipated. It would seem that Prisoner 729 would live to see another day, even if that day was in the Obsidian Palace. Yume would wait until Tama left the room to clean up before taking a seat at the table in the observation room and compiling her notes. She had a plate of sugar cookies and juice set up for him when he returned to help him recover from the ordeal. Sitting back, she cross her arms with a smirk and waited for him to take a breath before giving her judgement.

So, you want to be a mednin? Then I have good news or bad news, depending on how you want to take it.

You are a phenomenal healer in a pinch. You are quick on your feet and have the chakra abundance to mend any wound that could conceivably happen. Your use of seals and Genjutsu were nigh ingenious and that ingenuity is the mark of a true mednin. However… and there is always a however, I am only going to suggest you be promoted to Mednin-in-Training under the same stipulations that a genin would have after coming to us from the academy. Your knowledge of the processes and policies of being a Mednin is nonexistent and that is what you need to be trained in. There are tools in the hospital that you refused to utilize in your exam until pressed to do so. We have technology and supplies beyond chakra that will make your life much easier.

As for going forward, your ingenuity would be great if you pursue a career as a combat medic, and your speed would make you an exceptional paramedic. Life inside the hospital will be something you’ll need to get used to. You won’t have the same time-restriction of a genin and can challenge your Medical exam at any time. I do advise that you get some hours in at the hospital so you are more comfortable when the time comes.

Taking a gingersnap between two fingers, she would munch daintily on it while she listened to any objections or comments that may be a result of her assessment.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The scientist was led out of the room by a striking male with glasses and they shared a knowing ‘man nod’ as their greeting before Tama slipped back into his jacket before being brought to Yume in a separate room where there was beverage and sweets to be hd for recovery. Without even waiting for permission the scientist flopped down in the chair opposite and helped himself to a glass of orange juice. The citric flavors danced on his dry tongue while his stomach attempted to revolt the liquids due to the trauma his own body had gone through via stress and massive amounts of chakra used, blocked, and regained in such a short time. Once his instructor had finished grading his performance the scientist tilted his head back and finished off the rest of his juice before placing it on the table with a weary hand,

That’s fine, I accept,<i></i>” he said a little weary for fancy words and far more complacent than his personality would normally allow. However there was an odd haunted look to his eyes as if to say that he had just realized all the healing techniques he had in his reservoir were good for literally nothing unless used on himself or someone who was as poweful, chakra wise, as he was. His hands rose up to cover his face as he stared at the wall in deep thought. It was insulting to him that he was being recommend back to Genin level work but he understood why. He had literally skipped all the important rules of the medical field and just jumped right into anatomy and physiology without even considering first the psychological and just the basics of being a health care provider. Up until now he had been completely selfish in his research without realizing it.

The humility was hard to cope with.

Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012
His exhaustion did nothing to veil his disappointment and it took the empathetic mednin all of her professional will to keep from going over to console him. He had just made Chuunin under the Main Branch and now she was relegating him back to Genin. She had given it much deliberation and hoped that her explanation would be enough to quell the disheartening that came with the perceived demotion. In reality, he still held his rank as a Chuunin, just as an MiT rather than a full Mednin. Sitting up tall, she faces Tama with her left hand outstretched and palm up, with her right lifted up to swear and oath. She had seen him work when Okibi made her first appearance at the Maw. The two had not made their acquaintance on a good foot, but the instance told her much about his abilities. He had the technical capacity to be a full Mednin and so she decided that it would be ethical to swear him to the Oath of Benevolence rather than letting him fly under the radar as 'just another student'.

Put your left hand to mine and raise your right. Repeat after me:

I swear by Mother Suna, the healer, Primus, and The First Men, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath and agreement:

To consider dear to me, as my parents, those who taught me this art; to live in common with them and, if necessary, to share my goods with them; To look upon their children as my own, to teach them this art; and that by my teaching, I will impart a knowledge of this art to my own children, and to my teacher's children, and to disciples bound by an indenture and oath according to the medical laws, and no others.

I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.

I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; But I will preserve the purity of my life and my arts.

I will not cut, even for patients in whom disease is manifest; I will leave this operation to be performed by practitioners, specialists in this art. Only in dire instance to prevent the loss of life will I venture beyond my capacity, acting only with the intention of benevolence.

In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or men, be they free or slaves.

All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal.

If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all humanity and in all times; but if I swerve from it or violate it, may the reverse be my life.

Removing her hand from his she gives him a smile and stands, patting him on the shoulder. Her work here was done and he would need the time to rest before venturing out into the world. His reserves probably regenerated faster than most, but he had used a lot of his chakra during his exam. She clutched her clipboard to her chest and gave the newly appointed MiT a respectful bow. A glance to the side reassured her that the nurses were taking care of getting his patient out of the operating room and into recovery. All in all, it was a successful exam but she would be sure to follow up with Prisoner 729 to confirm that he was feeling intact. It would do no good to banish him to the depths of the Obsidian Palace only to have him die from avoidable complications. She would leave Tama with her closing remarks before disappearing out the door and down the hall to complete her report on the results of the exam.

Welcome to the Medical Branch. I look forward to seeing you around the Hospital.

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